rHE DATLY NEWS TRAINING OF BANK CLERKS 9 [— — | — : ‘ | aan as Paes tee LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! GIRLS OF P, PRINCE RUPERT 5 6 6 NLT ME MLUSTRATE SRAM WIRE wis wdiak oy aE NMEA SFP Be IE WHAT / FIRMLY BELIEVE ing spheres is comparatively ra./ lieved, will secure a higher standard for bank officers, espe- pid, The multiplication of branch} icialiv in the smaller communi. banks—d4here are now in Canada . ties, where, frequently, the men ‘reales a cé j creates a constant call for well) ,.canizing a bank had no ex- qualified managers. They are in} | perience with the business what close touch with their head of-| fices, but the contention that their training for manager is not jever, Admittedly always complete, is perhaps well made. We believe that many of]tot with <« the leading bankers in, Canadalevents and reading up-te-dats favor an educative course for[nancial literature The value o bank clerks, that they may belthe school of experience, too, well fitted to assume the respon-[cannot be underrated At the sible duties of higher positions./same time, there would appear to The Kansas banking depart-[be room for more assistance for ment has evolved such a scheme.|/the coming Canadian banker. It The lare® number of smallj| will be recalled that Professor banks organized during the past] Johnson, of New York Universi- four years, and the little banking[ty, who made a report for the experience possessed by many of] National Monetary Commission their officers, has led to frequentiof the United States regarding complications in management,|/Canada's banking system, com-/| WHERE THE FINGER OF DESTINY POINTS requiring assistance of the Kan-| mented strongly on this phase Hardy Bay in a year or two should be a veritable sas banking department toj]He expressed his regret because hive of industry. It is the logical and economical THE MAN POINTS TO THE FUTURE CITY straighten things and put thelof “the seeming indifference of m bank in proper condition. Bank] Canadian bankers with regard to eeting place for ships of all kinds. Mardy Bay Commissioner Dolley has put in| the education of their employ- offers all that the manufacturer, wholesaler or operation a plan which he ex-J]ees.” merchant desires—raw materials in unlimited pects to help overcome this. He When a boy at the age of 15 has established what is in effect}enters a Canadian bank, he quantities, cheap power and the finest natural har- a school for bankers. leaves all hope of education be- bor in the world to ship from. “Public announce- When a new bank is organized} hind,” said Professo r Johnson ment soon”’—get in now. under the state laws, he proposes|“He will learn a great deal ‘by to see that the officers know] doing’ and by contact with strong) what are their duties before al-[and successful men, but he will! wing them to take up the man-|have little charce to improve his Evolution has come to such a point that various « rencies of commerce With two transcontinental railways, with assets of six hund —_—_—_—_————O—_—_—— agement of its affairs. His plan}mind by = sys ie study or and civilization can be seen by the astute mind and act wDol ore theit dollars, who seek a terminal point on Vancouver Island, and have th is to call the president and eash-|through attendance upon lec- full significance astic support of the present time in Hardy slightest doubt but that the construction of the Seymour Narr » Provincial and Dominion Governments, th: jer to his office, and requirejtures. His hours will be long, An interesting example is before the public at the them to submit to an examina-jand, from the American point of Bay be shed forw i witt 1 ble ed ( at d . tion. view, his pay will be small If} As yet, Hardy Bay is in its embryonic stage. but not for long: the biggest ee sees ee Te tree Questions to be given are notihe has an iron constitution, | evol ; vet fully iilined, and they will] sound nerves, and an inconquer-| here vary in some particulars acecord-|able stomach, together with aj} ; ; a terminal point of transcontinental lines—-for thirty years Phat Railroads with total assets of 600,000,000 are seeking an outlet on Van- soon to be fulfilled, Of course, it will benefit the whole of Var couver sland. Two of them have already decided that Hardy Bay is the place generally, but Hardy Bay will receive the biggest slice of devel for then see the others follow Watch for bie doings at Hardy Bay. the » take place.” tion vou cal wress} Diy conjure up in your mind is going to tal ylace ’ i i _ 8 . —_— rhe Government has promised Vancouver Island an all-rai ing to the needs of the special|ciear head, a steady will, and a cases In general, however, they] good character, he will some day | will cover the Kansas banking |be manager of a branch, andj map and see—don't you see what these great railroads and 1 law, the depositor’s guarantee/perhaps a general manager. But| Prince Rupert properly is selling for a thousand dollars per front foot are after? It's not a hard nut to erack—it’s the kernet th law, the negotiable instruments] he will have to work out his own Did vou ge or ‘e Rupert? rry a little Hardy Bay Bay represents to them and to the shipping world untold wealth law, the state corporation laws,| salvation without the aid or en-}| together with points touching|eouragement of the world’s best) “yy practical and technical banking.|thought and experience. It is to} ar V ay--- e orn Oo enty He also intends to include in|be hoped that the older bankers} the questions requests for infor-|of Canada will get a conviction of} mation that will furnish an es-!/sin on this subject, and through timate of the judgment on fi-|their Bankers’ Association make Phe greatest things in the world have evolved from insignificant beginnings Prince Rupert is a good sample of seaport town values on tl Five years ago nothing. Today corners are worth fifty to seventy-five thousand dollars About a century ago the greatest city on the Americar econsisted of only half adozen dwellings, but the germ of possibility was there, and through a process of constant expansion it developed int wonders of the world That's the future of Hardy Bay in a nutshell. Hardy Bay is one of the wonders of the world fhe man who takes a few and studies the geographical location of Hardy Bay cannot help but see that i destined to bee i@ one of the world’s greatest shipping ports have made their pile nen who are in the know—men who get in just ahead o ‘ eneral development, are land owners at Hardy Bay, This tial list of land owners at Hardy Bay: nancial affairs possessed by thelsome provision for the intelleet- applicant. Should the applicant}ual growth of the young fellows net succeed in making a requir-jin their employ If they fail on} ed average in the examination, hejthis score, the time may come is to be given suggestions for|when the staffs of the Canadian study. and then given another|banks, despite their prestige T. W. PATERSON, Lieut.-Gover- J, HERRICK MeGREGOR, of Gore ©, ©, PEMBERTON, Victoria. PHOS, JONES, Capita examination. If he is still obtuse| may no longer contain men of nor of B. C, & McGregor, Surveyors, Vice- mo, B, C, it is not likely that his selection;the quality necessary to the : i toria, B. C GEORGE JAY, Police Magistrate, as an official of the bank will be|makine of a first-class general Fe ms. RATTENBURY, Architect, re Victoria. SWINERTON & MUSGRAV!I approved by the bank commis-|manager.”—Monetary Times Parliament Buildings, Victoria WESTERN CANADA LANDS CO . J. 8. H. MATSON, Proprietor LTD. EC, B, BAGSHAWE, Victoria B. WILSON, Packer, \V “Colonist,” Victoria, and the ; ‘ W. W. WILLIAMS, Retired, Vie- CANADIAN ESTATES, LIMITED i ““News-Advertiser,”” Vancou- ALVO von ALVENSLEBEN, LTD toria. ver. Vancouver, B. C. B. ©. COLONIZATION & TOWN LAWRENCE GOODACRE Whole. SITES, LTD. } CROFT & ASHBY, Victoria and W. T. WILLIAMS. B. Williams sfler, Victoria and Vancouver, WESTERN FARMING & COLON Vancouver. Co., Victoria, B, C. IZATION CO., LTD. These men are architects of their own fortunes—they mai their foundation firm, now they are making it more solid, and you can profit by pert opinion of these men; they’re money kings. Here, then, is *vii cue—follow in the wake of the railroads and the money kings and you can't go LET’S MEET FACE TO FACE Hardy Bay lots are now selling fast. Why buy later from present pur- - This -_ one oo Today. lease send me full par London, Aug. 16.—For once Basle, Switzerland, Aug. 15. fashion has taken a_ direction| Switzerland is to have a tax on EVERY LOT IN THE PROPERTY chasers at greatly advanced prices? If you want to | mor | é 8 i - i yi i e nicest yo é 0 be a Thoney maker come which promises to be a general] cats, and a big movement is on about Hardy Bay i es ’ ” ° in at first prices—the starting prices—now—the first chance We can tell eee arey Sey. benefit to humanity, Womankind foot to secure the early passage HAS FIFTY FEET you why Hardy Bay is a good investment—we'll show you proof; it’s then Name or at least such as have access , . ee ; : or you to judge and act. Why ' ’ Sales se ¢ se? to the longest purses, are short.|°f ‘he law providing for its in- FRONTAGE. oat F Re Sea. up. iee OFve ot anne} Address..... ly to use snakeskin for garments|treduction. Each household Will “ for quite every day wear. Whatjhave to register its cats at the THE CONTINENTAL TRUST COMPANY LTD. COMPOTEED.----- oe | the cost will be be one cannot yet}|local post office and every feline 7 say. It will obviously be high for|will be decorated with a badge Second Avenue SCLE AGENTS Prince Rupert, B.C. serpents of the largest size are|bearing its number, The law for- H A not to be met with every day. bids owners to let their cats out RDY BAY The market price of snakes injat night in case they disturb view of the coming demand has| people's slumber. already gone up to a_ very high figure, and in Borneo, Sumatra, and all other states of the Malay HE WAS THE — — - archipeligo, native hunters are | | scouring the wilderness tempted . mi Ae 3 by the offers of dealers in Paris HONEYSUCKLE | Your Suecess-Meter | Retenotiven and Vienna, and killing and cap- | R 1 v.A. Sav a oT eC LO CURE snake's skin is both soft and anp which records plainly your durable, — ogress Lowe ai inlet eal iia, South Vancouver, Aug. 16. | N E X — toward Genpey Lumber Co 8 H ss - Two days after being nearly A N There are hundreds of these SAFETYOF i 7 by bee stings Frederick : gamer, of Paty Ping Aowauaf |____ Bank of British Mouldings atchedeinie PASSENGERS in the general hospital, his con- ail Nii et tn North America dition being practically un- A large stock of dry finisi ' ary tinish ? . read since . me pensive Grand Trunk Pacific Railway ; A er ; Mathieu s § u ON LINERS inte the destitution on “Prides : _ success-meters in the homes re mer co hand. Bust ry eae into the institution on Friday! the American and European plan, lumber a specialty Delivery night lest. \f Excellently furnished, with around you, Is there one in made at short notice of Tar and Cod Liver 00 Y steam heat, electric light, and all : thane — = , our home? If few ur prices are ; ' London, August 16-—That the] REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE modern conveniences, being abso- y - not we will Our prices are as low as any hot only stops a cough but ae gross tonnage and not the num. REVISED THEIR BYLAWS. lutely first-class in every respect, gladly provide one. Call on us before ordering, it. Its tonic and restorative ber of persons carried must form ene ' the appointments and service em ZAR vesunes Properties enabl to the basis in providing life-boats There was a meeting of the/ are equal to any hotel on the wy ae e the syst for passenger ships is the opin-] Prince Rupert Real Estate Kx. | coast. Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 | OFFICE; permanently throw off a cold. jon of the Merchants’ Shipping|hange on Wednesday evening at! EMPRESS THEA t wt | TR ‘ arg ttle. Committee of the Board of|ihe offices of Major Gibson, on| | Gor. sth St. and ane 35¢ for large bo Trade which considered the ques|Second Avenue. Some general . tion sinee the Pitanic inquiry.) business was transacted, includ Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. ! Prince Rupert Branch, iL. Marur Providing for teh buoyaney of|ing a revision of the by-laws } . F. S. LONG, Manager. BO CO., Pap, GHEREROOER the boat and wireless communi. I a cation after the mishap are also She-—"Woman's mind is ele. : | : . . j nost wrtant, the speed regu-|aner than that of man.” He G, A. Sweet, Manager, i Advertise In ae |» a ghould provide for slow “Cortainty. She oo it of- % . SMITH ; & MALLETT ing down al midnight or in the}tener,” ae ——s ave > - of She—-" EB umbing, eating, Steamfitting and presence ice, Every man has his — — ———--——- price, P He-——"Yes. and every } Office: Sra wanes Metal Work Th ) : Oo a A ea oe Try a Daily News Want ad. (Gomen her figure.” Subscribe for the Daily Mows. | Prone! 7 ond Ave. bet. Mhasdln be e a y ews | © O Oo LW a Vv | R oO | | | | Sold everywhere.