Sale f the buyers TO WALK ON OUR CARPETS akes vo as if 4 id : We have WILTON, veLver, AXWINISTER, BRUSSELS VELVET, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, TURKISH DAG DAG AND CANA- DIAN SMYRNA i» +5 riees et that mu be be belreved Hotel and sh seen ti mild see CROCKERY families EQUALLY - LOW - PRICES Don’t COME to ey TOO LATE at The Daily News “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone Soe. in Vanceuver Vancouver, B.C. iii Dain COUGHS & COLDS »— Mathieu’s Syrup o4 Tar ané Cod Liver Of not only stops a cough but cures it. Its tomic and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35¢ for large bore. Sold everywhere. 3. & MATEIED CO. Pep. GHEEEECOER OF TAR «@ COD LIVER OIL + a = —— = ‘ Estate — —* <——~e ee , DP. WINNES ~ ; Th N ws Classified A S rve € < e e : ; ASK UNCLE Jeppy ’ I ; rtion= = | CONTRACTOR'S OUTFIT : aan THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— = === Public Auction _—_e~ © the sf re ) ca First A ind Seventh St Wanted i HARD FOR Opposite | ; Gestion To MERELY o- =p as! . te 1 ‘ t ‘ MABEL WANTED—Piret clas wood turner. Pr HIPS ENTE a 3rd | REMARKS Rupert Sash & Door 149 S T0 R Saturday, ug. r a ae v ETE furtish ‘a ‘ ’ ring t . | I x : 2 gy ~ , Ter Sect Six WANTE ‘ an f . Pra S san with . 2 — rors wares 85 : . a vf } ‘ 8 . art < \p : ection & 2 h h i Rupe eo : : ‘ ' - ’ \ D I x - 4 _—— =~ i : : e-i M wit! * ; That a ; - Ww h Mi : (raze s . . S Section € in Siinaiaies iscellaneous » ren s ref Granding Contractor's Outfit : Block 30, 9 . tax eure i r . : . » FOR RENT : va a s s ; : : bag 4 FOR LEASE—Rooms ‘. pied by ~ | . « . . a lea of « the B . . Winderers Clu Apply at Warks ake ent ‘ s i . ( Jewelry Store 42-0f " brid ’ That Prov al G - I gula : ‘ : . , . : . Rune — failicak amon @ at, d Jeremiah H. Kusl nn ak Of “ve os g hara I ; » Pier, sla f enira a} ® } PHONE S17 4 se of raser siree r Sixth s : - . : an Pha Ma © k}- #2 Pian Green : ; {73 174 : hree j ’ ‘ 2 . . | FOR LEASE—Melmigre wail. well peated) |) !i\s é ' an h “ sed hase 4 sod lighted. j. H. RUGERS, Phone 116 si balls by ‘ ‘ be . PPLOLLLOLOLODLOLELOPO*OFODS Hobie, ade f he ens FOR RENT—Two suites Orst class hous¢ i i s also 5 posed i > { keeping rooms, also store new build ; \“MK A LIS, A ee | eet img ob 6th svenue pposite Skaung « ‘ are is ‘ Anat Datei as I D y. = Daws . Rink All conveniences Apply . he . —" cE Christan 154-tf ‘ ers i ne } “ - 4 I = A k a King + a i wt sea eo Be = x » th i } fn tt = & : A { = - 4 aA; a - : For Sale sion is also mad i iw. ; . tf Tha hos ¥ ~ EES ee s sp ai shij . ; ; ( | SEROLD furniture f sa at 8 : ’ : v “ : > : 2 : 73 : . . | ys “ N + k 2 Borden St . K es " i SUR DRS ee FOR SALE—Two incubstors, practical) and “as th atit ‘ i i) That . ir jarv ase; enpeesty 104 and 15 ‘pply ))) H ouse i 0 on 9 165-t ta : sery . i) ( ) ( -ann ‘ ) Fanny 90 acres| ; ad a pera i . a asker }}) in 1838 John Jacob Astor bougn dan ; t at forcioeure, a fare what ls s j 4 - ' . _ })) now @ thickly populated district Pita 2 s A in Mew Yor® ty $23,000 _ ss 4 - sis ot The present valve 300 ‘oo eisai | Amateur BID Gaeuis tr atu porcncee » saa = { K 000. Astor foresaw ihe great LAND PURCHASE NOTICES z : , = } V. 1] f}) ture of Mew York, and he and hi — —— i gE of aif y ») hildren have profited ¢ audevi e Fj ‘ , 7/* m La Dis t— Dis a s > - 7 { }) Range IV Mas 2 . ; vif )}} - ae ae snk 6 5 a i st « . a it PONOCHER ISLAND « gone re Rupert upat nletmd & apply © permission + z 4 ea 5 a i F . E J 6 i pand siso in «@ ew } De wing 4 i rida ul will hear people talk ° - : 7 4 Wachine } 2 }—Sena- oa beans ‘telenea y y ve., y i fortunes made by * wm} Perey, of Mississippi, today|® rly _directiog \) 1. ee ee 8 oe wee ins { | Why net be one of en ‘ : Ie ared ha h cigt rin Xt : s =" hold s t ; ») Specia! Attraction t - ‘ a ) { ' arE% vith B re rdin . } ; etle ¢ { . ' . . Qt The laughable e far i Here's a Chance ; t Panama ana as withou B ))) ( { Stee sesso tees teaelona | | FreezingaMother-inlaw | tot svs..c, se “ ” me Ula; -Bul- Séeens Land District-——Disir iN) Sa a 4 h Unite States Range V }) mn and talk i over } ake notice that I, EX T. H Hambiet ) sa } ha ne ana Terrace, B. & eccupstieG engineer, intend ») . ’ ' meen " aint | apply for permission to purchase the { A scream from start t s} Wing Gescribed lsnds i Strong caste, special scer ({ ‘ Commencing st & post planicd om tix ery. One complete eh ( ' sowth bank of Beaver River and about 4% - \ Se ee y George Leek } miles in a Westerly direction - Ny Wes ° ' 2 , star g With moving ii } southwest corner of T. L. 225 ace ' ctures at 5 } ‘ hans south, thence 16 hains ««st,| M on ‘ ebr k i »’ clock ii @ ' rt thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chain: : la j 518 3rd Ave : ' east followimg the meander of river baca|''*' WEN @ se . — { sf! ' to point of commencement, comisining 44 erda' : was a A kK h { ‘ res Mere or . ‘ ; " “ELI T. H HAMBLET ‘ is, ab ‘ es f » New |) The Play Will be from 9 to 10 pm i Per Eli T. H. Hambiet, Agen - . i while fe , \ 4 Dated Jume 10th, 1912 Wests me w ' 55 j Low } Pub. July 16, 1912 e, the axe gla ff | Cis | vy i Cts | Skeena Land District—District of Coast nm Ww crea f t { , ‘ a Range V . ¢ his rie os e tw Chile 10 Cls Av ’ : . aici Take notice that |, Margrite Nix : “ ts & Terrace, B. C.. occupstion wick Bich f tt ws split z his f eeEeEeE—eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , ’ - Ottawa es 24—The June|% apply for permission two purchase the! , aa . 7 ee ————— — _ _ _ EES and 18 following described lands . i pti) List your properties with me mk states shows (that the} Commencing at a post planted of the) brought to the Roval ( bia sale : }north bank of Beaver River and about 4+ . seg total s Canada now t& “|miles in a westerly direction from the| Hospital t ‘ bh Was at-| crecns Land striet—Disteiet. of Coast H. DOUGLAS , n and five million! (y couas marta tense 60 Gnas west 1 by Dr. Rothwell. He is re Range V “ 339 Third Ave. —P.:O. Box }40 chains gor’ mee 80 chains west - an it f three million dur-| mence 46 chains south, thence $0 chains ed to be resting easily “+ : Janes aford, of (Opposite Post Office . mth and a new high} **** lowing meander of river back + ’ = ut pat mberman 7. , : ~~ | point of Commencement, containing 3? — a at ; hase wd. Banks are withdrawing|sere+ more or less wing des ee ‘ United States! MARGRITE NICOLL ome a : ' rey fron Ne lited States} Per Eli T. BH. Hambiet, Agent - “ Rly te yma we ; oaning ‘an Call Dated Jume 10th, 1912 suver, Goout 36 chains 6 ve mh ind loaning ‘ oa al Pub. July 16, 1912 most wes i i Tt hence % » Car ‘ nereas hs aste is chains oe 1 . in Canada increase dur Skeena Land District—District of as , wa thee sou the m_— terly her Cp. nz June by sixty-five millions} Range about 7 sins f wing shor Take motice that i, Japet Traynor . i t 1 ' ' encemet with corresponding decrease iN} yerrace B C. occupation qarsted’ women : " \MES yxP 4 LIMITE o 3 ‘ Can jar ar jimtend to apply for permission to purchas< ated July h, 1042 loans by anadian banks| tptens ewe nested ; , Pub 2 23. 19499 tside Canada. | Commencing at @ post planted om thx Dd - | south bank of Beaver River and about 6% 4 — st Die — " . jmiles in a westerly direction from the a ; ou gs ; | southwest corner of T. L. 2255. thence Take t tha Anthony iwate | Mrs. J. H. Hilditeh was a pas-|80 chaims south, thence 80 chains wes! Now Beale yn R Kitsumkalun : mbernis ! a oo thence 80 chains porth, thence § ‘hate . = ’ -" : ; aaonm aoe : . ’ . senger south yesterday on the) cass following meander of river back | Kinsella was drowned toda, ar aon Pie , All Kinds of Building Supplies ohsin. }point of commencement, containing 44 e un g al a . ed ata acres more or less he top of a twe storey | a he Tr. P. 5 inte the hyune ' Per Bu T aa ebion "ies = He had gone the as Riv . oa See we st from Fi A Phone rT} . , — , most westerly point of | 17 thenee Pirst Aw Dated we 10th, 191% release a f : and a half ! a ‘8 cl ait * along the ; 7 i “_ ’ py 9 Pub. 3 *6, 1012 water He a his right ght way et hortherly and west —— Skeena Land District—District of Coast.) . : - rly about Ma wing sh Range V. ‘ dow : h ait pipe ind as sland 1 ADE nCement Take notice that |, Frederick W. Vin- p., pologsed tt bbish the ANTHONY LUDGATE “— t) cent, of Kitsumkalum, B. C., occupation Sm wine vw SUC~) Dared duly Oth, 1096 PRINCE RUPERT FEE | Gre warden, intend to iy for permis : h shing wate sucht do J 25,1012 [stom to purchase the following described ude hh His a was drawn ' oe mmencing at @ post planted in tm a 4 { FOR UTH oan eel oS, ae aon oh and = became DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Rig stock of all k miles in 3 Westerly — from the) wedged in tl pit Notice is hereby given shat on ones Garden Seeds, Tir hwest corner of T ©. 2255, thence ~ : sito “a i weemegttiiiante 46 chains morth, thence 160 chains west,|————_.__ ———s | & cee ae ee Clover and Gra thence 4¢ chains south, thence 160 chains c : . ; ’ me : I the i Steamshi; ' ast. meandering river beck W potni va : ’ - oe : ob eltor : 7 —_ pany's steamer Chelohsin left for] sammencement, containing 640 scres, wore) Ay Bytpa Week's Pay Fy at mba.” bas| Mail Orders Prompily A ’ : been this y diss 5tu meeme der apt the s th asi evening with a PRED W. VINCENT 4 > a = the sa - > y ~~ Dated Jute 9th, 1912. Wh a - > 2 +. Ah ee ecord load Besides the append. Pub Juis 16, 1912 sen your Savin ags Hank ome: i "the a ir arts rebiyy “end all on { ed saloon st there were 152) smeens Land District—District of Coast Account reachesa reasona! Je ershit Bg = wil be paid by the said Ageats jateraatioaal Stock fw wi third $s a8 ; Range V . eorge M. Beirnes, provided bulls { sare 2 = me . passel-) vaxe notice that |, Seymour Tray amount the interest berius ure presented : re July 1. 1949 ALL, KINDS OF FEI gers The first iss . n-j|ot Terrace, 5 ccupetion $=physicia u } M. BRIANES ; M MI, jimtend to apply for permission to pu: to teh. i MULVANY eluded ajor “ore irs, Gree chase the following described lands c Hazelt B. tote Miss Minnie Gree Mr- ‘ Commencing st 4 post planted om 1 me work who had ; : ems Lea | south bank of Beaver River and about 2 . mem, Who had 8 W. Wartz, R. Mackay, L. Vessuer,} miles mm a westerly « irects o from | few hundred dollars on E AG F. Hayburst, J. H. Griffiths, T. G Se cham a ceeds br ‘aie deposit, said that the Inter ‘ | ~o » 60 s west , Said that the Interest Wa J. W. Patlersen, G. Sileax, enee 40 chains porth, thence 14 haims ed like + SMITH & MALLET I east, following meander of ri t seem kK eceiving at o , W. C. Flewen, J. M. Baker, D. Bj] potmt of commencement, containine 6s I al g an THIRD AVE FOR Young, Mrs. J, H. Hilditeh, George] *t** ™re or ae pee. extra week's pay each year. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and : s o vu } al > ’ Mills, L. A. CSingleton, A. BR.) Fer ET. it Hamble, Agent They all had to start once. Sheet Metal Work Phe Liverpool & Londo: 4 inka Seed tadie & Praia Dared June 9th ete Lose no time in making your Office: Sed Ave Workshop j ae y 6, tess 7 a. ’ Prone 114 dad Ave. bet. Tth and Sth Sts neurean . W. MeGu , Kk. ©. Munsen, M jSkeens Land Dist District of Coast initial deposit Dollar : ed I W. G. Moore ‘ : unt i J . Take notice that Alonao Hambiet starts an account in The Phoenix Assura Prof GOdium : Harpe Bob | Everett, Washing: secupelion® engin ' ; ' k ae — imiend ap permission to j don - - ; Schm { - : “}cRase the followmg deseribed lands THE BANK OF FREE! FRE N. Craigte t J. Sha BE. « “ _OGMRenCIng 41 & post planted om thx E! FREE! ‘ ~ . north bank of Beaver River and about ¢ \ British Phe British An 4 1. Anders sO SOD, | me . Wesier direction from thx ca : 7 ’ Goat ~~ 2 Harry |* vtbwest rhe iv. L. sess — ot A big bea f 88 key ‘ hans t mace 80 chains wrat EAR “ Davis W alte (wes \ A.) thence 6 aa” Geen Tn’ alteies S IN BUSINESS elect player piat worth \ omer follow bac "i Ward, William Brow! “S rot tne bee Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 $1,200 given away to the ® + os nn ete oe I players im the Basee Al O HAMBLET ; Green 391. Gov Wharf or tn FE _ a-~ ee. Prince Ru B ment pool room, Empress ( Lid ! neh Alice B.. W. J. Thomas gh ap - re &. Ss. pert ch, Theatre buliding . 0., ’ ‘3 - S. LONG, Magager . SRCOND AVBNU!