THF DAILY News THE DAILY NEws ticate, Grand Trenk Boilting. Trafalgar —— : a _ B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE DatLy Errios. Monpay, Avcust 5 7 voy ate | wee Cor. Praser and Sh si MLAB RUPERT'S PALACE OF comfort SOUTHBOUND New Saturday, Aug. 3, 9 a.m. Kn 4. @ G@WAB, Generel Agent OX ~ DECISION OF THE BRITISH a Sega} | a INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE = <2 FRRIOIIM) EASTERN nn. co ° The New Kace Howe! is + ON THE TITANIC DISASTER === S22 se andi FIRST AVENUE. PI ng mavical . lide {he The great built dur intended for th be aw - Sines : . a . . may be jodeed rt b de , : es bere fore ; : . ; . . have fect thal the average sine of ** ae ae . a 1 repr , ' 3—— SOLID TRAINS ———3 < . e¢ Rupert —— = . : a . . . ¢4 en. daily from Vancouver : ae ' : or Seattle CANADA'S BOYHOOD IS fing of th : : . : : - bY ~| Low round trip rates to all points in : fire a Canada and the United States. Call WEALTH TO GUARD. aaa : : , ra - and let us tell you ail about it Rogers’ Steamship Grand Hotel. Workingman'’s Home Agency Free Labor Barras a Connect Phone 178 " PHONE 116 GEO. BRODERIUS. P roorictor - PROTECT CANADIAN UNION S.S. COMPANY es. ltd COA L _ FORESTS ae ee Chelohsin Phese 116 Rogers & Bhd ee — AND — TO-NIGHT | = —“tamemt™_ gg sf eo Fallows: English and America 4 Cosgrove and Lang Presents the famous ; cee et ae ‘Chelohsin™” - Wedaesdays af 5 pm. Twelve Tables , | “Camesen” - Saturdays af 10 pm — Juvenile De ice eee Ag ee Py reine) A. Barbeau and Monday morning. respectively 3 : —— ates ~ | Nome safer om the coast than these two a oe! 6 age 66 e Bostonians” |=.) ==" J. HL ROGERS, Agent Fisee 116)/°*™? © 1 Oe The same company that played the Vancoever Opera Hoase. and the Metropolitan Theatre. Seattle CHANGE OF BILL NIGHTLY : ae Soe LINDSAY'S CARTASE. == Silversides Bros. _ G. T. P. Trencher Agents The up-to-date House Deoom the tunefu Trgaini Op retta - BY repr be ; ters of Prince Rupert “THE RANSOM” |) nen Sign Writ SS" ils NEWS Ageney Paper,Hane' Prices—Se, Tie and $1.0 Seats om sale at box office Tae an Pe : . Deors open at 7.45. Curtain at &3) p m. sharp. Magasions = Peredicals : Newnes We omqimaTe. OTHERS It CIGARS TOBACOOS = FRUITS TATE = tow af Savoy. 2m¢ Ave. Below Kalen Island Club 2nd Street Phone 156 Gr ——_—_{_=—_—_—_——_—_—__— . es - =_—_ It’s the Good eaten: “Ste (If the Boss Will Stand For It) = LET ME Ger Copa ON MOes =) te -— \ BAK THERE 4n’ Push = ee 4 j 5 NOW WE GT | (CANT HURT | WERE Gong 1D GET Hm Um ONE — . . SYSTEM | | ; - OS -EVERY Time He Sroes-we Lu LET HIM Wl ~ TO Starr , bhi Again |