FATNESS AND DESPATCH CHARACTERIZE THE es THE DAILY NEWS: Perry fF »p| a. ight Prince Geor 0 am. Princess S« For South Wednesday, 7 p.m. NEWS’ JOR WORK x eee ee Chelohsin Library : Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist VOL. Tl, NO. 171 Prince Rupert, B.C., Monpay, JuLy 22, “1912. 7S iene oe te Price Five Cents WHARVES BUSY: PLAN CAR FERRY: LABOR UNREST CAR FERRY WILL RUN FROM OCEAN FALLS TO RUPERT TO BEGIN ON WHARF SOON of lumber \ La importations i shipment of half a million|be supplied through this sourve. pour into Prinee Rupert for|feet of specia reosoted lumb \ serve stock of between two] the dry dock works and) f th i s due here ti ind three million feet of all kinds } ndertakings, as also for) day rh by vere first cul f lumber wi be carried by the merous new buildings go it the no it Ocean Falls, then eal vard, from which Prince} small and large, for resi-| s t he ting plant at| Rupert will be supplied, and all { poses Growing indus-j| kb and aft being treated) cars of mixed and assorted grades ictivity is apparent now at|ar now ¢ here for use 'n)of lumber required for shipment vaterfront Bigger pay rolis|the dry d struction p the river will be loaded from expected before long rh ‘ pa has ust! her ss already respo onds d another larg act for New Wharf for Rupert. Lumber by the Million Feet, | oe here agrees to «de rhe company will within a few rhe Ocean Falls Company's} liver within th xt th fays| weeks begin work on their ex o) iin was in the harbor \ 1 quar fa feelltensive wharves and plant here, day ind Saturday, having nbe and a large quantity| which will put Prinee Rupert in ght up another large sco hingles and flooring to the|the possession of one of the inber for the Lester W \ ( I { Company f st modern lumber distributing ( pany, Ltd,, from their) this city ants on the Pacific coast. it Ocean Falls, The scr Car Ferry to Ocean Falls, A special dry kiln and resawing harwed in reeord time bys M R whe. the cal man ind working plant will be in- f f ihe steam erane on the , ' talled for the purpose of meet- it ! t sf iT yw r. P. tie doek. : ee er ng the demand for special detail ‘he Chieftain left again f pera ire ar fF HDetween | wa uo finishing materials, et Falls Saturday night with! Ocea ka i Prince Rupert,| when this new plant is in opera- f the pany s jarge scows te i aded th luioaber n the temporary yard of the w and will return here fr the for ship mpany, now maintained at the vith another seow load of ip th ne of the G, T. P rner of First avenue and Me- il for the eompany’s loca | npat s establishing a/ Bride street, will be abandoned ind another for the dry dock ste f lis irds all along the| The stablishment of this large vet pon which the ‘ { lr. P. as fa i is Kdmontou,| bh ess will mean another item il has he delivering f f ind a fas is the is opened) of consequence in Prince Rupert's fs if lumber up f peratix these vards will| growing pay roll, \ f men from the econ \ hour day i ad of a ten \ h Wallace Cannery near it : ' \ “3.9 the plac fs Nack Harbor, the fishing sea- ‘ mps up ve ime at _ 1 day's w ind improvemet f spring salmon is about ist evening's train It > "—e sleeping accon od There ‘are still a few " a record tra 1d da led rhe men|spring salmon caught and being iv buneh is expected t , ha hh ul way}handled at the plant, but the fish ow Great dissat iking easonable demands men are now turning their at- s said, is expressed/and ha the least itenti enti principally to the new } ten at conditions exist terferring with the men who|run of cohoes and humpbaeks he contractors’ and sub-/|a employed at the tormnipas | i far the fishing has been thor- camps They have! The majority of the ta ghiy satisfactory, and the # to complain of, however, | have gone s: uth, stating that har-| plant is very busy. Up to the pre- vard to their relations with! vesting, which will shortly be in|s ver seven thousand cases he G.T. P. Railway Cempany. It} full swing, offers pleasanter work salmon have been packed, derstood that they are en ind mere money than they can " sonia ing to obtain from the con-| earn under existing conditions at a s the -fellowing conces-| railway construction work up the s, bettering their conditions:| line MASSET WHARF ae i, J. Maynard left for the coast OF THE C Pp R W « this morning on the Prines e e e : rhe following passengers went : leric manage ot the i A. T. Brod ' . m 2 et th | Wwenl south on Saturday and Sun- 0 tank, left ol le sou ww " = three weel vaca-|(ay by the ©, P, R. steamers oaay on ‘ AS aca. Princess May and Princess Mary: On Graham Island at present Wanted—Board, without bed-|Miss EB, H. Woods, Miss E, A. » Dominion Government Marine ems. for two children; boy 14,]) Woods, T, N, Campbell, J, E, Department Engineer Miller, who} girl 9; unt September ist next. McLean, P. M. Peterson, Tom is making final arrangements for 1 H, 8. WALLACE, Hall. T. Carrigan, F. Miller, Jo- the loeation and construction oF} a oie eas Cy h whan! ul Ma et. It is un George D. Tite went below on] seph 46 dell, _— boos os . arnt ass " - i ’ vs, G. MeBurney, EF, derstood that the wharf will be|a business trip this morning op “per S an .* Gashoon T started almost immedi-|the Prince Rupert tial b. sheeehin | i. Johnson, 3. i ind that it will be completed | » | M, Sherry, J. Campbell, Mrs. J. eLenni ‘ assessor, ’ ind ready for use by steamships | J. MeLennat ver this| Mekimon, Miss J. Watts, Mr. fo. and from the islands} was a southbound a halide th favior, T. Edwards, J, Huber, O : » to sho oliday, the} . c+ aap » Oe , ind Prinee Rupert very speed- | morning for a ie rt h ‘ . Bienes i. Gartean, ¥, tee. first in two years uM. Nelson, A N. Olson, O. Holt, : » |, Peterson, lor sla , u bavoy . Hest meal in town at Savoy.| Warm, clean rooms at Ry the Mary there also left 65 deck passengers, while the fol- eee |iowing left by the Princess May on Saturday: M. ©. ° Herber, PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY | harles Newnham, B, Macdonald, Rae hy onsider iH. Bllem, L, Sweder, H. J, Bayley, Laborers leave line up river fot harvest flelds, cons! | Qa ~ : 6 he illingham, ing possible pay higher and conditions better. ¥ 5 ae H en Busy times al wharves, Passenger lists southbound CHOOREE TORO, He H. ' : Macnee Hundreds $)D, Ry, Whitehead, Bad bush fires at Kitsumkalum and ‘Terrace ! | of ties burned, Large lumber company abnounces coming car ferry 5 ra Gaiatonen ee b| ilding 0 ‘ aledonii 0 t ) iee between Prince Rupert and Ocean Falls, also bulldain Phe Gates pits nch owe rc e ¢ ‘ac ‘«e r he new wharves and laying oul of yards shortly, vil hay Fy - oe aoe ‘ rrout fishers report splendid fishing up river Record ow nigh ifier which rere vill be a meeting of the elub com. catoh made. { leet the team to play “ » fee ‘ > i ih ee o How to keep down insurance rates in Rupert whil doin : om ' in the league mateh on Thursday more business, night GENERAL STRIKE CALLED. That a general strike was called by the 1. W. W. on the G, T. P. line on Saturday, and is now on, is the latest impression abroad in the city, authenticated from I, W, W. sources, but not from oficial sourees Men are undoubtedly leaving the econ- struetion cainps number, in cone siderable WANDERERS HAVE NEW HOME lan The Wanderers Club, one of the oldest social organizations in the city, is now thoroughly es- tablished in palatial new quar- ters on the third floor of the post olice building. It is is hard to express one’s wonder and sur- prise at the spaciousness, ele- gance and general perfection of the appointments and fittings of the new club, which surpasses anything so far attempted = in Prince rhe in Rupert fact of the club rooms be- a central location, magnificent view of harbor, which precluded obstrue#@on for on account of the i¢ building, makes for its at- and popularity. A spacious and well lighted billiard ing such with the from a really is time height some Cone of th tractiveness room oeeupies the entire side of the flat A number of small pri- vate rooms are provided for club purposes, together with bath- rooms, lavatories and the other aceessories that go to make up the modern club. The main lounge room, with its elegant and luxurious appointments, overlooking the harbor, is one of the finest rooms of its kind in the city No expense has been spared in the finishing and the graining “and general beauty of the woodwork would be diffieult to criticize Prince Rupert and} the club generally man indeed be proud of an institution that weuld be a credit to a city several times its population | Wheat Crop Never Better. Winnipeg, July 20, Crop con- dit three prairie prov- inces better or more pl time of the vear being sent ms in the were hever this report Cc, P. the ising at This the all NOTICE THAT CROWDED WHARF is R. west, out by as received from over Berthed in imposing line along the G. 'T. P. waterfront last night were five fine steamers, four pas- senger boats and one of the big- gest freighters that Prince Ru- pert uses in her development, The G. T. P. aecounted for two of the boats, viz., the Prinee John and the Prince Rupert The C, P. R, owned another two, the Princess Mary and the Princess Ena, the former being the fast passenger boat new last year, and the batter known draught The fifth boat was the the well freighter, deep splendid U, 8S temrist steamer State of California, which came in, crowded with passengers, at 7 pot. Abt the Government wharf| were lying the William Jolliffe and the Restless. Large erowds of citizens visited the wharf in the evening, LAST NIGHT? |W. PECK, WESTMINSTER, LATEST LACROSSE. Special to Daily News.) Vancouver, July 20,—La- no game, Westmin- forfeited, } | : } crosse, ale | | i | EEE GRAND TRUNK TERMINAL WAREHOUSE COMPANY WILL BUILD SHORTLY IN RUPERT The organization of a big] company to establish a chain of] terminal warehouses from Mon-} treal to the Pacifie coast in con-| nection with the Grand Trunk} and Grand Trunk Paeifie Rail-| way systems was announced the other day. The organization of the company, which will be known as the Grand Trunk Ter- minal Warehouse Company, Ltd, follows logically on the pro- blems of railroad traffic tion arising from the ed activity all ness throughout conges- unparallel- of Canada, | in lines busi- and the| plants at points where business! fjps; As a prelimin-| ade Con-|ary step the property of the Mon! jhe Quebec Savings & Trust Gom- tracts have been entered into be-|treal Warehousing Company on| pan’. will demand it, and lief for the Grand Trunk The close connection between Grand Trunk Patifie in the mat. | the new company and the two ter of car shortage, one of the| railway systems is indicated not most difficult problems with|only by the facet that the Grand jwhich traffic managers in Can-| Trunk has allowed the use of its ada are now confronted. lname to the “Grand Trunk Ter- The first chain of warehouses |minale Warehouse Company,” will take in Montreal, Toronto, we also ‘tn =e pera Ne Fort William, Winnipeg, Cal-| an threg prominent officials of 1e railways will be among the gary, Edmonton, Vancouver and| directors. The capital of the Prince Rupert, Once this chain company will be $10,000,000 is established, which will be in @/ ponds, of which $5,000,000 will very short time, steps will be} he issued at the present time and taken to enlarge it by additional! g6.500,000 common stock. The offerings of the bonds was privately the other day by , and was stated this ev- tween the new company Commissioner Street has been! ening that although there had so Grand Prank and Grand Trunk} purehased, and within the. next) fap peen no publie announce. Pacifie by which the new com-|fifteen days work will be started) ment of the issue, upwards of pany undertakes to establish and | by the new company, which will) ¢4.000,000 of the issue had been operate a chain of warehouses) increase the capacity of that) taken during the day. across Canada, the railroad com-j|plant three-fold. As rapidly as anies on the other hand agree-| possible construction work on! ree eee ing to turn over to the new com-| plants at the other cities men- Trades and Labor Council. pany all their warehousing busi-|tioned in the foregoing will be The regular meeting of the ness al the various points for a| undertaken, | Trades and Labor Couneil will be period of thirty years. The im-| Mr. J. N. Greenshields, K.C., is) held in Carpenters’ Hall tonight portanee of this from a railroad | the moving spirit in the new/at 8 o’eloek. A good attendance standpoint is that it promises eon of delegates is requested. j SAWMILL AND LUMBER OUTFIT ON THE WAY. IMPORTANT EXPEDITION TO HUDSON’S BAY Proceeding as fast as possible Just arrived at the mouth of to the Queen Charlotte Islands|the Nottawa River on Hudson's at present is a sawmill and lum-, Bay is the steamer Boethic, which ber outfit to be established there, | arrived at Montreal on the last as noted in the Daily News the|day of June and sailed next day ther week, by the band of sett-|for Hudson's Bay ports with a lers arranging now to =loeate! party of engineers, 25 in number, themselves on the shores of|headed by Chief Engineer Hazen, Masset Inlet, The outfit will) for the purpose of looking over probably be barged up the Inlet|the proposed terminals at Nelson, on its arrival at Masset, and its|}on Hudson's Bay, for the railway fine! destination is not vet al that jis to be constructed either stutely determined. to thet port or Fort Churchill. BUSH BLAZE AT KITSUMKALUM AND TERRACE of epdbenaied bul only partially effectual, hard, fight- Lecounts ing against serious bush fires at Kiisumkalum and ‘Terrace filter into the city, There has not been 1 drop of rain in these parts for months now, and the concentrated efforts of G, T. P. gangs, the fire warden's gangs and the settlers themselves have been baffled time and again by the outbreak which has been cheeked in one place only to break out again in another, Last week hundreds of piled ties at Terrace railway vards were destroyed by the flames, Strenuous efforts had been kept up continuously by the ~~ to prevent the fire from reaching the but with. avail, No injuries are re- ported amd no lives seem to have far, (i then ties, oul been endangered HALE, HEARTY AND HAPPY VETERAN, VISITS SON The Boethic is a steamer of 1,400 tons and sails fourteen knots an hour, and was expected to make Churchill July 12th and Nelson on the 44th, The promoters of the James Bay railroad are also sending engineers by the Boethie to make a survey of the Nottawa region so as to ascertain the best site for the terminals of the Mon- treal & James Bay Railway Sys- tem. It is expected the Boethic will make monthly trips between James Bay and the St, Lawrence during the remainder of the sum- mer, THE WEATHER. hours ending Barometer, temperature, 52; twenty-four 5 a. m., July 22nd: 29.869; maximum minimum temperature, precipitation, .O4, For 55: P. R. Football Association. here will be a meeting of the above association tonight at 8:30 sharp. Cleaners. Pantorium Phone 4. Pioneer FIRST SPERM WHALE FOR YEAR IS CAPTURED At the Naden Harbor whaling station the other day the first sperm whale for the season was captured by Captain Black, The huge creature with its valuable animal products was landed at the station and handled commer- eially, every particle, more or less, of the whale being utilized, fhe sperm whale is the most valuable type of whale hunted, but it nol common in these waters, is SOUTH BY THE RUPERT AT NINE A. M. The sieamer Prince Rupert left for the south this morning with a number of well known lo- cal people. Her eomplete first class passenger list was as fol- lows: BE. J, Maynard, R. 8. Brown, A. T. Brederick, C, B, Peterson, Mrs. Jensen, R, H. Ley, J. CG. Me- Lennan, Mrs. E. Nehring and family, Mrs, A. T. Parkin, George bD. Tite, Mrs, Rowat, Leon Lepse, P. J. Moran, C, Davis, Miss Chap- man, Mrs. Partington, J. C. Steer, EK. Emed, John Caffrey, M. Churehill, Verney Cliff, P. R, Johnston, W. H, Toby, A, Lee, Thomas Platton, W. H. Lake and family, Walter Mold, B, Van Horne, J.-C. Gohoun, J. A. Me- Nicholl, Thomas Groecox, L, Ke- noyer. Eas Appointment of J. J, nounced, Civie sniff Depot at G, Ladies T.?P well Island, Break in water camp fire cookery Mr. W. Peek of New Westmin- ster is on a short visit to his son, C. W. Peek Mr. Peck Sr, is an old gentleman 85 years of age, but hale and hearty and greatly | interested in the wonderful growth of Prince Rupert, W. H. Toby, G,. T. P. resident engineer, left today on a short visit to the eoast eities, Captain Stork gratulating the } coronation PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR MeCarvell yacht has terrible wharf ballasted, Auxiliary hospital tea declare a great suceess, Search parties set out to seek silver lost in the sea off Tug- main reduces Premier and G, system, of EBarl Grey's regiment on the representative, N. W, + to R, M. P, an. time at sea, r. P. hotels Kifles letter con. appearance and efficiency of Color Sergeant George Leek, receives