$F WANE ASSEN eo M6, ™ a WF a NEATNESS AND DESPATCH ' - “ ahead CHARACTERIZE THE vier : Ris ety vs NEWS’ JOR WORK nosun Thursday, p.m. wey. Chelohsin a Waancehe, 7pm. ‘@, “ry “ray OL. Il, NO, 178 ¥ SOLD SP U! BRITISH COLUMBIA LACROSSE ASSOCIATION “BUSTED UP”’ WESTMINSTER WITHDRAWS (Special to Daily News. jand the one scheduled Vancouver, July 24—The B.C.) 14 to be changed and played at acrosse Association busted) Vancouver instead of Westimni > last evening with a beautifull ster This was violently op claration in most unpariia-| posed by Westminster, After the ntary language after a short| etirement of the W minster | ; delegates the Vancouver execu eting here last night New] |... oraiad with Cam ¢ ans ond stminste* withdrew from the] other officials to go east tomor- yvue and left the meeting. The! row night and seeure seven oF d came suddenly following the| eight men for a new team, Sev iw of a resolution by a ma eral vcalamen are available and ote, President H. Gowan)|a second Vancouver team will be Wering next Saturday's game; made up LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE ASTORS IN SASKATOON Charter and Supplies Have Ar- rived and Lodge Will Open Next Week The many members of the SHOCKED Loyal Order of Moose in Prince Rupert will be pleased to hear Saskatoon, July 23-——-While the’ that the charter and supplies ne fraternity of the city! for the lodge have arrived. and ibilant over the announce Mr. ( P. Keves, local organizer that the city fathers would) expeets to announce the date of f interfere with the staging of) jnstitution shertly It was plan Burns-Rieckard bout for the’ ned by Mr. Keyes to hold — the vweight championship of | grand pening this week and ar ida on August 8, the local | pangements were terial association are sho-' end, but word from Mr. R. L. Re ind are waging war a€@-/ploele, grand organizer for the | being held They have al-|northy «st, who is at present at taken steps to prevent tl Vancouver has changed = his « place, having sent a tele-| plans, and the opening has been to Premier Seott denounce postponed ontil his arrival next in strong terms express- | week their disapproval of the eon- Members of the lodge are to be izratulated having the op portunity f hearing and seeing} ROFIT Mr Replogle, for it has beet hiefly through his efforts that the Moose have gained the en- thle position they have in the SHARING Official announcement will be the exact date of institution, SYSTEM Yables issued by the London ard of Trade showing the pro BORDEN BUSY: ss of the profit-sharing sys 3 are of some interest at mo nt when a body of public op-| PLANS ATLANTIC mm is urging a wider accept- re of eco-partnership = prince! } of checking in-| are | | | 8 as a means contemplated rum- agreement was established has been, proved scale is . Of these 153 have ceased to) there were i9ii three emes as to which particulars | being negotiated with the Cana- ld not obtained, leaving} dian Pacific the basis of a in operation at June 30, 1941.' ereater inereased subsidy, but at number of people employed|the time this was denied by Mr emes time ago there were thal some st: ors such an be on business in whieh profit shar-| Borden At the existing eon- existed was at that date 84,-|traet expiration, however, the . of whom 24,420 were en-|subject will be very much to the | ed at gas works. The aver-| front and will be carefu ly look- of 4.3 to the| Whether the increased res paid during the year 1910 lion per cent, lor divided among several as has your holiday this summer,|ships be of a eruiser type, but it thing, fishing, fun and freedom.|is stated here that the whole fo hours’ launch run from Ru-| question has as yet reached no on Poreher Island, if } definite form, PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY for by Association Money phone central refused by the mhavor for ventilating fan freely subseribed British Columbia Westminster Collingwood Schreiber be through 1944, coming Seven girls are killed in ealuloid Britain for national private citizens Lacrosse “busts up’ in Van eouvel pulls out confidently that G.T.P. will here with Kelliher factory fire in London marathon Dread declares in Is blames with Germany naughts, Asserted fifteen La an Ottawa paper thal Canada is to grant ten to millions for Imperial Navy by Presse of losing autonomy for Sept made through these columns of} STEAM SERVICE irial unrest rhe tables inly ba: «dl on cases which! « been n ticed in the press, Ottawa, July 23-—lIt is believed 1} as a number of cases, most-|jhat during his visit to England at small works, have not been) Premier Borden will take up a olice the figures may De notiees, the figures jnew question, that of a fast At- arded as understating the ex-| : t of the operation of the sys Pere service, he fact that Me a } contract has heen renewed but Since 1829, down to 1944, the temporarily is taken as an indi- nber of live” profit sharing’ cation that something on an im- j | , y » ) > b bonus in all the cases enum-jed into and following the Prem- ted, including those which no/ier's trip to England, some de-| hus Was paid, was in the pro-|velopments may be expected, | subsidy} would be granted to one company) declares Canada in danger Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Prince Rupert, B.C., WepNespay, JuLy 24, 1912. I SENSAT ()N: PH ONE : THE WAGE-EARNER’'S DREAM OF BLISS made to that| After a terrifying day of bill-paying, and study of the newspapers, all scare-heading the raising cost of living, Brown in a blissful vision sees himself as he hopes to be. VETERAN BRIGADE OF PRINCE RUPERT WILL PARADE WHEN THE DUKE ARRIVES ON VISIT T0 THE CITY rhe Imperial Veterans’ Asso-|General upon his approaching| pire. The following officers ation of Prinee Rupert and dis-| visit to Prince Rupert this fall.) were appointed: ' . : ‘¢ ' , \¢ re triet, Company No, 44, which was;As some of the original officers Captain—R, W. Cameron, formed some two or three years/are at present not in these parts, Lieuts, J. H. MeMullin and : Mr. Saville. ago, and of late has not been;it was found necessary to ap 2 , : } . . — 5 a Sergt.-Major—J. Cargill. very active, held a well attended| point new ones. The company i J , i » stron ‘ “4 ‘ise Hats of j s : » character meeting last night, with a view) fifty-one trong, and comprised flats of a distinctive characte! to holding a parade and present.|of men who have seen service in| have been ordered to be ready in ing. an address to the Governor-|every quarter of the British Em-/time for the big parade. GIRL OF SIX SWIMS LIKE FISH 5 IN OLD LAND London, July 23——-A six year old girl, Freda Pockett, of Mar-| &4 in to lephone Committee, offer- ket Harborough — in Leicester, swan across Dover bay, half mile wide, yesterday in 19 minu- The child is 3 feet tall and slight, She uses a breast stroke and seems to be amphibious, tes. BRITAIN HOLDS STRIKE CONFERENCE WITHOUT RESULT ../ London, July 23 making settled. is another strong ment strike lisit the Warner and Hudson|been advocated, is a question to| called a conference which met at} | . | , Ipe a s . emption and sand beach if|be determined, It has further midnight al Premier Asquith i want an ideal camping spot} more been suggested that the} oficial residence rhe Premie! land Lord Davenport, represent- jing the port authorities, and re- presentatives of the men took part The conference broke up |}without result, | SEVEN FACTORY GIRLS BURNED TO DEATH Special to Daily News. London, July 24-—Seven killed and several when the more in celluloid works were jured CITIZENS ; zens ; ward with UPPLY FAN AT CENTRAL Many public spirited and good | arted citizens yesterday the Ti ne to subseribe the money f purchas by the So fan oed night. come one, two, e of Mayor readil Ww N hieh on did was spontaneously four offers to subseribe three, and phon- Acting-Chairman Kerr of or a vel- Monday elti- for-| in five ldellar amounts towards the cost fof the fan, that the amount need- The govern-}| times The chief Liber-| lal whip, the Master of Elibank,| speedily. only a dotlars, , ane minutes, ordered, afte: over-subscribed fan has now little a he i will WILL BE aver thirteen was many in a few be IN RUPERT Baron been installed ONE DAY cass sanse: 23 Shi | WHITE SLAVE - BILL IN HOUSE OF COMMONS London, July 23——-The House to which | of Commons committee it was referred today approved of the bill looking toward the suppression of the white slave traflie and providing for flogging of eonvieted siavers. It will go directly back to the House where jit is sure of prompl passage. TEN MILLION | GRANT BY CANADA FOR THE NAVY Special to Daily News, Ottawa, July 24—The Free | Press asserts tonight that it has | good authority to say that the | government will make an immed- ate grant of ten or fifteen mil- lion dollars to the British Ad. miralty and that a special ses- sion of parliament will be ealled in October fo pass the contribu. ij tion DECLARES LA PRESSE ibusawa, Nakana Bueni and other) girls | Japanese, of the Commeree, tion | j tablish a viees brought by press by fire today. The secret of sueeess has been| placed al a fais well kept, considering that|silk will be many people are anxious to te about Puck, Subseribe for the Daily News. and will The Japan Yokio June rangements dia, manufacturing | Userances at Moore Lane, were destroyed| plant at Seattle, aveording to ad-|danger of losing her acting on the sugges Seattle Chamber of have” decided to es silk the steamer Km The capit million dollars, ported from Japan i of free al is Raw duty, Special to Daily News.) Montreal, article ' | a July 24-——La Borden's naval Canada in autonomy. Presse Jin on an declares Well yromoters met at} complete well, Rob Rogers’ ma- | chine went wrong! Somebody jmust have pui water in his gas- } . perlite Toronto Star. Panterium Pioneer Cleaners, } Phone 4, a Price Five Cente FAN ‘BEFORE THE END OF 1914”’ COLLINGWOOD SCHREIBER’S DATE G. T. « (Special to Daily News. | Vancouver, July Colling- | wood Schreiber, general construe 24 tion engineer of Dominion gov- ernment, and chief government engineer for the Grand Trunk Pacific day, Railway, reached here to- just completed his | inspection of the line to Fraser, 40 miles west of railhead at Tete Jaune Cache, which fifty six miles beyond the summit of Yel. lowhead Pass, having is | “I have every confidence that | the main line of the Grand Tr nk] | Pacific Railway to Prince Rup.| jert will be finished and in oper-| \« | P. COMPLETION ation before the end of 1944 and think it will be ready before that period but it will take some time to get the road bed in shape for iraffie,” said Schreiber, will Schreiber be joined te re tomorrow by B. B. Kelli ter, chief engineer of the Grand Trunk Pacific who left him at Tete Jaune Cache to proceed westward over the line to Fort George. Kelliher is coming’ out via Asheroft, They leave here on Thursday for Prince Rupert and go inland to inspect the 4. T.P. line as far as Aldermere, ‘n the Bulkley Valley, DUKE OF CONNAUGHT WENT AND GOT COLD CHAMPAGNE The happy and splen- did good fellowship which is w- the Duke of CGon- is responsible for some good anecdotes which are typieal jof the man. One of the best told jef him happened during the cor? | onation in England spirits | ing shown by } naught | ceremonies jlast vear. The Duke, who has |}spent a great deal .of his time jabroad, is not very well known lby sight to the younger officers jof the army, A very large num- | ber of the young officers of aris- | tocratic families were on duty at j the hig coronation garden party jand their duties resulted in their of the hall where- FOR THE YOUNG OFFICERS others that one the pull somewhere and could get all the wine he wanted, The gentieman in ques- tion was kept busy supplying the with their thirst slaker and one or two eolonials did not hesitate to get in on it. The el- derly gentleman was standing in the middle of the grateful erowd when an aide-de-camp appear- ed on the seene with the remark, among the tleman had gen- youths accompanied by a salute, “Your Royal Highness’ presence is re- quested by His Majesty.” The soldiers around stood dumb- and at onee asked who he was. “The Duke of Gon- founded, | being kept out served refresh- being jin was Iments. The day was very hot | fand a batch of young officers | were standing around hemoaning! | their fate, A smart looking, sol-| idierly man approached them| and listened to their complaints coneerning their very healthy! thirst. ‘Why,” said he, “I think I | might be able to manage two or | three bottles of champagne.” This suited the soldiers down to the ground and the white-| moustached, bronze-faced gen- ‘ileman hurried off. returning shortly with bis arms full of| bottles of cold champagne. The thirsty ones slaked their thirst | and the word was soon around | i GERMANY UNPERTURBED BLAMES GREAT BRITAIN (Special to Daily News.) -The press and public are not at all disturbed by the utterances of Churchill or the naval plans of Britain, Blame for the mad race in naval construction is laid at the doors of Great Britain, Berlin, July 24 German Mrs. Demers and Miss Davis were amongst the arrivals on the Prinee George this morning, The arrived on this morning with a large pasenger list, including a num- ber of Rupertites returning from the south, There were also a number of passengers booked through to Stewart, Prince George lie naught,” the reply. Con- slernation reigned until! the Duke himself set them all at ease by taking care that the soldiers on duty were looked after during the rest of the day. The Duke's story, however, is told by himself, He had just returned from India and was taking a quiet walk in the park, thinkink that no one would recognize him. Suddenly he was startled by a coster’s voice close beside him. “T say, Harthur, old cock, give us amatch, will yer?” The match was handed to the coster, who, not in the least abashed, lit his pipe, and with a “Thanks Harthur,”’ walked on. was favorite LOCAL JOTTINGS. H, G. F. Sinelair, of the Bank of Montreal, returned today on the Prinee George after a two weeks’ holiday in Vancouver and Victoria, | e * from a arrived today to the south. Palmer short visit Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas. Phone Green 391, Govt, Wharf. Victor Newton, of Mayor Ss. M. Newton, who is on the staff of the Bank o fMontreal at Ross land, arrived on the George this son morning to spend his vaeation here. Prince Rupert's leading hotel Savoy. Try a Daily News Want ad. = a meeting a handear, Announcement made that Pte King's Prize at Bisley Baptists new organ appreciat Intyre Hall, Atlin to run as Independent Li | Rev, F. W. Kerr leaves for six weeks | graduate course at Chicago Ald, Clayton calls ‘for enaniry tration, PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR Inquest held on death of laborer killed on G.T.P. by engine George Morrow is announced as likely eandidate for Comox Clifford of Toronto won the ed at Sunday” services in Me. beral, vacation with post. into fire department adminis. sit le