Gordon Munroe MUNRO & LAILEY rohiteet notice that I, J. BE. Porsman, veen : a te ~cE Ry, pation miner, intend to @ iply. to the ¢ hief rh Thuilding, Seeoud Avenue a Commissioner of Lands tn permission Wo] a Le purehase the following described lands oe poncing at a post planted a chains distant and in @n easterly direction er , ASK UNc | from the northwest corner Of Timber SPUANT & rEWANI LE JERRY Limit $900, on-the south end of Lakelse Accountants 2, Lake, B. C., thence west about 50 chains . N e to the southeast corner of A. P. No b a HO 2nd Ave Phone No, 280 “NY 22,203, theneee north one chain (more or prince Rupert P. O. Box 351 ATW jless) to the lake shore, thence easterly ! ” along the lake shore to the point of com 4 uditors for Cily of Prince Rupert | me veement, and containing i" ety more or ‘ess . FORSMAN, Skeena Land District—Distri f © T vc est ’ . j S enED CARRS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A. ee 7 et of Coast, ; hat oo W inster eould{that there would be no gaine. Hefand declared that if the Salmon. tet ae FOR SALE i, Be Ber TE ta i ica © play}aaid that one of the reasons that bellies really exeried out thelr dy | fonebbly ‘de bertuission to purchase. the wesveninet rt te executive of the} the elub had taken this action/proposal it would mean their i oliowing described ands CSLIMINSLOP TACTOSsse Log as ’ € “ ‘ 5 5 oLo j ‘ CARSS Sr ‘es : Co ee Guin Commencing at a post plentea abOUH) Hnain peas t ain (cam as the} was because of criticism not only} proposal it would mean their HarnnisTers, NoTaries, Erc. he see Get 16 Ot, my caains ine northerly direction from|'4i0 reason for hol playing onjof the Westminster player but] finish so far as lacrosse is econ « 000 ea me no : . " = co Albert Block, Second Avenue, uaa ae 4 | nore $0 aenins,” hones Geek at chatna, Saturday, With Tom Gifford andjof Westminster people generally] cerned, ots 13-14, Block 19 ‘0 thine : ieorge . » lai ar lana : enahs , $850 pate +o) Se Gant pains, _tnence cast 40 George Rennie laid off by thelby certain Vancouver newspapers, rhe league constitution is not WM. 8. HALL, L. D.8., D. DS. Sa tees a aa Five. | taining ‘Sone DeMEN . ee ’ ie ae , Jimmy Gifford Con Jones Doubtful. quite clear on the penalty whieh , of 7, 006 \% cas 50 J AU Cc il 3 i Cs Tr : Caner. Section Bix. = £ Eluote, Agent. ~ aul _ Comminetes President Con Jones of the] #!taches to a default of this na- ‘rown and Bridge Work a Specialty. =, ., ;« ™ , ‘ikl Dated April @0, 101 could field only eleven men. For] wan. «i ture. It provides for ¢ ite i Block 28 1,200 660 cas ) » on Vancouver Club would no elieve provide or a forfeit of iI dental operations skilfully treated. Gasand (oi 34) Wieck 98. ‘etoce & cash rub. May 23, 194 that reason they could t ole l ivel i iid not believe a | anasthetics administered for the painless ex- ' 960 cash , ok NOt Pl@y.lihat the Westminster club in. the $500 deposit which each club tion of teeth. Congultation free. Offices Section Seven. Notice is hereby given that 1, J, g.| They have Clarke, Howard, H has posted with the e 8 gerson Block, Prinee Rupert. W412 | Lot 20, Block $0,800; % cash | Stark, of Naas Marbor, oceupstion pros:| Gifford. ‘Tom Ren ‘ltended to default. He said that I ommission, Lot Bh ck 304 06: ik eed oat | totale apptl ation to the epuly Com: bull Mi ; ‘ enue, W. Tyrn-! failure to play practically means|¥Ut whether the membership of on », $700; % east jo take application to the Deputy Com-| bull, MeCGarty, ©. Sprin ; : : fs . , x.M.Manson B.A. W.E. Williams,8.A.. U.t.0 Section Right oo 8 a ar SS ieaien te nana mute, I Turnb . ng, Wies the disruption of the British Go. the defaulting club is affeeted . ipert, o, e, ‘NDull, Hyland ¢ . Ts f ‘ » far ae WILLIAMS & MANSON oS 10, Block 30, $925 pair; $400 cash | thet following deschibed. land, ‘sthated “at Spring and that } and 4 S.Jiumbia Lacrosse Association, for]!!! be @ matter for argument, it : ; yalance terma, ‘| the head of Alice Arm, B,C? Spr an at is the entire list shar p is declared Barristers, Solicitors, ete. | , 40 . he declared the default carries . . , ’ } Fo , Commencing at @ post planted alongside Ss ar oO 0 nee . Box 286 cae wk sik tae cai iii a | ine “northeast Commer post of the River: wi aaa es Ww = other-~ with it the forfeiture of a 8500 Rival Managers Confer » ive or ase : € : outh mineral claim, ne Bi se co jlete a eg as @ . Prince Rupert, B.C | | ve roams house on Fourth Ave., near Mc-| the east boundary of the Rivermouth mine ' ae : 1m, has been deposit by Westminster and also Managers € j “6 2 ‘ le St., $25 per month eral claim 2,272 links, thence east 368, at practice Only once or twiceline memberst waar drat te Saag hea —~ oe nee to west boundary . Re-jand he stated that he would not a hee ae ‘a " the league.|}Gray had a long talk over the . | serve, thence north 2,272 plus links al Jones WAS ¢ B é ). BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT "y HK | d. said boundary line, thence’ west 144 plus play under any consideration rp eae ~ = pinion seat long distance telephone, and Mr. inks to point of Commencement, contain . , ouncemen Was simply} Gray clare . 4 - wi JOHN E. DAVEY eremiah er, Lt ing about five (5 acres more of jose. Protest Threatened, for the purpose of keeping down 2 = lared er ae “ws re oul ve no game, r. Jones TEACHER OF SINGING PHONE 317 Pep her oh tie C., May 11th, 1912 Another reason given by the|the attendance at the game today.}/ says he offered him every in may 4, i ‘1 o” . e ea * - oo 0 ree ek bd. Co ee dinin'ihacnil : ee eat = = “ z saan Will Keep Minto Cup. ducement to play, declaring that Take notice that Lottie MeTavish, of ing to go to Mihcouve that ts If the league breaks up the|!f neeessary he would drop two JOHN DYBHAVN ipienan ts apply’ for ‘permission renee. will protest ' . bh is that It) Vaneouver team will not disband,| of his star players to give West- 5 0 roles i t = i * ac chase the following described lends: > tb ! : on le action Of} it is quite possible that the long|minster a chance to make a . Comr e commiss ers BE P i “a north and 40° ceeite’ east hem ae = D. Peele, ¢ sa a aid Mr. CG. postponed eastern tour of the|/Showing, but the Westminster Coast District, Kenge V. ibeace’ & Sahains { gu of ae Of the Sane Vancouver Club will take place,|™anager stood pat and declared stric ange V, mee 80 2 , ‘hve t e . : Srd Avenue Phone 384 one thence 60 chains’ north, thence 80 eye wat e that thel while there will be Minto cup|that his club was satisfied to chains west, thence 6 B COMINISSION Was si e suUs-~ @ 7, _ post of CoMAORCOMeD!, Gnd’ Conteibing endin oa cen ~ : neu games in Vancouver just the|!ose the $500, nee SErOR, MOFe Ot OTTIE. M*TAVION pending Rennie and Gifford, why! same, ‘The Vancouver Club will] When spoken to after this Mr. ; . 8 SH. as ‘ s are ine ) , Dated April 1 wn eel ast Ne ' yeah Why] not give up the Minto cup until}Jones declared that he was ee 6 é J Ss 7° ‘= i : +e or HAYNER BROS. Pub. April 96.1928) . eae 1 of oneand flesh of the] it is beaten for it in the regula-| “through with Westminster.” In UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS GENCE tion manner, The Vanecouver|his opinion defaulting of a game Funeral Directors skeena Land District—District of Goast, Cup Trustees. Club will sever all relations with} meant the forfeiture of the fran- Bra Ave, sear 6th St. Phase He. 8 Take notice that I, “nite King, of Mon When advised that Con Jones|t(he Westminster Club, said Mr,.|¢hise and as he read the consti- in 1838 John Jacob Astor bought jrost, occapetion soiheter, tates rohowtay had stated that there would be no|Jones. tution that way he did not intend at forciosure, a farm in what is nee nee: . . sedi al more games this vear, the mem-| President Harry Cowan of the] te send his team against West- 20) yencin a a ° . ‘ j ” Gene a enna. chains west Fr boutheast eolner ot Lot bers of the executive did not ex-! British Columbia Lacrosse Asso-|™inster again, , city for | . o148, thence west 48 chains more or less reas ¢£ ‘ ; ‘he state "lé . , of . . E. L. FISHER The present value of 900 lots em- §)\0 cast by Lov 4131, “thence south 30 ~ arden ak te rae tated, rea an a , told of the inten- The Westminster View. chains more or less to southeast corner o iowever, le 1 * Jones ap.jlion oO sstiinster fe » Funeral Director and Embalmer — in = purchase is $3,250- Lot 4131, thence east 10 chains to gorth * : + he hi a th - Bee si nad A , ; he vet Fe! . ! we How the Royal City regards the . wane 2 » 000 stor foresaw the great fu- east corner of Lot 2658, thence south 20) ='5't¢ 8 decision the question}; aee ec 0 take any statement, ee ture of New York, and ne and his hains, thence east 36 cliains more oF less of tl ustody of the M , thought he vd it ld r SHuaES Saas eee the| ’ THIRD AVENUE PHONE 366. children have profited by it eins te Oe at ce oe Re ee a a ee ee se opined it would result! ¢iiiowing paragraphs in the} > E na y . chains to place of commencement, con-| would be left in the hands « »jin the association ass ‘ ie : | OPEN DAY AND NIGHT alutne 100’ aunes mete Gree woun if A the hands of tne] is ts oclation passing out Of! wosiminster News: HILDA KING. eup trustees. Members of the| existence, , W. RK. Plewin, Agent executive refu | { on Westminster wae tie ' Y ‘xec , ‘eo ser 0 e ‘ess PORCHER ISLAND is going to ex- posed Labeieo Veney, Agrll TOM, 9i8./ alae — Vancouver Executive Meets. fijoiie of lacrosse long before gand atte. 6 few yeare you ’ em nise = — ing = action The Vancouver Club executive] Vancouver was even thought of, | scones. rom - ene ans Sheena Land District—-District of coast, Hts i ake as to dates for! held a special meeting to consider|and the period for taking or y Range 5. uture games, ‘iene he he yt ioe dicine 2e bought property at thie time. $| Take notice that Alfred E. Wright, of| a ‘ jthe situation, but just what the|brand of medicine that has been —_ Why not be one of them? icon ste to pene oe ur | ret intimation. }club proposes to do was not made| handed the locals during the past . chase the Rives described lands: There will be no lacrosse} public. One thing was made] few weeks by those in power in snhasiiiniiiaen c . om . nce Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. | sereeeans cones af” toes oa A=} game in Vancouver tomorrow] clear, however, and that is there|the Terminal City was expected No. 63 Here’s a Chance lene to Lakeine Lane, thence, along lake afternoon owing to the loeal ex-| will be no more lacrosse between|to be of short duration, Matters | feets in the Helgerson Block shore to southeast Lot 421, thence north} ecutive being unable te fleld a| Vancouver and Westminster this|came to a head last evening, and! ee P B ( w a s Be " C np tT Prue fend in ten sore Mook, taining 36 ecres Mane of eae” | lean This was the announce-| season, according to the state-|the next few days will probably Every Tuesday Evening close to the bathing beach. Come ALFRED E. WRIGHT ment given The News following|ment of one of the members.| witness a purging of the situa-} I members of the order in the in and talk it over W. A. Flewin, Agent. : 1 ve ia et . Dated Lakeise Lake, April 15th, 1912.)a meeting of the officers and|Also it was officially stated that/tion in connection with the two| city. are che tod ed.40.vis! aadiehaid ren. May 10, {082 executive of the New Westmin-|the club would hold the Minto|teams, which will no doubt have} oe eon i a . uhee Stieds cheiitik. acaieee Lacross Club, leup till the trustees ordered|a salutary effect on all future! : : ahs : . . Skeena nh istric stric 0} . ony ‘ G BARRIE Bec George Leek Tak Googe S. Mev ; Phe above notice, appearing in| otherwise. games. As one prominent fan . . @ notice ohn eVicar, o > . ster lews 4 > . Senkler . } le ‘esse se as ave ’ ie. occupation railwad plemetnen, the Westminster News, was the | Mr. J. H. Senkler, K. C., the} expressed himself last evening, es aed Av ain teat - a ply for, perestaaton to pur-| first intimation reeeived of the| Vancouver member of the la-|°To suspend to local players may e. ce ve « se ne ono lands: _— ” , Commencing at a post planted 12 chains| Situation. The same morning a/crosse commission, when in-)be good enough, but when it) alhalla of S.H. & E.F. a ete oat Lot sane, = representative of the Province| formed of Westminster's inten-|comes to doubting the integrity (SCANDINANIAN SoctETY) 80 a ale al boda — mots interviewed Manager Alderman/tion to default, described it asjof the fairest referee in the west 0 ss by L 655, . 1 . , ets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8} 29 chafhs to north by Lot 4134, thence} Wells Gray of the Royal City}one of the most unsportsman-| today, then it is up to us to eall| p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. SS pw a Club and he announeed officially| like actions he had ever heard ofa halt.’ "”_ two Lots, block 26, section Seventh | or less. ; ' i Ave #500 each; #300 cash, bal. terms JOHN M'VICAR. ———_—_—— = — —— two ots block 14, section 8, Morse D. J. MeVicar, Agent. SONS OF NORWAY i 506 each, 1-4 cash, balance in Desed Lakate we’ April oth 1912 UITH ee ~O ~-o—o ‘ 1% aaa is months ub ay lo, aad . 4 ets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7|%!** your proportion with me for quick — at 319 3rd ave. All gians are welcome. mn., W. Nicholsoraailey Nor- | 339 Third Ave. ROUT FISHING Kitselas =~: B.C. IRST - MOUNTAIN CLIMBING | Hour Journey From Prince Rupert Big Canyon Hotel CLass - ACCOMMODATION e Have the Following Cheap Properties For Section 7. 15.16 oh; 1-3 eash, bal. 6 and 12. Section 8. ls 18-19-20, Block 20, $400 each; 1-3 cash, bal, 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12, L 32, Block 3, $450; bal. 6 and 42, Brokers and Financial Agents Ave. Sale Exclusively ~17-18, Block 29, $500 6 and 12. bis 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair; 1.3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 ts 12.43, Block 18, $950 pair; 1-3 cash, 1 Harrison & Company Prince Rupert =~ Firet Avenue Phone 186 | FREE! FREE! FREE! A big beautiful 88 key electric player piano, worth $1,200 given away to the pool players in the Base- ment pool room, Empress Kh. Love, Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Shop, Gow Bay Agents for imperial Gasoline motors. one Biue 269 BINEERS AND MACHINISTS Prop., Prinee Rupert ~to-Date Equipment, Work and P. O. Box 967 LAND PURCHASE NOTIC e Take THE DAILY NEWas, H. DOUGLAS P. O. Box 606 (Opposite Post Office) —THE Westholne Lumber Co. ~~LIMITED— Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies Theatre building. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that Madge Kohl, of Mon- treai, occupation spinster, intends to ap ply for permission to purchase the follow- ine described lands Commencing at @ post plantea at the southeast corner of Lot 994, thence west 40 chains more or ies5 to east boundary f Lot 4477, thence south 15.7 chains to north by Lot 4120, thence east 40 chains, thence north 15.7 ehains to point of com.- mencement, containing 60 acres more or less BADOs KOHL, W. R. Flewin, Agent. Dated Lslesise yeeew- April. ‘ th, 1912 Pub. May 15. 191 Skeena Land * istrict -District of Coast Take notice that John M. Buchanan, of Allin, B. C,, occupation teamster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ St planted at the southeast corner of Lot 4450, ee V, Coast District, thence 40 chains north along east line of Lot 4450, thence east 40 chains more or less to northwest post of Lot 597, thence south along west line of Lot 597 40 chains more or less to shore line, thence west 40 chains more or less to place of commencement and containing 160 acres more or . 4. M. BUCHANAN, George M. Shirley, Agent. Dated May 30th, 1012. Pub, June 13, 19142. Skeena Land CEs Reet of Coast, Take notice that treal, conse ap) ly for permission . and. liliam Agnew of Mon- — intends to to purchase the fol- lowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the west bank of the Wocaal River, about one mile above Browns Falls, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 ehains, thence east 20 chains, more or less to bank of Hocsall River, thence southerly following bank’ to point of commencement, to con tain 49 acres more or less, WILLIAM AGNEW, Locator. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Date! May 25th, 1912. Pub. June 3, 1012. skeena Land District Digurict of Coast TAKE NOTICE that see L. Wright of Prince Rupert, married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following Geacemes lands: Comme ncin YA Poste east corner of Lot 5127, 0 chains; thence south 20 chains more or less to the nor- International Stock Food:- ~~ALL KINDS OF FEBD COAL NOTICES District—District of Queen) Charlotte Islands Take notice that |, William Watson, Skeena Land the City of Prince Hupert, B. ©, contrac tor, intend to apply for @ license to pros pect for coal and petroleum on and under the following described lands on the west eoast of Graham Island Commencing at @ post planted one mile east of the southeast corner of Coal Lease No, 7168, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains thence north 80 chains to the place of commencement Dated this 22nd day of April, 10t2 WILLIAM WATSON Pub, June 3, 1018 jor less to the point of commencement, and | Skecna th boundary of vot "Sess thence west 20 chains more or less to the east boundar 27; thence north 20 ri more | containing 40 acres more or DORA itred E. Dated April a send, 1012. Pub, April L. Wright, Kesut. Coast, ’ King, of Moptreal, for Land Distriet ~piaeries of nan rake notice that E us vccupation spinster, intends to permission tO purchase the rohowtag de- scribed lands janted at the commencing @t @ post southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence north ,5 chains more or less to south by Lot s067, thenee West 7 ehaing more of less to eas! by Lot 4136, thence south 565 chains, thenee east 7 Chains more or less of commencement, containing 40 or less } to place acres more nh KING. silewiy gent. Dated Lakelse Vales bah! 191g pub, May 15, - WHY NEW WESTMINSTER TEAM DID ON HOME RULE IS ELOQUENT London, July 23-——Premier As- quith in a speech at Thorton- hough, Cheshire, on Saturday, said, “When the country after a truce of twelve months caused by the death of King Edward de- clared itself in favor of a parlia- ment bill it was with knowledge that the measure would be used first to arry Home Rule for Tre- land, religious equality in Wales and simplification of the fran- chise.” Referring to repeated reports that the cabinet was divided on certain questions, the prime min ister said that never did a lead- er enjoy a greater degree of loy- al and affectionate co-operation from his colleagues or more strenuous from his fol- lowers than himsei? support did MORE WORK FOR THE PURCHASING AGENT [i was announced by the City Engineering department that for the time being Purchasing Agent A. Brooksbank would be able to find time attend to the ac. counting of the department with a tittle additional help. Choicest liquors and cigars Savoy. | | SE me ees uieeoee ieiaiag 208 Phone 245 Graham Kea Canadian General Electric Company, Limited | dgdasctas of coesd’ Geamriptiex y rney, Mgr. Box 974 KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY P.O. DRAWER 1524 HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ THIRD ANENUE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware ‘Stay Satisfactory Range."’ Find It Through a News Want Ad. FARM LANDS PAID UP CAPITAL, $1,500,000, 00 Skeena Valley Bulkley Valley IN THE— IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited Nechaco Valley Fort George District FARM LANDS VANCOUVER, B.C, SECTION ONE The se Look are positively the best to be had. ‘| them and be convinced Block 95 #6500 7 per Lots cash, cent 21-292, #15,000 bal, onee and Terms two years, Block 2, #4500 cash, 7 per cent Lots 1 and @, $18,000 bal Terms one and two years at Both aree double corners on lane and #4000 has been spent on grading theem Bainter & Sloan Phonee 387 2nd Ave. Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid. Lumber Mouldings A large stock 6f dry finish- ing aoe . pene, ee umber a speci ve made at short no Slee. _ Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. - Church Services - FIRST T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Empress Theatre at 780 p.m. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE HALL, 3RD AVE., NEAR 6TH ST. Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at li REV. C. R. SING, B.D. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Granville Court Sunday services at ii 3 and 8 p.m. Sun- day School, 1:30 p. m. Week night services Mon- day, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Saturday. CAPT. AND MRS_ TUTTE Commanding OfMeers a. m., ac RUPERT INN. Pe Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 por day, G. A. Sweet, Manager. GOOD BUYS Lot 31, Block 16, $9,500; buildings; Market Place, Lot 15, Block 33, $12,000; butidings; Fraser Street. Lots 9-10, Block 14, $17,500; facing G. T. P, depot, SECTION FivE. Lots 16-17, Block 47, $2,100; level; on Seventh Avenue, Lots 1-8, Block 9, $5,000; large double corner on Filth Avenue, SECTION 61x. Lot 15, Block 25, $4,100; buildings; near school, on Eighth Avenue, Lot 18, Block 28, 61,200; at level; Righth Avenue, near MeBride Lots and Farm Lands on easy payments, Fort George-—Massett, COLLART ©& REYNOLDS Box 606 226 Gth Sivest §=Phone O61 2