— —=:) THE DAILY NEWS | Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist — Legislative Library x eo. har —— ne - VOL. Ill, NO. 100 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., Monpay, Avaust 5, 1912. ernie ssom NEXT matt; rALIG slpmn LPT" pone hon ‘aa 19) mm. BRITAIN'S COMPLIMENT T0 CANADA’S PREMIER ; = = 2 SEE EE GREAT CROWDS WATCHED THE" sscets8%. anes forgo re ssvowren ror awe, SRUPERT WELL-KNOWN FIRING OF THE BiG COYOTE Special (8 Daily News Important Visit of British a re er ear wee FOR THE SOUTH | CEOL OCIST Secretary of War and —_— Berlin, Aug 5.—The Lokal Secretary for Colonies liams of this city, and with clock Saturday night{~—~ ' ; Zansieger publishes a special de. Predicted. mother and baby both well con. A terable concourse of DR. TPEMAYNE WILL eee ee 2 ayy . ” gratulations are coming cordial- ° e spatch s¢ me é » Eng! iw ' NOT TAKE UP RESIDENCE $=“)! S8)'He (Hal five Engiisa ‘Special to Daily New ly to the family through Mr. Wil- assembled at various JUST YET men have been arrested at Fuk. =P ’ ws. ama tee cer re aes Y AT DIGBY a 4 : liams, The followi : ie ; » »aT i hat hour. About 7:45] ejusion that the doctor and fam visit Canada, eee tenhaver, Robert Westenhaver, ©,|line of the G, T, P., having been { ; ' ar G 7 ; Leiffer, F. Miller, J. R. Morrison,|as far as Aldermere. Mr, Me- tone seattering sho ily tomy seen now be living ml A VIOLENT MANY FAR T. Cameron, A. D. MeFadden, R.| Connell, who is one of the lead. ehind the former site of] @t the —. as : his! ee — J, MeMillan, GC, F. Miller, A, D.Jing geologists in the Dominion float eeaiéeaee, wan was & nistake, as while the hos McHugh, J. KR. Stirret, Mrs, Stir-} government service, and who has . tow seine tale eet one of ee = the STORM AT BASEBALL SCORES IN FRUIT STATE ret, F. Hull, Carl Fenzall, W. F.|been engaged in his scientific vast, is complete the doctor's ie Smith, Mr. Gould, Miss Martin-| pursuits on the Pacifie coast, the h greater blast, and evi- i black powder shot, went cation. an a eden ao hen aero a a ~ =o ie J. B. Og- interior of British Columbia and ' pectacular effect, and yet been fixed for his taking up PORTLAND hae angelés 3. Sacramento, i ARE FLOODED aes a — ay peeeneey Se: eae it dislodgement of heavy|)...idence there. Ootiane . Pc tend. : : en cae te fee. ten years, has probably travelled se the people waited, as akland, 4; Portland, : a ee over more country and is gener. is expected that the whole Special to Daily News.) American League (Special to Daily News. POPULAR ally better posted and conversant with the topography and physical d go But there was SUFFRAGETTE Portiand, Aug. 5. \ terrific Chicago, 5; New York, 3. Tacoma, Aug. 5.—Many fruit . note ak teenies Mae Washlanien. 4: Delroi, © . YOUNG PASTOR’S aspects of this country. From electrical ¢ ‘t stor re arms rf v ‘ict are r ; a eee ee, Boston, 9; St, Louis, 0. farms in the Sumner district are Vancouver Island to Dawson City hile two of the coyote tunnels ( i gnited all right and lifted RAMPAGE IN vails today and the lives of many | National League. lving under ten feet of water, ow- than any other man in the Cana. f rock in a@ very successful tourists at the base of Pitt moun. | Pittsburg, 3: Boston, 0. ing to a surging torrent which dian West. Mr. MeConnell and hree others had not ig- tain are feared for, A reseue| St, Louis, 5; Philadelphia, 3.)eame down the hills. It is feared parry ore proceeding shortly to Although eurrent was sup. EDINBURGH party numbering 17 men has| Chicago, 3: Brooklyn, 2. that the dam on Lake Platt has Princess Royal island, to carry high tension from the gone to the rescue of a hunting} New York, 4; Cincinnati, 0, Wurst. Residents were compell- er on their work, Prince Rupert Presbyterians plant the connections party At Baker the storm was | ae Sq. one Por thelr lives and sev. at two splendidly attended serv- ves at fault. They were Special to Daily News. very severe, railway lines being) Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | eral homes were swept away. lees yesterday expressed cordial- et eee on few minutes before the Edinburgh, Aug 5—Once more| Washed out. | Phone 4. The property loss will be heavy, ly their anasudaheal of their oe Vo Oe Oe ss Gol ne ces _ pestered se Meg oe 2 PRN NC IRE tt See oe a aa ae te oa Sunday afternoon witnessed Ergo. Sm i. eee ee re 9 ceed pastor, Nev, F, - Kerr, aoe the arspicious arrival at the ' par 1 a militant campaic.. i. occupied the pulpit once mor Lippard & White Maternity Home park at all. Efforts are|jowing their English sisters by after his return from his vae®-jon First street, of a baby daugh- x made with all speed to]/doing as much damage as pos- tion and honeymoon in the eastiier te Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Mac- ground for the firing of] sible to advertise their right to with Mrs. Kerr. The musical tonald of this city. Both mother t hich the contractor] vote. Bands of violent cam parts of the services were excef-fand baby are doing well, and the ‘ take place in about] paigners have been out on the tionally fine, solos and anthems §japect little lady visitor to Prince i8 hours, warpath in the eity Boasiness ‘ being charmingly rendered. vs PrRupert is very welcome to our has been practically paraiyzed Henderson and Miss Holtby were}eity, i through the cutting of the Cale- the solbists, and the work of the tlie eT sits ASONIC donian Railway Company's | ‘e- choir was much appreciated, Rey phone wires Several letter wi'- Mr. Kerr preached in the Em- MEMBERS lar boxes have also been destroy. press theatre in the evening ou DIGNITARIES ed by being set on fire by the the rich subject “Wordliness— women, True and Palse,” and h’s master- MAY NOT SIT ly exposition of the great feat- OUTHBOUND oTTawa’s Epivemic. (For First Time in Its History oni Carlton Club Opens Its Doors): °f tre citizenship of | the IN OTTAWA world and of its centres of civili. 7 sen Special to Daily News. to Other Than Members---Unique Compliment i in Paid the zation was remarked upon after- left for the] Ottawa, Aug. 5.—-There are wards by numbers. The Pres- a day with quite @ large! now 7741 cases of typhoid fever Dominion of Canada by Britain’s Aristocracy byterians of Prince Rupert are} Ottawa, Aug. 5.—The Ottawa st, including several) reported in the city now looking towards the near-jJournal declares that a move- ng Masons, who have . i Special to Daily News. than members. Premier Borden willing and ready to enter into) approaching day when they willfment is on foot among a rum- vere Ge ie ay fe. J. C, McRae of McRae Bros. London, Aug. 4.—Premier * in replying to the toast “Our some bond of imperial organiza-|liave a handsome church home offber of influential members — to oa es Se te Tn ee Peeee Degas te L. Borden and his ministerial | @uests,” declared that upon the tion by which the future work of their own in the city. ask the government to hold oar. of ins r , vu y siness s oO . -—_—_ hte s e eH ey morning on a busin vie |attitude of the people of the/the Empire shal! be maintained Hiay-ent in some other city than ges in this eity. They « Vancouver and Victoria. ata Ottawa this winter, owing to the hemesiuen: aa | naeiele AROOSVSE ARG VO Ore colleagues were the guests |ture organization of the Empire.'to the full. The people of Can- YET ANOTHER aah epidemic. Tormto and vith their visit and | ud Cariton Club dinner last night. | pat truth could not be too firm.|ada are determined as they were Winnipes are suggested tises of the young cits ALEX DEAN This is the first time in the his-|jy impressed upon them, at the last election, to keep con- oy ae ts RAILWAY MAN {ser sor wae hat its doors “The Dominions of the Em-jtrol of their own destiny.” ory. me , AN EVENT OF SUNDaY he | by all, especie eir bro- | Mae add rs er HANDED OVER have been thrown open to emere) pire,” said Premier Borden, “are Mr. Bonar Law presided. — a ——— IS MAIMED A boat race was pulled off Wertene in the City, yesterday afternoon about five rh tlowing visitors are reg. BY THE STATES 1 . A HIE\ ———— o'clock for a purse of $50, be- ered at the G. T. P, Inn, mostly (Special to Daily News.) tween crews of the 88. Prince i i the steamer Prince Vancouver, Aug. 5.—-Edward| Rupert and the longshoremen. Mr. and Mrs, M. K. Special to , Daily News. Hall, a C. P. R, brakeman, was| Quite a large crowd of people Larne de Thompson) ouawa, Aug. 9-—The United Thoroughly Delightful Show Staged by the Bright Company of)!» mancied by « tveight twain) were on the waterfront to wit. er; W. ©, Slade, Adam] iain. government has surrend- in the yards at midnight, Both}ness the event. The race, which Vancouver; M, 8, Clarke, Slexander Dean, wanted in Young Girl Actresses alt the Westholme Opera House legs and part of one hand were} was won, as far as the prize was Oo. W. Rafuse, Andrew ered severed. It is believed that heleoncerned, by the longshoremen, Ottawa; G. H, Gatt, H, G,)cemnection with the Bank of To what was probably the heir opening bill, the rollick- It can safely be said that it is} wil] pecover. was not a particularly exciting lneland; Vietor EB. Roberts,| Moatreal robbery in New West- largest audience ever assembled] (ne Irish musical comedy, “The|a jong time since Price Rupert- _—_—_—_—_—_——_— event, Dissatisfaction arose, the \. Mandervitte, Montreal; Mrs.| mister last September. : The ms in a Prince Rupert theatre, the Rose of Blandeen, with its pret. iles were so entirely carried away Look for the Red Tag. 1831f| charge being made that the long- \. Irving and son, New|cessary papers in the case have _} ty. tuneful musie, quaint old} 1 delighted 2 eile aes wa shoremen were attempting to Mrs. E. P, Howard, New|been received by the government, | Juvenile Bostonians opened theit world dresses, the touch of the} ®"@ Gene Med, ae fey were On Miss Jenns, who is to take a|foul or jockey the Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs, James R, Stew- engagement at the Westholme/ppogue and thorough atmos-| Saturday evening by these two} ,ocition on the teaching staff of| boat. Seattle; Mr and Mrs, W, H, Got Pastors Mixed. Opera House on Saturday even-| phere of the Emerald Isle, kept| wonderful little comedians. Bil-| the school here after the holi- The first start was declared 4 dc and son, Winnipeg; In connection with the wed- ing last, After the many digap-|the audience in a bubble of mer- lie O'Neill as the dignified old| days, arrived in the city on Sat-|foul by Captain “Barney” John- |. ID, Helmeken, Miss Helme-|ding the other day of Miss Lula pointments that have oceurred|riment and delight from start to]Irish squire acted as if to the| urday on the Prince Rupert. ston. The second attempt was Miss Edith Ainslie, Vietoria;|C@rossett to Mr. I Serymgeour) lately in connection with seeur-| finish, The singing, acting, Com | manner born, whilst as his duti- A. Haydon, who represents the| not much better, but was allowed id Mes. D, M. Lindsay, Tre-|the Daily News source of infor-|ing a first-class company forjedy work and general toute en} ful little daughter Eileen, Thaye] Great Northern Railway Com-.jto go through, but the onlookers mation unfortunately got the! (nis popular and up-to-date lit-;ensemble of the entire produc-| Crawford took the leading part] pany, who is on a vacation here,|seemed to consider that tho —--—— name of the pastor Wrong] je theatre, both the management] tion were perfection, and a reve-| with a charm and grace entirely] js a guest at the G. T, P. Inn, Prince Rupert's crew got the |W. Helmeken of Vietoria| through a misapprehension. Thel and the public are to be con-/lation in youthful precocity hard|her own, Rosie O'Grady, the] The well-known mining man|worst of it and that the prize Helmeken returned on| young couple were married by | gpatulated upon having seeured,|to believe possible, if one had not} sweetheart of little Denny, Was! Joe MeGrath, was an _ arrival|though actually won by the long 'rince Rupert this morning} Rev, F, W. Kerr of the Presbyte-| for what might be called the real] witnessed one of their perform-|charmingly played by the dimin-] from Victoria on Saturday, en|shoremen this time, might yet home in the south after|rian ehurch, not by Rev, W. HJ opening of the theatre, such alances, utive and fairylike little Ethell route to Alice Arm to vis t his|easily wrested from them by the (trip to this eity, McLeod, clever, eharming, and delightful Where all were so good it} Stoddard, her graceful dancing | mining properties there. Rupert boys. aggregation of juvenile talent as}would be difficult to make com-j;in the first act being eneored that which appeared before a de.| parisons, but special mention} again and again, " ‘ | lighted Prinee Rupert audience | must be made of Miss Thom Hel- Altogether the large audience PRI AY lon saturday last. len in the charaefer of Paul de]rose from their seats after the PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR NCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TOD Although the faet of the com-|Baum (Tom O'’Dare, Her ex-.jfinal fall of the curtain in a most Seventy-five sticks of dynamite stored in a smithy on Sev- ) « coming to the eity had] eellent aeting and singing, herlecharmed and delighted state of . — a ae 5 enth stree. and Third avenue contribute to a coyote stunt | | ‘hada’s Premier and Ministers entertained by London Cal l Club, most exelusive in metropolis. J onis a very short advance notice,| rendering of that favorite old| mind after their evening's enter. ; : ; : it : Lacrosse game resumption between Vancouver and New §/by the time the curtain went up}song, “My Wild Irish Rose,” |tainment, enthusiastic over the we —— ee bas — ee wa Westminster, Scores. ly Saturday evening at 8:30, the] fairly brought down the house. In| brilliant performayee of the clev- wy oe rey Ph ae — fas _— ie aan ' lmiportant visit of British government officials expected in house Was paeked to the doors,| the comedy work littl Dorister juveniles, most of them vow- ie oh a ae eee ae oY eae ieee ‘rd to the naval poliey Apart from the fact of its novelty Canfield and Patsy Henry wereling they would be present if pos. Nn ; ‘ ; 7 : : pied wae . oating in the water at the wharfside, sing ¢ de simply immense, As the idle lit-| sible at all of the future per- lt the big coyote. When the main bang may be ex the company being composed en~| simp 7” Jew , ‘4 “e od, ff ‘ ole When the m & ccaly of girls, the majority of|tle village hopeful, Denny O'Neil,|formances this coming week. The Ald, Newton announces his candidature if nominated, for Ransome," Comox-Atlin, ff elle . . : ' ‘ iore children, the show at |and the young sceapegrace ne-.|bill this evening, “The ~ ‘les on rampage paralyze business in Edinburgh, mens ; wa eT a Sees thane Rreatealtas on eqn eee play of modern Hospital board decides to purchase an ambulance, CGom- Opera House Juvenile show, Passengers south, New h ind delightful performance | O' Dare, respectively, they danced] Bohemia, will offer an entire gym Rt neh Aer Aes tg ation "y local talent, fof a isical comedy that would|and sang and joked and joked|ehange, and give opportunities to ed in Prince Rupert by Mr Stowers Mersie } “T ian M, P's may try to have parliament held else have done the utmost eredit to} again with merry local quips, un-|the popular little company to Wreeked as eohesiee le iit sind anal onal ‘han Ottawa, owing to typhoid epidemic | any dinary musical comedy | til the audience were almost be.| display the'r talent and versa. oe ’ ‘ pany nowadays on tour, [side themselves, tility in a set of new roles,