THE DAILY News arts Removal Sale is GOING, GOING, and soon will be is. We we andmark 1) WAS the the first store atill wn and ut what cost would be: con. he damage that fo our goods and ded that our ¢ vuld have the ben. understand ur posil vou also under. h ve sell so cheaply be no cessation of bargains till every arti- been disposed of, bul you can't always buy things f price and our offer may not last much longer We have @ special attraction in Teapots; 1,000 in 50 styles; now selling almost half price. They can Sixth street window, Them i B To SEE m is to BUY Them ; THE SPECTRE BY THE RAILS: | DEADLY RISKS OF GRADE CROSSINGS | | j | | | of teeth. Helgerson Block. Prince Rupert. P20. BOX 2 319 8rd Avenue H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Latley MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART Accountants 09 2nd Ave, Phone No, 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 \uditors for City of Prinee Rupert ALFRED CARSS, Cc, V. BENNETT, B.A. of British Columbia of B.C, On Sas- and Manitoba Bars. katehewan and Al. CARSS & BENNETT BaRRisTers, Notaries, Etc. ifiee - Albert Block, Second Avenue. WM. S. HALL, L.D.8., D.D.S DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and local anasthetice administered for the painless ex- Consultation free. Offices Hi-12 Phonee 387 ny SECTION ONE These are positively the best to be had, Look at them and be convinced Block 35, Lots 91-99, $6500 cash, bal 7 per cent $15,000. Terms— onee and two y-ars, Block 2, Lots 1 and @, $18,000. Terms— $6500 cash, bal. one and two years at 7 per cent Both aree double corners on lane and #4006 has been spent on grading theem. Bainter & Sloan 2nd Ave. Alex.M.Manson 8... WE. Williama.n.a., L.t.0 WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.( PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, BS@., A.K.A.M., 1 ON., ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance Phone 384 HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funera) Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 Lots 66-67, FOR SALE Section Two. Block 12, $1,000 each; % cash Lots {3 14, Block 19, $850 pair; 9200 cash. Section Five. Block 37, $1,000; 4% cash. Section Six. , Block 28, $1,200; §650 cash. , Block 28, $1,050 cash. Section Seven. Lot 20, Block 10, $800; cash. Lots 11-12, Block 13, $1,600; % cash. Lot 5, Block 39, $700; % cash. Section Eight. Lot 22, Lot Lot 2 The accident occurred on alto stay, and the demand is for|and older lands. But it is not oars So aoe 50, 9985 pair; $400 cask, grade crossing is the state-| good roads, partis ularly in the|enough to admit the fact. Con-| E. a FISHER ‘FOR RENT. = = ment offered in expianation of} vicinity of the little and large|/ ditions in Ganada are worse than Funeral Director and Embalmer Store on Second Ave., near Seventh St. ~~ a x an Ohio neg : — = ‘ a “s ae : ye they ae be. van ought ‘ pe gg Pipride St. 625 per month. he Se persons were lie anc wo ot-| ong maith we demane ori to me yetter nm this new ‘HIRD VENUE PHONE . Zs oe a her persons seriously injured. | good roads must go the demand/country than they are else-| CFE OSE AND Cae ° ; } Grade crossings offer a seri-|for safe roads. Good roads that| where. Our highways should be| Jeremiah H. Kugler Lid. 5 3 us problem in every part ofjare not safe are not good roads|safer than they are elsewhere. te ’ fl 'Canada today jat all, Roads marred by death/ It is a rugged country. beauti- CaSes oo { { ° With the increased use of the] traps are bad roads, regardless! fully inspiringly rugged, and for SONS OF NORWAY —— / - nan aaa === re - _, a “ Nee gd . * ae = vg “eg is eee Meets ist and 3rd Thursdays at 7 7) . : urning 0 rw public Highways.) om, ¢ oul ve better 0 ourists ° wan ourists, » m., at 349 3rd ave. All Nor- , { General Merchandise . . Largesi Stock [Sometimes it is a matter of} lose them than to pay the price| That is one reason why we are Sadie eee welénina { = = = —— —— |}pleasure, of wholesome outdoor|we must pay for using them. spending so much money to per- ‘ | recreation, of getting away from | The problem of grade cross-| fect our system of public high- ° s jthe stress and tension of life’s|ings is going to be a national! ways And we want tourists, no ( { Lowest Prices " Northern B. C. duller cares. and sometimes it is| problem, and we may as well! less than our own people, to be y | t a matter of business necessity.) face it. Conditions in Canada are/| safe when they use the highways — ++¢ The machine is here; it is here|no worse than they are in other!) of the country, ere ~~ i ita omen oon L ee ene a — aeneeeneeees = _ | “#neland opened the 1942/a piker! Be a sport!’ ‘Get in- Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0-F.. iT] | ja k-pot for three new .attle.}to the game,’ resound through No. 63 : | . . . ami | ships a year. Germany carre|the elegant international gamb- » | . . Canadian General Electric Company, Limited | LS ech-aitho is coun maatitats seoas Meets in the Helgerson Block |$ 618 ard Ave. Prince Rupert ssetene, Mining ana Contracting Machinery 1 | ship to play. England now sees But a few old-fashioned hay-| Every Tuesday Evening trical Apparatus of every description 11] |the raise and makes it five bat-|seeds drawl: ‘Remember the| 4!! members of the order = the ee re eae 1 | jhe to play. And all this|mortg@age, Sam, and don’t throw city are — to visit Powe 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 il} | before drawing cards! away your money.’ Rs ‘ sg atte. 4 I & MALLETT “Uncle Sam, looking at his Unele Sam tugs at his goatee, “ SMITH cmecinioa | : ae ia ret ," W. G. BARRIE, Sec. THIRD AVE. . — . — — : | perfectly peaceful hand, reckons| Poker is such a tempting game. Heating, Steamfitting and iggy ppseaseaee see: pasesscactate see: paseaseseeete | New York, Aug. 5.—-The World| he will drop out of this 1912 o paneer Rep oe a , eneees na seach TRTTE TER 3 ahi rere rere miunder the heading “Dreadnought | jack-pot and let the others go Wanted—Man with some ex-| mm ao e $ 22) Poker.” says: jas far as they like. perience to do amateur photogra- ‘Valhalla of S.H. & E.F. Phone 174 * nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts 2 SOME ———E + “Winston Churchill has i nade “Immediately shrill cries} Phic work. McRae Bros., Lid. | (SCANDINANIAN SociETY) a Bethe who'e pretty poker-game of|arise from the jingo spectators een | Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 N liidd? Meinations perfectly clear. | oeting at his elbows. “Don't be Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. p.m. in the hal) at 319 3rd Ave. ) D ° ® Fe = ——_ — : — —————————— —— FREE! FREE! FREE! e —— : Dainty : Lines 2 Ye ) jon ( OM, A big beautiful 88 key 7 | electric player piano, worth j Henry Birks & Son EVENTS CONTESTED AT THE OLYMPIC GAMES) i<**,s so. it t attain pool players in the Base- De, ae Ceaee Gee oe oat ‘ ment pool room, Empress pm *ervice at the moderate prices of the im- Jewellery Mail Order House #2 rack Events Theatre building. i porter and manufacturer: Ornaments for aT | B the hair in all the newest effects.; card Gen, i 3 sae — Cases and Mesh Bags of finest design and Menaging r Event. } First. Second. Third. Time. _—_—_—_—__ ee workmanship; Sterling Silver Vanity Vv. er . B.C. at i a ia | Tae Renae 6 eS i. se eld SM ai : Boxes and Jewel Cases; pretty Belt Buckles ancouv > , : ae Ci ‘ See ; a. ~ | Two Lots, block 26, section 7, Seventh n Sterling silver and enamel; jong Chains me icidd-metre dash ....,| Ralph Craig, United States nivan, r. Meyer, | nited Btals o 5. Ai Lippincott, United States @:40 4-5 enh See som Ro . ome a all prices and in ali styles; Tetiet a800-metre run ...... | J. EB, Meredith, United States Me! Sheppard, United tSates : I, N. Davenport, United States | 1:54 9-10 oh So Se oe Good desor | : meus . _ om ; . ‘ 2 sé , : aun cme tne at = Sone fweibi,s0-metre rum ..... | A. N, 8. Jackson, England A. R, Kiviat, lt nited States N. 8, Paber, United States 3:56 4-5 | cist your properties with me for quick Our iMustrated representing We 10,000-metre run | H. Kolehmainen, Finland L, Tewanima, United States Stanroos, Finland 31:20 saie ‘he many fine tines we are in @ position i00-metre relay ...... England Sweden —_—__— 0:42 4-10 H. DOUGLAS 12 offer you at right prices, wilt be sent i )a5,000-metre run H, Kolebmainen, Finland J. Bouin, France kK. W. Hutson, England 14:36 3.5 |339 Third Ave. P. O. Box 606 0 eS — 200-metre dash ...... Ralph Craig, United States | D. Lippineott, United States W. K. Applegate, England | 0:24 7-40 (Opposite Post Office) . paopaces } bi0,000-metre walk G, Goulding, Canada Kk. J, Webb, England F. Altimani, Italy | 46:28 2.5 SESE, Soassessusaee: }geeses THOSE TEST 110-metre hurdles ... F. W. Kelly, United States J. J. Wendell, United States M. W. Hawkins, United States 0:15 4-10 — eo /ci00-metre rum ...... Cc, R, Reidpath, United States Hans Braun, Germany Ek, F, Lindberg, United States 0:48 1.5 i a 3,000-metre team race | United States , | Sweden Finland 5 ee PRINCE RUPERT FEED C0. Pentathlon ......60. Joseph Thorpe, United States F, R, Ble, Norway A. Brundage, United States een 1,600-metre relay .... United States France England 3:16 3-5 } KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY fCross-country race .. H, Kolehmainen, Finland H, Anderson, Sweden J. Eke, Sweden ar aa ae Se of THIRI g : PHONE No. 8 Marathon race ...... “ K. K. MeArthur, South Africa | C, W. Gitshaw, South Africa Gaston Strobino, United Sta'+s| 2:36 Chowan ~ Geein y. nD ANENUS P.O. DRAWER 1624 . ee ESS OP James Thorpe, United States Hi, Welsander, Sweden ©, Lomberg, Sweden eninge Seed Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass —— om fnrmereetmeninen mee a aeseernanetneenmerim erie: done Plumbers’ dupplice Plate Giass Mirrors Fi d E ts Mail Orders tly Attended to = HARDWARE 2, ield Even nee. - inware Te ae So Sythe oa oeet . Varnishes Graniteware ST eee “ - 4 Event. Firat. ______ Second. fed Third. —ALL KINDS OF FEED— “sg “tory —— : , 7 5 : a 7 MONARCH MALLEABLE The —— — }bRunning high jump......+.++- A. W. Richard, U. 8., 6 ft, 3 3-4 in.| Lische, Germany, 6 fi, 3 1-10 in.|G,. L, Horine, U. 8., 6 ft. 2 2-5 in, » Standing broad jump... ...+.++- Tsiclitiras, Greeee, 14 ft, 7-10 in,| P. Adams, U, 8., 414 ft Ben Adams, U, 8., 40 ft. 44 in. |aié-pound CO ON Ree re P. MeDonald, U, 8, 60.32 ft. RK, Rose, U, B.,, 50.03 ft. L. A. Whitney, U. 8, 44.06 ft, —THE— —~— laJavelin (best hand).......++++ EK, Lemming, Sweden, 198.4 ft. J, J. Saaristo, Finland M. Kovas, Hungary laJavelin (both hands)......... J. J, Saaristo, Finland, 358 ft. 14/ Sukaniomi, Finland, 358 ft, 9 im,| Peltonen, 328 ft. 10 in, Westholme Lumber Co 146-pound shot put (both hands). |, Rose, U, 8., 90 ft. 54-2 in. P, McDonald, U, 8., 90 ft, 3 3.4 in.| Niklander, Finland, 89 ft, i hRole vent a see ste bscceccccs | H. 8. Babeoek, U, S., 12 ft, 14 1-2/dM. 8. Wright, U, 8. F,. T. Nelson, U. 8, —LIMITED— oe ” pRunning broad jump.........- A. L, Gutterson, U, 8,, 24 ft. 14 in.|}C. D. Breiker, Canada, 23 ft. 1 in.|G, Aberg, Sweden, 22 ft. 9 in, ‘ FROM HOME TO HOME. iDiseus (best hand).........-- j|A. R. Taipale, Finland, 148 ft, 1% / RL. Byrd, U, 8, 136 ft, 95-8 inj J, WH. Duncan, U. 8, 138 ft, 8% in, standing high jump.........+> | Platt Adams, U, 8, 5 ft, —in, iB, W. Adams, U. 8., 5 ft 3 in V. Tsiclitiras, Greeee, 5 ft, 2 in | | | HOTEL ELYSIUM Discus (both hands)........... | 4, R. Taipale, Finland, 271 ft. 9% |. Nikliander, Finland, 255 ft, 09% |Magnusson, Sweden, 253 ft, 9 2.3 aa } 0 Swede di verge, Swede Kk. Almloef, Sweden, 48 ft, 5 1.40 Hop, step and jump........-++> Gi, Limblom, Sweden i, Aberg, Sweden : > ‘ . . Sid. Syk M - Hammer tRPOW .ccciveccensoes | Matt J. MeGrath, b, B, bD, Gillis, Canada ©, C, Childs, 179 ft, 7 7-40 in, All Kinds of Building Supplies | of GOP s.s¢ sand weieerases bs | Sweden Kougland . eS ke Phe Finest, N t id lin Vancouver. ’ Ressthal <= ett Ue Ss: , a eR Pre ects ea ee : r eT ae rm ~~ | Piret Avenue Phone 186 - : , New world’s reeord, b New|reeord of 103- seeonds, d Tied! in trial heat Meredith also setyland seeond and England third. 1142 Pender Street West ie ‘¥ Vancouver, B.C. Olympic record, ¢€ In trial heat for second place at 42 ft, 16 in,| a world's half-mile record of] Points were awarded teams. Lippineott established new Olym.}e Ted Meredith set new world's] 1:52 \4 f Sweden was first in ' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NE“S paar Se pie record and equaled world's}and Olympic record of 48 seeonds|team race in cross-country, Pin-| Subscribe for the Daily Mews.