Quality and itself. Bottled only at the St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. Has earned its reputatioh of being the most popular bottled beer in the world solely because of its Anheuser-Busch Brewery superb Purity. Its absolutely in a class by North B. C. Liquor Co. Distributors Prince Rupert B.C. Ey THE DAILY NEWS. 7 PRE EREReweenAA a fe a el mavVgee PER BPeVrPPBPre aI Ae) WoC writ! J Vevey eye vee) 2) a a a] A C a 2 re a we IEPA A Modern Force in Business DVERTISING has established a new order of things in commerce. It has become a mighty power in business prog- ress; a complex yet comprehensible trans- mitter of many parts for the distribution and selling of merchandise and service. Its function is fivefold: To enlighten or educate— to create new wants or to satisfy old ones— to protect and foster legitimate enter- prise—to establish a medium of understanding between buyer and seller as a basis for mutual profit and advantage —to prescribe an eco- nomical price and the maintenance of a fixed standard of quality. None know better than the buying public how well these functions have been fulfilled. Modern advertising has given us an insight into various manufacturing processes. The producer has taken us, the consumers, into his confidence and told us just how his mince meat, his flour, his clothing, etc., is made. We know why certain things should or should not be. Advertising has told us— broadened our understand- ing and guided our judgment. Modern advertising has enabled us to unlock the treasure house of the world’s divinest melodies through the medium of the player-piano. The motor car has lengthened the business day and brought the fra- grant countryside to our door. Men shave in comfort in ten minutes where they used to take twenty. A magic Advice regarding your a any good advertising agency Press Association, Room 503, quiry involves no obligation on your part bottle provides us with cold drinks with the weather at 90 degrees or gives us a warm beverage when Jack Frost dips at 40 below. Modern advertising has elevated the standard of business ethics. It protects the manufacturer from un- scrupulous competition and the con- sumer from base imitation. It con- serves extends business— creates good will. It enables the cor- poration, the manufacturer or private individual on trial to take his case directly to the public, and to secure the public’s judgment on his policy or character based purely upon their respective merits. trade Modern advertising has opened up new opportunities to the oppressed and poor of far-off lands. It has turned an unceasing tide of immigra- tion to new countries. It has de- veloped nations, and made the name of the New World a promise of better things among the people of the Old. All this advertising has done and will continue to do. It is the ever- increasing influence for the advance- ment of mankind—the most potent, indeed, of the many forces influencing human action, dvertising problems is available through or the Secretary of the Canadian Lumsden Building, Toronto. En- so write if interested. re) Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley —IN THE IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPW ARDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices ane easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, PAID UP CAPITAL $1,600,000, 00 Nechaco Valley Fort George District FARM LANDS i on Limited VANCOUVER, B.C, JOUN PAUL JONES who eriean miler of everyone a point in the at the Sensational A to the didn't get surprise 1500 metres Olvinpie BRITAIN BUILDING NAVY FOR RUSSIA he first ship of the new Rus- sian navy has been laid down at Nicolaieff, Black Sea, and will be built from the designs of Messrs. Vickers, who are sending games on the out shipbuilding experts immed- iately to superintend the work, The vessel, which will cost £3,000,000, is to be 600 ft. long,| with a beam of 87 feet. It will carry as a main armament 12 {2-ineh guns, and wil! have a speed of 22 knots | Mr. Evans is to be the chief engineer and Mr. Thos. Jones chief naval instructor at Nicola- ielf, | A DAHLIA || LIKE ‘TEDDY’ ROOSEVELT Pasadena, Cali,, July 17——A | | dahlia that looks like Colonel! | | Roosevelt, grins like the Colonel | jand appears to say ‘dee.lighted }wit hits eresecent shaped, mouth. llike eentre, is the Burbankian | Iproduet of the gardens of Miss| Anita Smith of this eity., In ad. dition to the fine, regular of teeth,’ whieh it hoasts, this! }dahlia is said to be sturdier than | : “set! the toughest weed. UU has hoon | oMeintly christened the “Rose vell,’ ROYAL CORONATION ROBES ARE BEING BROUGHT OVER TO CANADA FOR THE EXHIBITION AT TORONTO By special cable Dr. Orr has re announced to the organizers of the Toronto Exhibition for this year, that he has obtained the privilege of permission to have the coronation rebes worn by King George V. and Queen Mary for display in the Woman's! Building at the exhibition. This royal exhibit will be attraetive to thousands, of Oanadians I he| robes are the finest ever pre pared for royalty in any part of the the Empire contributed to them, Her world, and all parts of dress, which is illus. Majesty's trated separately above in shape exhibited at Toron- of the exampies of workmanship the prepared as it will be to, is one most wonderful with textile embroi- The workmanship done upon fabries and dery needle ever delicate it was entirely performed by Bri- lish subjects, though it was ne- cessal to find several expert and embroiderers seanistresses of French extraction amongst the elever needleworkers em- ployed who claim aliegianee to the British flag, Two of the workers were French Canadians whose skilled fingers took an im in the rich embel- lishinent of the royal robes. LLOYD-GEORGE portant share — THE UNFITTED «nue SUFFRAGETTE So many are bound jwho haven't the gift of pens! WAS Al TACKED iThey labor by day and night, in HELD IN GAOL ON lmansions or attic dens produc- jing their toilsome reams of lim- BY FANATIC «: or turgid prose, or weaving | their hopeful dreams in songg >. Alas for SERIOUS CHARGE that nobody knows! London, July 17—Chancellor|that lure unkind, the lure of the] Oxford, Eng., July 16.—Helen Llovd George was assaulted by] Ovintes pau, —_ stirs in the Crages, the suffragette who on : yeoman's min a counterfeit . é > : a male suffraggette while he was|* June 26, at Cardiff, Wales, broke , poet's rage, Alas for that inky entering Kensington Theatre, in hope, which bids for a poet's through the police cordon and South London, where he made alwreath, the doctor forsake his|sprang at Reginald McKenna, the speech yesterday, A man bolted|dope, the dentist abandon teeth;|hiome secretary, while he was from behind a pillar and gave|the farmer desert his plow, the) driving with King George and ic chaneellor a_ violent push, | blacksmith neglect his fire, the Queen Mary, was charged today which felled him to the ground,|milkmaid abjure the cow, and ' ' { t i The man was arrested. The! reach for the nearest lyre. Oh, at the police court im this Giy ubancellor was ‘uninjured. sisters, may ye never know, thefwith being found in Nuneham |trouble, the grief, the pain, the| Park, the country residence of | ; are . 3 . learking, corroding woe, of poets| ight Hon, Lewis Harcourt, see- : : jwho write in vain! Oh, nieces,|"etary of state ‘for the colonies, and aunts and sites, don’t throw| “ith the intention of setting fire jall your tools away, to kindle|'? the mansion. SEA SOUNDINGS |poetic fires, a-hoping to make it} She was found during the night | pay! Where one of the tribe jwith another woman in_ the | succeeds ten thousand are chew|srounds and was caught by a ACHIEVED: ing rags o'er sheaves of rejected | watchman, When searched she was found }screeds sent back by the month- - And even the ones who/to be carrying a quantity of in- The greatest depth of the and grief to|flammable material and spirits. hitherto measured—namely, 32,-| spare, and early in life begin to| rhe suffragettes are particu- 089 feet—was ascertained by the| shed both their health and hair.|larly incensed at Lewis Hareourt, ship Planet Helen Crages is a daughter of ly mags! sea/win have trouble survey in her last) Oh, cousins, your peace of mind} trip from East Asia to the South] is better than all the dimes you'd|Sir John Craggs. She was re- Seas al a point 40 miles distant| earn in the beastly grind of turn-|manded without bail. from the northern coast of the; ing out deathiess rhymes. } — - _~ Phillippine island Mindanoa. | WALT MASON. 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