Removal Have you been to Hart's Big Furniture Sale? That the question that is being asked all over the city. Those who visited us a week ago and who have returned to secure other snaps are filled with wonder at the business we have done in that short time. " We don’t wonder at buying when our prices suit so well, do you?) Then come along this week and help us to clear our store. As we stated at the commencement of our sale we are determined to sell article of our stock and the idea in our minds is not what did we pay for this article, but clear it out at any price, is people every Dressers, Chiffoniers and Wardrobes at Extra Special Prices . Chairs from 50c. Each LINOLEUMS 40c. OILCLOTHS 20c. NOTHING IN TOWN CAN TOUCH THESE. Now is the time for Hotel and Rooming House Proprietors, We Fear No Competition. BIG FURNITURE STORE “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - Phone 8500. ’ Vancouver, B.C. ‘the south of her. | Britain | mately $30,000,000, of which only SOME trite Dainty : Lines “gui MR eR EE You may purchase through our mail service at the moderate prices of the im- porter and manufacturer: Ornaments for the hair in all the newest effects.; card Cases and Mesh Bags of finest design and workmanship; Sterling Silver Vanity Boxes and Jewel Cases; pretty Beit Buckles in sterling silver and enamel; long Chains at all prices and in all styles; Toilet Goods of every description in sterling silver, Birks’ ivory and ebony. Our illustrated catalogue, representing the many fine tines we are in a position to offer you at right prices, will be sent free to your address upon request. Henry Birks & Sous Jewellery Mail Order House Geo. E. Trorey Managing Director Vancouver -: B.C. | $500,000 | last | creased her exports of machinery rof | 1908, ) mately | foothold in this market TO CURE COUGHS & COLDS »— Mathieu’s Syrup ef Tar amd Coed Liver Oil not only a cough but cures it. Its tonic and restorative properties enable the system to permanently throw off a cold. 35¢ for large bottle. Sold everywhere. J. & MATHIEU CO., Pep.. GHERBROOKE. MATHIEUS SYRUP or TAR «@ COD LIVER OIL — ee et “The News” MERELY MABEL REMARKS wondering china shop in a rose That she whether a bull is worse than a garden. is how : ina camel That the blanket bearers still marching in steady on the way to the golden harvest fields, are exodus That many of them will reach Prince Rupert again via Tete Jaune-Pass perhaps. : —_>— That under the early closing bylaw storekeepers in Prince Ru- pert able to keep pretty wide seem awake. That the last rose of summer seems Willing to waste its sweet- ness on the desert air, That the seat of a city engi- neer is apt to be a thorny one at best, and no one troubles to strew his path with roses unless you count the ‘newspapers. CANADIAN MACHINERY IN GT. BRITAIN Apparently the United States is | the to largest foreign exporter | Great Britain of all kind of ma- the ex- machinery, chinery and tools, with of ‘elevtrical | which is chiefly drawn from Ger- | many, |} tion of Canada’s ability to com- It is therefore a ques- the great factories The total im- by Great approxi- pete with to of machinery last year were ports from the During the Canada has in- worth came possessions. years British four (ineluding agricultural) by 50 per cent., but very little of that increase registered in her trade with Great Britain. On the other hand, even the purchase her agricultural implements this country were $122,000 last year than in the year although it must not be forgotten that the total imports of Great Britain during the same period show a decline of approxi- $974,655. Germany is gaining a_ strong for agri- as will be is by less undoubtedly cultural machinery, gathered from the following: 1908, $30,850; 1909, $54,535; 1910, $83,595; 19414, $98,610. NO BREACH OF CLOSING BYLAW For alleged contravention of the municipal bylaw in regard to e fearly closing, Isaae Grossman | faced his worship this morning, | In these strenuous times of com- petition in business it appar- } ently does not do to offer the least }loophole whereby a competitor fcan consider himself in any way | handicapped in the disposal of and the raking in of the Mr. Grossman in master. of his own Case @X- | plained to the satisfaction of his |honor that the faet of admitting to the store during the proseribed lhours a eustomer who merely Wished to carry away some clothes jhe had left there after garbing himself in one of Mr. Grossman's j ew and nobby summer suits was | the cause of all this perturba- tion on the part of his brother in the of the jzealous observation of the early i closing aet, foods dough, ily defense merchants cause i Gruel, when properly prepar- ed, should be a little thieker than cream and should be absolutely i | free from. lumps, Classified Ads. =(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion= ~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— lot Wanted Prince | 9-tf Ap Second i750f wter and orderly month with board Superintendent, w7atr WANTED—-First class wood turner Rupert Sash & Door Co i4 COMPLETELY furnished modern Nat ply 735 Washington Block, avenue. Phone 38¢ WANTED—A man for | work; Wages 850 a and = room, Apply | Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital will deliver Fresh Crean “Milk, Buttermilk Cream to any part of th Wi | Miscellaneous b. rer Os es ee city twice a day ual antee everything pure On and After Tuesday The Royal Dairy and lee e occupied by} at Warks 142-tf FOR LEASE—Rooms Wenderers Club. Jewelry Store. now Apply ANIMALS IMPOUNDED. dog and one city pound ten days of destroyed One yellow and white low are impounded in the For Rent if not rear med within j} notice will be sold of persons Claiming said animals must ost of this add and such provided by the Pound bylaw 1, 2 o'clock, any day up THOS, O'BRIEN, Pot PRINCE HOUSE on Fraser street, near Sixth street $25. Phone Green 338 172174 FOR LEASE—Melatyre Hall; well heated, aud lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116 FOR RENT—Two suites first class house keeping rooms, also store, in new build ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating Rink. All conveniences Apply Tony Christian, 151-tf Qmwermeem, Apply to July nd ee For Sale { —- > + yi sale at 8? 71-172 . i71 practically A ¢ Apply HOUSEHOLD for Borden St, FOR SALE—Two new; capacity 0. box 860. 165-0 FOR SALE—By owner, 160 acres; 90 acres open meadow land, balance timber; good land; the pick of the north of Graham island. Will make @ fine stock ranch $20 per acre, Four miles from swore and P. O. Apply to A. M. Miller, P.dah, B. C., Graham Island. ai2 furniture incubators, under the 104 and 150 onipanys name Lid., of M Vancouver is which | mat direc aging holds 28,000 il Morice acres of cot on the headwaters of Telkwa_ Hivers, tributary to dermere. The company is ing LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Skeena Land District—District of Range IV. Take notice that |, Frank B, St. Amour, of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation pros pector, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the east coast of Banks Isiand, about five miles in an easterly direction from End Hill, thence south twenty chains, thence east eighty chains, thence north twenty chains to beach, thence westerly along the beach about eighty chains to place of commence ment, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less. FRANK B Dated June 20th, 1912. Pub. July 22, 1912. Land District games of Coast, ooo of mies in share $100. Its k tions are 35 distant f the main line of the Grand Tr Pacific Railway. two the had years company drills al testing t far pre WOrkK They workable ground, have so only fout of the following dimensions: 1, 4 feet thiek; No, 2, 5 feet th No. 3, 6 feet 2 inches feet and Mi estimates work so ST. AMOUR thick; thick, the establishes a skeena Coast,| *» / i inge Y. far Take notice that I, Eli 1. H. Hamblet, of Terrace, B. C., occupation engineer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 44% miles in a westerly direction from - the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains ‘st, thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains east following the meander of river haca to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. ELI T. H. HAMBLET. Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent Dated June 10th, 1912. Pub. July 16, 1918, Land ESes rms of Coast, probable 70,000,000 of tons coal, I do to complete their plans. next be to eoal reach move will open u mine Aldermere till next the railway point. The company have Skeena ;° . Take Margrite Nicoll, of widow, intend purchase the o notice that Terrace, B. C., occupation to apply for permission to following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the north bank of Beaver River and about 4% miles in @ westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. 2255, thence 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains east following meander of river back to oint of commencement, containing $20 acres more or less. MARGRITE NICOLL, Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent Dated June 10th, 1912. Pub, July 16, 1912. Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that 1, Janet Traynor, of Terrace, B. C., occupation married woman, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 6% miles in a westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 646 acres more or less. JANET TRAYNOR. Per Eli T, H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated ‘e 10th, 1912. Pub. J: ‘6, 1942. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Ran v Take notice that * Frederick W. Vin- cent, of Kitsumkalum, B. C., occupation fire warden, intend to apply for permis on to purchase the following described aida: Commencing at @ goes Planted in the north bank of Beaver River and about 2% miles in @ westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L. No, 2255, thence 40 chains north, thence 160 cha west, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains east, meandering river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acres, more or less, FRED W. Dated June Oth, 1912. Pub, Suly 16, 1912. Skeena Lind District-——District of Coast, Range V Take aotice that I, Seymour Traynor of Tervace, C., occupation physician interna w apply for permission to pur ehase the following deseribed lands Commencing at & post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 2) miles in & Westerly «irection from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains east, following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less SEYMOUR Per Eli T Dated June 9th, Pub, July 16, 1942, skeena Land District , ° Range V. Take notice that |, Alonzo Hamblet, of Everett, Washington, oecupation engineer, intend to apply for permission to pur. | chase the following described lands Commencing 4t & post planted on the north bank of Beaver River and about 6 \& miles in & Westerly direction from the! southwest corner of T. L. 2256, thence} 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, | thence 40 chains south, thence 80 Chali | east, following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing $90) acres more or less ‘ ground past five years. The every summer for coal is bituminous, of fixed The seam is a good coking coal. are twelve of on the ground, but those item are the only ones of workable tent, the others being only f to two feet thick. The is clean. Analyses the to ryn from 6 lo 9 eent, The fapital of the says the B. C, Mining Record, been privately subseribed, and stock is mainly held in New Y The property was examined reported on by H. L. Hawkins carbon, seven about seams one show per cent, M Madge—f theught you ed Charlie better than Jaek? Marjorie—But Jack Brooklyn Life, has | posed, TRY A NEWS VINCEN' When your Savings Bank Account reaches areasonal-le amount the interest bering to tell, One workman, who had a few hundred dollars on deposit, said that the Interest seemed like receiving an extra week’s pay each year, They all had to start once. Lose no time in making your initial deposit, One Dollar Starts an account in THE BANK OF TRAYNOR H, Hamblet, Agent. 19142. District of Coast, 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS Per Eli T, Hy; Hamblet, Agent ALONSO HAMBLE' | Dated June 10th, 1968. Pub, July 16, 1942. ‘ F. S. LONG, Manager. Doekrill penalties Keepe of} the Prince Rupert Coal Fields,} | of tor, an Al ‘or porated with a capital of $5,000,- ea. rom unk During the past two hein ved seams of coal No 1K; No Dockri dom supply of ‘hey Unreserved RUPERT COAL | FIELDS | lands | ‘| Amateur j j j have six weeks’ more drilling t it Che} pa The railway will not} fall,} now and analyses show about 60 per cent foot coal) ized eX. rom coal ash pel company, has the ork and ik. WO. WANT AD An Extra Week's Pay British North America Prince Rupert Branch, however, and they can do nothing} i toward getting in machinery till! | is available to that} done development work on their] | \esianed Estate of \, D. M'INNES In He a ASK UNCLE Jep o Ry NCE RY, ~ ®) or CONTRACTOR'S OUTFIT BY Public Auction on the spot First Ave. and Seventh 8t Opposite Central Hotel ON Saturday, Aug. 3rd “ AT 2 P, M. Lo Frank A, Ellis, favored with in Mr hk 0 estate A. D with torner structions from Reitchel MetInnes, out Granding Contractor's Outfit Including assignee will sell as above reserve steel rails trucks omplete Thirty tons {0 sels car gin poles « cables outfit, drill steel pulleys, ith’s drill 11ockK Blacksn Jeremiah H. Kugler lj PHONE S17 —————— ey POLOPOOOTO THU, Quantity Hammers, saws, picks, shovels Chains ro be sold and usual sundries without reserve ELLIS, Auctioneer, Prince Rupert FRANK A UES» WESTHOLME | Opera House }) : in 1838 John Jacob Astor doug | at forciosure, «a now @ thickly populated deve in Wew Vork city for $23.00 The present valve of 300 lou braced in that purchase is 6.26 000. Astor the great > ture of New York, and he oem children have profited by \ i 4 cS. | o F 4 Y ~ Vsyp nc’ farm in whet of foresaw V audeville Friday Eve., July 26 Special Attraction PORCHER pand also will hear 1SLAND in a Ss going & & few yeart yw people talk abovl & fortunes made by tho bought property a thie time Why not be one The laughable little farce Freezinga Mother-in-Law Here’s a Chance Fruit land close to in and talk the bat over ) A scream from start to finish Strong caste, special scen- ery. One complete show starting with moving pictures at 8 George Leek { 618 3rd Ave The Play Will be from 9 to 10 p.m. Entire I ; Baleony 10 Cls Dosseecorooroererer ett wer | oor > Cts i5 Cts.; Children ; and 18 1 your properties w sale H. DOUGLAS 339 Third Ave. P. 0. Bor (Opposite Post Office th me List Skeena Land District District of Range V fake notice that I, James Coxford, of Pembroke Ont, occupation lhumberman ntend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at point where G, T, P. Rly. intersects the Zymago itz River, about 26 chains southwest from most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence easterly hains along G. T. P. Aly. ment of Way, thence southerly and westerly about 70 chains following shore line of island t) point of commencement JAMES COXPORD ivi? 1912 Coast, THE Westholme Lumber Limite Lumber - Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies ‘8 Dated July Pub July 6th, 23, Skeena Land Ldstrict-——District Range V that I, Anthony kitsumkalum, oecupation lumberman, tend to apply for permission the following described lands Commencing at & post planted at a point where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago Ute Kiver, about 24 chains southwest from most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence easterly 48 chains along the G. T, P. Aly right of way, tience northerly and west erly about 60 chains following shore line of island to point of commencement ANTHONY LUDGATE 6th, 1912 23,1012. of Conat Take notice of in to purchasr Ludgate, Firet Avenue Phone! PRINCE RUPERT FEED ' Big stock of all kine Garden Seeds Clover Dated July Pub, July DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore subsisting between the undersigned as contractors and carriers, under the firm name of Beirnes &* Mul vaney, in the town of Hazelton, county of Atlin, province of British Columbia, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent All moneys due to the said partnership are to be paid to George M Sslrees at the Mice of the said partnership, and all part hership debis will be paid by the said George M, Beirnes, provided bills for same are presented on or before July 1, 1912 GEORGE M, BERIRNES, LYSTER MULVANY , dune 7, 1012 and Seeds Mail Orders Pro . J roid Agents laternational Stock ALI, KIND py PReD Hazelton, B. ¢ 320 — WE ARE THE AGE SMITH & MALLETT WE THE THIRD AVE Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 3rd Ave Phme 174 ROK The Liverpoo! & | Workshop Insuranc tnd Ave. bet, Tth and 8th Sts Phoenix A London, |! rhe FREE! FREE! FREE! Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 The British Aim A big electric $1,200 given beautiful player SS key worth away to the pool players the Base- ment pool room, Empress Theatre building. piano, in Naden (o. bi GR SBCOND AVBNUF