‘lee a The Daily News Ee Evidently Scoop Did Not Belong to the Gang —Drawn for The Daily News by “Moy aegis cae li BAst BALL Game TODAY - AVE abt ete Tiittateee © eteee ®. A BALL over. We Fence Now- TL PreK (tT UP lig: - — WHA CHA Doin’ Laps- WAITING Fora FOUL TS GET IN FREE? e) a — —. THE MESSAGE ON THE MOOSE-SKIN To the Honorable Sir Richard MeBride, K. Cc, M, G,, Premier of British Columbia. We, the Citizens of Prinee Rupert, tender you the true homage of a Western welcome, As we like to be first in all things, among the cities of the Province, we are glad that we are first to give a public recognition of the honors that have been conferred upon you, and to greet you as a newly made Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St, George. As you in your parliamentary and departmental career have treated all parties with un- failing kindness, courtesy and impartiality, so, now—-when you have received rank and titles from the kingly hand of him who rules over our free and powerful ° Empire—do all classes, parties and creeds feel a common interest and a common right in joining in the general praises and felicitations that you are receiving on the bestowal of those honors which your great qualities have secured to you. For both Lady McBride and yourself, we hope that future years will be full of health and prosperity and trust that you may have further honors in store, but we are bound to say that no matter what distinguished orders and decorations you may receive nothing will make you more beloved by the Citizens of this Province than that kindness of soul, genial good fellow- ship and innate grace of nature which has made you a true Knight of Western Chivalry. Jogging Laziness into Activity The merchant whose business lags in the summer has himself to thank. To slacken the selling pace in the hot season—to lessen Advertising activity—indicates a resignation which has no place in modern business. If we think we cannot keep our business booming in summer time, we surely will not. —_—_—_— What a jolt it must have been to the fur trade, when the first mid-summer fur advertisement was run in a daily paper! Now many fur stores are following the example of that progressive fur man who dared to be'ieve that fur sales need noi. go down: as the mercury goes up. Energy, linked with Advertising, has turned the month of January imto the biggest selling season for white goods, Advertisements of a high stimula- tive power, combined with a disregard of “seasons,” have opened up automobile selling two months earlier than was once thought possible. Advertising has started Christmas shopping early in October instead of the middle of December. Advertising rises superior to seasons and thermom- eters. The right kind of Advertising strikes a responsive cord in human nature—and human nature is the same in August as in December. & p dvic rding your advertising problems is available through an recognised Canadian advertising agency, or the Secretary of the Cam adian Press Association, Room 603 L “The News” Classified Ads. =(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== —THERE RIFLE SHOOTING SCORES MADE the Following are scores achieved by the marksmen of Karl Grey’s Rifles on Sunday, the fith, at the butts across the harbor: 200 500 00 Yds. Yds yas, Total Sergt. Brown 31 35 30 96 Sergt. Jack 31 32 28 91 Lieut, MeMordie 29 31 27 87 Prvt. J. Smith 30 30 22 a2 Pryvuw Willisecroft 28 81 22 81 Prvt. J. Watt 22 0 17 59 HOTEL ARRIVALS. G. T. P. Inn, — Fred George La Rochelle, D. R. Young and son, G, W. Spring, Vancouv- er; Dr, W. C. Redmond, Edmon- ton; P. Y. Butchart, W. L. Young Vancouver: Wilfrid Doughty, Victoria; Mrs, J. Aspinwall, Queen Charlotte Island; Fanny 8. Gray, Ethel Collins, Port Simp- son; J. G. Brooks, Margaret Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Jones, iMr. and Mrs. E. C. Jones, Van- couver; W. H, Collins, city. Premier Hotel.—l). 8. Henrick- son, J. H. Horne, H. N. Boss, Vie- toria, J. Findlay, J, Bruce, A, Toppy, J. Humphrey, William McKenzie, William Geddes, RK, Cameron, E, Strachan, James Noble, Andrew Findley, A, D. Me- Farlaue, RK. A. Nicholson, Van- ecouver; D. W, Wright, Fairbanks, Alaska; Mr. and Mrs. George Rudge, Port Simpson; Master Alexander, Port Simpson; Wil- liam Murray, J. Sehmidt and H, Hansen, THE WEATHER. For twenty-four hours ending 5 a.m. July 16th: » Barometer, 30.392; maximum temperature, 62; minimum lemperature, 46, Today’s Police Court. There were two eases of drunk and disorderly before his worship this morning. The usual five and liquidated the affair. \ case of vagraney was remand. ed until Thursday. Camping Party. A party consisting of J. Lorne MacLaren, Mrs, MacLaren, the Misses Curtain, and their guests, Mr, and Mrs, Haskaiip of Saska- toon, are enjoying a week's oult- ing camping aéross the harbor at Melville Bay. costs Capt. Irving Here. Captain John Irving was a member of Sir Richard MeBride's party, arriving on the Princess May. The captain will, accom. pany the Prenier to Stewart, where he has large mining in. terests, ENGINEER AND ACCOUNTANT WANTED. Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 5 p. m,, July 25th, for the position of second engineer, comprising drafting, et-ument work and general engineering assistance; and also accountant-stenographer for Engiveering Department, City of Prince Rupers sp plicants to stale experience, salary re quired and submit original testimonials and mark envelopes “Second Engineer and “Accountant, reapectively erred | Subscribe for The Daily News neil ste nee £ aa ASM es IR I Acca gk lg thas ee EE tab at EANEST A. WOODS, City Clerk Elliott, | | Skeena Land District District of Coast, TES nieasainile Range V | fake notice that I, Frederick W. Vin | WANTED-—Pirst class woman cook Ap I f Kitsumkaium, B. Cc., cupallon ply Savoy Hotel 165-0 i warden, intend to apply for perinis WANTED——First class woman cook, 875 a/*'.0 to purchase the following deseribed| month and room, Apply to Superin * ds j tendent Prince Rupert Gen, Hospital | onmnencing at & post planted in the 163-tf th bank of Beaver River and about 2% | WANTED—First class wood turner. Prince ceased cosmae ant ra rg oy ge hee Rupert Sash & Door Co 140-«r =| rer 2 . » 5955, ence ’ north, thenee 160 chains weat, q henna ieeiieniiieen ANTE chains south, thence 160 chains jeast ndering river back to point of Miscellaneous m ment fjlaining 640 acres, more PRED W VINCENT Dated June 9th, 10142 POR LEASE-—-Rooms now occupied by Pub, July 16, 1012 Wenderers Clio Apply at Warks Jewelry Store 142-tf Skeena Land District-—Disiriet of wapi, Kange \V Take notice that i, Seymwur Traynor of Terrace, B occupation physician For Rent mtend to apply for pe Fusteaien” to pul ebase the fullowing described lanc Commencing at @ post planted i othe : ~ ‘ south bank of Beaver Kiver and about te etn Te ODEs ae miles in & Westerly rection from the ” ’ » . mithwest roet - i giao, thence POR RENT Two suites first class house 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west keeping rooms, also store, in new build-| thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating| east, following meander f river back to Rink. All conveniences Apply Tony} point cotmmencement ontaining ‘ Christian. 151-tf scres more less SEYMOUR TRAYNOR Per I tT. i. Hambiet, Agent Dated June Oth, 1912 For Sale Pub. July 16, 1942 sKkeena Land District Distriet of vast . Range V FOR SALE Two incubators, ractically i ‘ new; capacity 104 and 150 ots I ' Take notice that |i, Alonz Hamblet ©. box 860. 165-tf verett, Washington cupation engine: intend to apply for permission 1 pu SS ehase the folowing deseribed lands Take notice that the partnership carried Commencing at & post planted on ths on under the name of “Letourneau & | HOrth bank of Beaver Kiver and about © % Brochu’,’ tinsmiths and plumbers, in the |/Hiles in a westerly direction from the City of Prince Rupert, is this day dis-|°0UtiWest corner of L. 22 tavner solved. All payments due the partnership] ‘’ Chains horth,: thence 80 chains west shall be made to Henry Letourneau, and| “ence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains all debts owing by the partnership will} ©#*!, following meander of river back be paid by Henry Lé@tourneau. point of commencement, containing $2 Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 11th] #°res more or less day of July, 1912 163-168 ALONZO HAMBLE1 UENKY LETOURNEAU, ver Eli T. H. tiambiet, agent FRANK BROCHU Dated June 10th, 1942 Pub, July 16, 1012 skeena Land District—District of Coast TENDERS WANTED. ange V. ential Take notice that 1, Eli T. MH. Hamblet Port Edward Townsite Co., Ltd. rerrace, B. C., cecupation engineer, intend ‘ © apply for permission to purchase the Notice to contractors and station gangs following described lands Sealed tenders will be received by the Commencing @t &@ post planted on the undersigned engineers for the Port Ed-| south bank of Beaver River and about 4% ward Townsite Co., Ltd., at their oMece|miles in a westerly direction from the in the Rand Building, Second Ave., up tll} southwest corner of VT. L. 2255, then «} noon on July” 20th, for clearing approxi 40 chains south, thence 160 chains “est,} mately 200 acres of land which will be| thence 40 cuains north, thence 160 chains divided into 6 sections of about 33 acres} cast following the meander of river back duties | | | | 4 ARE NO “DEAD ONES”’ Wanted each The land is situated on the Port edward Townsite Co., Lid., on Porpoise Harbor, information for bidders, specifications and forms <° tender may be obtained from the undersig..d. The right is reserved to refuse any or all tenders. | RITCHIE, AGNEW & CO., Civil Engineers OMce Rand Buliding, znd Ave., Prince Rupert at A holders a sider minimum depth be system for the whole of Section One parti attend, at PUBLIC MEETING. nieeting of Section One will be held in the city hall at m., Tuesday, the 16th inst., to con with the Council the question of to Which sewers showid advisability of a sewer Alf lo property aid and the es interested are cordially invited EARNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR OTH ST. REV. W.H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pasror