THE DAH? SEW AILY NE "4 7 eg a wages | THE DaiLy News FRANK | See P. COAL Sige SoD cna SES & ees Se Cnet BEING SLID awa ae = LANDS UP RIVER AFEST TE PREECE RUPERT PUBLISH CO LID. PRINCE ELPERT. BC TWIN SCREW STEAMERS PRAMSUENT DISPLAY ADTEETISI;—s evs per met Cmte cate ON si e eeneral exces from th DESCRIBED “PRINCE RUPERT™'s AND "PRINCE GEORGE” @ egphrcater. MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © ao i. e 7. 7 t Seer Tee ‘#6 1] ah SUBSCRIPTION RATES—Te Canada, Unite! States ant Mexicn— Dan, Sie has DT eee ger meet, oe Bh.G per peer. inedreee «=Weeett, S20) per peer «2A OT OU} wns — “— 4 ‘ Weekty service to Port Stmpecs, News. Gre: Other Gourtrice— Dally. 52.07) per pear, Weekly. £15) ger peer. etrietiy © O* ce wie ; Chariotte Istemte erode ode . : : . r HEAD OFFICE here are mens Predas ine . ; Regular satings for SUGGS Maser! and Vencouve: _ : hare . os &s . re 5 . r service to Sinem roseime fr Prince us . Deir Mew Dang. Pet Pr Raper, BC Totes se | ae AR MAY | wt] romngragaet tre meee! ; soe wt > = . ’ : SRANCE OFFICES AND 4GEISCIES ai, Cate dined . os ' ‘ Cheap ‘Gasureien Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System Mee Yous — Meters! Newsqecer Berwes. PS Leet Diet St. New Fore Cots me Sry Srousgn — : , s : Between om cage and af putnte East canecting ” ‘ ‘ et ws prepere itiperer * £ a He ] Saartis—Page: Soust Newer Co 7 o tg = : : en 7 : } me > ae for off Atlantic Greemenip Lines. Ger ef tate — : me) Lewpes, Becias> —The Clongter Spriteete. Grant Trove Butieg Trefaige: 72 = 2 ' . - a oe : x ‘ a © MeMASTER, oe =? = Es ; : . 2%2 *pely & Seueecnspees wil grestiy «ige fy premets colieg op Phorm % & com of aereivery omelet ow Ste pert of Ue new! corer ES aaa ee aapebneiaiemneniietl ocetaee oe ates — ae a ot Satie On aol “3 ye ' B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE Damir Eorrox. gp Pawar. JULY 28 rst sod Mrjminion Larres — v et VOY Hoi ty Soongtan ' n- last ewek that bere : . a PRINCESS a } ee . tam could be bs e+ & few days 2 . ght s . SUPEBTS PALACE 01 comer | || |] Daily News on Daily Doings |} <<: -2 2 Ss ric = = - é oe ivan, makims a rearuts ‘ + anecs : sais : : h ad - a ——ae ~~ me # _ Rez : « : as ; i an. The we , +: talinienee , : S. S. Princess Sophia : gm he ands A a ns 7 N PROSLER. Over be prairies the crx ix) *? *™ Gret sinde of 1946. and di = wey Pr ; 773 Best room in town at the Savoy Saturday, July 27, 9a.m. K ox of ‘ Sin . : as , oe i a c councii«c seem always i ae r= ee —— RAB, Generel Agent jomme kind of a Gs over ther : [ jest sae ¢ tarves a aT wielics. = is ce es . wasiineniinaaatl - engineering Separime-ni- if 2 be rete , ae ee ae a cily Bas 2 Oo COEmeeT 2t- - #2 2 F< Tre Ses & ta once a eae aa o — : eee ae y EASTERN ecumoenicalix. 4 is ten 1 ue ne — —— ; BESNER & BES PRETO thet S= o = properiy appre- tae ‘7 & sufraz as e Koot Hs 7 ai~d f ts bas 2 . nan a hate - clase seri acon | od. Mf a tity bas 5 me ampest, and the | Excursions === met tommpetenit engimeer. be is gen- Minmaster has acel bis en- Ne) erally as baré to dislodge 22 aie esis ts @ aliaet. FIRST AVENUE E RUPEE an ottepus im a rock clefi. As age of men there. Anda by the a ru © mw far *ae2¢T > te bese a goed man (ban for =: g remariab’s 4:ficult Sic iiieiaad temp. itupes . re gh z Hotel Central <= fry's) ‘ ee ee nn nen ee DVERTISING has established a new : “oeteal ae 2 Circumstinces and the Mayor| SOS? SUOT-C0UE order of things in commerce. It has = \3— ea 3} Seeaene | i Fe Rave sateen the ally to. se Pane an gametes J become a mighty power in business prog- or Seattle will 3 romants condiHicn of a No- frank Bear Gress ng} - | el F vember rose garden. Over the| the Toronto branch of the Can ress; a complex yet comprehensible trans- Lo reed tip step i rent 1 > a a Ad ston dg alet din aale Os mitter of many parts for the distribution ee ee eee d Hot a & list of some half s hundred) ssi must have wider markets.| and selling of merchandise and service. Rogers’ Steamship ~ iin ote ae ani ws eae — oo A aor . . - "- well ae ; r Workingman’s Hom mail tat de” Miekaetion ik @iiele. ho ates canada as 1 af Its function is fivefold: bottle prowides us with cold drinks Agency Free Labor Barras (oem Phone 178 2 if = closely cultivating th< © throbgh the development with the weather at 9 degrees or GEO. BRODERIUS P ropretor i imgering rose of the Gear { diversié- anufacturing To enlighten oreducate— to create gives us @ warm beverage when Jack h old garden. the Council i« at odustries west of the Great new wants or to satisfy old enes— to Frost dips at 40 below. present wrestling And tke’ (Laies Wie he - benef ; protect and foster legitimate enter- bi eRe Sp ante. Sa eter st Se noe prse—te Stabish a seeds faders advertising bes elevated OOK. COMPANY OF B.C. Lit — is oo oe * Band bette? 3*¢ z 2 . —_ " i i than 2 buack on the bush? B ian a aie on we i se the standard of business ethics. It ; wae 6 oeaee eo bese: Se _ — 2 . > seller as a bests. for mutual profit -. j She iseuble is thet the lest sh . = bose € sal dean aie ia alle tiem protects the manufacturer from un- The new steel Passenger Steamers t lingering rose bas be per- he wes gage agri-'§ “san . 5 : scrupulous competition and the con- New Wellington Cos = | i suaded (co express even an in- ot gareniia’ ba 6d Ad nomical price and the maimtenance NR a OR Ge ‘“ 99 Coast elination to bleom supreme in: bere would be found anz} of a fixed standard of quality. enaiie a iii Phese 116 ; Rogers & sem garden of emginerring mn ae — ; a one None iow better than the buying creates good will. It enables the cor- groetas. re ge a : lin rial public how well these functions have poration, the manufacturer or private ot! been fulfilled. individual om trial to take his case Girectly to the public. and to secure . Tae : the public’s judgment on his policy i | «(h Collingwood Schreiber i¢ re-| be im the west = prairie broten| ae cutene peas or character besed purely upon their “fell I ported to have stated that there at frequent intervals by be processes. The producer has taken sespective merits. = ad we: English and Amer ; is a great shortage of men of towns and populous ec ities us, the consumers, into his confidence = ‘Unelohsin” - Wednesdays af 7 p.m. | Twelve Tables pane i? the G. T. P. and that work ie whee hives of industry af- and told us just how his mince meat, Mod ‘ — : = “C i Saterd be proceeding quietly im conse- forded the farmer a profitableh his flour, his clothing, etc., is made. new opportuni pe mean : = 2 5 quence. | W. W. agents sap arkei for everything he pro- We know why cértain things should van Se . = Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening it that the work is so quiet im| duced. he felt sure they — or should not be. Advertising has and poor of far-off lands. It has = and Monday morning. respectively L. A. Barbeau —AND - “Camosun THE IROQUOS Lane Prince Rupert tor Vanesuver POOL a 2 aer 3 ura SHORTAGE . If ‘the manufacturers aid Mod OF MER. 7 «peed the day when i é ah id} ma advertising has given us an here = , MOMENI) nr = nn peat KOE ~~ | = | & | | on bi ares 7. Fs some quarters thal as ai the be acting not only in their own a , ‘ turned an unceasing tide of mmmigra- - ft building of Selomon'’s temple est. imieresis {f a uwnited tion to new countries. It has de- None safer on the coast than these two Cartage, Goel ° i oe there is no sound of hammer Canada and a united Europe ing and guided our judgment. veloped nations, and made the name fine passenger steamers Reliable Messenger Servic be el * Modern advertising has enabled* of the New World a promise of better wa — I} us to unlock the treasure house of things among the people of the Old. J. H. ROGERS, Agent Ph 116, Phone 58 736 3ré THE “DO THINGS” SPIRIT. the world’s divinest melodies through ; Hs ileal lin the medium of the player-piano. All this advertising has done and | ee " A Better boost things than knock when the boosting is true, The motor car has lengthened the will continue t> do. It is the ever- i Sly sides B M but the best for the town is what business men do. ; business day and brought the fra- increasing influence for the advance- LINDSAY’S “ARTASE se¢ er. 10! i" \ grant countryside to our door, Mea ment of mankind—the most potent, ORAGE } es ed shave in comfort in ten minutes where iiideed, of the many forces influencing G. T. P. Transfer Agents The up-to-date House D¢ they used to take twenty. A magic human action. =~ yoo. tors of Prince Rupert H Canadian General Electric Company, Limited : itn envi wat adsertising problems is ascilable through et eee Phone @& Sign Writing. and Contracting Machinery ~~ agency or the Secretary of the Conedien Electrical Apparatus of ever). Geacription i Pope dscsciation, Boones. Dour se ahr et Littl’s NEWS _Paper-Hanging, Our Specialties Magazines :: Periodicals : —— ey —— —_—— hoe \WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS 4 : Sa al aa CIGARS :: TOBACOCOS :: FRUITS c , Find It Through a News Want Ad. sa N Sa ttre. mw ate ae tn Se “oe Phone 156 6 : | ; ) What the City Ed. Don’t Know About Flashlights Ain’t Worth Soles a : Drawn for The Daily News by “ BOSS, iF You WANT ME TO TURN @ND ASIC 1 - AA simeeon NIK NOV Tee A FLASHUGHT EVERY Boy wii Presse | > ¢ 772 f PHOTO TONIGHT-— SHOW HOLD STILL AND LOOK MORE rr » =| BOSS —, rat ME HOw 'To USE THIS FLASH re jo ss Was ena wer syne j