raTon AND DE CHARACTEMAI THE vEWSs' JOB WORK Legislative Library Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist THE DAILY NEWS \UOISLATIYG Agee : & Tide el ire Na 4 Oa ats} S:. Princess So is neon Camosun,... Sean 10 pe. Princess Mary Sunday, 9 pm Prince Rupert..... Monday, 9 am. -_ as ned Oo}. Ill, NO. 194 COAST'S PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AuGusT 17, 1912, "Price Five Cents GGEST LOAD OF LUMBER FOR RUPERT OME RULE BILL OPPOSED: SLOPPY VANCOUVER: ARRIVALS BY BOAT: REAL ESTATE DEALS DRY DOCK D \ SPLENDID SHIPMENT FOR EVELOPMENT ; LARGEST LOAD OF PILES EVER ACTIVE RESISTANCE TO HOME RULE BEING ORGANISED BY OPPOSITION THERE MAY BE VIOLENT CONFLICT HEAR THE VISITING PASTOR we i port vesterday| the } the coas : eing lin port y ere 4 oe up i ist After being An interesting announcement t of creosoted] held up for a considerable time jis that Rev, A, G, Cameron of hipped this far north.| while endeavoring to convert the C Pl | Lethbridge has consented to give ined for bracing|Lady of the Lake into a coall ampaign anned to Establish Provisional Government in Prog jis. sunday evening address al imerhes, it wae lates eae nt f Ul Di T the Presbyterian service in the Government ' jovernment| wavisahle to attempt the _trip| vince of Ulster---Aims to Divert Taxation From Dublin and —itiniprvss Pheatre.” Mr, Cameron se of construe i qhial weiaw a heavier ter boat R . Mili ° F 5 | C is in our city on a visit with his rae pitee, OAM ed ae Beak te aise Militia Force---Solemn Covenant to be Entered |nephew, Mr. J, Lorne McLaren, ve scow at Bburne,| and the seow analls brought into | | Wh C Wi S R . and many citizens will be glad of | | § had been specially| port yesterday afternoon, some| nto en ovenanters ill wear to esist the opportunity of hearing him, eote, 80 as lthree weeks overdue Conside H R | d S P / 8 | G The morning Presbyterian service icing below the] able relief was experienced = by ome u e an upport rovisiona ovt. will be held in the Rall on Fourth ling e 0 e represents es 0 e con : : 1] rere x brin om ma th . p! ntatiy f th col | Special to Daily News lishment of an Ulst provisionallta support provisional govern. ror, a eeaakee silaia - pede ors, assuring them that the! London, Aug, 17 The oppoesi-| government for the diversion en twee Septe : a. ane a. a sale: nie tap ellen Week Geel oth t | pI I ment Between September 8th THE WEATHER ide a single shipme orte 0 ould not be de half a million feet] le sot At present there is a large oe leader, Bor Law, has not|Ulster taxation from Dublin ana}and 27th demonstrations have —— { siderable delay} amount of material on hand, The| Ye! publicly replied to the broad- for the raising of militia been arranged to take place in For twenty-four hours ending arrival, owing|creosoted piles that arrived ves sia by Winsto hurchill, first The plans, it is asserted, are/the principal Ulster cities, the|5 a. m., August 17th: Barometer, the little tug boat terday completes the amount) of the admiralty, who de-jto be divulged on “Ulster Day speakers including the Duke of) 30.021; maximum temperature I e was found to} that is necessary for immediate]! ott the action if the Gon-| September 28th, when religious|Abereorn, the Duke of Devon-|56; minimum temperature, 47 vork of towing| work in hand | servative leaders citing the| serviees will be held in the chief} shire, the Marquis of London- . | am steritee to revo b there is| towns in -Ulster provines ali derry, the Marquis of Salisbury, | an ph - evidence that the Unionist| which politieal demonstrations| Admiral Lord Charles Beresford P are taking up the gov l} be held, the participants|!ord Hugh Cecil, Sir Edw: rd seroment challenge Plans have|; ‘edging themselves by s mn) Carson and Frederick Edwin} been completed the estal venant to resist home rule and) Smith, PASSENGERS BY RUPERT FIRE DEPT. FOR GRIEVANCE, LOCAL JOTTINGS OPENING OF BASEBALL SCORES EDITOR D. Newtor wi now! Ameriéan. mat th I WANDERERS Detroit 8 New York 9 G. RR. T, Sawle, one of the pio- irned this ny he Pring Cleveland 1, Philadelphia 5, jneer newspaper men of Prince eta afier al nded visit t St. Louis 3. Boston 2. | Rupert, accompanied! by his wife, the big centres poputat t CLUB TONIGHT Chicago 0, Washington 4, jreturned on the Prince Rupert the south of us, National. jthis morning. Mr, Sawle, who Philadelphia 5, Piltsburg 3 jhas several newspaper interests, Mr. George D te and family rhe forma) opening of a New York 7, Chieago 4 including the North Battleford returned to the city this morning splendid new quarters of the| Brooklvn 3, Cineinnati 4. Optimist, throughout the Middle on the Prince Rupert after” @l wanderers Club in the new post] joston 5, St. Louis 7. West, has been on an extended pleasant summer vacation spent) mee pbuilding will take place this} Coast. visit to the lower coast cities and on Vancouver Island, evening when an open night will} Oakland 2, Vernon 0. the east, Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas.| be held, at which members have; San Franeciseo 8, Sacramento 4 — Phone Green 391. Govt. Wharf./the privilege of taking their ‘ 20 Ib. sk, Sugar, $1.35. Cow- friends to spend a pleasant social, Benefit Match Tonight. ichan Eggs, 55e per doz. Stalker 8, Gourley and W. H, Logan, | evening and be introduced to the! here will be a benefit game tt Wells. Phones 187 and 430. iwo well known mining men of] members of the club. j football dnetiantet animaen Stewart, returned this morning | ; os A ain of the LW, W.and the 0 Ay on the Prince Rupert on thet oer Baptist Picnic. I, donian Football ¢ "OS eo Cal- LUMBER FOR lo the little re own. 6 the Baptist Sunday ac hool piente lies team will he e cells artin, head “of Portiane. “aeet. l'Tuesday, the 20th, at quarantine}; Dunn, J. H, jae Ww. G f coin “ae l