LOOK PLEASANT stock [hose who inspect our from time to time don't be told to look pleasant; it comes as natural as You ought to Watch the Smile Broaden the Red name and } hey Tag with the blue, Out comes ompare address is given, a dray is « book, for and the goods are at their destination in a few is How Our Busi That is How Our Business Goes ENAMELWARE 0 stock of this ware is fast disappearing; if you replenish you must hurry, see our Kitehen Cabinets Prices from 812.50 to e41.0 Make a point of calling today; it will pay you, ——=———— = The Big Furniture Store 2nd Ave. and 6th Street FOR SALE Section Two. Block 12, $1,000 Lots 66 cash Lots 1 14, cash 67, each; % Block 19, $200 Section Five. 22, Block 37, $1,000; 4% cash Section Bix. Lot 18, Block 28, $1,900; §660 cash Lot 34, Block 28, $1,050 cash Section Seven. Block 10, $800; % cash 11-12, Block 13, $1,600; % cash 5, Block 39, $700; % cash Section Eight. Block 30, $025 pair; terms, FOR RENT. Store on Second Ave., near Seventh St. Five room house on Fourth Ave., near Mc Bride St., $25 per month Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. PHONE 3917 $850 pair; Lot Lot 20, Lots Lot Lots 9-10 $400 cash, balance 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert | TRY A NEWS WANT AD ve nee ory Ye P Home Has ls Purse And 99 out of every 100 unpre- judiced people will tell yoi THE DAILY NEWS is the home paper of Prince Rupert... ....... Advertisers also tell us and will tell you that results obtained from publicity carried in the columns of this paper have exceeded by far those obtained through any other newspaper published in Prince Rupert The successful business man today is the one who advertises judiciously, who chooses the medium most generally read by citizens of a community; a business man who does not look upon an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the con- trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will generally find in the front ranks of his profession, turning his dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly—and all through the liberal use of newspaper publicity. Try advertising as an investment, if only for a short time, and watch your business grow. Let our solicitors call and explain why The News is the best me- dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- paign. wis Shes idl Phone THE DAILY News SEAMEN MAY REFUSE TO MAN C.P.R. EMPRESS Quebec, August 10 rhe OP, K. ‘iner Empress of Britain was to have left today for England, but there is still something to be done to her bow, and she will not sail before tomorrow morn. ing, She will carry freight and no passengers, It is stated that the firemen stokers and some of the stewards on the Empress of Britain will refuse to sail tomorow at day break unless they are granted a month's extra wages It is said that they claim the ship i# not seaworthy until after her proper repair in the British dockyard, MIRACLE SAVES MILLIONAIRE MOUNTAINEER Calgary, August 10—Mr,. Selby Walker, son of Colonel James Walker, millionaire, of Calgary, narrowly eseaped death on a dangerous slope of Castle Moun- tain, in the heart of the Cana- j}dian rockies, on Saturday, when lhe lost his footing and fell a dis. tance of 100 feet Walker erash- ed against a boulder, and was saved from being hurled to death over a 500-foot precipice. The young mountaineer suf- fered three broken ribs and a number of severe lacerations, He was rescued with ropes and car- ried to the Alpine Club's tempor- ry camp at the foot of the mountain, where he is slowly recovering, MONTREAL ' TRUETOITS OWN FIRST BANK | | Montreal, Aug. 10-—It has | been decided by the city council to accept the offer of the Bank on towel o> -gle ~ the Lage |! lish market a temporary loan of | £750,000 al i% per cent., to |Which has been added commis- sion and stamp dues, bringing | the total discount to about 4% CLOTHES | MADE FROM NETTLES The search for a substitute for j}cotton in Europe has lead with promising results to the of the common nettle. The strength of the fibre of this plant, its ready growth under discourag- ing conditions and the large yield per acre make it highly desirable for this The dried nettle }stems are boiled in lye and the | | fibres are separated by machines use use. | fitted with revolving brushes. When spun into eloth it is said that the result is a fabrie fully equal in durability to cotton, while the cost is materially re- dueed. It has been used success- fully in making uphelstery and even ribbons. i. hae the Red Tag. 183tf Motoring and billiards are not, after all, such modern amuse- ments as some persons imagine, At any rate, they must surely have known something about them in Tyre and Sidon, Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. FORT GEORGE Port George is situated midway between Prince Rupert and Edmenton, ie at the jinetion of the two great waterways in t. PORT GEORGE will be the Hub of Brit ish Columbia, because the ratlways have | to follow the rivers for @ natu PORT GEORGE will be @ great distribut | ing centre, like Calgary, Edmonton, Winni- | pes, be@ause all the grain of the proses will come through there on its way to the coast | PORT GEORGE will in trackage facilities, © miles and miles 80 elevators, flour mills, beewerles, ete, | Wort George has @ good climate and is a | sued tmnixned farming country, | PORT GRORGE distriet and Cariboo dis j trict are rich in minerals, POKT GKORGE will be connected by | tram with Edmonton by next spring. Lots m Fort George are selling fast and advanciag in prices; take advantage of this disappearing opportunity and call at onee at ‘COLLART @ REYNOLDS | Box 806 = 226 @th Street = Phone aes #rade.| cast following meander of river back LAND pPURC ASE NOTIC e Take notice that I, J. B. Forsman, occu pation miner, intend’ to apply to the Chief! Commissioner of Lands for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at 4@ post planted § ten chains distant and in an easterly direction from the northwest corner of Timwver Limit 9990, on the south end of Lakeise Lake, B. &G., thenee West about 50 chains to the southeast corner of A. | No 22,203, thencee north one chain (more oF less) to the lake shore, thence easterly along the lake shore to the point of com mencement, and conteining ten acres, more or less J. B. PORBMAN skeena District of o Hange 5. Take notice that I, Sorel D, Bacile, of Victoria, B. U., occupation laborer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands; Commencing at 4a post rae about five chains in @ northerly direction from the north end of Hermon Lake, thence north 80 chains, thence west 40 chaing, thnce south 80 chains, thence east % chains to point of commencement, taining 320 acres more or less SOREL DE > TROFPF BACILE. L. Elliott, Agent Lond District coast, con Dated April 20, ‘vit Pub, May 23, 1912 REAL - ESTATE - SNAPS Dow t put off baying until the sale of Government tots, Wl surely be much higher then Now ts the tine A FEW SPECIALLY GOOD BUYS Section One. corner on lane Section Tw Some good lots in Blocks. 1 and 9 cheap. Section Five. price $1,850; Section Six. half cash, balance 6 tion Seven. Ave,, $1,625; half cash, Section Eight Lot 22, Block 30, $475 Lot 48, Block 30, $375 Bainter and Sloan Life and Aecident Ins. in or after, as prices Lots 21-22, Block 95 good terms double wraded; price 815,000.00; very Lot 16, Block 16, with 12-14 months Snap on Borden street house, $500 cash, 6 Lots 15-16, Block 27, 83,500; 12-18 months Lots 11-12, Block 43, Ambrose balance arranged ind Avenue Fire, Jest Companies, Notice is hereby given that I, J. &. Stark, of Naas Harbor, occupation pros pector, intend, sixty (60) days from date, to make application to the Deputy Com- Lands and Works at Irince Rupert, B. C., for permission to purchase the following described land, situated at the head of Alice Arm, B, C Commencing at & post planted alongside the northeast corner post of the River mouth mineral claim, thence south along missioner © Canadian General Electric Company, Limited otors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical A Apparatus « of | every _description Graham Kearney, Mgr. Phone 245 BOX 974 A the east boundary of the Kivermouth nitn- eral claim 2,272 links, thence east 358 plus links to west boundary of Indi Re- serve, thence north 2,272 plus links along said boundary line, thence west 141 plus vnks to point of commencement, contain ing about five (5) acres more $f less. 4 STARK. Dated Alice Arm, B, C., May tith, 1912. Pub. May 27, 1912. Skeena Land District-—District of Coast Take notice that John M. Buchanan, of Atlin, B. C., occupation teamster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 4450, Range V, coast District, thence 40 chains north along east line of Lot 4450, thence east 40 chains more or less to northwest post i Lot 597, thence south along west line f Lot 507 40 chains more or less to shore line, thence west 40 chains more or less to place of commencement and containing 1o@ acres mure or iess. J. M. BUCHANAN. George M. Shirley, Agent. Dated May 30th, 1012. Pub. June 13, 1912 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ange » Take notice that William Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation capitalist, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands: Commencing at @ post planted on the west bank of the Hocsgll River, about one mile above Browns Falls, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chains, more or less to bank of Hocsall Kiver, thence southerly following river oank to point of commencement, to con tain 4° acres more or less. WILLIAM AGNEW, Locator. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Date! May 25th, 1012. Pub. June 3, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, ange V. Take notice that I, James Coxford, of vembroke, Ont., occupation lumberman, neend to apply lor permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted at point where G. T.:P. Rly. intersects the Zymago- tita River, about 26 chains southwest from most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence easterly 48 chains along G. T. P. Rly. right of way, thence southerly and westerly about 70 chains following shore line of island Ww point of commencement. JAMES COXFORD. Dated July 1 am i Poh Jniv 23 skeena Land oem —District of Coast,| ange Take notice that I, Kitsumkalum, occupation ljumberman, ip-| tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: - © oaneeee ing at & Most planted at @ point) where 6 P. Aly. intersects the Zymago- titz River, about 24 chains southwest from most vee ae of Lot 1717, thence easterly 48 chams along the G. T. P. Rly. cight of way, thence northerly and west- erly about 60 chains following shore line of island to point of commencement. ANTHONY LUDGATE. Dated July 6th, 1912. Pub, July 23,1912. skeena Land District mapianrtas of Coast, ange Take notice that Caroline Johnson, of Vancouver, . C, occupation married woman, intends to apply for rmission to purchase the comowme described lands. Commencing at 4 lanted at the southwest corner of ot s 65, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains east, thence 60 chains north to southeast corner of Lot $062, thence west 40 chains along Lot 3062, thence north 20 chains along Lot 3062, thence 40 chains west along Lot 3065 to point of commencement, contain- ing 560 S@eres more or less. CAROLINE JOHNSON. Ww. J. win, Agent. Dated May 20th, 1912. Pub, June 18, 1013. Skeena Land Distrise—pistotes of Coast, , Alonzo Hamblet, of Evereit, Washington, occupation engineer, intend i apply for permission to pur- shase the following described lands: Commeacing at a post planted on the north bunk of Beaver River and about 6% Take notice that miles i” a@ westerly direction from the southwe.: corner of T. L. 2255, taence 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains east, following meander of river back to pcint of commencement, containing 320 acres more or less, ALONZO HAMBLET. Per Eli T. H., Hambiet, Agent. Dated June 10th, 1012. Pub, July 16, 1912. Skeena Land Distries— District of Coast, Range V. Take notice that I, Seymour Traynor, of Terrace, B. C. ae physician, intend to ly permission to pur- chase the fol Swine” described lands: Commencing at & t planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 2 miles in a westerly «irection from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains east, following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. SEYMOUR TRAYNOR, Per ‘i T, A. Hamblet, Agent. Dated June Oth, 1912. Pub, July 16, 1942. Skeena Land Digwiese-District of Take notice that 1, Janet Traynor, of Terrace, B. C,, ceeupation married woman, intend to apply for peanrenes to purchase the following deseri Commenct at @ post planted on the south bank of Beayer River and about 6% miles in @ westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains Coast, point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. sana TRAYNOR, Per Bl T, H, Hamblet, Agent, Dated ne 10 rut Pub. J) ate Skeena Land District—-District of Coast, Range V. fake notice that I, Vrederiel WwW. Vin- eent, of Kitsumkalum, B. C., occupation fire warden, intend to ply for permis sion to purchase the following deseribed lands» Commencing at @ post planted in the north bank of Beaver River and about 2% miles in @ Westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L. No. 2265, thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains east, meandering river back to point of commencement, contammg 640 acres, more or less RED W. VINCENT, Dated J ne 900, ore. Pub, uly 16, i942. Vv. f Anthony Ludgate, of} to} about eighty chains to KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No, 3 Oils Varnishes HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints “* Stay Satisfactory Range.”’ “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices. 1142 Pender Street West - - Phone 3500. Vancouver, B.C. ~..When at the... EXHIBITION Between Aug. 10-17 Henry Birks & Sons Jeweller; Mail Order House Geo. E. Trorey Managing Director Gur out-of-town customers should not fail to visit our store and ask to be shown through the different departments. If they do so they will learn why we ean cater to their wants so readily and with such satisfaction to themselves. Also, when they are in the store they should ask for one of our large illustrated catalogues, from which they may their fall goods and gifts for later in the season. Be sure and see our Cut Glass room. B.C. Vancouver -:- choose ‘LAND PU RCHASE NOTICES —THE— Skeena Land District- acior Range. Westholme Lumber Co. TAKE NOTICE that I, 5. Wise, of Victoria, occupation gentleman, intend within thirty days to apply for permis- sion to purchase the following described) land:—Commencing at &@ post planted about one and @ half miles south of In- dian Reserve at Goose Bay, twenty chains south, thence twenty chains east, thence twenty chains orth, thence twenty chains west to point of commncement. ~’ Fo 8. we yous Forrest, Agent, Dated July 26. 1942. All Kinds of Building Supplies Pub. Aug. 5, 12. Skeena Laud District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Eli T. H. Hamblet, of Seprese, B. C., occupation engineer, intend apply for ‘permission to purchase the fouswhine conn “¥ Planted on the Commencing at Beaver ver and about 4% miles in @ westerly direction from the southwest corner of T,. L. 2255, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains ‘est, thence 40 north, thence 160 chains east following the r of river back to point of commencement, containing 640 A -big beautiful 88 key electric player piano, worth $1,200 given away to the Bere OF OF eet TT. H. HAMBLET , Bese Per Eli T, H. Hambiet, Agent. pool players in the ment pool room, Empress Theatre building. Dated June 10th, 1012. Pub, July 16, 1012, Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast, Range IV Take notice that Po prank 8. 81. Amour, of Prince rt, B. C., occupation pros pector, R- to apply for permission to PRINCE R T purchase the following descri ; . Big stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to y hains, eighty chains, thence north twenty chains to beach, thence wester| along the beach o> © of commence - undred and sixty AMOUR, Meni, con acres, more or RANK B, Dated June 90th, 1018. Pub, July 2%, 1912, Skeena Take agtios that Margrite Nicoll, of Tersace, c., occupation widow, intend ly for porenianea lo purchase the rouow oe described lands; at ‘ t planted on the - in bank. of Beaver River and about 4% Land Digeries—Distriet of Coast, —~ALL KINDS OF FEED— Ageats International Stock Food:- miles in @ Westerly direction from the southwest corner of T, L. 2255, thenee 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chaims east following meander of river back to SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE, point of commencement, containing 3207 Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and on ith MAROWITE NICOLL. Sheet Metal Work ‘orp BU T, H, Hamblet, Agent Office: : Dated June 10eh, 1912. Pause ite ”* and Ave. bet. Tih and tab Bee Pub. July 16, 1012,