ee pena ema i ———_—_—————_—— SO - THE DAILY NEWS. Se = ~ ‘THE DAILY NEWs THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. Contract rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Datry, 50¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorKk—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SeaTTLe—Puget Sound News Co. om ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Supscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of DalLy EDITION. non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. FRIDAY, JULY 19 Daily News on Daily Doings THE PREMIER DEPARTS. In superb weather, after a thoroughly successful visit, Sir Riehard MeBride took his leave this morning from Prince Rupert and district. Sir Rich- ard has certainly covered the ground in record time since he arrived to the blare of trum- pets and the fluttering of banners last Monday. To visit Prince Rupert, Hazelton, Stew- art and Granby Harbor, to hear requests and grievances, to receive congratulations ful- some or sincere, to view great undertakings in their various stages and amidst it all to do a little trout fishing certainly means going some, whether for premier and knight or for plain human being. All Prince Rupert stood united in the welcome given Sir Richard. All Prince Rupert readily agrees that Sir Richard has availed himself of every oppr- tunity to look into our north- ern needs, concerns and am- bitions during his flying visit. Prince Rupert and district have done their best to “do the Premier proud,” Even the weather was on its best be- havior for him. Now what more could our knightly Pre- mier want? ispchlheiiadalicelbitbiatintatainecs music HATH CHARMS. A farmer at Bricket Herts, has provided a Vancouver Brand -: Wood, large gramophone for the use of his haymakers, that they may work to music. The results are said to be highly satisfac- tory. Similar splendid results in efficiency were discovered when the commander of a Brit- ish battleship innovated gram- ophone selections = in lively time as an accompaniment to the work of coaling ship by hand. Permission has been granted the city band to prac- tice in the city hall library or council ehamber, Citizens may look forward now with justi- fiable expectation for some- thing as yet unheard of in the way of city hall efficiency if only the city fathers permit the band to play while they are in session. so oO ANCIENT PRIVILEGE ATTACKED. An Ohio court has held that a woman who steps off backward from a moving street car and sustains hurt thereby cannot collect damages. Against that decision, as it shall become an effective precedent, it is the duty of chivalry to protest. Privileges that are inherent, ancient and incontrovertible by reason of the nature of those who enjoy and exercise them should never be put in ques- tion. The privilege of getting off a street car backward has belonged to women since street cars were invented, and will be exercised by them so long as the world rolls—provided street ears continue in use. - Portland Cement This Cement, supplied for the Chureh of England, has been tested by C. D. Heward, J. H. Pillsbury and J. L. Proetor, and eight briquettes showed an average tensile strength of 792 pounds to the square inch. for 450 to 550 pounds to the square inch, Standard specifications call The city specifica- tions called for only 400 pounds to the square inch. Agents: Prices on Application. C. B. Schreiber & Co., Ltd. Every Barrel Guaranteed. 4th Street KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors must go. Somehow they can’t help that desire. in the house. They Must Saturday’s Bargains HART'S Big Furniture Sale will be greater than ever. At some sales they think because they advertise a reduction of 10”, 15%, 20°; and 25; that they are doing wonderful things, but let me tell you candidly that we recognize none of the old stereotyped percentages—we have cut the prices away down so low that in some cases our prices are less than half of the former prices and in some cases we have reduced things to just 14 aim is to get rid of this stock at any price. BE SURE AND COME SATURDAY. LIBBY’S CUT GLASS Every woman loves beautiful cut glass—that is a failing the women have. Saturday we are going to dispose of every piece of cut glass we have We have made a second cut on the sale prices of these goods, so that they are now positively less than Wholesale Prices. —AT— S For Vancouver, service Weekly Passenger service to and Saturdays at 11 & m., making connect Cheap Excursion Rates Over, Geet mortar nk auway System Between Chicago and all points East, Pacific coast Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. A. &. MoMABTER, Jeneral Agent, WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT” AND “PRINCE GEORGE” Victoria and Seattle MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © a.m. Prince George Salle for Stewert on Thursdays at 8 a. m “PRINOE JOHN" to Port Simpson, Naas Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT” , sailings for Skeena River Canneries, eee ae Prince Rupert and Vancouver Skeena Crossing from Prince ape} Mondays, Wednecs Let us prepare itinerary for your trip BAST this sumer: Granby Bay and Queen and all Way points between ons for Hazelton connecting with all roads fron For all information apply to Centre et We are bound to move the entire stock. Everything of the former price. Our whole B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAMOUS a TEX, CANADIAN nial en SERVICE Ss. S. Princess May SOUTHBOUND Saturday, July 20, 9a.m. 4. @. M/NAB, General Agent it. Now we are going to give them a chance to satisfy Move Out on Saturday { BUFFETS AND DRESSERS. it’s the prices that sell them. Quality speaks for it- self upon sight. Extra spe- | these to storage. Just see | in green and natural colors cial reductions for Satur- | our heavy Brass and Enamel | goes at $3.45. Just see day. Beds. Mfeally, the prices | them is all we ask. BEDS. Still greater reductions in | ANOTHER BIG SLASH Beds of every kind. We have | jin Wicker Chairs. The other decided not to move one of | jot is al isold. Now this lot will make your teeth water. DON’T MISS COMING SATURDAY | | F. HAYHURST 5. Td ieee. Sales Manager | } | NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT APPOINTS A COST OF LIVING COMMISSION T0 INVESTIGATE A commission has been | pointed by the New Zealand gov-| ernment to inquire into the fol- lowing questions: 4. Has the cost of living creased in New Zealand during the past twenty years? If so, has that increase been more marked during the past ten than during the previous ten years? 2. Has that inerease, if any, been more marked in New Zea- land than in other English speak- ing countries? 3. To what extent years creased cost of living, if any, the result of a higher standard of living? 5 bie - i. In what special direction labor ap-) is the in-| populations had on living? | $2, What causes generally] have brought about the increased | cost of lving? 13. What should be taken with a view to reducing the cost of the the cost of} sleps necessaries of life? The commission is empowered to sit at Dunedin, Christchurch, opolies, combines, trusts and} Wellington and Auckland, to ex- other associations of manufac-| amine witnesses and to “eall for turers or sellers of the neces-| and examine all such books and records as are deemed likely to afford the fullest information on the subjeet matter of the inquiry, life contributed to the |rise in prices? 6. What the effect | jon prices of the tariff reduetion? To what extent, if any, has| Lg | , » Gree 36 the rise in the price of land dur-| Phone Green 391. jsaries of has been Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas. Govt. Wharf. Roge Excursions by the daily from Vancouver or Seattle Agency PHONE 116 The new steel Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin” canes Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: ‘Chelohsia” j - “Camosun ” Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers Phone 116 ing the past twenty years con. | = — tributed to the rise in the price! WATER NOTICE. } lof commodities? b e } |} Por @ License to Take and Use Water 8. What elfeet has the demand! | N, orics is hereby given that James A } ; 7 a ‘ _ 1. > | Brown, of Port Essington, B. C. will apply for New Zealand products beyond) for a iicense to take and use Two Theu (2,000) inches of water out of Creek, which flows in @ north direction through Lot 121, and into Hocsall River, near Grassy ‘the water will be diverted at Lake, and will be used for in urposes on the land described }the Dominion had on the prices) sand > Browne of easterly ; emptie 9. What effeet, if any, has the | {sland legislation had on the im-| fustrial | such commodities? J. H. ROGERS, Agent CARTAGE and LINDSAY STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable, Phone 6 Orders promptly filled. OFFICE ~ H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Cor, Fraser and 6th. i EASTERN |BESNER & | EE . a a | FIRST AVENUE, PRI —3 | | Low round trip rates to all points in| Canada and the United States. Call and let us tell you al! about it ; : rs’ Steamship i j | | | | Oriental Limited 3——— SOLID TRAINS — Savoy Hote Choice Wines and Cigars |RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT | New Knox Hotel BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is run he Europes plan. First-class servic All the Latest Moder Improvements “ BEDS Se UP NCE RUPER} Cc ' A Hotel Central Ss) hi\A::, European and American plan «tear heated, modern conveniences Kates $1.00 to $2.80 per day. Peter Black Proprietor Grand Hotel. Workingman's Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th & GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor ‘UNION SS. COMPANY OF B.C. LUC Tyo mntnton . Baths The Most Modern Barber Shop of Prince Rupert SECOND AVE. WASHINGTON BE THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American b)\l\ards Wednesdays al 7 p.m. Twelve Tables Seconp Ave Saturdays at 10 p.m. | ——-— L. A. Barbeau Cartage, Coal and Storagt Reliable Messenger Service Phone 68 736 3rd Ave Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House Decoré tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging, ' beseans e prices of the com-|4 Lv . .« ; HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges has the inerease, if any, been| rea in the prices of the com-|4 He! 171, Range 6, Coast Biosiet en ais ‘ Tinware most marked—(a rent; pb) | Modities of life? on Siioa will te a au he vince ot th Little $ NEWS Agency ; : eC G| J ( 2 Graniteware food; (¢) clothing; (d) lighting}; 10. What influence, if any, has | Water Recorder, at Prine “huapert, oe Our Specialties E and fuel; (e) household neces|the .atue of gold had on the cost! w,biedions may zee Sr Se ale Sas is ore MONARCH MALLEABLE The “ Stay Satisfactory savies; /f) attendance, and (g)|of living. jor) Water “iughts,. Parliament Bu idines, Mangpaines :: Fertedingie 1s Reunpagesp WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS !MI- Range. education? 14. What effeet have the move- | ate hiel JAMES A, BROWN, CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS TATE 5. To what extent have mon-|ments of the urban and rural | Pub. May 4th, 1949. Applicant. 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club! 2nd Street Phone 156 Gree? ——___—____—_——- een ee ene —_—_—_——- - —____—__—_—__- —_—— ——— ——— SL ~ ——e You Can’t Kill Anything With Blank Cartridges, Sc ou ing 1 es, oop ; —_> —Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop WARM WEATHER Scoorp-BREEZE OUT AND GET ME 4 HALE 4 DOZEN PICTURES OF THERE -THAT GINKS PICTURE MAICES THE S\iXTH AND THEY 4 ALL REMaRaBLE BZ, ee He's GoTarat