a | NEATNESS AND DESPATCH ‘ TT) i CHARACTERIZE THE i ao rem apa Ma : NEWS’ JOR © % cab tlt. Be Wag reas ; ———l | 5 egal? yeet poses Mary... . sunday, = i \ aynce Rupert..... Mopdey am, ; Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist iti AO et VOL. Ill, NO. 170 — ——- wt Rupert, B.C., Sarurpay, Juny 20, 1912. eee pm SEA MESSAGE: NEW DEAL: BIG BLAZE IN SOUTH | + - t PR MILLION DOLLAR FIRE-BUG = [======|WAVE WASHED BOTTLE WITH | VISITS VANCOUVER TODAY = (=::“=:| NOTE FROM FAR OFF JAPAN (‘fe and brain troubles, a WITH FAR-SRPEAD EFFECT somo REACHES PRINCE RUPERT x Re “a : Special to Daily News. . KEPT THE KING An intensely interesti i j intense’ resting waif regarding its discover ST LL MORE Vancouver, July 20 Che _| NEVADA CLOUDBURST of the sea has been picked up on 3 the ie eae five vi 1 a ty SE asei MESSAGE FROM THE SEA he may calculate the tidal cur- jrent and direction from the point, storey warehouse of Champion & jthe Queen Charlotte Islands and aad : Oe ee WAITING today in The Daily News office mentioned. It will be readil DISTINGUISHED White, stored with building ma- | ‘ready to begin its journey back Exact Copy of the Letter in . . y wee we : seen from the feet that the bottl Special to Daily News | ’ : ’ a : Th : wen a e bottle thie \ngelus rooming Salt La ( | 7 ly os It } . the Oe land ates Mog ” Bottle containing the letver was picked =e, Sey SO, OR mae 18 | ~oval| it came. 1is sea washed won- eee f : house, premises o | London, July 19.—At the royal : corp : soi ' up at Rose Spit the trend of the VISITORS " f the A. B, ©./ reported here that seven troughs] arden party tdday at Windsor der is a letter written in English This is in order to know tide from the steamship lane i Motor Compa he Vancouver}! Montezuma, Nev., have been land Japanese which was thrown|§ CUrfent of tide. So if you 7 Pe =e echistad tui ib s,,,, | the first thing the King did wasj®"© “oD: ‘ please kindly send this pe mid-Pacifie is practically straight Supply Comp ind the Malle-|yy | Cy 8 omen eerie enquire for Premier Borden, |'t0 the sea from the schooner per te the next addre ss an for PrinceRupert. This should 3 y ives are repo » ) i**Ke o ary’ ( r > B) °38, B . 4 7 sa] Lieutenant Colonel William P ie tan’ Ces ! with tt ported lost, but the latter had not arrived, Kanyo Maru” in longitude 180 who picks it u accelerate steamship navigation nde f Ottawa, chief engi-| ipany, with those of owing to a delay on his auto trip, |desrees, latitude north 39 degrees “ORNTARO ein weve between the Orient and Rupert f the Department of Mar ine; several smaller firms, seventeen rhe steamer Camosun arirved| Upon his arrival he was escorted |*" Minutes rome & poles Oe. “No, 16 Kita: hink Ww Ki | 4 ; , » » from Granby Bay shortly after 10] . ns deisel Be uated off the coast of Japan, or NO. 8 awa I- . d genera superintendent of r cars and trucks ih ’ |}to the presence of His Majesty , , : ’ : id ee elinaaanel ty Ono ars ay cks, @ portion] «clock this morning, and left for} and remained some time in eon.|P@ther in mid-Pacifie, just where yobashiku, Tokyo, Japan. Found by Masset Man. ie George Robertson, agent of|°! the B. C. E. Railway sheds,|the south, lversation with the King. After|!he steamship lane from Victoria oo oan he not The bottle with its interesting : ; rp Fk Mad te ; é ; only your os als : ind fisheries, will be here| several street cars, two mot | parting with His Majesty Borden| * Tokio crosses the 180th mer- the shied ft Stag also contents was found by a Masset . ' s 7 there y <1 the steamer Quadra.| boa ch clothing, ete., were \ full line of “Queen Quality’ | con erred with the other Can. | !iau. picked this peper u ee ham, Mr. Charles Spence, on of the tention of the officials) 4...) ed b fire at an early Shoes just arrived at Secott,|adian ministers and naval experts) Trend of Tide Rupertward, “Long. 180 en at. N June 26th, 1912, exactly two and Lig spect the Peet a aoe eee h thie - (Matendais middion. Froud & Co.'s, Third avenue. 1t | Cqpucaens naval matters. The letter makes the request | 39 Deg. 20 Min. a half miles northeast of Tow fs pera 1 and visit other points ie 59 approximately)" ns —— “January 4th, 1944. Hill, near Rose Spit, Graham : regard to putting others in at “Schooner The Kanyomaru.” Island, whieh is about longitude various places along the coast|/®stablished at a million dollars There follows an illegible 132:04 west, latitude 54 north. 4 med hecessaty. “Ravens? An-| the fre broke out in @ stable o signature written in different 3|The letter within the bottle bears Fs son has been an official in the| the rear of Champion & White's ink. Then the translation of $|'he date of January 4th, 1914, so 4 blie ser e of Canada for sey d an the same message in Japan- the message has been nearly a AAW Cire ‘ i was injured : il years. He is a member of} | i i sas uled or ese also signed, and the year and seven months on the i i } ‘ gs are situate 0 | he exe ve committee of the WW ' D - words scribbled by the writer way aeross the Pacific The let. 2 g Board Ml street between Prior street of the “Tide ter was . ht over to The f of Canada and signature: yPoU ! the Canadian Lighthous ine balse Creek The hotel running for east.” Daily News office by Mésers © py Z toard and a councillor of the i KR iG ge had a narrow escape Maben and 8 DD. Sewall of the i t Be Engineers He |, destenetin ané forts Star Realty Co., Vancouver, who Pe , i omnedted. with a habesltl «nde - | that the finder return it to Cap-| have. been on the islands last “”g ‘ 1 of Canad ” _s ae ne | tain _Gentaro Miyamoto, No.|week. The message, with par- / i during the Fenian |ouse had hairbreadth escapes (Special to Daily News. |16 Kitashinkawa, Kiyobashiku,|ticulars of its finding, is being fe aids, ‘ being rescued by firemen Dublin, July 19.—Premier As- | Tokio, Japan, with information|] forwarded to Tokio. ‘ quith received a voeiferous wel- | = : ana a — - - , ‘ if his arrival here to- : \ RAILWAY COMMISSION STRONGLY ight. A torchligh) proseesme ROGRESS | with forty bands and thousands ! ii DISPOSED T0 REDUCTION OF on ae ~ " pnb -e BEING MADE WITH THE DRY DOCK it the hotel, by Mean Incendiary. UNDERT \ serious affair, seemingly of , suffragette origin, occurred at ee oe ' Special to Daily News. a provinces It had also been|'he Dublin Theatre, where the The work of removing the large] Prince Rupert realizing that the ! Winnipeg, July 20.—Gommis-/ shown that the density of trafic] Premier speaks tomorrow. Dur- mass of rock that obstructs the] Progress without disturbance of H er Scott. of the Railway|was as great or greater in the]ing the entertainment a blazing G. T. P. right-of-way between| te Reo separ works reacts 1 Hoard, made a elear statemet vest and that the cost of opera hair soaked in oil was thrown Cowichan Bay and Hays Creek is for the beneAt of al} -lebor. he present condition of the) tion was as low or lowe! than om tf n a box into the orchestra. | proceeding apace. A big force ‘ E i way freight case at the sit the ia He therefore held that | j ’ ' |The curtain caught fire and ecre-; of men employed by Archie Me- aH x of the board today He said s incumbent on the companies | . ot , ; lated a panic. but the flames were| Dougal, the well known and effi- ik hat at previous sittings the case|to show cause why considerable] I , ° ; | cient eontractor k : had been made out for shippers.) reduction in rates should not be} s extinguished, rhe woman} ware are masing a i . M sara > S eatin wehholiy: ns] ont nortan tet things hum along that part of Si Vas so she t es i rderes roo ests ( 0 win ( ried e o f » her . 1own thal ra - . a hic aaa ced ! pt ! Ox Made ner} jthe waterfront. The big steam 4 s i. were excessive compared) phe 4 8 ad : a hig aah jescape shovel is at work, and two trains e \ those ob , e east sno edt ee om es pers ' oo btaining in th , £ eat Redmond Aecsubted. jof ears haul the rock and dirt to # jthe Hays Creek inlet. At one Gi the past few days no less than During the procession to the | point proceeds the work of bor- om oa $40 000 DEAL IN $130,000 worth of Prince Rupert}hotel a suffragette threw a} jing five eoyote holes a distance The members of the Prince i 9 ealts should have changed| hatchet’ at the Premier's party lof some sixty feet or more. A|upert Rowing Club are hasten- ? | heavy charge is going to be shot)!" along the work in conneetion a | here when all is in readiness,|With the fitting up of the old j;which, it is confidently expected, “Hazelton” as their elub house, iwill stir up things some and] At present the Hazelton is on the | loosen up a few thousand tons of} Ways at Digby Island, being hands in three deals is note-| and struck John Redmond on the} UPERT REALT } worthy ind the faet that the} head, injuring him slightly, The 1 s unimproved as yet is} woman was arrested, worth attention From the con- - - 3 IS JUST CLOSED. fidence evidently Tt Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. ; | Prince Rupert real estate and in] Phone 4. JOUN REDMOND, rock, more or less, On the other|thoroughly overhauled, and it is 2 | jocal men by those in London, side of Hays Creek is a foree of| expected that she will be ready ; lo a loeal gentleman acting On| Pygland. good prospeets for the ; | 95: ee a eet eee at men removing earth and rock|to be towed to her permanent half of a Prince Rupert real) sane may be capuned BASEBALL SCORES LOCAL JOTTINGS that juts out into the sea. Good] moorings, between the Govern- if slate company reeently formed| _—_— : a oe progress is being made with the| ment and the Standard Fish Com- us London, England, five lots in| j THURSDAY'S GAMES. “4 Smith of the G. T. P.) apy dock under the supervision] pany wharves, in a few days’ time, 16, section 1, have just| Baptist Services. 3 Inn and W. J. M. Sandels, man-| ¢ Messrs, Lucas and Pillsbury,|The immediate idea is to get sold through the ageney of Eleanor Chestnut, the Chris- Coast. ager for Kelly, Douglas x Co., representing the designers, All/ready (the boat house part, the | Frank Ellis for the sum of|tian Martyr of China,” will be the Sceveumnia b. tah, Ateneo | left on this morning's train for/inig work is having a beneficial| entire completion of the upper * 100 The location of the| subject of Rey, Warren H Mc. Oal oad 2 San Francisso 0 : T R PERT a fishing expedition up the line,} , poe; upon the general business|deck as a club house being pro- } close to the Government} Leod’s sermon tomorrow evening rs Ruiatene. zs of the city. Larger forces are ceeded with after she is in her @, ind beyond McBride street,|) at 7:30) oelock Morning wor- All posiponed—raia. Presbyterian Services. employed and a good pay roll is}/permanent quarters, a ‘here several other large deals|ship at 11 o'clock, Bible schoo National. New f an authentic character Rev. Mr. Andrews will preach| assured from now on until the _-_--—- ecently been completed, in-|and Baraca Bible ass at 2430 Pittsbur@-New York, rain lig eon 4 7 on a “ oe a in the Presbyterian Church to-| completion of the work, Rumows Pan Shoes in great variety and ci ites a trend of real estate ac-|p. m, Visitors cordially invited A aban Cteatnaanl 2-7. . ha aa tee > ae morrow morning at the usual/of disaffection amongst the men} any widths just arrived at Seott, 1 \y eastward, which is interest-| All services held in Metntyre Hall, eeealinee 2, St. Louis 10, oe - ee 01 a. ae hour, In the evening a special| appear to have had their quietus,| Froud & Co.'s. Call and see a and important, The fact that] Third avenue, near Sixt oo Philadelphia 9-2, Chicago 8-4. 10th ‘and fith, Hy tale song service will be held, and the|}the mass of the workers of} them. 7 iy - _ " m lthe two steam trawlers Canada pastor will preach on the sub- eens . —— — Hy pee. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. jand Triumph, of the B, ©, Fish.| ite! of “The Message of Music. 7 Y [eries Company of Skidegate, left eho clayey Seve le 7180) PRINCE RUF ERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODA Coast. }(Girimsby, England, headed for'| | y Bot‘le message from Japan picked up by a Masset tan San Franeciseo 6, Oakland 3 this port, Ut is estimated that} Several styles in ladies’ low} Laborer hes mireoulees eosape trom Groth while useing Suffragettes with fire and axe making villainous atta ks. Portland 5, Vernon 9, i one hundred days will be| teeled comfort Shoes just eal stool over charge on MeInnis & Kelly contract, Million dollar blaze below Prairie wheat ears greatly Los Angeles 7, Saeramento 0,/taken on the voyage, bringing|¢eived at Seott, Froud & Co.'s, fom Yilearka dies in hospital as result of injuries re- 4 grow, National. jthem here about Oetober 410th, | Third avenue it ceived when hand car met engine in smal! hours of morning, am Rupert” late, what a surprise! Does ii pay to advertise? New York -4, Pittsburg 4-5. | Dr. Reddie elected president Prince Rupert branch R, 8, ) Oriental emperor dying Ai the dry dock muskeg flying Boston 2, Gineinnati 3, | r. D. Pattullo and family ar-| Social Hop. P. C, A, ; ; i il Seott says rail rates must come down, Expeet more Vie Philadelphia 4, Chieago 0, jrived on the Prinee Rupert to-| You are cordially invited to at- ‘ Announ¢ ed that Pat Welch has been awarded $12,060,000 ; itors in town, Brooklyn 4, St, Louis 6 }day and are going to reside in the} tend a social dance at K, of P. c N, R. contract, ; First sperm whale caught in the Sound, Canneries busy American. city for the remainder of the] Hall, Saturday evening, July 20th, | George Leek pesuene in Prineess May from coronation trip all around. Cleveland . — weet. 4, summer, Mr. M, M, Gooper will penege Be oe as regimental represeniative of Earl Grey's ‘ , . « 0 Shots al dry dock Chicago 0-1, Boston 8-2, floor, Good music st ns. ane house shipahape now, Ghote 8 Detroit 8-6, Philadelphia 6-14.) Choieest liquors and cigars “Old Maid” reports phenomenal halibut eateh, st, Louis t-1, Washingtoh 5.10.) Savoy, Best room in town at the Savoy. i|