THE DATLY NEWS ——— _ — —————— ———— ; | THE Dany News _ | THE AWAKENING OF THE CANADA’S ir Sue" re sone eich oaysatent esomree | INDUSTRY ON THE ISLANDS; CAPITAL WILL | ans Published Daily and Weebly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TWIN SCREW STEAMERS ! naire DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 site per inch. Contract oe DOUGHTY PLANS PROGRESS | COST MORE ; fects: RUPERT”, AND “PRINCE GEORGE” on application. ’ MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © am, : Prince George Salle for Stewart on Thured _ SUBSCRIPTION RATES--To Canada, United States and Mexico— Dainy, 60¢ | Good news has been received|/doing their part in this under- Montreal, Aug. 9. Canadians vense 8 uredays ot 8 «4 <4 “PRINCE JOHN” per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| from Mr. Wilfrid V. Doughty to| taking, must realize that they will have Weekiy service to Port Simpooe, Nees, Granby Bey and Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | {lie effect that salmon a ‘eal - one is to congratu-| | pay more for their money, and| “PRINCE ALBERT” in advance. ining in Jlargwe numbers and that) lated on obtaining the services ; lings for Skeena River Canneries, and al! " » enene ev ret t the bet- Regular satling , t way the Skidegate cannery is veryjof Mr. A. W. Carter as superin- the sooner they realize | e bet-| Prince Rupert and Vancouver ! was the remark made by Mr.) passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Monda HEAD OFFICE busy taking care of the cateh ltendent ofs the connery opera- i and Saturdays at 11 & m., making connections for Ha, ’ Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. | ter To those who have followed theltions. Mr, Garter was for many Arnold peeves * a ae Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway Syst work undertaken by the B. ©.) years seeessful in the manage- ion TrustCompany oF ancouver, (The Double Track Route) “ystem ; | Fisheries, Limited, at Aliford|ment of the Oceanic yn his return from Great Britain | Retween Chicago and all points Bast. connecting — BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES | : | at rhe recent failure of Toronto pacific coast, Let us prepare nerary for your trip EAST this : Bay and Skidegate under the) Skeena River, ‘ i x} Agency for ali Atlantic: Steamship Lines. For all information app! New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City) | management of Mr Doughty, it It is the wish of all interested) to — ,. its civ : 9 os ow “ A. ©. MOMABTER, Jeneral Agent. ce similar failures Dy ancouver é | y we Street pata is a time for congratulations to|in the fishing industry that the | . SRATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. | Montreal calls fresh attention to} + : + ‘ the energetic manage! Mr.) B, ©. Fisheries may fill every can — ~The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar) ;),..,¢n¢y jeft Grimsby on the 20th }this, their first, season in opera- rola Sapper : of January of this year and after tion in the London market. erie B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE 7 ' : . a short stop ancouver dj sir George 0 » |been paying too little for oul Susscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of |“ hort stop in Vat sei et ro George Doughty, crac Laaetias and hereafter borrowers non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Victewa came on to Prince Ru-johsirman of the B. C. Bleneries lwill be forced to pay more than] cannery, |‘ | this whole question of borrowing pert. After visiting the site of|Limited, was to have left Eng- they have been paying in the —— = =<<=|their proposed operations he im.|land about the 25th of July to in- —————— ———_—_—— os CANADIAN Cor, Fraser and 5th Choice Wines ediatel yroceeded to tet con-|speet the orks at Quee Char- past. i PRINCESS if ' Fripay, AuGust 9 "erllately | , oe Mr. Arnold also empasized the} Lae RUPERT'S PALACE OF comp tracts for the buildings, with the] lotte Islands, Their steam result that by June 15th the can-|trawlers Canada and Triumph nery was ready and can making) left Grimsby the 11th of July and S in progress Now comes thelothers will follow at an early curities they offered in the Lon-| Ss. S. Princess Sophia Daily News oli Daily Doings — — anid ———— RAISED ONE SOUTHBOUND New | | Saturday, Aug. 10, 9 a.m. , 4. @. MNAB, General Agent Kn 0X ote [oe mare ore ool WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE || DOLLAR CHEQUE - Hotel ractically e Provineisz nicipalities and corporations ——__—_———_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—————EEEEEE! | aires ae ~ ant atkins warned eee Cosgrove and Lang Present the famous T0 $100,000 Tiel N EASTERN |BESNER & BESNER, Py } wan DaILy EDITION. ————————_—== z = == ORT importance of Canadians using} diserimination in the class of se. | making {too heavy offerings.| a NCA The New Knox Hotel i« + phan sold sections of the city are these pesismistic views of the e ay ° he Bur to be put on the market this| bond market have been voiced Juvenile Rerlin, Ont., Aug. 9.—In mak.| SPN Excursions plan, _ Firet-class service All the Latest month, There is one section, from s0 many sources at once ing search of the personal effects | eine semen saat : that one is led to suspect a of Abraham Rowenstein, a Rus- FIRST AVENUE. PRIN‘ however, in which the govern- a by the 66 e 99 purpose, not entirely unselfish, 2 Two. Section Two was mar- River Times. “In faet, there is the local branch of the Mere hants| ent t ' ; ot Cor First Ave Keted sooner than had eon ex-] a suspicion that Hi a car, LAST THREE PERFORMANCES fire ii eio0.000. puryertine to rata pected by the Grand Trunk shrewdness rather than short- £100,000 “port to} Eu n and America steam : : eee en ames a, ni eo . ete vat Se posit of $100,000, purporting lal Senet. sne@ern eunveniences, "ave Company. Since its sale the} ness on the part’of the Eng- my a eee een made on July 26th. Oa|?———_ SOLED, TRAINS 3 |) pesaed. modern coms | . daily from Vancouver > section has lain dormant ex- lish investor, For ten years we |making inquiries at the bank it : 1 Peter Black cept for two small houses have been hammering in upon was ascertained that a deposit of or Seattle erected on it. It has neither) him with every means in our i had been made, and that) Low round trip rates to all points in plank roads nor footpaths. Un- power the fact that we are a amount was raised to $100,000 by| Canada and the United States. Call til some better means of cross- prodigiously prosperous people./f }Rowenstein, It is supposed that | and let us tell you all about it : ing Morse Creek hollow exists : ‘ the tended raising the money) Gr d H l., than the present low level trail THE ENGLISH MONEY The Clever Musical Comedy pede: ove s Rogers’ Steamship ee an ote | j nong « friends in a few days, , ~~. eres MAN WAKES UP. jamong hi there can be no very great de- “Berta ’ Billio 99 igiving suflicient time to allow the Workingman’s Home velopment of Section Two. By “During the last five years he Ss ns lalleged $100,000 to arrive from Agency Free La Bureau in Connection making a temporary road for has begun to believe us. He ibe a ber Con nee et te aoad papers have been forwarded to} PHONE 116 | has been investing in Canada . . GEO, BRODERIUS. P level something might be done} r S Saturda Ma a elie 4 eit tam ieein | . ropnetor |} and as a rule he has found the y tinee the police authorities in Toront to start development, but what! : led is bridge beyo i} returns liberal and satisfac- “cc Dream 2.499 } jem The EP. cold thete| tory. Of late he has adopted)} The Gir NEW GOVT UNION $5. COMPANY OF B. G.. Ltd C O A L lots with never a word of bridge| the habit of coming out to : ee ese e building, though the persistent) (Canada and qooking the cous-| ff Farewell Performance Tomorrow BUILDINGS | ‘The new steel Passenger Steamers idea in the citizens’ minds is| that the bridge can most gw try over for himself. This has Night--- “Hoff 1's Holi day” —_——— _ —_——— | Nev york The bank book and Phone 178 let A nd Tth St a 'New Wellington Coa! Best on the FOR REGINA 7 Chelohsin ’ Phone 116 Ropes bd tically be built by the city, the made him better acquainted Ga. T. P. and the government with loeal conditions and has ee . a . - acting together. Now. that the} increased his confidence. But Prices—Night 50c., 75c., $1.00; Matinee, Adults 50c., government has decided to de-| 4 ae also resulted in his mak- Children 25c. Seats on Sale at Box Office. lay the sale of these lots in ing a discovery. He has dis- oi ‘ ie” icsiastins “ 9 ae Section Two there are hopes covered that the money he is —~ = . = - =—S=—S== = = od Se ee Camosun THE IROQL OS that this means consideration | as at 4 and 5 per cent. 18) 8 : . —_ = |from the board of Regina Metho-| of the urgent request made} yeing used by the man on the dist College the entire block NOW) Leawe Prince Rupert for Vancouver POOL threugh the Premier that the . - many oa as to eae ~ ry \ temporarily occupied by the col. as “follows: government should share in 9 and even <0 per cent, n lege and the former site of the : the bridge construction and short, he has come to the con- Victoria Hospital, with a view to ‘Chelohsin” - Wednesdays at 5 p.m, Twelve Tables should use its power with the, Clusion that he is furnishing| @ : : lerecting a new court house The | “Cg ” vu ; 0 ouse. mosun” - Saturdays at . G. T. P. to enlist the co-opera-| the money which makes the |building, work upon which will , 10 pm tior of that corporation also. present development of West-/@ commence in due course, will be Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening A B | L. arbeau . rage —AND— English and American Billard ern Canada possible, but ‘he is and Monday morning, respectively not getting his share of the iC : tanada and will provide for fu- CANADA'S CAPITAL profits. At least, he is not get- aia expansion None safer on the coast than these two TO COST MORE. | ting as much as he might, and! . | : oe 3 fine passenger steamers “For some months past we have in money matters that is the been hearing from various} only limit. —_—_9———_ one of the finest buildings inj Cartage, Coal and > Reliable Messenger Service J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 | | | | Phone 58 735 3rd Aw ti te canract. ana Silversides Bros | STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents The up-to-date House ' tors of Prince Rupert : rif? it i LYNCH BROS General Merchandise - ihe #* Orders promptly fil rices reasonable. “Extraordinary report’ are giv- ly Ged. 8 len by the papers which arrived eee See ae Fee | ign Writing. lthe other day from the Pacifle of} ————— i P H ° aper- anging |geld finding on the Cariboo and| | ‘i the Stickeen.’ Little’s | r Specialties a ee PENNER ERERESS CONC NENENBEE Minn tn gv les MEWS Agency) ow i : | ines :: Peri - — — yet only this summer news Magecincs 1: Suaiedinate Newspapers | we ORIGINATE. OTHERS tee of a Stickine gold strike was/CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS| TATE iia ~~ ~-o-— Find It Through a News Want Ad. ereating a sensation, | 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club 2nd Street Phone 156 & Keep Your Money in the Family, Boss —Drawn for The Daily News by” (aas ~\F YOU WERE I GAVE THE THE FISHERMAN SMALLEST ONET THAT I AM -Nou > CAUGHT TOA MIGHT CATCH ONE at | UIT TLE We ip THT THIS SIZE! i MET! ——