SD a Fe tee et THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dai.y, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., SRaTTLe— Puget Sound News Co. om ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are. Telephone 98. New York City Supscripers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. ———— ——<—<=—= == rere ere ree SATURDAY, JuLY 20 Daily News on Daily Doings FROM FAR OVER THE SEA. Romance has ever attached to the message in a bottle flung upon the strand of the sea waves. Mostly the message expected in a bottle found on the beach is one of disaster and drowning, the last scribbled farewell of some sinking ship's company. Mostly, how- ever, it turns out to be a jocu- lar “fake’ message from some jovial picnie party, or, as in the case of the message men- tioned in today’s issue, a use- ful scientifi©c document caleu- lated to help in the perfecting of the science of navigation and knowledge of marine cur- — re aan vee —s es REAL ESTATE scientifically intended bottle today afloat on their tedious RECENTLY. errands upon the surface of the Within the past seven seas. Only about 5 per portant real cent of the bottles dropped by representing about $130,000, a certain expedition to ascer- have been put through tain Atlantic tide flows ever factorily by Prince Rupert real reached shore. Very long de- estate men, Besides these layed messages indeed have larger deals there have been been discovered, after strange dozens and dozens of smaller divagations. Probably before deals concluded, the aggregate very long the world will be amount represented by the hearing of bottle messages minor transactions being prob- from the Titanic, real or fake. ably almost equal to that of The time is about ripe fer the three larger ones. Real them. estate has never been other Prince Rupert than firm in sinee the first sections of the demand COMPLIMENTS BUT city were sold. The NO VOTES. locally and from the outside Politicians soon learn that vir- for Prince Rupert realty con- tue is its own reward, and tinues to be one of the steadi- those who are looking for re- est features of the real estate wards of other sorts soon be- market of Canada generally. come weary of well doing. Other cities have “their boom While he was chairman of the periods, when wild rushes are Dominion Railway Board, and! made for realty. These cities since his death, the univers-| have corresponding|y their ally expressed opinion of Judge very serious slumps. Prince Mabee was to the effect that he Rupert has had no more frantic was perhaps the best man in boom period than the sale of Canada for the job. He was a Section Two, when the level Liberal, but not a strong party | headed business men living in man, and showed no partisan the city paid splendid sums bias either on the bench or as fov property without sign of chairman of the commission, excitement. Steadiness, the It was admitted that Hon. steadiness which characterizes George Graham had made an transactions in gilt edged in- admirable appointment, and in vestment stoek everywhere, is the obituary notices several the feature of Prince Rupert's Conservative newspapers have| real estate market. that the choice re. great credit on Mr. Graham. Does anyone re- member, in the course of the last election, anyone ever sug- gesting that the Mabee ap- pointment was a credit to Mr. Graham or to the Liberal gov- ernment? It was neither claimed as a merit by the Lib- eral conceded as a merit by the Conservatives, In faet, it was not mentioned altall. Politically, George Gra- ham did not profit to the ex- tent of half a dozen votes for appointing the one admirable man to this position,—-Can- adian Colliers. asserted fleeted press nor wa eon few days im- estate deals, salis- a -— Vancouver Brand Portland Cement This Cement, supplied for the Chureli of England, has been tested by C. D, Heward, J. H. Pillsbury and J. L. Proctor, and eight briquettes showed an average tensile strength of 792 pounds to the square inch, Standard specifications call for 450 to 550 pounds to the square inch. The city specifica- tions called for only 400 pounds to the square inch. Agents: C. B. Schreiber & Co., Ltd. 4th Street Prices on Application. Every Barrel Guaranteed. must go. 20%, and 25°; that desire. in the house. will be greater than ever. At some sales they think because they advertise a reduction of 10%, 15%, that they are doing wonderful things, but let me tell you candidly that we recognize none of the old stereotyped percentages——we have cut the prices away down so low that in some cases our prices are less than half of the former prices and in some cases we have reduced things to just 1% of the former price. Our whole aim is to get rid of this stock at any price. Every woman ioves beautiful cut glass—that Somehow they can’t help it. —AT— We are bound to move the aturday’s Bargains HART S ig Furniture Sale entire stock. BE SURE AND COME SATURDAY. LIBBY’S CUT GLASS is a failing the women have. Now we are going to give them a chance to satisfy Saturday we are going to dispose of every piece of cut glass we have We have made a second cut on the sale prices of these goods, so that they are now positively less than Wholesale Prices. They Must Move Out on Saturday Everything a self upon sight. cial day. BUFFETS AND DRESSERS. it’s the prices that sell them. Quality speaks for it- Extra spe- reductions for Satur- BEDS. Still greater reductions in | Beds of every kind. We have decided not to move one of | these to storage. Just see Beds. Really, the prices will make your teeth water. ANOTHER BIG SLASH | in Wicker Chairs. The other Now this lot in green and natural colors our heavy Brass and Enamel | goes at $3.45. them is all we ask. lot is al Isold. Just see DON’T MISS COMING TONIGHT F. HAYHURST Sales Manager Quite in a class by herself is Mrs, P. C. Holland, lady detective, the American police chiefs to the recent convention in Toronto. Mrs. Holland is quite young, pleasing and about the last per- son one would suspect of engag- ing in the profession of tracking down criminals. Still, that’s what she does for a living, and she believes from her that it is the part in life she was intended to fill. Mrs. editress of “Detectives,” the well known police publication which has a circulation all over the world, being published in Chi- cago. Her specialty is finger prints and the Bertillon system. For several years she made a study of this class of work in England, and is a graduate of very success Holland is also joint Scotland Yard. With that reeom- MRS, HOLLAND OF CHICAGO THE TO COME TO THE POLICE CHIEFS’ CONVENTION— SHE LIKES THE WORK. the only real! States, who accompanied} THIS WOMAN TRACKS DOWN CRIMINALS AS A PROFESSION ONLY WOMAN DETECTIVE mendation she came to the United now she carries around in her memory the faces thousands of criminals. Nothing but a large city could satisfy the ambition of Mrs. Hol- land, and for that reason she has chosen Chicago, where there are opportunities furnished for the application of her genius. and of some endless “You know there are so many untraced er Chicago that | found it field for my labor,” she stated, and criminals are sueh clever people that it is always a battle to pil your wits against theirs, With them it is a profession just the same as tracking them down is a profession with us, and when | size it all up I think some of them are just a little bit cleverer than we are.” Through all her work it is the finger print and its possibilities —————— |} Which appeals }Mrs. Holland, ; pre sence | the | ning ake on the her, that it } theme in her li |has become Windy City thing she does surroundings of the evidence of the ;} She went to the the purpose of making of the sore there, | Savoy. nes and murders in} a good} Visit the you want for your Bathing, Two hours Launch Alice Phone that he aully wandering to the imprints thlerviewer's prints of the Warner and pre-emption até an idea! holiday lishing, launch run fre pert on Porcher Green 391, most strongly to One feels in het eyes are con- own fingers brass railing beside is the one dominant fe. Mrs. Holland so well known in the that she is }upon all big cases, placed and the first is to examine all crime for telltale print. Guelph farm for a study of “boys” Prince Kupert's leading hotel— Hudson beach if camping spot summer, fun and freedom, mm Ru- Island. tf 1 sand itis B., W. J. Thomas. Govt, Wharf. Subscribe for the Daily News. WIFTEST UREST AF TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT” AND “PRINCE GEORGE For Vancouver, V MONDAYS AND Weekly service “PRINCE ase r service to Skeena Crossing fre oat aw end Saturdays at 11 4 ™.,, cursion Rates Over Cheap Ex The Double Between Chicago and a points East Pacific coast, Let us prepare Prince George Gaile for Stewart on Thuredays at 8 a. m “PRINCE JOHN" to Port Simpson, Naas, Charlotte Islands lings for Skeena River Canneries, es prince Rupert and Vancouver making connections for Hazelt itinerary for your trip EAST this sume, jen for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. re A. ©. MOMABTER, Jeneral Agent, EST jctoria and Seattle FRIDAYS © am. Granby Bay and Queen ALGERT” and all way points between m Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednecs Grand Trunk Railwa Track Route) 7 System connecting with all roads from yy For all information apply to Centre Street B.C, COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAMOUS eens RINC CANADIAN P ESS Ls RAILWAY S. S. Princess May SOUTHBOUND Saturday, July 20, 9a.m. 4. @. MY/NAB, General Agent EASTERN Excursions by the Oriental Limited 3——— SOLID TRAINS ———-3 daily from Vancouver or Seattle Low round trip rates to all points in Canada and the United States. C vall and let us tell you all about it Rogers’ Steamship ° Agency PHONE 116 The new steel Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin ” AND “Camosun ” Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: ‘helohsin ” “ Camosun ” Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively fine passenger steamers J. Hi. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 LINDS AY CARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE —H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone Litt’ NEWS: ie Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS :: TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club Sounds Like Water Poured Into : a . Bottle of Sulphuric Acid TO MAKE Goop ON. SHE 15 SOME De THIS 15 ONE PHOTO xr 4 DEAD ANXIOUS ; A ; UNION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.C., Ltd’ Wednesdays at 7 p.m. | - Saturdays at 10 p.m.) None safer on the coast than these two | Savoy Hotel | Cor. Fraser and 6th. Choice Wines a |RUPERT’S PALACE oF 0 Cigar COMFORT New Knox Hotel BESNER & BESNER The New Knox Hotel is rur plan. First-class service. A | Improvements. } | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER) Hotel Central ©!’ ) h Street Europea: aud American pian. stear ited, m.fern convenience Rates $1.00 to $2.80 per day. Peter Black Proprietor |.Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 lst Ave. and ! GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor ‘Dominion - Bath The Most Modern Barber Sho of Prince eapert SECOND AVE. WASHINGTON Bit |THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American I’ Twelve Tables Sec L. A. Barbeau Coal and Storag essenger Service Jartage, fleliable t } | Phone 58 736 3rd Ave Silversides Bros. The up-to-date Mouse Decort tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging; Our Specialities WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS /M- TATE 2nd Street Phone 156 Greet ed —Drawn for The Daily News by “Hop” LISTENS Lice THE, Cl 4 Giga wire sro. ;