The Daily News A PRETTY gosssssssessss Government Sale Prince | MARRIAGE IN || “The News” Classified Ads. Rupert Lots | Biscieh Ostembie, I will helt. on euction aeuremnet. © K. OF P. HALL , ==Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== Rupert lots on Wednesday, August 28th, 1912. The sale The other ev wae THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— will be held at Prince Rupert and will commence at 3 Swedish wedding cer on P. M. and be copmieted on Thursday the 29th, selemnized | ; e me -| i i j i | rhe lots to be offered will be in Sections f, 5, 6, 7 and participati , is ' 8, about 300 in all, and the list comprises some of the rt ' is ve | i CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. choicest lots on the townsite. " ‘ ‘ For Rent Notice-Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate | fake Canadian Pacific Railway ahd Union Steam- ander sot - MERELY ms a cS ‘ 7 el,” tee y FR ship Gompany's boats fro: Vaneouver August 24th of . \ poy , : . the said mining division and adjoining the] 15 , . FOR RENT—Two suites first class house) ew « jranb onsolidated M j Grand Trunk Pacific boats August 26th, Fare each way, pe " 7 ARES keeping rooms, also store, in ah on sone Ge we Tobe Comgany, Lim 1 : ; . in? ‘ an : ‘ fp j : . < ing on 6th avenue, opposite atin tod ’ } neluding meals and berth, $18.00, Rink All conveniences Apply, Tony Take notice that I, James J. Lee, Free It will pay you to attend this sale If vou cannot go ’ ‘ ‘ - Christian 151 Miner's Certificate No 520788, intend, | | ourself ee 4 ranresentative ! ‘ ‘ 5 s sixty days from the date hereof, to apply yourself send a representative, , ait RY stor Iso si / poruies. to the Mining Recorder for & Ceruneate of For further information apply to ! tht wert : al i oct ‘ rn" : 7 ' 198 improvements, for the purpose of obtain ! —_ ere st . g 4 Crewn Urant of the above claim And further take notice that action,); t i ne ‘ ; i era ' ' ; 2 junder Section 85, must be b+ en wy pe ( | ) R A NI ) ; ; we the issue of such Certificate of It ° e 9 en Spe a , For Sale " ver ate : . | ‘ ' ‘ = ' mun ‘ ves ; . : . ; : Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912 Head Office, Vancouver, B. ¢ Branch Office i. Phat the Gity « : ; si cliacalitalisetiianabngell JAMES J. LEE — . matin : , er wanted to wet 1 fa fe By’ His Agent, F. J, Coleman Prince Rupert, B. C, FOR SALE—Two incubators, practically b. Aug. 12, 1912 new; capacity 104 and 150 Apply P a siliitaads timate 165-tf | a ae CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Phat she ! el Hine} POR SALE OR RENT—Singer sewing machines Phone agent Bay View tice Buffalo Mineral Claims, 41 t f the Second aver ‘ Hote P. @. Box 235 190-195 the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar | ™ Where located Near Granby, W the series is ended the said mining division and adjoining th property f the Uranby onselidated | |Mimng, Smelting and Power Company, | 7 That the chance ‘ ’ Wanted Limited ° ——— : lfind Roses and Calli om { fake uotice that 1, James J. Lee, Free|™ . . bee er ers: eee bi Miner's Certificate 52078B, intend, sixty wht at ihe ev ulle jaays from the date hereof, to apply to the somsicuneni WANTED—Women to feed ahd fold on| Mining Kecorder for @ Certificate of im Jeremiah H. Kugler, Li > > ne , nents, for the purpose of obtaining mangle Apply at once Pioneer Laun- | Provemen ‘ That the n v en Red acer crown Grants of the above claims . 47 : ‘ wis And further take notice that action A route map of a railway ex- Thistle do " : , WANTED—2@ furnished rooms in private} ler Section 8 must be commenced | : i en be © Whe issue f such Certificate i te ing fro Groun Howe Basin ‘am won last \ family for housekeeping, or small fur , nd o j ‘ _ s } : j ' ; : ¢ } nished house Permanent tenant Ap a ee ah ¢ auly, A. D. 191 coal felds, at the headwaters oF ert : e W ra ply Royal Hotel Cafe Bar iss | rate is SOth day of July, viz ‘ é . ’ JAMES J. LEE the Skeena river to tidewater on; ati wont ' . ' . By His Agent, F. J. Coleman WANTED—First class wood turner. Prince iu Aug. 12, 1042 Portland Canal, has been filed . Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-tf pacers L- ES» . inister o tail s at hat the { ‘ ‘ ‘ gma with the Min er of Railway a : HOUSEHOLD furnishings wanted. Send CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Ottawa. The charter is owned)! eferee's ‘ pet particulars and prices to Box H, Daily . : . i yy ' ; d News 182-tf Votiet aien ineral Claim, situate in by interests identified with the B | 7 pens 1 and GHrecn the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis c. Anthracite Syndicate, whieh} Pi onmissio WANTED—Woman cook: wages $60 per| trict Where located Near Granby, in \ } | sa month with room. Apply Superintend the sala mining division and adjoining /f has acquired 47 claims in the} tnt Prince Rupert General Hospital, tf] We property of the Granby Consolidated i ,T { , Mini Smeltin ‘ o ol district. The company was vot- at the loes i ‘ ‘ i Sa melting and Power Company, Wor we ed $6,400 per mile at the last ses; " recovered etleet Take notice that 1, Sam McCague, admin strator of the estate of James MeUCague f : sion. Mr. Leon Benoit, of Win f the bright e duventie Miscellaneous Free Miner's Certificate No o2070b, intend, | ” “ iractor oO eco _| ficient i en ‘ i sixty days from the date hereof, to apply nipeg, is a director of this com : A onsienntptettniganinaieamnenetaly the Mining Recorder for @ Certificate =| George Leek | Phone pany, says Canadian Finance tit ‘ ‘ = improvements, for the purpose of obtain " - bi MARRY--Why remain alone? The Ideal | | ne a Crown Orant of the above claim According to him coal seams Introduction Club is a strictly private,| And further take notice that action 618 3rd Ave Pr from thr to twenty fit i whi the the high class, reliable medium for intr nder Section $5, must be commenced be varying = ‘ : jucinf worthy marriageable peeople; 88Y| fore the issue of such Certificate of lm- | Qeeeeeeoooosoocorocccococooroson, = = in thickness have been opened up] ra! : ' nationality or religion. Particulars for) provements . that ‘ dt stamp Mrs. Wilson, box 1776, Van Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1912 im sti the f es ‘ on the company’s claims. Phe he fat i ave. SAM M°CAGUE t shings We hay ‘ eal the coal is said to be pure anthra-|the boy when it ! ' By His Agent, F. J. Coleman SNAP : . cite winning the gi Pub, Aug. 12, 1012 eee eee Sir Donald Mann has acquired CERTIFICATE oF IMPROVEMENTS. }Lot 34, Block : 7.7 ‘ >» ef That the cheap i options on coal lands in the same 1a i TROUT FISHING--- Notice—Rupert Mineral Clsim, situate | % cash, ba © filed i er : oO ' ev ; ot Cassar ck a route map tm the Skeena Mining Division iOne lot, BI The Better Grade of Canadian Goods Bye ee Bone son tas an MOUNTAIN CLIMBING || .°sic'saision S20 sot alia in mining division and adjoining | avenue, $ ese ids to Ste rt on thel® i ” eve ’ the property of the Granby Consolidated) . B we wish a ea h sae 1S NOT “ . a Ids t owe ' ly sesiitte . j — || Mining, Smelting and Power Company, terins } sortiand Canal. re: on ' : ' : Limited 2 lots, Blo YET FINISHED « oe ONLY PART OF Five-Hour Journey From Prince Rupert ei" ntins’ thes 1. ¥. 2, Coben, fou OUR “STOCK. ’ ’ : e i a ; ; -” Miner's Certificate .N 529778, intend Loop, $50 = A COSTLY POSITION OF Big Canyon Hotel |} \)'v:" vite oi he corals) | yal oe taining @ Crown Grant of the above claim eR0 _ ’ Kitselas -- B.C. nder fai 2, Sa ' N eee efore the issue of such Certificate of Im H. DOUGLAS See our Table Oilcloths; per yard S | | First - CLass - ACCOMMODATION J} Provements P. O. Bor # Dated this $eth day of July, A. D. 1912.) 388 Third Ave. Umbrella Stands from i $1.15 ‘ : pak ine ie. 0608 F. J, COLMAN (Opposite Post Office Roller Towel Racks, reg. 25c, 35c, 40c; now... 15¢ VenTOe BIGGEST BANK : _ “ “ee act aia Upholstered Box Bed Springs, reg. $5, $6, $7, $10, $12; LAND PURCHASE NOTICES , Al JRCHASE LES. THE now only a $2.50 ee rh We Have the TH Pe f WZ nd « = e Bank of England how skeena Land District—District of Cassiar W. tl | | ‘ . Take notice that Olier Besner, of Prince um ix > e as less f rable . li week wa uN i! Following Cheap Rupert, B. C., occupation hotel keeper, in than that of the precedi: tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands —LIMITED 0 0 \ dicine rhe T! ; } . i rere Was a decreas: sserve| Commencing at a post planted on the P ® ' i ! ‘ ‘ i (Mae Properties For east shore of Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet of £1.193.000, ¢ rail i re and about one-half mile south of Indian ni e 0 e ! ! : : : i e Keserve, thence 80 chains south, thence 20 ; } b serve increase © te. or S | E ] | chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence * hi i | ; a e xc usive y 0 chains west to point of commencement Lumber and Mouldings pself 3 ihe preceding @¢ he prop containing 160 acres more or less 2nd Ave. and 6th Street Rattan tk @ 620000 demmaasttied ef the bes eserve t Sintten, 6 ce ‘te dae: Aa d ‘ euly 2 “J = . " enant had iability 1 week was 48.65, ¢ Pub. Aug. 12, 1912 All Kinds of Building Supplies ident o Lots 15-16-17-18, Block 29, $500] skeena Land District—District of Coast, ita, sr ole 20.38 per cen he . - > 9 Range § tne en “ipreceding week, and 50.98 pe each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. Take notice that I, Agnace Massey, of Section 8. Vancouver, B. C., occupation ‘ogger, intend Phone iff cent. three weeks agi The ) apply for permission .o | iehase the count rate remained unchanged|Lots 18-19-20, lock 20, $400| folowing described fore: aore ’ ‘ < atin ; i , Commencing at a pr 4t lanved at the . . Company Limited lippe the wife o “lat 3 per cent each; 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12 southwest corner of Lo 444%, thence south ° . line ) feet, thence folloving the shore line Canadian General Electric . ; i : Lots 1-2, Block 16, $900 pair;| i, 4 northeasterly dire:tion 300 feet from otors, Mining and Contracting Machinery he throv nto »* cella » . es embroidery and in. | 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12. the Grand Trunk Paciiic Railway right-of. | FREE! FREE! FREE! Electrical Apparatus of every description staining vies whieh sh Lots 12-43, Block 18, $950 pair;| cast corntr of Lot tach, thence cout | 4445, thence west 300) = up tw Hh jp values 3 wusband| widths up to 6 inches; going 1-3 cash, bal. 6 and 12, feet to high water mark or G. T. P. right. | ' 88 ity } i » Inches; i a . : of-way, thence along the beach to point A bi beau y Graham Kearney, Mgr. is likey im the owner of ae aoe ace’s|U0t 32, Block 3, $450; 1-3 cash,| of commencement, containing 2.0 scres| ° no, world day at seres ri ; more or less electric player p'4 Ie ti Sale bal. 6 and 12. IGNACE MASSEY $1,200 given away to te Bast Aft: the Dated July 30th, 1012 ™w eT at ” — set, e first] room, Empret tec tnt se Samuel Harrison & Company gacene tend Distries—Diamies of |p Mee peel Pub, Aug. 12, 1942 pool players in the Coast Pange Four Theatre building. n and Brokers and Financial Agents Take notice that 1, Fred Dawson, - Prince Kupe't, occupation farmer, ; sublic ' oli Prince Rupert tend to apriy for permission to purchase —e 9 ‘a ‘iw @4 63 that the ‘ollewing described « lands Com-j¢ . a ’ ) mencing at @ post planted three miles business men : suld lling Mpromise i | west, one mile south of End Hill, Banks : paying #300 ii aoe thence south 40 chains, thence T FEED a west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, ear will not get the chance ‘| SMITH LLETT thence east 40 chains to point of , ar'e now wearing . : sa ‘| ; I & MA mencement containing 166 "acres, were so easily need for! @ if THIRD AVE. or less “ ” h in - . ( : , — o- : f all kinds of Re oO clothes uch a policy is not realized by Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Dated August 1, 118 deat. Big ang i , Timothy the average property owner till Sheet Metal Work Pub, Aug. 13, 1012 Garden Seeds, }imot } ¥ ° i Gram : he has a loss { Office: 3rd Ave. Skeena Land District—District of Clover and , The fact is significant ; it means that : Phenol? tnd Ave. bet. te nae Coast Range Pour Seeds ; * Take notice that I, Isabelle 4 ; ’ at i, abelle Smith El men recognize that Rego” lis, of Prince Rupert, occupation married attended eae they want, and that * “Rego” W A R A ND ) ourehe “~—'? iN a oo rived lands - wae Younes Crome urchase e follo describe ds "ws and value oon the rift senda ) Commencing at a east planted Tour miles ae ego” Clothiers are Lon’ s ; West and one mile south of End Hill, Tailors (with 23 shops in the Empire FINANCE IN MOD EL CITY thence “east. 's0chains. thence mor 4a] Agents Internationa! Stock fo | . . a Metropolis), and they offer you high-class chains, thence west 40 chains, thence y PRED London tailoring at practically ready- Dated August 1, 101 ee 9 *ub u 5 Reco” New Yon CAPITALISTS) S222 eo @ American Model Lounge Suit. The — wo Performances ‘ Vieworia, ‘oecupation™” ‘“ otieman,” end intend cut and fashion of this superb model Diseussion concerning the ; within Unirty days to apply for permis . ' ian alo © purchase the ‘ollo desc * have been endorsed by experts as the possibility of an Anglo-German 7.30 and 9 o'clock seniem ai ireal capitatial land Clmmencing “a ah “pose : planted as Z See ae BY MONTREAL | |= xss” Sen eee ENGLAND SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Mt best American style of the year. It is war has somewhat overshadowed ; ais gpent one and ©. bail miles south of In » 5 ome anke ave secured abo anda orve at Goose Bay, twenty ¢ i suit you should be wearing. The the British financial markets of) a bout 1.000 aere south, thence twenty chalis cast. thence “New York” is only one of the late. Also social unrest in the old of land fronting on Lake De.~| thane ome 5 int oF ee r a ee O yor oO cOommMn rt ent e many smart styles illustrated and fully country continues unabated, The! { schenes, eight miles west of the tg E. 8. Wisk 897.50 Sep described in our tailoring magazine continued sagging of consols is alia’ ais ‘ies pated July oo dione Poerest, Agent Ollawa River and neat Pub. Aug. t ‘orn. ei5i.25 “ ” now attracting attention from all ' new fovernmen ; FASHIONS FOR MEN quarters of the world, though Sir va . " : — PANBOS. | skeena Land District—Déstrict of Coast, gist FREE (just published) a Free Felix Shuster, the eminent Lon- , ; GONCIOD 1S OR ba, pai that teh uo ; Copy of which, with full don banker, came out last week SKETCHES na incies. as | og 7 ° “~ occupation onginecr, inlana| will buy range of 1912 patterns and simple self- with an open prediction that con- ee Pew ldential Bile.) oy wing described lamas?” burchase the! section 7 measurement form, we will send you on sols would ultimately recover ONTPeAT, president) | Commescing at & post planted on the| : ' a ; , south bank of B ' ealty firm, is in the | 28 eaver River and about 4% application. The much of their great loss | and « . * [miles in & westerly direction from the | N e Lower Floor thence 40 chains north, thence 160 Gains Baleony 15 Cte vast following the meander of river ba to point of ¢ One Dobe ‘ I dren 10 Cts , : pti onda: | 8eres more ' leas, _— — © d n (0, duction la ae a rer eu T. i Maniine te? , Be cs el tN Dated June 10th, 10te9 rn — Pub. July 16, i019 Qnd Av’ “Rego” Clothiers, the options on) To chains curner of 7. L. 9966, themes Ld 40 Chains sowth, thence 160 chains *aest Apply to Dept. O P.O. Box Montreal,