—_— vPATNESS AND DESPATCH AND NEXT MAILS a From South ve Ld ‘ Prince Rupert Saturday, 10 a.m, Legisia brary For Sout Princess May.... Saturday, 9 a.m. Camosuo Saturday, 10 p.m, Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist TOL. 1, NO. 169 . ee ——— vOL. II Prince Rupert, B.C., Fripay, Juty 19, 1912. ‘Pincus Dive Caste TY DEAL: PREMIER DEPARTS: BOAT MISHAP | [consumed in its 28 mille 58 sais —_ FOUR MEN one a a mat oe UNI UE EVIDENCES (F eos re. 1 lag oy HOGAN’ ALL BUT MET jeceotteites its, ,tte mest Deltle once 6d giamESRAE MORAL cons a per mill of any, viz.,} 2.150 cords, New" Brunawie va are beautt as carved oot ol! ALAS GONE TO WET DEATH : water during the year. ‘he eon ANCIENT OCCUPATION (OF making tagoet aanone, Wt. Re] SHIFT END four mills was 45,824—over twice chisels used for cutting bone t might very easily havelas much as in the doneceeion aft arrow heads and ornaments. No ited in a serious boating|the previous year Nova Scot ne metal of any kind appears, but A dog that v was well known on ‘curred yesterde fter.| Where only mechanics : a there is one fine flint arrow head|the waterfront and answered to wecurred ye ay after- f nechanical process! exactly the same as those ex.|the name of “Hogan” bit a man 5 o'clock. Four of pulp making is f ’ j . , se | ud sta one seven mills cor ian - — 24 | hibited in museums as the work|"@med Wiliam Joyce yesterday ) ‘ a sine oF ons e 22,22 : : , ; ; pset « ra te “0 b a cords of pulpwo ‘d ' een of the ancient Britons in the flint|@fternoon, taking a piece of his mouth o 1¢ harbor anc , 00 1 ritish ° sed ee ik Gh Cheaoet on Columbia pulpwood manufacture Wonderful Collection of Antiquities, Tesle, Weapons, Ornaments, age, which is immensely far back seyevers away as a souvenir. In- in the years past, One tiny chisel| stant punishment was meted out } | condition by some In.|¥@S Still in the experimental is made of a dark jade-like stone}»Y Mr. Joyce, who, eatching the finie, who, fortunately, saw the] Stee. in Possession of Foreman of the Works McLean Who Dis- |," 01,8 dark Jade-tike stone) fy Mr. Josoe: who. catching the t from a distance and Juebec used four species of eis: . ® 4 £ Mr. MeLean can be found no/!ron piping to rope around its NY CMM Cel eed foe pulp—aanene apeuse plays Ability as an Antiquary in Discovering Mr, Melody Gece OO Ot ck! Wek: Seales a ae back to the city, balsam fir (or balsam), hemlock are made of stones whic watery depth and poplar Ontario and Nova Uses of Queer Implements m mad f stones which are not , Coptys. recognized as peculiar to this ns 30 000 REAL a, nies ae _ oo em the frequently published undertaking, a considerable group| Lean found a human skull with|distriet, and may have come from GEORGE ’ wick used spruce and balsam fit Hews items concerning the rapid) of these curios and antiquities —— = fair preservation How] far away. only progress of the construetion of} has been assembled, and through long ago the interment of that Dagger and Detective Work. ESTATE DEAL ON |the now completed Digby Island|the courtesy of Mr. MeLean sev- -ricagee ange ag Bip met pres There is one very finely shaped SOUTHBOUND Social Hop. marine sation more attention|eral citizens have been privileged] | i, : ‘ial hei siapeed atau bone dagger which could do ex- on are cord ily vitec i 0 “ake i ciose e ‘ cu ’ 5 y i yas - 9 y u rdially invited to at-| was paid of course to modern|' 44 1 close examinatio m of] the codar tree was even planted ecution still only t was unfortu tend a social dance at K, of P.| , - 7 them Mr. McLean himself iS! by wild netur hts week nately broken in the digging out. develope f oO § "1e Se " ) ia é e 0 = "AVEC. 1 nn @} Hal @ 4 7 | i ian ancien 1s of There are other queer stones, aturday evening, July 20th.} something a Sherlock Holmes} |; , 4 : Mr. M.M Cooper will manage the| tors Passing reference was|j; the art of deduction and in- Sino ot nee eae red colored as if with a crust of quienes Poday H. G,. Helgerson, Lim. oor. Good musie 2t | made onee or twice to diseov-| ference pointing to the probable shew tho iat "The potenti dyed matter over them which} The Prince George was south- jied, real estate brokers of this eries of ancient relies brought to} uses of the various implements] man. Indian, or stintete> ie ani” to have defied the ages. bound this morning with the Ampleted the sale of lots New songs, new sketches, new ght by the steam shovels and the| Unearthed Some look like very have been, had a feirty Bod People have called it blood stains,| following passenger list, mostly ot and ’ block 16, section 1,] I" es at the Westholme The- picka af the laborers, but thé in- common round stones, but reveal | on, anial development. F but it is really some form of tourists making the round trip: \. Bigelow of Kitselas was the] 4lre tonight li, chaiet ieabosnesiien ’ dae: ail themselves on closer inspec tion | iron ore Phese stones Mr. Me-| Premier Sir Richard MeBride, hese finds was not brought out dor and H. A, Haskamp of | as undoubted tools, weapons " Arrow Heads, Pesties, Clubs. Lean detected with really inspir-| Attorney General Bowser, W. H, iskatoon, Sask., was the pur- land they were not described in rnaments, Various kinds of hunting, fish-lational intuition had been used Haward, M,. P. P.; Mr. MeCrae, Phaser The property is situated detail Deep Under Cedar Tree. } ing and fighting implements were|as some sort of tool. The shiny Mrs. McCrae, Captain GC, 4H, he corner of MeBride street | 8k At a depth of abow ten feet| Collected by Mr. McLean. Bone} places exactly corresponding to Nicholson, Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. d Third avenue, being at the ulls and Stone Axes. : : land ivory arrow heads he dis-|the finger grips on them are im-|Thompson, C. G. Miller, Mrs. esent time occupied by the PEOPLE PASS Through the foresight of Mr.|Delow the centre of the trunk of] «ered in quantities and of many] mediately apparent onee you are|LeRoy Grant, a Bidlake, Mrs. dings of the Union Transfer McLean, who was foreman of| @ huge standing cedar tree 22] pjeyep shapes. The stone pestles| shown the method of holding the|Cade, Mrs. 8S. Galkins, J, B. | Storage Company, Limited he works during th npertant | feel n eireumference Mr. Me-| and mortars used for bruising | stones. Coffey, Rosa Matsa, J. W. Exley, vy have a frontage of 134 feet ilies siaditn iceniaasdisiedias ioerkiaie k. W. Campbell, Mrs. C. J. Doyle, Third avenue, which makes J. Thompson, Mr, Lucas, Mrs. paid #224 per foot Naylor Mr, J. Coxford, William Mr. W um Pratt, one of th Bryan, BE. Ford, EB. A. Price. Mrs. Warne ind Huds wae esidents of Stewart, and Kelly, Mrs. Silverberg, Mrs. Mor. ecently one of the leading : sand beach if rison, Mr. Morrison, William M. int an ideal camping spot|9US!mess men of that plac | Young, J. EB, Griffith, Mr. Marbuff, holiday this summer,| P@ssed through this morning on ;W. J. Peterson, Robert White, T. thing. fishing. fun and freedom.| “iS Way to Vietoria and Vat |W. Hamann, Mrs. Hamann, T. J. hi supeh run from Ru uve: j}Cronin, J. Cronin, Mike Rorvick. Porcher Island tf Mr. W. H. Gray, manager of eat POE +3 he Traders Bank at Stewart 7 vhich has elosed up for the time EDCLIFF vcimg on account of quietness o ! jisiness al present, Was a pas senger south today on the Prince SHIPS FINE | Mrs. Strohn, wife of Frank Sirohn, one of the leading mining RICH ORE ie if the Portland Canal dis triet caine down from Stewart his morning on her way to Cali rhe steamer Amur left Stewart] fornia to in her husband day for Tacoma with 500/ Lhat place f ore from the Redeliff Phis is the first of a reg-| HURT HIS FOOT Montreal, July 17—As a result , of drinking well water, sixty-one ichildren in the little village of | Stececil, near here, have died vithin the past two weeks. Te yrevent the al ¢ i viee of ope. shipments AND 1S IN HOSPITAL; S toeea eee Ge i ‘hildren in the village, which is well known mine, which FROM UP THE LINE mo threatened, the city of Montreal be ee exceedingly ee Rigor agen Pee ; Mat iwill run an emergency water re > ove sixtvi nan ' . ‘ i ere are ovel x | ’ ,