i} —_ ——_—_——— ay =| THE DAILY NEWS GS Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist VOL. If, NO. 178 | Prnice Rupert, B.C., Turspay, Jury 30, 1912. MIKADO DIES: CITY ENGINEER: MASONIC EPOCH | | } BANK OF MONTREAL MAY LET SHIP STRUCK [“scsasse’"="") BIGSMOKE MARKET FOR MUNICPALS LONG LIVE THE mikapo! MAYOR AND COUNCIL GO AHEAD SUBMERGED | ‘<~.."-;.,.-- | WILLBATTLE ISNOT VERY ABSORBENT NOW: WITH TREASURY SCRIPT SALE ICEBERG) <8... NOMORE =» MORE INTEREST POSSIBLE after the death of the Em on of the sale of fur-[by the sale of the first ones} | peror at noon todas lhe | ania} i r ‘ . : : 2 ivy. certificates which| Which was 98% less the bank S| gy ty toga News. . date of the funeral of the . (Special to Dally News. Financial circles in Montreal city has never since been able to igain at the Council three-quarters of 14 per cent ee ., Sy 30 rhe dead monarch has 4 yet Chicago, July 30,Jack John-|are interested in Alderman L, A,| set @ better offer than 97, which at evening: poems eg( mmission. Phere would be no} * vamer Inventor is in port to-|% been arranged son tonight declared that he is|Lapointe’s suggestion that the offer was received in January. t had reached a defin. commission charged in the pres-|“@) in a disabled condition the! ‘ | through with the fighting gamejtime has come for the city to in- ’ ma age = heeds $13,000,000, rhe attitude of the ent case, only the exchange hav-|result of eneountering a sub-| _ ? se a "| for good. The promoters, he erence ie vais of dabeunes-theak 4 as 989 0,000 is required for the fet! ; follows :| 28 to be paid upon receipt of the] merged icebergk in the Straits of or said, are unwilling to pay him]... oil a : current year’s undertakings, in k of Montreal is as follows: money here. The motion to ac- before the vessel could proceed! the purse wanted per cent. to 4% per cent. It will] addition to the $7,000,000 or last hough it does not seem) oon the offer if it still remained|.° '*!¢ Tt was necessary to}here, When she arrived she was| Eases he necessary for the city to ob-|year, By advancing the interest husiastic about the city's good was passed, the Mayor sug- jettison the deck cargo of lumber! two feet down by the bow | fest room in town et Savoy. tain the power to accomplish this} to i% per cent., interest would g re money by the sale gesting, however, that Me. Clabey | from the Legislative Assembly.|be stimulated, he thought, in treasury stock, if it is should be first communiceted.arith = Alderman Lapointe declares} financial centres, and bidding {absolutely necessary, then again in the matter in regard to that money is becoming dearer| would be more active, says the sed by its London agents}iaving an interview with Mr and, to a considerable, extent, he| Monetary Times. he offer referred to may be Siehen: : mr. lays the blame of the diffieulty of Notwithstanding the faet that pted . ara s money oe tne low|Calgary is a popular borrower i) x a short discussion in ; rate of interest which the city is|and the price of the new £500,000 ’ the matter it was . wane Bank in mupert. prepared to pay. He refers to seating tot was not unreason- ht out that the bank seemed The Canadian Bank of Com the fact that New York is com-|able, it was not attractive to the iboring under the impres.|™erce have subscribed $5,000 to- pelled to pay 4% per cent. in| public, 85 per cent. being left on hat the money was required| Ward the relief fund for the suf- order to obtain par for its loans.| the underwriters’ hands. fresh undertakings rather ferers in the Regina disaster. lle refers to the fact that no bids The city of Toronto, after re- the completion of the one . —_—_——_ were sent in last year for the|/peated attempts, has sold in $7,000,000 loan, and assumes|London £1,000,000 sterling 4 per bjeet, namely, the earry- Messrs. McCaffery & Gibbons rhe s f leg 8 e e s ) e question of the appoint-; qualifications of the several ap-|declared that the going through that this may have been due to/cent. bonds at about 91% net to rward and completion of)}offer for sale complete house fur- ment of a city engineer to sue.|Plicants, it was quite evident that) of the applications was not a dro electric jee The a s The house . o . 5 . . : — the placing of ¢ »¢ » mee ~ om rr dae oe . te a ee. ee _ [ceed Col, W, Mahlon Davis, lately|!! ¥4s a mere matter of form and mere matter of form, Alderman bet Z ane a sorleas, iron er aa od declines to “ Mr. i ‘ i e, . a la that the seleetion was a foregone Morrissey was entirely opposed to , a =! y toe y price at this als of 98 was rather bet-jtion Five, and modern in every igned, was finally disposed of; |, clusion, He favored the ap-|the consideration for one mo- which occasion the city secured juncture, the purehase' being in that which was obtained| way, can be rented for 835 tf} last evening at the meeting of the pointment of Cy» Donnelly of|ment of the application of Mr. ~ high rate of 101.115. Thatimade by an outside firm of Council. In aecordance with gen-! y mnipag, Wines Stedentials wand! Uidadllle ou tab eicunds that o was eighteen months ago, yet the] brokers. eral opinion in the eity, the se-) fr the very highest, embracing; man who held such phenomenal] — ” ISITOR OF TRAIN TRIP ection fell upon Mr, A. E. Mason experiences in every part of the! eredentials and letters of ree- Upon the matter coming up in the) pry pire He favored Mr, Mason’s|ommendation from practically FIRE LOSS ON CONTINENT urse of the general business, nn of the different eou being retained as construction all the rulers INTEREST TO PLANNED FOR nierest was at once aroused | engineer, Alderman Douglas con-|parts of the British Empire amongst the public, as well as in| eypred with this and considered,| should not consider the accept- FO ONTH OF JUNE 1912 9 ? t (lo il, as was t he uneil, as it was known that/as did also Alderman Maitland, ance of such a comparatively criticism existed regarding the) jpat tonger time should be givet f ANGLICANS THE MASONS ippe intment of Mr. Mason in the - the meiiaeadiicadiieced so roy eee ee ee ee WAS SIXTEEN MILLIONS light of the credentials and quali-!),ortant a matter. | pert's, fications set forth by the three Alderman Montgomery con- —_—_—_—— Sydney Gould, M. D., ar- In connection with the e ming] he Princess May yes-| yjsit f th t i off | fu ther applicants whose names Enough Time Wasted. sidered the discussion of Mr The fire loss of the United] following table gives a compari- i ay - sit o e grand officials o ‘ i i : 7” lhad been mentioned for eonsid \lderman Dybhavn was most} States and Canada for the month| son of the losses by fire d ind is the guest of Bishop| yaconie order in Geant abe ' na Manel af Week oe A alae a that Donnelly, personally, bad taste} "* i ane osses by fire during Vernet Dr. Gould is the . Pee hy Pe cern e es en eee and beside the question entirely of June, as compiled by the New|the first half of 1942, with the retary of the M British Columbia, the Tsimpsean Minority R more than suflicient time had al-| re . i! secretary of the Mission- nority Report. |Upon a ballot finally being taken York Journal of Commerce, shows! figures for the same months in Society of the Angliean| lodge have in view a trip on the| Alderman Bullock - Webster! "eady -been spent upon the mat-| ' a total of $16,108,450, ¢ ; 1911, together with the 1 F . Caneél train as far as Van Arsdol, leav- the result was as follows: Ma-|# total of $16,103,450, as com-/ 1911, together with the losses for h of Canada, and is on a a ’ presented a minority report stat-|ter, and it was to the interests} ms . ared th $20,691,950 J the balanee of those : spect \ he|ine on Thursday about 9 a. m., ’ : lson, 5; Donnelly, 1; Fawkes, 1./P4red with $20,691,950 in June,/the balance of those years: ed eee ae t 1 t th ing that while the meeting of ajof the city that a permanent ap-| : 1911, which v lly ; 1088 1949 he proposes visiting this|"4@ving lunch a rere and re- committee of the whole had been|pointment should at once be} Mr. Mason was therefore duly] ** > ‘ Vas unusually heavy, ae inn tena ven ane a company with the Bishop on ¥e. can ne Hy a ostensibly called to consider the} made. Alderman Dybhavn also] appointed, and with $13,183,600 in June, Fobrsery 6-638, 0e2 $5.20! 088 Metlakatla, Kitsumkalum,|"*': mS. WOUIS Give Sas Gts- 1910, which was about a normal}apri .)))))! 670, "394, vo Stewart and Granby.|U"«euished visitors an opportun- i RE cn way ; ; 21/499,000 dtro1s.080 i iranby. record for the sixth month of the] june”: 20,691,950 16,103,450 r some years he was a medical|ity of viewing the magnificent ar. The ; 9,691.7 $134 5 ary in Jerusalem. He will} Scenic beauties of the line along year. Phe losses for the first] ota .$129,691,750 $134,417,750 ich twiee in the Anglican the Skeena River. half of the year reach a total of The Monetary Times’ estimate , ' $134,417,750, as compared with|of Canada’s fire ioss during June h here next Sunday, in the " $129,691,750 for the first six| amounted to $4,229,412, and $14,- ne o s prese ne Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. xe on his present work and re months of 1914 and $99,228,850/740,499 for the first six months evening on Palestine Phon : for the same time in 1910. Thelof 1942. HE GRANBY |S. S. OMINECA CELEBRATE LODGE CONSTITUTION MAYOR OF GT.P-BONDS. GOOD MONEY) NOTABLE TRIP "ssn. sits, "osama es Ma's] BEA ERAUD! ON PRAIRIES other Prince Rupert will take place this} Mr. Burns, grand syperintend- Prinee Rupert will be in attend- week, The Tyee Lodge, A. F. &! oy) for British Columbia of the|amee to assist in celebrating the \. M., formed two months ago in| Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Ma. |@Xtension of the work of the or- (Special to Daily News, The Saskatchewan government time} sons in Canada, will accompany der in Northern British Columbia] — Wetaskiwin, July 30.—Mayor| has agreed to guarantee bonds the party, and will on Friday On Thursday evening the Grand| Knox has resigned office and tor eonstitute the Kaien Lodge officers will visit the|shortly after disappeared. His 'Tsimpsean Lodge, which was|whereabouts are a mystery. The iformed in this city some two] Mayor, it is said, received a cable| Prince Albert and Swift Current. Captain Jackman, one of the best known and most skilled river steamer skippers in the lidated output totalled 14,- north, tonight brings down the this city, ard sinee thal working under a dispensation the first six months of its ent fiseal year the Granby Grand Trunk terminal in O84 pounds of copper, Oper-|Omineca from the Upper Skeena, Regina, Saskatoon, Moosejaw, s for full fiseal year will|/loading with wood at Kitsum-|W!!! on Wednesday night of this , kalum for a long trip. The] Week be constituted as a war- evening }Chapter as a warranted chapter f the Grand Chapter of Canada, ake such a. satisfactory : ae nt a aniael © ; ; ‘ile as Was expected, how- Omineca is going sout!. te ya aon one pl faa Banquet Will Be Held vears ago. The various visits and| from Aberdeen, Scotland, and the|Mr. E. J. Chamberlin, president owing: Ka’ neh cea 2 Oy Rew Oe: O87) oh inh tiplaaibin | _ : ceremonials will by their dignity] police claim that he is wanted;of the railroad, has issued in- : ' ‘land Howe Sound in conneetion - | \ffer the constitution of the, and extent mark something of} under the fugitive offenders act,| structions to have the necessary company's production for} with the new railroad under con- Arrive by Prince George. Pyee Lodge on Wednesday even-;an epoch in Masonie progress in}He has been sought for at leasi; Work undertaken without delay. var will only be in the vicin-|struction by Foley, Weleh & The Grand Master, whose home| ing a banquet to the distinguished) Prince Rupert, two years. He has been mayor| arly action will also be taken 13,000,000 pounds, as com-| Stewart. When she arrives in here since 1910, to complete the Grand Trunk ce Pacific into Prinee Albert, and ( with 18,000,000 pounds in|the south the Omineca will be : 3 sitsitahaiiacdl receding twelve months. converted into an oil burner in | Signs Up the Pole. earry out the proposed = pro- Nhe two specific elements] tine with the up-to-date advances GT. BRITAIN’S PANAMA The matter of placing signs on| #ramme in Regina, ineluding the i have been favoring Granby! in steamship efficiency, poles came before the City| erection of an hotel agreed upon CANAL RIGHTS DENIED _ feity ag ‘tn Gane oF ' IVE | ALIVE AFTER Couneil last evening, the city so- with the civie authorities. il year have been steadily insure Phone Employees. Special to Daily News. licitor promising to take up the sneer aiaieminnemimiaaneareN, matter with the chief of police Chelohsin Earlier. ‘reased prices received for At the report of the Finance Siiitice July 96, , ber and lowering ils cost of| committee last evening it was de- F IG SHOT The right of Britain to par- BAD FALL and see that the ordinance against! This week the Chelohsin enters duction to a point where it is|cided to insure the employees of ticipate in the legislation for using the city poles for that pur-|on her new schedule, leaving telephone pose was enforeed, Prince Rupert on Wednesdays at under ten eents a pound.|the eleetrie light and the eontro! of the Panama s has resulted j , , Z it is the intention “il P oe Bcd CHL DAE R as ree ilted in monthly net) systems, Also wouny rhe near-approach of the fir- Canal was denied in the Last night the baby son of 5 p. m, instead of as formerly at nes of between $4130,00 and)to insure all city employees as Senate today by Senators ' ial : Subscribe for the Daily News.|7 p. m. it 10,000 they are taken on ing of the big blast at the point Brad) ay Tt . Charles Thomas of the Fulton ’ ) . radley anc assey, ey ® — ——$—— $$$ es a on the G, 'T, P, right of way, close contended that not only aed Street Cash Market was playing —$—__— ——$_—_— a to where Johnson's boat house the United States right un- by a sidewalk six feet from the PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY has been for so long located, is der the treaty lo regulate her 3) ground level, The baby fell PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR . . a . own affairs, but . . ine 0 » ear ‘ : : Japan's Empe d ‘ Pri Yoshihito take beginning to eause perturbation Me a i ie v ee the pur headlong to the earth and his Prinee Rupert Hydro Eleetrie Co, purchase power boat vape Ji ror P ‘ ‘ ’ ACS ‘hase » @ » re. + ” ath 06 aaa ae jes at noon, rines amongst the several owners of cemtann ae on yo Dee | forehead was seriously gashed by|%Strongheart” and arrange to commence work up river, 5 0 ‘COSBSION, ove’ e > e . 1 Jack Johnson declares he is out of the pugilistic game for ihe mosquito fleet, Captain from intesaannaen oe Si a broken bottle there, Tt was at Indoor Baseball League sehedule is first published for kood, . é, Babington’s float has already _— first thought that the ehild was Prince Rupert. U.S. Senate denies Britain's rights regarding Panama been moved to the Rupert Marine dead, but Dr, Kewgert, who was Schoo! Board decides to alter and improve old schoo! build- ‘anal | Fron Works, and it may be deemed| _ SS i siantiy called in, dressed the ing on Second avenue to serve as infant side school, Steamer collides with iceberg in Belle Isle Straits }necessary lo proceed even farther! favorably disposed to having them| wound and fonad the youngster Vv aoe > ‘eae wee g i arrived by steamer Couneil appoint , ‘ity engineer. before the big blast is fired, Thers oe oni , te. jotherwise uninjured, The child enture, “Goes Prince hupert in auto oar Bank of Mo tr al — ee weg ae ale by Mayor §| , good deal of weeping and anywhere wlong: sae wasenteont) is barely three and a half years River steamer Hazelton manages to make trip to her name- Montreal may reluctantly assent to sale b ~~ | . nearer than Seal Goye, } F : . sake ity first in spite of falling water ‘nd Couneil of treasury serip outside Market for muniei- va x amongst the small boat lold. He is doing well today, after : sh 8 pals is Unsatisfactory , lowners at the diMeulty of finding - “ miraculous escape, Conservative delegates in secret meeting decide on three liiportant Masonic ceremonials and banquet announced, la mooring place for their erafi Launch Alice B, W. J. Thomas, . names of candidates for distriet at Dominion eleetion, | th a. T. PB. not being at all) Phone Green 301, Goyt, Wharf, Best room in town at the Savoy. or al