eal = z “i pee ™ Legislative Library z| payness AND DESPATCH | CHARACTERIZE THE i Camosu ’ b me eee Memnengae | Bam Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist LOCAL STRIKE EXPECTED: NEW BRIDE: ROSES WIN PE ig NEW OFERACOMPANT STRIKE 1 CALLED FOR BY ®,%,¥.Xeme anne ack | | i amusement le ublie} le. ¢ egatio 0 m | m , a ae : ree ~ , my - n known a th A host of smiling friends were| mained obdurately until Mr. and t yer : ac ‘ olle ~ 0 t » ene f ; » 7 7 if wi ve gia é ; are wh made ha big | down at the wharf this mornin g| Mrs. Kerr came smilingly down 1c . 4 hat there arrived on success on the Pacifie Coast in| |to meet the Prince George, and| the gangplauk amidst showers of re s or P e as The e e osto , , a : this m a ta the pa : ras Juvenile Boston | |welcome the return of the Rev. ro and congratulations, I the maneger oO ie) ians, who have played the opera : *. W. Kerr w ride a octal” 4am: aaa indies’ Voaiavin, ced Ue feet 7 Ws Rers with his bride. Mr. | Roses Football Club \dvanes of bis Sompany|fopoliten in Seattle, have just re and Mrs, Kerr were recognized at| \ special meeting of the Roses ‘ll preliminary arrange-|turned from a most successful once by their many friends some*/is called for tonight at 8 o’elock th impany arriving on|engagement in Honolulu, where| time before the boat tied up, but|in the Maple Leaf Gafe for the ind opening that eve-|they took the Island eity by storm| ™%¢ Upttine labor agitation has|ference regarding the situation.; Pat Welch is in the city, and ae a ope and excitement| purpose of selecting a team for he Westholme Opera; The length of their visit here is|reached Prince Rupert, and a Interviewed today Mr. McDou- it is understood that he has made . ee Ot ee a ne eee Ceeeee Sane h the Irish musical play|not definitely decided yet, but} ike h number of passengers they retir-| - { Blandeen,” The Juv-|they will put on a dean ot ge. strike has been declared by the gall remarked that as far as his arrangements for the prosecution @! to the saloon, intending, they} Chief Back ire said to be extremely] gramme each evening, They 1. W. W. organizers affecting lo- men are concerned, he docs not of the various works in his firm’s re sadab ili Pare an che. ee Wate A sania ae a assured of a hearty wel-| eal labor on the drydock contract greatly apprehend any disaffec-| hands, strike or no strike, conditions. But their friends | from a short buitecks vielt - , for excavation in the hands of tion. Those who care to strike at, The feeling is that any attempt) Y"!" Mave none of it; and re-| the south, Archie McDougall. the call of a handful of agitators, at labor disturbance will be A LEADER IN HIGH SCHOOL in anoured that theme seclrs, may ay of toy sendy spree, and tat tel MOVTOR TRAIN TORPEDOES MAY propose to meet the contractor like. Those who wish to work | most of the men are ready to re~ GREAT LONDON — EXAMINATION (<= seers wens vow to on- wit te ampiyproetes, [ain with the wor BE USED SOME DAY ON G. T. P. DOCK STRIKE RESULTS ‘ENGLISH ROSES WIN THEIR The Railway Commissioners of| persous in one long car, about the Government-owned railways|70 feet long, which also ineludes depen of New South Wales are thinking|the engine. The roof of the ear The result of the high sehoo!l , . > jexaminations has been made pub- of introducing motor trains in|is curved, and the head is shaped | lie. Prince Rupert has one pupil the country distriets of that state|to a wind-cutting edge, so that iof distinguished achievement in for the benefit of settlers in the| the vehicle presents a torpedo- oe ey —— — one in newly settled districts, tas appearance, the round port- vate study, es Ss are as ‘ lows: F * there is not enough traffic to war-| holes accentuating the strange- | Prince Rupert High School rant ordinary passenger trains| ness of the whole aspect of it as ' | i | Preliminary Course Junior being run. These motor trains|compared with what is usually Grade, Maximum marks, 1,000 Phe second league match under = The second period opened much evened up and full time was call-| will replace the slow “mixed’| seen on the steel track. The ade. Mi i ) ‘ , Number of candidates, 5; passed,| he Prince Rupert Football Asso. to the pleasure of one section of ed with the score trains, which at present have to|motor driving the car is of 200 ‘| pae8 ‘ > 9 . - . amas - | ee _ » avi » i: Hunter, Geo. Alex, 535. lciation was played last night be- the crowd, the Rose players dom- Roses, 3; Callies, 2. cover both commercial and trav-|horse-power, the cylinder holds Essington Publie School—Pre-| fore about 500 spectators. The inating the Callies’ goal and once Se standing at present — ara of these re-/| 88 8st of sino an liminary Course Junior Grade . is as follows: mote districts, or passenger; consumption Dems about half a ; vaie started with the Roses hav-' when the goalie was out the war ; ~ ' > tre ‘ . — Maximum marks, 1,000. Number} : : ; Played W. L,|fransit. The motor trains will) gallon per mile. Motor cars of candidates, 3; passed, 0 ng only seven players, but show-| ery was “Has anybody here seen| , allies .... E 2 1 4} carry a limited number of passen-| have now been in Su@@@ssful op- Private Study his anced ed that the Caiedonians were not) Kelly? Hardy took advantage Kilns ; 9 i 4} fers at the rate of 45 miles anjeration in the United States for ; ° . : going to have it all their own/!of Kelly's slip and scored. One! = =’ ’*° : These cars ¢ tween | si ; ar t , }CGourse Junior Grade. Maximum J ca a mt ' j : The Roses have a meeting to- hour. Phe wf cars cost between me years, and they should he 1.100 N be S sand way Hardy seored the first goal minute later the toses were : £6,000 and £7,000 each. Accom-! prove of similar benefit in New | marks, umber of eandi-| , tion aaie Sy after the awarded a penalty kick Hollis| Night to pick players for the next ‘ . . q 3 re idates, 4 vassed. ¢ rallander for it Ose Soon after e awe ad a penalt) CK, : modation is provided for some 70 South Wales. = ote Pe ’ — ‘| Callies made a successful rush on took the kick and scored, but was! game. They congratulate them- Louise, Jane, 632, the Roses’ goal and Stewart equ-' ordered to retake the kick and/ selves considerably on their win alized the seore. The Rose fielded wee Kelly saved magnificently to last night as they were playing THOM HELLEN, MASONIC their eighth man five minutes be- the joy of the Seotehmen, From) shy of one of their best players os fore half time. another burst away the Callies ob.| in Carss, and had the services of ARRANGED {t= verre masons fo Peterson of the Continen-|- POSTOPPIOES PRINCE EE ial Trust Co. was an arrival today AND ALL NEW | Following are the distin- on the Prince George after a Ottawe, Fay Ss -—-Seventy-six The 8.8 Pris ‘e George arr | ue ae : : as Tt astghed mama it the. Wea short holiday spent in the lower! new postoffices were opened in eS. S. Prince 1 Goork arrived| On Friday evening next R, ex sul , ' . etd oast cities Canada during the month of June.} in port about 10:15 this morning} Vnitt y Reviliae, an obscure|Companion. W. BE, Burns, grand} "si ae oar ee City Assessol os McLennan | ‘The great majority of them were] with a record first-class passen-| if the London Dockyard] superintendent of the Grand ee ace = ae ' returned today on the Prince) in the western provinces, thus in™] 2.) jist. There were 160 saloon up till the time the Chapter of the Royal Arch Ma-| W. Henderson, Grand Senior George after a short holiday va-|dicating the rapid settlement of | } passengers, 25 of whom were for | cities, jnew distriets by the record in- situation reached an acute . » Wate ; ‘ ule : 25 . when he suddenly should-|- 7 ee erate te mnen . "Beene Senne Dr, and Mrs. Clayton arrived] flux of immigration this year. Stewart, and 240 tons of freight lis Way to the front with | '°" No, 176, Uo will also install eee Sx amr ee ere this morning on the Prince | The trip all the way up was made # championship of the atigore: Per Wot eyngtes BB. Paul Past Grand Mas- George from a visit extending Miss A. Browne was an arrivallin ideal weather, with the water ‘ if the suffering women, He Amongs® the other notable| id iS eee , over some weeks spent in Victoria}this morning from a yvacation}as smooth as glass. Below are id to have originated the ter- Macnnt joyine jesey ty Sai Wo Burns, Grand Super- and Vancouver spent in the lower coast cities, some of the arrivals: prayer against Devonport] Prince George were ex-Compan- | ~ ee ved Poon lead hae Oe eee Wien Rave: h hassaroused in England in-|!0” James Stark of Vancouver, G a 1 Ohe ar f Gans da Miss A, Brown, Dr. and Mrs ex-Companion BE, B, Paul and ex-/3 [P's RARVEr OF SmeRees. tie 5 ; ‘ a8 } (tion against the strikers’ | ‘ ’ EK. Pal ; on an oe x-Companion J, T. BE. Pal- ' m the part of the religious™}| VOMmpanion J.T. B, Palmer, Vie-| -—? | nsitive toria, Ex-Prineipal J, R, Sey-|3 ™@e?: Tremayne, Dr, and Mrs, Clayton, Mr. Hart, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Leip- m a a mut of Vietoria also accom- oo ay A Moore and Bro. W on re! Toby, ee oar anie e distinguished as- OK, F, Me es 0 me era ouse Miss Tremayne, Col. W. H. Leek- tL. LECKIE OF VAn- wen e mee es Tonight's ceremonials will ie, A. B. Smith, Mrs, Smith, J. F. CouvEn, visits * To ‘the ceremonies of conati-|% Consist in the institution aud . Yiara, Mr, Welch, W. Read, M: a ee ee ee —— ee one Brown, Mr. Rorem, Mr. Lane, Mr, MeNight, G. J. Jessop, Dr. Ewing Mr. Bar- Mrs. Ewing, Mr, Collins, Mr. low, Mr. MeColl, R. BE. Slattery, OPENING OPENING C, O'Malley, Mrs, M. L. Chisholm, — Mr. Pearson, Mrs. Pearson, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Burs, Mrs. Robinson Mr. Rudd, Miss DeLarme, Mr. Cornwall, W, Henderson, Mr. J. Cosgrove and Lang Presents the famous Juvenille “ Bostonians PRINCE RUPERT) iio and installation during the|Z Consecration of Fyee Lodge, §) week all visiting Royal Areh Ma- and installation of officers, { WW. H. Leekie, member of sons and companions are heartily All Masons are cordially im- i viled to be present, i hown firm of mining en-| weleomed, } of Vancouver, who have Tate Os rn ' es’ Smoker. iierests in the Portland Eag! listriet, is im the eity en} OF oe ee oo a DR. AND MRS. TREMAYNE . »>K. of P all, the Praterna Stewart, WILK Dis part ee eee net hold || AETURN FROM THE EAST . AFTER SPECIAL VISIT Mr. Kirkpatriek, to look into] smoker on their usual elaborate ig situation there atfand enjoyable scale, There will 1, Leckie, who is very|be refreshments lavishly pro- wh in military eireles all] vided, songs, boxing bouts and a Dominion, having seen] full programme of entertain- service in different parts|ments, ineluding dancing Kmpire, is Colonel of the Hall, Mr. Sandhill, E. F, Gaston,| With the Juvenile Bostonians in Mr. Lambert, Mr, Newton, Mr. | the “Rose of Blendeen.” Moore, Miss Dunn, Mr. Burns,| - - : Mrs. Burns, Mr, Billing, Mr. Ach- Messrs. MeCaffery & Gibbons eson, Capt. Groves, J, W. MeIn-| offer for sale complete house fur- tosh, | nishings. The house, which is } situated on Fifth avenue, in See- Dr. and Mrs, Tremayne were arrivals today on the’ Prinee George after a lengthy visit below extending as far Kast as Quebee., The doctor's trip was partly of an official nature, in connection } the ' Highlanders _— i 2 ile , . stele : ; pares — Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners with quarantine matters, he hav- Launch Alice B,, W. J. Thomas.|(ion Five, and modern in every ih vancouver, Phone 4. ing spent some time at the quar. Phone Green 391. Govt. Wharf.| way, can be rented for $35, tf - . nites Ghee @ieence Isle, The same company that played the, Vancouver Opera ve House, and the Metropolitan Theatre, Seattle | Quebee, studying matters relating PRIN |to this Department of the Coy CE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY fe!" "wows! CHANGE OF BILL NIGH PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR es . Kerr brings back a bonnie bride from the east tan tor received Qn -enthuaiastic( a F TLY Telegraphic news received that Germany has backed down dsaonie lebrat , at I'vee eleome upon his return, . an " rer Morocco crisis. odge ooteraliene oy Tae Wagnee ee. joe ° P = i eS Opening offering, the rollicking Irish "By ena cruiser Niobe is reported ashore off Cape Prince George passenger list; many new arrivals. TENDERS Musical Comedy Sable. Bie tle is declared on loeal work to take effeet tomorrow on K. M. Piteairn and Dunean Me'Tavish each win $170 in Sal. "Ws of contractors, and meu's offer. renders wanted to eomplete| “a Th R ” mon's sweepstake Miglish Roses win their first mateh of the local football! grading of lot 12, block 34, ad e ose of B deen Mayor Manson, 8. M, Newton, O, H, Nelson and Dr, Clayton ‘Bue pe our premises—contain all at Kitsumkalum making speeches. Doe, Jremayne . e ) » ards o } . , » Me yber ave the . sip Dee remayne and Mrs, Tremayne return from extended triy lin Soe ut oF vee of voek 7 Prices—50e, Be and $1. 00 Seats on sale at box office ane ae ee 2 . have the time of their young = illace o., Ltd, } Frida : tw ¢ » » ’ ‘RS et, he funny side of the Regina eyelone Burelar's queer a y eon ae Jue m. Boxes reserved Permit is issued for 8. M. Ne. ton’s residence on Fifth ave. ' Borden's view of the Hritish Navy in battle tine Choicest liquors and cigars i or parties nue, costing $3,000, | Bavoy \s