AND DESPATCH CHARACTERIZE THE Logistative LIDFATY VOL. Ill, NO, 186 PROMINENT MINING MEN HONOR FOR DR. BRYDON-JACK “DREAM GIRL” TONIGHT BY THE JUVENILF' which the] HORRIBLE OUTRAGE IN A CHURCH Girl,” Thom Hel- faithful fol- Patrick Dono- Henry and Bill pa if Baldad, which is be situated in the being who, in accord. I Au his tw sten A dozen battle, his is not expected to live, men were engaged in the but when Sheriff Wible and deputies reached the scene no one found with weapons. n Michael could be DUCHESS WILL ATTEND EXHIBITION Dream Girl" f the ) marry father's a trance, she cannot awaken until ideal of her is the Austen, who after trieck- into giving his the action of Doris Canfleld will sing fa * Champ Clarke “Houn’ in which she seored all the last season, prince, wishes, in out the of indsome Captain he hand only He course, Toronto, Aus. The intelli- genee was received at the exhibi- tion offices this morning that H. R. H, the Duchess of Con- naught has far recovered from her reeent illness that she and Prineess Patricia will accom- prince During - 80 cities All of in fer song numbers are Of} pany the Duke to Toronto for the ‘ehy, up to date order} opening ceremonies of the Can- hich will send everyone @Wa@yYladian National Exhibition. Pon ow night “Berta’s Bil- TT 'l be presented, Owing SUFFRAGE E “ number of requests, “The will be given for the rday inatinee, and the en- INCENDIARY Ke will close Saturday kt with the eleyer musieal CONVICTED (ly, “Hoffman's Holiday.” Scotland's Innings. ‘ Definite Decision Come to at Executive Meeting Held oe ad Sullivan, Ind Aug. 7.-~—Two ¥ present at. ine men were shot to death and three night, is said to bel others injured, one fatally, in a which this pOPU-| revolver fight at a church social ition will put on dur- at Dugger late Saturday night. | Rupert engage-lpne dead are William Shepperd m s little doubt that! 44 snot through head, and Walter ‘al treat in store for} aisman, 32, died Sunday from ho are lucky enough tolpuijet wound in head. The in its for tonight, jured includes Thomas Shepperd, r tof “The Dream Girl") 66. shot in shoulder and cheek he adventures of Cap-} and beaten with clubbed rifle. He Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE Rupert, B.C., Taurspay, AuGuSsT 8, 1912, THER BIG DAY AHEAD FOR RUPERT AN IMPORTANT OUTCOME OF THE MARRIAGE CASE R. L. BORDEN MAY PAY VISIT ROYAL ARCH DIGNITARY IS |. | SELL 300 PRINCE RUPERT LOTS THIS MONTH at Victoria---Permanent Provincial Buildings Will Also be Speedily Erected Victoria, Aug. 8--The Government at an executive meet- ing today decided to place on sale within the month some three hundred lots at Prince Rupert on the same terms and conditions as those governing last sale. The decision is come to owing to the growth of the northern city and its in- creased business. The government has decided that per- manent government buildings are to be erected in the near future. (C.D. Rand of Vancouver, has the con- tract for the sale of lots and may act as auctioneer. EVERY CITIZEN HIS OWN POLICEMAN, MAYOR'S IDEA RAISE PAY : REDUCE FORCE Hamblin, | This, a year’s;and the eity Commissioner solicitor Thompson fell, would Al their meeting held yesterday| retro-active, Constable afternoon in the eity the Poliee|who has just completed AILY NEWS THOSE QUAINT charges that the Doukhobors of : | Callies Football Club are (Special to Daily News, Commissioners came to the de-| service with the force, is to re-) be an unpopular poliey, . eecupy a bex at the Dublin, Aug. 8.—Miss Gladys] | icon to raise the salary of the|eceive $110 per month. Wen the] Hotels, Blind Pigs, Etc. pete Opera VKouse this} Evans, the suffragette who set) nine oy police, Chief Viekers at} other members of the forev, three . aT ae : 1. the , Theatre Royal the : : : ner We z rhe Mayor as police commis- a 'e performance of} fire to the Theatre ' present receives $150 a month,/in all, have attained their year’s 'e Dream Girl” by the Juvenile night before Asquith was lO}i, will aeeording to the recom.|serviee in October they will re-| Sion chairman came down heay- Alans speak on home rule, was today mendation of the commissioners, |) ceive 8110) per, ily on the hotels as regards noise, . convicted, Bentence Was Pe) Co oeive $175 after this, and in-| which he considers they are mak. Best meal in t t 8 srved ed ae nt | the Reduce Constabulary. ' own @ avoy. | served, creases are to go on unt uM a ing. He thought there were ~_ ——____— maximum of $250 per month is here was some suggestion for suspicions of rowdiness about reached after five years’ contin-| the reduction of the police force! the premises, and perhaps a dis- P uous service, The chief of pO-|hy one, This was not regarded position to sell to men already RINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY live, previous to receipt of this | very favorably, It was felt that;}under the influence. He = sug- . se, was getting a salary less : ’ r “ese . ‘al geste f » chief To "Vincial government at executive meeting decides to raise, Was 6 . aS nade the public might resent the ide a} ee ted that the ehief of police hace Prince Rupert lots on sale within the month than that of the fire chief, and) of paying to lend aid in arresting| should warn the hotel men, Premier R, J Mr }Commissioner Bullock - Webster delinquents because the foree On the matter of illicit sale of + Borden is invited to visit Ireland by Mr, iB he gy sg jm foln Redmond thought this hardly fair, was kept low in strength. This/liquor the chief was able to re- “ys Evans, English suffragette incendiary, is convicted Constables Considered. was the opinion of the commis-|port an orderly city, In regard “ sentence is reserved ih were also considered for} sioners, but not of the chairman) to the restricted distriet ques. ! vd, aises ‘re ¢ : Dr, Brydon Jack of Vancouver has been created an esquire 3) tables at the wale.of 401! f the commission, Mayor New. | tions were asked and the idea of he Order of @ : ; ro. jthe conste ’ ton, who believes the publie think} shifting the distriet partially tof Bt, John of Jerusalem, First for provines 1 mar of contin | s Poliee Chief ¥ i per month each year of es there are Constables enough to! broached without any definite ae- "Her Viekers has his salary raised by the police MmMissio luous serviee, pay for a constable} allow of reduction of staff by one, tion. It was held that this would n hu I ) ported that Germany is building nine new dreadnoughts 8} starting al 890 per As present|'The Mayor brought up the idea) be a pretty heavy task, subjeet to “eret British sensation. limembers of the foree started at/that all a constable has to dolobjections as rewards the spoil. Looal items rhe show Visitors in mining eireles, Foot i #100 per, there was special pro when he finds himself inadequate] ing of amenity similar to present Matoh he waterfront vision made that the present} for an arrest is to eall in the aid! objections voiced regarding the raise arrangement shall not belof any citizen, who must help.! present district, “Ot eewenrenreseroresoorooos pescoocanc’ NEXT MAILS From South Camosun Friday A. MM, For South Prince George. ...... Fri ,o am, Princess Sophia ' ‘détoraey? 9 am —_———_—— REALTY “OLIVETTE” BY THE JUVENILES A DELIGHTFUL COMIC OPERA Tonight bill be Special to Daily News Si. John, Aug, 8 Aceording FIRST FOR B C PASS THROUGH 10 IRELAND 7 o Soereee ot Er. Foveman 2% 2 wy the Winnipeg barister ar. If anything were needed ‘to] Canfle ld, who oceupies a very rived here from arguing the case prove the fact that the Juvenile| Warm corner in the hearts of the ; = a — | Pp ur 2 , Special to Daily News. Messrs, J K. Oppenheimer, (Spee ial to Daily News. ok band aan a a om By the . Ps R, steamer Prin- ee have mate good in Souaak Gen. i a ag Aug. 8.—Dr, W. B,J} capitalist, and BE. WH. Wilson, min-! cess Mary there will arrive in} Prince Rupert and entirely won| res . or ' Pi imdon, Aug. 8.—Premier R. L.Jeellor, favors the admittance of Prince Rupert tomorrow the|the hearts of the people of th | Des ffs, with a charm and grace la has becn created an|ing engineer, are at the G, T. Pp. i} Borden and his colleagues spe! Canadian jurists embershi . : : paee ay Ot that marks her as a finished ac- ; agu were PSh'p grand first principal Royal Arch] city, the turn-out last evening to! ” he Order of the Hos- Inn today, having arrived “ew the guests today of Mr. John|i" the judicial committee, and is Mason of Canada, the Right Wor.|Witness the — performanee — to the Gager Clipe, “| Jobn of Jerusalem,|Skeena Crossing from a visit Redmond at tea at the House of 20" sounding Canadian author shipful ex-Gomvanion F W,] “Olivette” at the Westholme| Stubby Myling had a_ star st resident of Britien rd ‘ie ca pore 3 Denn) miimons, during which matters mae ee ae Hareourt of Toronto, who will}Opera House most certainly has | comedian part as “Coquelieot” , be so honored, Ree. former place 7 hay oat raining to trade between Can pay on omeial visit to the Royal}/done so, “Olivette’ is a real} and was a revelation in childish his invaluable serv-lheimer and Wilson ate mn in and teétead oa | Fined Five and Two. Arch lodge of this city, An in.jomie opera, and one of the best | |precocity, simply carrying the nection with te St.lmen from Butte, Montane ant land were discusses Before Magistrate A, Carss in| formal reception will be tendered | at that. The impersonation of| audie nee away by her quips and Ambulance Association! this is their dik wine hee ly ted Ir. Redmond invited the minis.|the police court this morning|him by the local Royal Arch Ma.|the different roles by the mem-|anties, Patsy Henry as the petite his present distinction.| eality, They express themselves pore vo View Deetans. Hon, Gueieas oe aon ie a ee pire Bie di ey gin oes showed Ber vorsenany @ as more than satisfied with every-| Doherty accepted and it is bent. aoureee » and $2 costs, for ner capital, all the parts seeming tojan actress by her delightful ren- Boat Items. thing they have seer fi nd sible that Mr. Borden will also go being drunk and disorderly An Mr. and Mrs. ©. EF. Bainter and] fit them like gloves, dering of the leading part. Billie state of California 66N6dl are sete, Ire - ! wal yn : Sianar epithe le ther case where a summons had| Mr. and Mrs, J. R, Morgan have Thom Hellen as the hero, Val-|O'Neil, Jeff Monro and Thaye her return trip from od Ps . -) “tee oe , sect a , been issued and the defendant] returned from a two weeks’ cruise |entine, who has so many obstacles|Crawford were all splendid in : nd veins Ghee ar a. ve see a ee aes | did not put in an appearance will|in the latter’s launch among the|thrown in the way of his love af-|the respective parts of the at the G. T. P. wharf ae a aE about Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas,|come, up later under a bench/isiaads on the coast south of| fair, aeted and sang charmingly| Senechal, Captain De Merrimac a George left this plans for the future development] phone Green 391. Govt. eee pmenr. | Prinee Rupert. as ever, The special request of|and the Countess of Rousillion. " 2 —- a of the property. re English bn Football Club,| The singing and general work of Vho oecupiec cor > s , > Cc 1 number of passen- Look for the Red Tag. 183tf lo (hbesditien, to tat a oe eet Pee ae ang ana - Wild Irish Rose” was graciously| kept the large audience enrap- —— Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. aceeded to and fairly brought/tured during the whole perform. | for the Red Tag, {835tf] Phone 4 down the house. ' anc e, the A beautiful vein will quet of flowers was presented to/"‘The Dream Girl,’ ‘an entire Miss Hellen by the delighted bo¥s|change of programme with lots in the Roses’ box. Little Dodie | of the latest songs. ——$—$ —___ —— BRITISH MINISTERS INVITED Aug. Following up British press suggestion that The Prince match under the Football Associa- third Rupert ie Ottawa, the some of the British cabinet min-|tion rules will be played tonight isters should return the visit off/on Second avenue. The Callies Premier Borden and. his col-|team will be as follows: R. G, leagues, it was anounced today] Killin, Martin, 8. Currie, J. H. that Canada has extended an in- Kelly, J. Dunn, Stewart, J. Currie, Vitation to Rt. Hon. Winston/and Dowther. Kick off at 7:15 Churchill and other ministers to sharp. Referee, Mr. MeLeod,. Visit the Dominion next fall when| Goal umpires, MeMeekin and F, the naval debate is on. Derry. ——— —- The Callie officials confidently Look for the Red Tag. 183tflexpect the above team will strip ———_—_——_—_—— the Roses of some of their “blooming” propensities during this mateh. Roses Football Club. The team selected to represent DOUKHOBORS AT IT AGAIN (Special to Daily News.) Victoria, Aug, 8.—Owing the above club tonight in the postponed game of the Prince Rupert Football Association is the strongest ever played in this city, viz: Goal, Joe Lane; backs, Hollis and Carss; hat backs, Golden and Garnet; forwards, N. Austin, Austin and Barker, Sec- retary Bell asks for all players to be on the fleld at 7:15 prompt. VICTORS OF OLYMPICS ARE HOME New York, Aug. 7.—The first bateh of Olympic victors reached home from Sweden on the steam. evr Vaderland today. The official reception will not take place un- til August 22nd or 24th, as the rest of the crowd are still im Europe. Ralph Rose, world's champion at putting the shot, and Grand Forks B. C., are not obey- laws, the Attorney appoint a commis- megane ts the colonies and Brilliant, ing the eivil General will sioner to near CHINA TRIES TO CHECKMATE THE FOREIGN LOAN Shanghai, Aug. 7.—Ilt is re- reported that Dr, Sun Yat Sen and General Huang Sing, who was minister of war in the provineial cabinet, have coneluded negotia- tions for the establishment in|James Thorpe, winner of the Shanghai of a foreign and Chi-|pentathlon, are at Colombos, nese bank with a capital of $10,.| France, 000,000, Their objeet is to check- a mate the proposed foreign loan. Look too the Red Tag. 183tf PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR William Stenhouse is nearly killed by a stone from a shot at Mile 42, whieh crashes through mess house roof, City Council grants raises in salary to W. D. Vance and Sanitary Inspector MeFarlane, Mayor Manson is at Vancouver arranging for purchase of a city team, Union Bank announces forthcoming removal to new prem- ises on Third avenue and Fifth street. Alderman Newton explains how he seized his chance in the absence of Finance Chairman Kirkpatrick to put through a motion cancelling the city insurance business held by Alder. man Naden and Alderman Pattullo’s firms, Appointment of an admiral for the eity salary of 860 per is proposed in eouneil, sniff yacht at a - panne: ss ee ETT