The Daily News Se — ye ni mae _SNAP.. SPLEND PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR ' eee SEND-OFF FOR —aREPUDIATES THE IDEA OF “The News” Classified Ads. |\«::": terme, BOSTONIANS —-—_PURPOSELESS PUNISHMENT |} —Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== |}: That Prince HRupert has made In a strong, direct sermon de.| effort of God for the saving from _THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— 3 lots, Block sy good as being one of the best] livered to a very large audience) error and drawing to Himself and each; 880 cash . ; show towns on the Pacific coast{'™ the Empress Theatre last night! the happiness of goodness, of all i H. DOUGLAS i Rey, F. W. Kerr gave his own|that He has made, In Rev. Kerr's! ” ~~ | 339 rd BM estadlishe . ag CATE OF IMPR oo Box 605 is established fact that has] vicina) views regarding Sit eoaciudine pliFase after his em. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Ave. P.O. Boy been flashed by telegraph to every ( osi . jtheory of eternal punishment.) phatical denia f belief . For Rent tice-—Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate Opposite Post Office city in Ganada and the United/ The pastor scathingly condemned| nal, purposiess punishment 's MERELY ae ee mn the Shee Mime yivelee. Geese te « Where located Near Granby in| State "he closing engageme ‘ jeanness oO » » mn oo . e “s oe . / ny WATER NorTic tates, rhe closing engagement th meanne f men who lived| found the keynote of his cony - MABEI ‘MEORTABLE fornished rooms from #2 id mining division and adjoining th e » ; ; ’ lie ¢ ’ . . ; > wrty of the Granby Consolidated Min | on Saturday evening, Phe Min.j9S5¢ “ves the belief that ho; tion on the subject God he REMARKS a wee ‘. ; b so vee “fF ~~ o 19 i swelling aud Power Company, Lim Perens 0 ners oF Pen Back Waty strets followed by that laugh.|?" shment awaited them in the) said, “will pursue you if you err, re ewan fie dl “‘T J I Rupert Hydro-Klectri: lie : : mde die 7 : ve ' . —_ e notice that 1, James Lee, Free ? jafter death period. But Rev. Kerr) with the purpose of re demption, Or ing ton Se cue te ‘ow Dutta une ertificate No, $2978B, intend,| dere ae pan beak 40 jmost emphatically denied belief) bringing to bear on you with end- - ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating | s/t) days prem the io nerect,. » apply }from Wolf Creek, 4 i none P on “ll . i . en lences i Tony the Mining Recorder for @ Certificate of ort sta | : day, played to a packed houst jin any purposeless, wanton or) less patience the power of Love, Phat now the | , = = Serius. a wh ? vements, for the purpose of obtain Perpece Harb ; t 54-1 ‘ I Crown Grant of the above claim abie comedietia, “Hoffman's Holi- : j _ i further take notice that action, | eter oa a. pe in the history of the show busi-;5°U's (han eternity of fire or any/line if need be of an eternity of neglected loeal beauty will smile er Seetion #5, must be commenced be-| Hui at small Lake, ¥< jaeue ; such flea v0 i other torment, by an all-wise, all- pain im order that the sinner may again. For Sale { semen ne ome aegis ae teblins uv oO appli loving God. Hell, in this young/ai last be taught the way of — ~> . Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912.) and use water ; JAMES J, LEE pastor's view, is the unremitting | peace.” Phat the two bauk boys who 80] piano ror sale; condition good; price mod By His Agent, F. J, Coleman | District, ond the Juvenile Bostonians delighted j ineffectually foliowed the gleam erate Phone Blue 401 187-191 | Pu { iz, 1912 ’ 7 — — jou the 23rd day that was something phenomenal/ apparently vindictive torturing of) the discipline of pain, the discip- tresses have gone south maybe ness in Prince Rupert. As was a eee ee eee announced in the daily press,! This notice their myriad of admirers by ren- of two bright eyed Juven les on)| FOR SALE—Two incubators, practically plication will be . new; capacity 104 and 150 Apply P CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. , hat Miner atin he octah: BEEF REACHES WON WARK’S es ae lorena ce oe waibivegions “maa | Not sultal Mineral lames i ' ae a) hits that have become the catch- a FOR SALE—By owner, 160 acres; 90 acres| i) ine sk a ‘ ‘Biome pivis So ‘ | Water Recorder That “Crip” sure was shang epen meadow land, balance timber; good) ,,,., Where jwcsted Near wy,| Of Water Rights word of two continents ; ; +) Viet B. ¢ oe - ; ital : land; the pick of the north of Graham | ' said ung divisic nd @ i tctorss, ©. - - > hack ‘ aw ‘ $20 per acre Four miles from store} . smelune owt Compan) ‘ y : he back again next boat. t ©. Apply to A. M. Miller, R.deh,| Mini m i and Power mpan ars By A ai? ar —_ : . ) » and P parture for the south of the cncemneasinase B. C., Graham Island bree . | 1 notice that I, James J. Lee, Free | - reezy company of Juveniles, and That some of the ladies seemed s Certificate 52978B, intend, sixty] sir . , ae ¢ 5 ice - i laays from the date hereof, tu apply to the their send-off was a magnificent surprised when a certain pastor | Mining Recorder fur & Certificste of im ren WOTICE ane >rince » , yrovements, fo pul rf one. All Prince Rupert, = it suggested they might take off Wanted eee eos ce ae Pee et ME) Por @ License to Take ang ore 79 = the wharf waving Chicas aoa er ae oe the presence of ~ vishtteee hats so he could see his And further take notice that action | napent tase hereby . a farewell to the laughing lessies. ~s wee eer OM lested crowd on Saturday night}, nce al f section 85, must be utvenced | huper yaro- Ele “Orin” on the hoof reached $10 per hun- - dhial ‘jaudience, but by and by you 88W) wanrep—Wwomen to feed and fold onj before the issue of such Certificate of | treal, Canada, will api Crip” was there on board right : the much desired drawing for), verybody doing it. mangle. Apply at once, Pioneer Laun-| Improvements take and use 8.4 cul dre« ounds eT ods reakin +. . ; . 2 » . . , er out of in the middie of the throng of + . ms — here today, ne Wark’s handsome piano, sold by ary 1s6tf | vated this s0th day So Fy mt?! SScamiapmriy 6 them, and dozens of the most @!! records. Armour and Swift! the ticket system, was held in the ANTED—® furnished rooms tn private By His Agent, F. J, Coleman. | Mange 5, Coast b The » : o eame o ly for housekeep or § ; » ‘orpoi 0 ie popular boys in Rupert lined the) *°™ bidding against each other! Wark Jewelry Store. Mr. Frank cree. von. oe : = ished bouse. Permanent tenant. AD , ete e | wots wil be divers nished house Permanent tenant Ap ? she | Water will be dive waterfront and gangway. With! f°" Steers when the high mark! fjjis presided over the drawing many a warm hearted expression | “** touched, Use Wate Mut : of the Empress Theatre last night ply Royal Hotel Cafe Bar 188 —— -—- —_—_-——_—- lLot 691, and will b and 1k dinner © aenlated te humming “Noel, Noel" may find ANTED—First class wood turner, Prince CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. | burposes on th land ane ie Inner as deciarec ‘ out his mistake some dav Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-tf — Reson ‘ftearal Clete neiaels td ' “Fis > _ —" . 4 . mi » . y ’ : . The ano " : , ies en iners im, situa : tice s | of good will the company de- : inane be Mr, E. C, Gibbons. The pian \USEHOLD furnishings wanted, Send] the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis-|on the 23rd day of J parted, leaving behind them a SuUbseribe for the Daily News. is a good and pretty instrument.) _. particulars and prices to Box H, Datly|trict. Where located: Near Granby, in) plication will be fied i . i rhat two or three Seotch the- News is2-tf ihe saia mining division end adjoming| Water Recorder at | good impression which will not lot f h f tb ' tb the property of the Granby Consolidated | Objections may be . rate ' lologians fresh frae the heather Mining. siselting and Power Company,| Water Recorder or easily be obliterated by any sub- Mining, | Wyerer Recorder sequent success on any Prince ) sre not just sure but that Kerr Lost and Found 1 olice that I, Sam MeCague, admin Vie Sa is M AR ‘ Al i ithinks Calvin was in the richt strator of the estate of James McCagur Rupert stage. ia We | Free Miner's Certificate No, 52979B, imtend, | THIC CO., Limited distin sacs efter a. i} sixty days from the date hereof, to apply | 826 By A. W = a » the Mining Recorder for @ Certificate of : ” i 1ND—A sum of money Party identi vrovements the mose 0 ' —_ e He—"T" . ’ ® : fying may have same by applying to C. } ; a 2c oe eee See aT m gome t ul PW SOTGES SS pave WATER NOTICE | ie Franeis, 1113 Eighth avenue 190 snd further take notice Lot 19. 9 : : - ;when I go. She o it y m 85, must be o . i t 19, Block 19, Section 1, on Third Avenue, $16,000. jai 910)-seene.” ; S issue of such Certi | Fer & License to Store or Pen Back Wow INTEREST IN aan | Miscellaneous Prpjated this s0tm day of July, A. D. 1942.| gawerd’ Towuslte 20." : 3 “ a —— ae rater us S0th day of July, », 1092.) bg d Townsite Ry Lot 24, Block 10. Section 1 (with building) —$15,000. sees Tass | pert, B G, will spi s license , ' e . } Pps smear eres: omer . ent, Loses | Store or pen back 2,4 te Easy terms. Advertise in . > ». Alig. 12, 1012 from Woit Creek, 2 MARRY Why remain alone? The ideal} — —_ —-— -} northwesterly dire Introduction Club is a strictly private,/ ieaeie liad | Porpeoise Harbor, nea TERRACE H. F. McRae & Company high class, reliable medium for ttre CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. | water will be st ducinf worthy marriageable peeople; any Not R he ral Claim ituate | 4,800 acre-feet apa fj ational o- re , artic > tice pert inera im, situate i 2 : Second Avenue Prince Rupert nationality or CougiOn. | ParUcylArs, Tera Nhe Sucene, Mining Division of Cams| BoM. "oe" goes Daily News Special Correspond. couver. B. ¢ F* f Where located Near Granby, notice of applicat id mining division and adjoiniMg | ang use water, post erty f ihe Granby Consolidated) 54 described as | Terrace, Aug. 10.—Now that | ~ = . 5 . = n smelting and Power COMpahy,) District the ferry site has been settled, vote that I, F. J. Coleman, Free} i. Sean day < ; work has commenced in earnest ners Certificate No, 52 intend.) sication will be fl , } : y days from the date hereof, to apply | Water Recorder at | on ¢the government road leading i i «Vining Recorder for @ Certificate) ., gpjorauun wi to it. The road runs past D. B. MUUNIAIN ULIMBING ing @ Cr on Creme of Sen Sa) i.e” j ! rine take 2p t t Clion, ielo ‘ Kenney's home to the slough, I eiinsiintedineael hme nder Se just bé commenced aa PORT El which, it is understood, is to be Five-Hour' Journey From Prince Rupert }) 2000000) 0° eS .- nee ae - , )aeo LTb bridged, the road continued — 1 this a r july, A. D 4942. | COLMAN across the island and the ferry ° . "4 run frei "there to the opposite Big Canyon Hotel re | WATER NOTICE side of the river. When com- j Kitselas ste B.C. LAND LEASE NOTICES, pleted this will give the Lakelse ' ranchers much easier access to : First - CLASS - ACCOMMODATION Terrace, as wel! as being a great Skeena Land Division—District of ell b | Coast Range Five convenience for thé people on ——$———<—<___—_ . TAKE NOTICE that I, Milton Christian this side of the river. 3 , } Inverness, B. C., cannery employee, in ence, For a License to Take and Use Water Edward Townsite ( i Pri Rupert, will apply ‘or « : sabe and use 8.4 cubic feet; ws wut of Wolf Creek, whic! a norte westerly direction tbh Re 046, hange 5, Coast District, and j t j poise Harbor, wear Zana apids tend to apply for permission to lease the! waser will be diverted a si) lake Kalen street, between Greig W H th following described lands:—Comumencing . : . ’ 0 1 ® - a }Lot 601, and will be and Lakelse : Ss ¥, e ave e at a post planted on the northwest corner purposes on the " tend onues f e avenues, has been Smith Island and directly opposite In-| 446 Range 5, Coast Di Notice is hereby ¢ } | te greatly improved during the last : i F i ° Ch verness Cannery, thence running east 20| **S) 0°. cs was pos . hains, thence south 20 chains thence | > 7 , i ¥ .. ’ . re ' fom the 23rd day of / week by having the old bridge When Columbus set out to reach India _ Following Uneap west 90 chains to shore, thence north #0| ou ume 408, “By otf torn oul, a new one put in and hain’ following shore line to place Of Water Recorder at Priv iiiarehie wading done ot it. by sailing westward, he met with opposition and ridicule. Properties For ea ere - ved a.” A oe McLeod road camp did the He believed the earth to be round. : : MILTON CHRISTIA lor Water Rights, Parlia ren 7 : . Pus, EBs. Hi F0KP THE PORT BDWARI he Saw Wise men held that it was flat—that Columbus was mad Sale Exclusively } LTD mill is now in opera- F Skeena Land District—District of Coast, aa w. As tion and Mr. Little is handling —and that he'd fall uff somewhere if he departed from a aetee @ Range 5 ad 7 ' ' ce . Take notice that A. W. Agnew, of Prince} = all kinds of lumber. established beliefs. ee oe Rupert, B.C... gectipation civil engineer Mr. Salcheider, the millwright, Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 29, $500) "me 4° agent for borpoise Harbor uns i. a ‘d e o d., of Victor a e o . ad ie eelsRestues te ken eee But Columbus’ belief found him a continent and made | each; 4-3 cash, bal. 6 and 42.) api y for permission © ishes the dellewine Church Services: } = . } leseriber s ° of his legs crushed between two him blessed of memory. ° Section 8. Comat ones at & post planted on the : » > en Oo Tees . e: most northerly point of Lot 501, Range 5&,/ 7 - timbers on Thursday, He will be jLots 18-19-20, Biock 20, $400) coast pistrict, on Porpoise Harbor, thence | FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH around again in a few days. Business World is flat to some men | each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12.} "orth to L. W. Mark, thence easterly and Sebviess query Sunday in the D. B. Kenney arrived home on : : : . Lots 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair nal, “aan "ts ‘eaaten. a at Chureh Hall at 1) am and athe atin © Ghat tele to Their profit-bearing shores of Opportunity stretch only so Pt. so eedicies 44 aad) | a eg oy Empress Theatre si > ae ; far as their grandfathers trod. Custom, superstition and soe 2. 6 one 63 east to il. W. Mark, thence southerly fol pelea — Vaneouver. He reports things ; 8 ; 7 ; o Supersuts a |Lots 12-13, Block 18, $950 pair;| lowing H. W. Mark to a potnt due east off REV. F. W. KERR, M.A Fase very quiet in the city. apathy have set them confines which they may not pass. 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. the most northerly point of Stepetes engi island, part of Lot 642; thence west to/ , Engineer Large and family of }Lot 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 cash,| is point co fumeutne w Mark | cma yimsT BAPTIST CHURCH Prince Rupert are moving into For instance, they believe the business year is a flat one— : on the West side of Stapleton Island’ to the gap ave., Neas ors st not an all-wear round of trade, with E st joini West | bal. 6 and 12. most southerly polpt of Stapleton Island, | SS > nday at 1 the house formerly occupied by , nh all-\e bund ade, WI vast joing Vest, me thence east to the H. W. Mark of Lot 642, | Seve Te p.m. Sunday ©. A. Giggey. Mr. Giggey has with Spring merging into Autumn—but just two distinct yy ey eles & EP FS Sibel 230 a. ” . =" , ° ‘ . . e : Gue east oO ost sO ert) os 2.30 pr moved to his wn home on Lazelle seasons, with sawed-off edges gaping into space. Samuel Harrison & Company Kaine of Lot’ bot imence south tol WIT mpy, WM MeLBOD BA) Fame — They confine their activities to a Spring trade and to a | Brokers and Financial Agents it ot Lal its, ee eee eel ine Fd. Michaud reports having 3 7 ; ‘ } : . Octnk, hae. cee ee Tw. THE FIRST METHODS! \! siee. 6 big. silver tip and cub on Fall trade. To them there is no intervening continent Second Ave. Prince Rupert | Wark t the point of conmmencement. | Gees ave an0 wencr Mn tetend She other day. As ® with stores of waiting wealth. Their world is flat. They POBPOISE WARBOR LARD CO. LES. | ; result all the guns in town are have not explored the mid-year months of Summer trade. Dated July 23rd, 1942 | Dated July 12, 1042 | Victoria, B. ¢ wine ae HURCH Ace 2 pastoa Pub. Aug, 12, 1042 being cleaned up. June, July and August are never-never land. SUBSCRIBE omnieneatiens jeirailecerthareemn Among the visitors at the Lak- ~ " : : “6 ” : FOR THE NEWS LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. an aatecminthh cond euniit Surely this conception of Summer as a “dull” season is ae . . a items: Bames. Dashy, Boris as fallacious as the delusion that the earth was flat. mon a m8 and 8 Send: G. A. McNichol}, Prince Ru. People have just as much money in the hot weather and spend quite i . aheone Lond Dieta hee: oe ees Week night se: pert; Mr. Richards, Vancouver, as freely as in Spring and Fall. Granted that they are not buying Railway Construction collie tn teuplls ‘tan uaamaiian Gh aida SO ad satura: and W. H. Woods, Seattle skates and snow shovels in August, yet they are buying staple articles. no helene anal Gane, CAPT. AND MAS i F " ; i (Comment oat planted o . Commanding Furthermore, they have an eye on luxuries and comforts they are Work canmmencing a post planted om the i a counting upon purchasing in the Fall. and about one-half mile south of Indian} Subscribe for the Daily News. nS ‘ Reserve, thence 80 chains south, thence $0 | queens hbains east, thence 80 chains nerth, thence —— — ta rts in Town : chains West to point of commencement, ewe oe modern Columbus has discovered this chains West to point of comme ” e ayes uling isl ° . . ’ . con cto ardie rT) tn s ’ Summer trade -this golden Ww est lying between the known of the rebteof - fy nas the clearing Dated July 2tst, 10142 bang, aha $600 Cash REV. C. R. SING, B.D THE SALVATION AnMy CITADEL Granville ee One ! ohe hundred miles Pub, Aug. 12, 1012 continents of old beliefs. Departing from established fiver st Fors Gcorpe, ‘has sublet corteal habit, many have made their energies and their Advertis- conbracis, one of | wiiich “is uhrough the] norms Land DIOS grntrict of Const ing an all-year-round proposition. George on the Nechaco hiver "OR. Take nottey, that T. Agnace Massey, of 4, 19 vecupation logger, intend 97.50 Sept Contractor Hardie has opened his office apply for permission to purchase the oo" : Keeping up Advertising during the Summer months not on Lot 1487, adjoining the iwwn 10 the| folowing described foreshore 9151.25 N . . : > . © Commencing at a pos tec ne OV only links your Spring and Fall, but produces rich har- southwest corner of Lat 4446, thence south | Following Hardie’s crews will . os . . : come the} 300 feet, thence follows shore , or \ vests from the Summer months themselves. | srading gangs, and for these a large] in a noribeasterly direction 400 feet, fram | $151.25 Ma i* e ne cated at Port George with! th rand Trunk Pacific Rail } sacity of from are way right-of. | 1% = of pupplies. : four thousand] Way to 4 point 300 feeet east of the south. | Will buy lots 9 4 east corn rT Lot 4446, ther Wes ’ 7 ace ent 300 sect@on ‘. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian ioak tn thats we of Prince Rupert edverticing agency, or the Sec of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden From Bow Ob great activity is assured] of ve ‘thes . Gene te week to ee o ae t bear “ ‘erento, Enquiry involves no obligation on your part~-s0 write, if interested at Port ¢ #e, property is rapidly mereas-| of mmencement, containing 7 oe ‘ ie ' : ng im va ' ther Informaon | hore ¢ call Ow } acres 1GNACH MASSEY Two Hours’ Run—Porcher Island i th, 1043 | Apply to ivi? COLLART & REYNOLDS ¢ R. Naden (o., li Sole Agents Warner & Hudson's Pre-emption | , vores Towneite | TRY A NEWS WANT AD 2 ang avon