EEE : THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN Sein comet abdiides THR DAILY NEWS “cana, /ODDFELLOWS’ ASSOCIATION OF WIFTEST UREST AFEST S : Published Daily and Weekly by i ‘ THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT. : r . omc | TWIN SCREW STEAMERS . “ PERT”; AND “PRIN 's TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract sates - -—- : PRINCE RUP' RT INCE GEORGE on application. | Kingston, Aug The annualiaccidents numbered 20 The Me s of the Rebekah Ds “ . 9% MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © am. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Damy gee | PC MNE oF the thd Fe we fh fis fendent of agencies re-!\ gree t Z ficates for $2560 Prince George Salle ee oe ete a . : sp ed that from June to June he ‘ me are ; As litician 0 ‘ iit i *® mest delehtiful weather ’ a pean cities, forgetting that) , ) parts. : hundreds of years and millions} 66 e has prevailed all the week ts THE IROC L OIS ——— ' nev have been necessary] 7 fears wecasioned by the O L THE BORER m ye , | Lee Prince Rupert Vancou _ ee ae are | S onlians any et Gass indy, Shek Ee om as ‘follo “yg Be P O tS WORTHY. Toronto is doing fairly well for sre not to enjoy any more real mee English and American Billiards Ht has been decided by the Po- her age and means. We wish} summer thie year Rave been dis Gain” : Wednesdays at 5 p.m. | Twelve Tables ECOND AVE lice Commissioners that Princs thing better than to be alive] LAST FOUR PERFORMANCES ed 7 “¢ Rupert's popular police chief twenty-five vears from new and] ‘ ° Saturdays at 10 Oo — wg rm POF ' as ‘ ; ; + esciraogst Looking down the weather re- a y wre shall have an increase in sai- see the lmprovemen : ee ee ee : s for health resorts al! rriving at Vancouver ay evening ary. Certainly there could be Remembering what Vancouv-} nround the coast. one finds under! and Monday morning, respectively L. A. Barbeau no mere generally popular de- er did in only twenty-five years.| the heading Bright Sunshine.’ én : Heading, : shine, | Cartage, Coa! age cision made to raise the salary the Prince Rupert citizen is in- I ONIGHT {2 and 13 hours recorded in sev.) None safer on the coast than these two molaiae Monee = Services of any city official Salary ined to fancy the Toronte) era places, while under the fine passenger steamers raises are usually fullowed by) prophet slow. It is practically/ heading, “Rainfall,” in every case| ee ; protest or at any rate grumbles certain that Prince Rupert’s|@ Tr ‘ s week the report is nil Phone 58 735 3rd Ave This one will be heralded with business section wil! be studded Charming Opretta of the Balkans The southeast of England has J. a. ROGERS, Agent Phoae 116, approval on the part of ail with skyscrapers by 1920. ig “Th Dr Girl’ Sol tho tekt of ths “eek eacte anastasia S| e Dream heat of the sun more] : 191,380,000 during the year. Al - Monday the n sinen abate “LINDSAY CARTAGE and alversi es rts lorge part of chis deot sas =-\} “Tomorrow Night--‘Berta’s Billions’ Dice, andl. be tahs STORAGE icurred for revenue preducing was Oe cagrecs, and on fol-| Decort nas ) Purposes. : Sa: N “ wing day 88 degrees were reg- G. T. P. Transfer Agents ‘The up-to-date ——~ 7 } stered at Ham: eat ' tors rince Rupe ME | \ : Although the charge for inter- t. igh pe Hoffman’ 8 Holiday” — = . — an Na The : Orders praaptly Sled Prices reasonable. ie . lest and sinking fund on London’s\# “ —" == GPETCCS.| OPFICE—H. B. Rochester. Contrest. Phone @ | . *,° debt for 1910-11 was #31,350,000. Special Matinee Saturday au «Sign Writing. only $19,400,000 of this was borne _ ang 8 a P H 1 ibs the rates, the remainding sum “The Ransom” es " ing ao aS Ree aper- anging ——— lof #11.950,000 being a charge on es: . - am in he Times ' ; - : ——— SSS Wednesdays fewer th Our Speciaities London, Aug. 7.—The agere-/ithe net revemies of various un-| ’ : th seven Night 50c., 75e., $1.00; Matinee. Adults Se, lig: Alegmey gate debt of London secured on | dertakings which are for the most | Prices—} 2 4 - : the rates, on March 31st, 1944.) part carried on with little or nm was #$550,000,000, a decrease of’ charge on the rates. This Listens Like a Mountain “Lie-un’—But It’s on the Level Children 25c. Sats on Sale at Box Office. i IMT th | Mey = === a gq SCOOP, LONG ENOUGH FOR ME TO GET away! - _ fl=y HIM CHEW ON You f Engi and and u Wales, are reported. and there agazines :: Periodicals : : Newnpaner | yg ememmatt. OTHERS Ik were eight more recorded yester-|CIGARS =: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS TATE Cay Weekly Times, July (9th. 2nd Ave, Balow Kaien Island Club 2nd Street Phone 156 6 sinh ce eerste iaaaea ial . ee —Drawn for The Daily News by “<_ | (OW Boss-Do ou A. WANT ME To /s Save. THIS OR THROW IT —— \E HE GETS A GOOD MEAL. OUT OF SCOOP, HE May F