Gordon Manro W. Nicholson Latley af MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Seeond Avenue. | | e sm | STUART & STEWART Accountants 9 2nd Ave. Phone No, Prince Rupert P. O. Box uiditors for Gity of Prinee Rupert} No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening 280) city are requested to visit the lodge. saeniert, | A. H. ALLISON, N, G. ED CARSS, C. We B.A. ; Y Detect Miplagabte B.C., On Sas. | W. G, BARRIE, See, Manitoba Bare. hewan 7 CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Albert Block, Second Avenue. OTC, (SCAN DIN ANIAN Soctmry) WM. 8S. HALL, L.D.8., D. D.S. DENTIST. p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert Lo Lodge, 1.0.0.F. “Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 - BRITISH COLUMBIA'S SUPPLIES OF LOW GRADE TIMBER MIGHT __BE SENT TO GT. BRITAIN 351) All members of the order in the | | Canadian timber exporters rs have} —— coe from time to time informed of the great demand in Great | Britain for pit props. The vast Staffordshire coal flelds are with. in a short distance from Birming- ham, trade and commissioners }are assured that quotations from Canada would full Dominion receive The cone sideration, ex- rown and Bridge Work a Specialty. | 1) dental operations pate & See Gas and porters will see in the -under- seal tomb. Conmation tren. Others: | Borst emai | TROUT FISHING’ MOUNTAIN CLIMBING Five-Hour Journey From Prince Rupert Big Canyon Hotel .M.Manson B.A, W.E. Williama,8.A.,1.1.0 | WILLIAMS & MANSON | Karristers, Solicitors, ete. | Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.( » ROX 88 PRINCE RUPERT Kitselas -- B.C. JOHN E. DAVEY First - CLAss - ACCOMMODATION TEACHER OF SINGING quoted table competitive coun- tries and the magnitude of busi- transacted annually. * The sizes in demand are 6% feet by 3% to 7 inches; 9 feet by 5 to 8 | inches, 13 feet by 6 to 12 inches. The diameters refer to the smaller end of the pit props. Smater |sizes are also in but the | above are considered as the usual | standard, i Wood and ‘Timber. ness use, . oF wm. JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate Loans and Insurance ‘We Have the Phone 884 Following Cheap 8rd Avenue Properties For UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS Funeral Direetors d Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 Section 7. Lots f5-16-17-18, Block 29, $500 | road and street car sleepers, In | each; 4-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12,)View of her abundant timber Section 8. } areas, Canada should devote spe- lhots 18-19-20, Block 20 400) °'"! attention to the requirements E. L. FISHER each; 4-3 cash bal 6 and 12 a Bonetn o-ratiroads ‘and ILots 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair; municipalities. Tenders are ueu- t. 9 tai bal 6 oain 12 ‘jally invited a few weeks prior to THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. | Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 pair; |PTo/ected construction or repairs, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 4.9 each. bal, 6 dnd 66. and the business is generally se- ir ot 32 Block 3, $450; 1-3 cash, leured by a timber broker, who in) | a hte jturn places the business with} om 0 Ber; 6.and 48. es of the timber importers lo- sr eated at the larger ports, if he SONS OF: NORWAY Sam | Harr & Company ome not happen to represent a} ets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7/ ue: arrison foreign or colonial exporter di: m., at 319 3rd ave. All Nor- Brokers and Financial Agents |reect.—Trade and Commerce Re- ians are welcome. Second Ave. Prince Rupert port, Sale Exclusively maiross and Street Car Sleepers. Pit props or pit wood 1911. PRUOGIR! 65s iced Gas ve £1,729,292 SON - 544s becuase 472,144 SOUNET £656 04k TK 190,361 PGOPMANY oo ccs iseses 19,968 ty. Bee pees rrr. 659,817 PPOVUEGR obec eis cts 243,993 Me Sein dh oe bee ves 60,481 | Other countries..... 30 Total £3, 376, 086 office rail- Enquiries made | reveal a heavy by this demand for ;the Works Department, jof the es, THE.DAILY NEWS. CANADA MIGHT SEND RAIL TIES The Works Department of the State of New South Wales re. cently eatied for a supply of rail- read ties to be used in econnee- tion with an extension of the from Wagga to Tumbarumba, this state. Over 70,000 ties were required, and despite the fact that the needs of the Works De- partment were advertised, line duly no one has as yet made the offer to supply them. It would thus appear that the local supplies of hardwood are being steadily reduced: for bhun- dreds of thousands of hardwood ties have been and are still be- ing imported from this state to the other states of the common- wealth as well as oversea, and it is now becoming a serious ques- tion as to where the supplies re- quired for local consumption will have to be drawn from. Assur- edly there is still a fair supply of growing ‘timber suitable for this purpose, but it is only a matter of time when, unless the greatest care be taken of refor- estration, it will be necessary for and also the Railroad Department to pur- ehase their requirements from districts beyond the state bord- This condition of affairs is peculiarly interesting in view of the fact that the railroad lines state are controlled and operated by the state government and not by private companies or ers. corporations, —- U, 8. Consular Reports. Nothing makes a finer polish for tinware than good wood ash. business between St, John the outlying towns of the In former years everyone to the city semi-annually goods; now the outport to buy store merehant does not supply may ed from the city mail, The* country ous at present, and the by prosper- prospects is for the immediate future, at least are bright. One evidence of this may be found in the fact that there are not workingmen enough to do the necessary work at the various industrial centres, such as Béll [sland iron mines, and the Hamswoerth pulp mills at Grand Falls; together with new industries which are being established, Two New Railways. Two branches of railway are also under construction, one to- another at Hundreds of ward Trepassy and Heart's Content. men in addition to those already employed are needed for this work; so there need be no person who is able to work unemployed in Newfoundland, Many who dur- - PROSPEROUS OUTLOOK NOW IN THE FINE OLD STATE OF NEWFOUNDLAND, BACK EAST The spring trade in New-jing the winter seek work in the foundlaud has just closed, and|/ Sydney mines come back to take the volume Of business in fish-|up the fishery during the sum- ery outfitting and cash trade has! mer, the) offered in this industry are being growing)! paid this season, been large. A feature of general trade that is more conspicuous every year is} the inerease in the mail order! andjon the island. came} lation is; enue so much in evidence that what it} procur-~| dition is more striking by reason jof the }surplus of about and higher wages than ever A Doubled Revenue ancient colony has been uplift for some years and although the inerease in popu- during the last decade is j}only about 10 per cent., the rev- of the country has about doubled in that period, This con- rhe fact that there has been no increase in duties, but on the contrary the duties have been re. moved from several articles, explanation, of course, lies in the fact that the earning power of the people has increased, The revenue for the year 19114 exceed’ expenditure by about #73,000, while the year that will close in a few days will show a $100,000, Last year the imports had increased to the value of $600,000 over the year before, and it is thought that the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, will show a like result. —~Department of Trade and Com merce, Gold or silver card cases are popular gifts just now. The ideal gift is one that can be worn for the wedding ceremony itself. LYNCH BROS. omer * The|- SECTION ONE | These are positively the best to be had, Look at them and be cotivineed Block 35, Lots 21-99, #6500 cash, bal, 7 per cent, $15,000. Terms onee and two years, Block 2, Lots 1 and 2, $18,000. Terms #6500 cash, bal. one and two years at 7 per cent, Both aree donble corners on lane and #4000 has been spent on grading theem, Bainter & Sloan Phonee 387 2nd Ave. J Georgetown Sawmill Co. Lid Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are aslow as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. General M. erchandlse Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. Largest Stock Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. ———— EEE eee F} +++ ~~ 6: = H. R. Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. Shop, Cow Bay }. Agents for imperial Gasoline motores. \ Phone Blue 2568 - P. O. Box 957 SSCS AE TEIO DHS ——— ISRO Geo. D. Tite’s - Furniture Sale EVA OS WILL CONTINUE FOR BALANCE OF MONTH 3rd Avenue GEO. D. TITE, “The ome F Still Great Reductions in Our Complete Stock of House Furnishings. Dining Room Reductions Never Before Equalled. Our 20 and 25 Per Cent. Reduction is Proving the Great Success of Our Sale. Buffets, China Closets, Bedroom, Living Room and Kitchen Furniture in Large Varieties for Select Choice. See Our Wonderful Bargains in ALL GRADES OF CARPET SQUARES. NEW DRAPERY GOODS Just Arrived at Sale Reductions. er” Prince Rupert OO Oa LS lL SSS CARE CEE Cae