AND DESPATCH CHARACTERIZE THE Leaialating Library 1B WORK a —_———" VOL. IU, NO, 180 "4 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., THURSDAY, AvausT 1, 1912. THE DAILY N Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Cameosun Prince Rypert sm vireless, and this was d by another «despatch ken press had her bows and her four com- filled with water, The struck the Helvetia cutting her in two. ed vessel sank shortly Ml i Aug. 1.—The C. P, Empress of Britain, car- 700 passengers, col. Priday evening with the Helvetia between Cape} | 1 and Fame Point in a ews of the accident | QOuebee about 6 o'clock | (. P. R. EMPRESS OF BRITAIN CUT A COAL STEAMER IN TWO G. T. P. WARE- was s docpetotio’ to her, ing Lord Strat ling sent at once. The progress back to port ivery slowly, steamer of was the her which tI ac vessel peded m wreckage hangs bows. The and Allan me of Pretorian the transferred t mail were THE For hou B ten twenty-four ” maximum m., Aug 30.0140; passage passengers the hee wreck ma bhe- Th vessel complished being im by the ovel stood and © her WEATHER. rs ending arometer, perature, BY EAGLES oking coneert given by roal Order of Eagles ng in the K, of P. hall - always the case, a most and enjoyable affair bers of the order wer? strength with a friends, and the to box- with a brat full hei given over ests, songs, etc., supply of the most refreshments, and all enough to be a huge fortunate adit success, AMPION SCULLER OF ENGLAND DEFEATS ARNST OF NEW ZEALAND Aug. 1. msculler the _Ehest Bar- of England, world’s profes- lille by beating the hold- hard Arnst of New Zea- the Putney to rowing his of. sec. famous after standstill. minutes 8 course, to a 23 ed slightly at the start, J8 against Barry's 36, his lead to two but Barry then improved mn, the men being level half way. Barry then “ily drew away with a clear it Barnes Bridge, which he lo two lengths, This further inereased, and gave up just before the post, FIRE THE BiG CONTRACT COYOTE SOON ‘ reased ved ie night or early on Saturd ing, “THE ROSE OF cal Comedy Comin the Westholme musical com Blandeen, Juvenile Bostonians at the Westho on Saturday edly the best this favo been supplied. Blandeen fairly excellent comedy, The new Rose of wl wil me Opel evening, vehicle company h The sparkl eatcl tl han an is wi rite and pretty girls. while pal parts are in the lightful little The is far singers scenic year suprior by musical The new ly earried songs and of songs that sing for m companies, ed are all catchy order, whistle and WEST GETS The last read Montreal daily Vancouver man the current and Toronto his paper, and in time he will have a Montreal which he stocks over vate wire. able importance nancial. unification It is a pity that it has layed so long, but it late.—Montreal Financie brokerage = h ean buy the broker's All this is of of is San Franciseo, Aug Hugh Mahon, 77, fought police when they atten keep her from joining band in a cell, They had lo Mr. Archie MeDou- op this morning found ‘ing going on smoothly '! the men working, prepa. being almost completed in the big shet, at the alely occupied by John- separated for 50 years, equipment to the price stocks branch of towards on board the Helvetia,) 61; minimum temperature, 46 vere ail rescued and Mean temperature, July, 59.7; board the Empress. Cap] precipitation, July, 3.44 inches; M ay immediately gave or-| highest temperature, 82 on 17th hat his ship be brought|lowest temperature, 46, on 13th ‘ Quebee, and assistance/and 16th. ston’s boat house. The loading BRIGHT of the six big coyote holes which are some 70 or 80 feet deep, will be started this afternoon, addi- SMOKER HELD tional men having been put on to hasten the work. The blast will be fired either tomorrow ay morn- BLANDEEN" Description of the Pretty Muci- g to rhe the | presel t Hous undoubt- th which as as yet Rose of es with Puy a vy musik le ds of de- prineti- artists this it usual- comedy introduc- a bright you will mths, INTO TOUCH WITH EAST al of can a short ouse in and sell those own pri- incaleul- the fi- Canada, been de- too Aged Woman Fights ! Mrs with the to hus ipted her nol been No lelailed, PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY hen quit’ MeDougall’s contract though strike i Posed to be on, I 2 ws M.S, Shearwater arrives in harbor on way to Behr el seal proteeting mission. Maso seal -s lasonic velebrations held, and train exeursion star S58 press of Britain ia collision sinks eolliet PAVEd he , ‘© lacrosse deadlock in the south, Recent report ronments, Kagles , at hold successful smoker in K. of P. hall ie : . ® Lloyd George Insurance Bill which disturbs s sup ing Bea ta off All and Britan, PREPOPPOPAICOLOL OPO DIEGO DIE I III OS her} by| DIRECTORS OF THE PHANTOM STRIKE. Although a strike has | been officially declared tak | | ing effect today amongst HOUSE CO.LTD.) work, the work is apparent | ly proceeding just 1 be rhree vice presidents of the | fore, Not a sing man Grand Trunk Railway will sit struck work on Archie Me- fon the board of the recently-or-| Dougall’s ae eC this ganized Grand Trunk Terminals morning The contractor Warehouse Co. Limited They | is going right on with his | are Mesars William Wain. work, and the shot holes for wright, J. J Dalrymple and R the big coyote due in a day 8. Logan My J N Green or so, are being loaded. On shields, K.C., wi be a director, the depot site contract ae also Mr. Godfrey Bird general the hands of Foley, Welch manage La Ra Interna. & Stewart the order has Lionale I'wo directors remain gone forth for steam shovel to be named, operations to begin soon at the old postoffice Site or WELCOME THE BRIDES og Cyan Repay apie be | say that larger bodies of Mr, and Mrs. Peterson Arrived in) men will be occupied on City by the George both contraets very shortly Prince Rupert weleomed yes-| terday, yet another happy young — —— bridal couple to the long list of}in Vancouver on Monday evening these popular events which have/last. Mr. Peterson, who is one come off this spring and sum-|of Prince Rupert's most well- mer Mr. Peterson of the Conti-| known and popular young men, nental Trust Co, returned to the| was busy yesterday receiving the city yesterday bringing with him|/congratulations and good wishes his young bride, who was for-|of his host of friends Mr. and merly Miss EB. V. Spillman, of|Mrs, Peterson will reside in the Burnaby street, Vancouver, Mr.|Campbell block on Second ave- nue, and Mrs. Peterson were od THE ROCKIES G.T.P.NEW THE LACROSSE DEADLOCK SERVICEIN RECONCILIATION OUTLOOK H, M. S. Shearwater into the harbor shortly after 10 o'clock and an- Shearwater, which has been sta-| spending some time on shore and chored out in front of the G. T.| tioned at Nanaimo, left that place taking in all the sights anu beau- P. wharf. The Shearwater, which | a few days ago, calling at several |ties of our wonderful young city. ests of the British seal this steamed; men, during the morning. will soon be in full swing. H.MS. SHEARWATER IN HARBOR ON HER WAY NORTHWARDS TO THE BEHRING SEAL FISHERIES which The | will is in command of Capt. Fitz Wal-|/of the bays and harbors to the Prince Rupert will, as is her well ter, late of H.M.S. Egeria, is on) south on her trip up. her way to the Behring Sea seal| and crew she carries all told 106 make entertaining and pleasant fisheries, to look after the inter=| men and as she will remain in| the visit of His Majesty's Tavs fisher- | the harbor for a day or two, leav-| Officers | lL | IMPRESSIVE MASONIC RITES DULY PERFORMED IN DIGNITY AT TYEE LODGE CONSTITUTION Feeling over the strained re-len: oni re-|an easy matter to reestablish lations between the Vancouver} friendly feeling, and New Westminster lacrosse En os courage Am The Grand Trunk Pacific have|elubs is still very acute in the A 7 oe ; inaugurated a tri-weekly through] latter city, but in spite of this, ee exeottent suggestions laa ad ; | offered, says the Vancouver Sun passenger: service from Edmon..|there is a disposition among the is that. for ‘the i ‘ ton to Fitzhugh, 1,028 miles west} eooler heads to arrive at an un- ac on i ae pee oF of Winnipeg and right in the} derstanding and patch up the], Se a ee busines ae aeated r ; : from the two eities who shall reart of Jaspel Park in the| quarrel! which threatens to great- . ' have full power to adjust the ex. Rockies A tourist hotel, to belly injure if indeed it does not : te ene ot : isting difficulties, Another called Chateau Nicette, will be|ruin the future of the game on timely @ sstic by th built immediately at Fitzhugh by|the coast ec, dane ee : ps a , of Vancouver is that greater en. the Grand Trunk Pacific, who 7 will actively compete with the May End Trouble couragement be given amateur Canadian Pacifie Railway for the Mr. Robert Jardine, one of the;!aerosse in this city and prov- tourist business in the Rocky TOnDS eee annem Mountsine, that in his opimion the principal On Saturday the New West- ‘i difficulty in the way of a recon-|minster team seored a goal at A LETTER FROM ciliation was the change in the|Queen’s park while the Vancou- e sche » ¢ : »s. where or te , ALD. MONTGOMERY |“ edule of the games, whereby ver team did likewise at Recrea- ere a game had been listed for Van-|tion park, both claiming the Owing te:pedseure 0 apace & couver when it should have match originally scheduled in tei: te 4 Mont been played at New Westminster.| New Westminster and altered by OLles rom A; 1 oe eomery.) He thought that if that resolu-|the British Columbia Lacrosse charging the Daily News with/tion were rescinded~it would be| association to Vaneouver. abucing” the city engineer is —___—_—_—_—_————_—_— withheld until tomorrow, when it Amateur vaudeville ni the! will be published in full exactly] Westholme Opera House Fricay as written, night ° “n Messrs. Ce afte r Wanted—Man with some ex- MoCaffery & Gibbons Se Ar cee _ | offer for sale complete house fur- ve a. ts Metiae I eran nishings. The house, which is ; 5 or 5 t J ‘Os > : |! as CRRA. FOS: SES situated on Fifth avenue, in Sec- Ss | tion Five, and modern in every way, can be rented for $35, tf Recent Arrivals in Town. The following are among the late arrivals at the G, T. P. Inn: N. G. Bogue, Vaneouver: Pat Welch, Vancouver; A, B. Smith and wife, Winnipeg; F. E. Burk Vancouver; M. J. MeCane, Cal- gary; A. E. Jessop and wife, G. ; J. Jessop, Arthur Gowing, D. M. Moore, Vietoria, J. M. Rudd, ing probably on Saturday, they! Wijjjan Prns, Vietoria: James have an opportunity of! Stark «od wife, Vancouver; J. T. EK, Palmer, Vaneouver; Edward B, Paul and daughter, Victoria; A N. Sandells, Vancouver; William Henderson, Victoria; K. J. Burns Vancouver; Mrs, K. J. Burns, Vancouver; M. J. Costello, Seat- known custom, do her best to/|iic: J. W. Graham, St. Mary’s, Ont.; F. W. Rossberg, Seattle; W. B, Dawson, Ottawa; J. A. Ruddick, Ottawa; G. M. Alford, during their short stay here. Pacofi, With due solemnity last night| Lodge open was proceeded with the ceremonies of constitution} by Most Worshipful Grand Mas-| of Tyee Lodge, as No, 66, G.|ter J. M, Radd assisted by R. W.| ee C., were held in} Bro. W. Henderson, 8. G, W.; RB.) Prince Rupert, and officers of) W, Bro, I. Stark, J. G. W.; M.} the lodge were installed, In the} W. Bro, PF. MeB. Young, P. G. M.,| presence of a very large assem-| acting as deputy grand master. blagwge of Masons in the Masonic | There followed the impressive Hall the dignified ceremonies] .aremony of the constitution of a conducted. Many members | ih» Tyee Lodge, and installation of the ee oe ba of ite officers as follows: resent an many members ) " suleiae lodmes bannening to bel. ae. Bro. D. Hf. Mosvigen, outside lodges he , : ) , . Dt lJ. P. M. W. Bro, W. Owen, in the city, besides the members o : 8. W. Bro, Douglas Sucherland, of Tyee Lodge, and the distin-} , J. W. Bro J. C. MeLennan, guished company of leading |*" : ; lrreasurer Bro, F, Mobley, Secre- nembers of the order arrived to : 7 celebrate the ceremonies of con. | ‘ary Bro. J. M. Carmichael, 8. D titution and installation | Bro A, M. Manson, J. D. Bro 8 on anc stallation, ; iNeil MeNeill, 8. 8. Bro. ¢ Grand Lodge Opened |L. Peek, J. 8. Bro, H, PF, MeRac Duly ard with all dignity the| Chaplain Bro, Rev. W, H, Me- ceremony of declaring the Grand od, I, G,. Bro, GC, H. Orme, HENRY With the Juvenile Bostonians at “PATSIE” SALMON RUN NORTHERLY the Westholme Theatre Saturday Evening New pictures, and the latest Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 1.—Re-| songs at the Westholme Opera turns so far show that the sal-| House tomorrow night. “Ama- Tyler Bro. G. W. Barrie, Organ.| mon canning season on the Fra-|teur night.” ist Bro. I, N, Linnell, ser river has not been very suc- SERRE Banquet in the Inn. cessful. Trap catches lately FIREMEN, I. Together after the ceremonies] were fair, but the seiners got next the company adjourned to the G.| to nothing, One eannery the other T. P. Inn, where the oecasion was| day took a catch of 3,600 fish, but STEWARDS, 2: the majérity of the plants got no celebrated by a banquet at which , 2 than 1,000 each, whieh is bright speeches were given by| ™ore SAILORS 3 the visiting celebrities of the}/™0t more than a tenth of their craft, and local Masons, Today} C4Pacity. ? the Masonie party has gone forth eueanneenaiennennnirteney in foree by train to Van Arsdol, BABY DAUGHTER In a triangular boat race be- and on the return of the. train ARRIVES AT HOME tween sailors, stewards and fire- tonight there will be held the oo 4G. eeney men of the SS, Royal Edward, in ere . enna ~ celee Piano to. “ie One This morning a baby girl ar-| Montreal the other day, the sail- rhe officers of the grand chap.| "ived at the residence of Mr. and|ors came in last, and the firemen ter R.A. M, who will take part in Mrs. J. W. MeKinley, and the|beat the stewards by two feet. the ceremony are M. E. Comp J,|YOUns lady is welcomed with ev-| There is evidently something R, Seymour, R. E. Comp, J, T,|e?Y eordiatity, wrong with the idea that the life K. Palmer and R. E. Comp, W. ae of a ship fireman is destructive hk, Burns, grand superintendent Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | to the physique. Montreal Fi. Distriet No. 46. Phone 4, nancial Times, Discovery of Coal Summerfield, Aug. 1 Coal jhas been discovered in the bank lof Trout ereek, The quality is lreported good, and development | wi be commenced shortly, ———_____—_-—___—,, | Visit the Warner and Hudson | }pre-emption and sand beach if| 1 want an ideal camping spot for your holiday this summer. i Pathing, fishing, fun and freedom. l'ywo hours’ launch run from Ru | pert on Poreher Island, if Best meal in town at Savoy. WILL BE DEPOT SOON AT HAYSPORT An announcement Vaneouver Daily of the 20th inst states that the Board of Railway missioners have in the Province Com ordered the construetion by the G, T. P. at Haysport, much.desired de. the news will a& station his Pp ! welcomed and he Takes Over Contract PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR Mr, Eugene Cashman, late of Stewart, has taken over the city Council decides to send Mayor Manson to Victoria to see scavenging business from J. G. Premier MeBride about ratification of G, T, P, assessment Weston, Mr, Cashman, who is a agreement, 1 Ald. Douglas suggests that he might also ask when the thls "I Tr P f i > - } enterprising and JuUsIness government lots are to be sold, : , t } like young man, who was most Relies of ancient inhabitation unearthed at Digby Island suteessful in the same business Marine Station. in Stewart, is enthusiastic about News received that Rev, FP, W. Kerr was in railway wreck the future of Prince Rupert, and near Seattle along with W. D. Black of Prinee Rupert, is quite confident that he will Hydroelectric bylaw passes through committee, make his venture here profitable Fr, W. Hart occupies premises he is now vaeating, on See. to himeelf and satisfactory to the ond avenue, people of the city,