a | Hoses roses SQUARE DEALS roses The soft tin k &, Seetion t, 891,000 x 10, Section 1, $20,000 odtti x 35, Section 1, 816,000 ” k 38, Section 1, 016,000 rhe kind that reach up from the tion 1, 86,001 tmiproved dew beds an’ noses ck 1, Seetion @, 89,600 | \ section &@, &2,000 lhe hete elit the nll ut é j kK section @, 82,100 he ! k 0. Seetion 2, 82,200 | ler: My Msection by BOBO. || m ospeakin especial of home section 5, 86,050 7. Seetion 6, #3,500 | ; section 8, #47 | There's none of the kind we eal i in Seetions 7 and & The above can be had on very good } boughten ne you » ar nuit isuran et ‘ : v r Fire, Life and Tf iabiti tr ' ; \ Compares with gold spat Bainter and Sloan Phone 378 Phat breathe ind Avenue Life and Accident Ins, in Best Companics you ‘ vert shities Vou siitig Wh wines Sa inet “igtur CURES | => | SULPHUR naar Phrough rie | RHEUMATISM, ECZEMA, STOMACH AND KIDNEY TROUBLES cous fan SKIN DISEASES | Except for the s hovin roses forgotten, that leads yonder THE DAILY NEWs upon PALACE OF AUSTRIAN THRONE el Roan th REVEAL INTERESTING ALLEY ’ the old fangled iglied posies of old loves we've somethir about or the blossoms is eould never lve Withoul yo an perfume you fads home seems im wander mry we never 1! il cent of the bloom } 9 Because Liquid Sulphur is the greatest known blood , \K Why’? purifier of the century. Every one knows that sul- | An’ your loose lyin’ petals that )) phur is good for the entire system. Aimost every- lined it XI one has taken sulphur in some form or another. But | { Read is it known to you that sulphur in ite powdered form Roses roses old fashioned i) cannot be assimilated into the blood through the flowers { stomach. if the stomach canot dissolve sulphur, | i} how can the blood be purified? Liquid Sulphur is fi)| You ain't so stuek up nor se i ese already dissolved, is, in fact, ready for the stomach tony i) to distribute through the system. Liquid Sulphur | my, Paris, Aug. 16 Structural strengthening and other extensive alterations have been in pro- Ht goes direct to the seat of the trouble, impure blood, | But vou sweeten the lives an’ von] op f » tis j 1) I} Facts Attacks and drives out of the entire system aii ; - gress for some ‘ j w palace of the Emperor of Austria The other day, while an in- } erms and impurities. IT REMOVES THE CAUSE eweeten tne hours terior wall was being hrough for the purpose of*making an ¢ ed entrance fro » large i\ See ee emer iee. alte. ait Chk ductile totic Hite i i le pury akin in arched ent ance from one large } i the | reception chamber | nother, a curious seeret passage was laid open. rhe wall pierced was ) Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of price. \ lonely; |} immensely thiek and th izh it ran an alley wide enough and high enough to accommodate { Two sizes, 50c and $1.00 per bottie, Ifa man’s got an eye an’ aman’s! a man of average size Evidences that the passage had one outlet within the apartments for- { j gota smeller J : wt } . { ; merly set apa i se were discovered though the passage had evidently been built | = en , tee ow - ; ; . } DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE ( I u if ther anvihing up. The only o ‘ the open was apparentiy through a wine cellar with a grated barrel trap Prepared only by noses | though it is fancied that there may have been some other passa ge from the cellar which is now ) CKS Mit verything bad from the] pyitt up. | CHACE & JA ON, Vancouver bento a tone, H 506 Smythe Street Phone Sey. 4264 It's roses—them old fashioned Le Rt PM patent atte rd i | roses! : FFG John D. Wells =— = | very Home Has Its Purse And 99 out of every 100 unpre- judiced people will tell you THE DAILY NEWS is the home paper of Prince Rupert... .....-+ Advertisers also tell us and will tefl you that results obtained from publicity carried in the columns of this paper have exceeded by far those obtained through any other newspaper published in Prince Rupert The successful business man today is the one who advertises judiciously, who chooses the medium most generally read by citizens of a community; a business man who does not look upon an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the con- trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will generally find in the front ranks of his profession, turning his dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly—and all through the liberal use of newspaper publicity. Try advertising as an investment, if only for a short time, and watch your business grow. Let our solicitors call and explain why The News is the best me- dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- paign. CVA wae yk . ‘ae DAILY sie OFFICE Phone BE A PAYING PROPOSITION RIGHT HERE IN PRINCE RUPERT \ decade ago Canada was ex-|75 cents and even 95 cents per; object of the association and its porting eggs to a value of about! dozen 1 have etters bearing| branches, or circles, “is to en- one and three-quarters million|that out In Ollawa the highest|courage a co-operative spirit | dollars Last year exports were! market price was 60 cents a dozen|among poultry producers; to | prac tically mil, While import and at the expe nental farm we) bring producers and consumers ves, imports reached a value o'f/sold at 50 cents \pparently in|closer together; to eneourage the jabout half a million dollars the case of British Columbia a adoption of the best breeds and Roughly speaking, the agricui.| genial climate had no effeet on|types of utility poultry; to en. tural west in 1911 gobbled up al ithe high value of eggs and poul-|courage the small producers to the east’s spare “hen fruit” a vil t ‘ form local branches or circles some millions from outside, How} With such high prices, west)for mutual assistanee and eco- jimportant an industry it is that}and east alike, why do not ordi-| operation in selling; to aid in es- Western Canada is so far over-|nary farmers, as well as special-|tablishing a uniform and recog- looking may be gauged from the|ists, take advantage of profits of.| nized standard of dressed poultry fact that the annual value of| fered? Phere are various points|and eggs; to keep the producers } poultry products in the United|to be considered here In the}in touch with those buyers who States is greater than that of/course of Mr, Gilbert's evidenee| put a premium on quality, and to either whea'! growing or dairying,| before the committee it Was/advance and dignify the poultry and more than equal to the com-|brought out that when eggs were) industry.” Already it has done bined value of sheep and swine/selling in Ottawa at 50 and 60/mueh to help on poultry develop- production, jeents the dozen they could be ob-|ment. In Ontario the egg cirele Where Prices Run Highest. liained at about half that price|idea has “eaught on,” and might Interesting in this connection| within three hours’ run of that| well become more and more gen- is a paragraph from evidence re-| city Knowing this, the farmer|eral in the west cently given before the parlia-|has usually grumbled: “Why go West's Present Waste. mentary standing committee on|in for poultry when the middle- As a bulletin on practical agriculture by Mr. A, G. Gilbert lman gets most of the profit?” | poultry keeping, issued by the poultry manager at the Central| And he has let it @o at that, over.| Alberta Department of Agricul- Experimental Farm, Ottawa, llooking the faet that his own|ture, strongly emphasizes, there “T had a visit from a British! slowness in marketing has been aj is s¢ sus ecotomic Waste In pres- }Columbia gentleman the other] chief factor against his getting} ent western methods of produe- day, and he said: We have ajthe top price which the public is|tion and consumption: “On in- jinild elimate whieh is particular- | willing to give for its favorite | vestigation al many points lly favorable to the vaising of|breakfast table delicacy when it} throughout the province it is j}poultry.” 1 replied: You ought}is absolutely fresh. }found that in some distriets the lthen to have a large supply of The formation of the Poultey] farmers themselves are the larg- |pouliry and eggs.’ He said: ‘So; Producers’ Association of Can-|est purchasers of bacon, con- iwe have No, it is an interesting/ada, with its laudable object of|densed milk, butter and eggs at ifact that notwithstanding thelestablishing eg@ cireles for the|the local stores, mild climate, which is certainly} gathering and quick sale of new! Well over three million dollars favorable to a large output oftlaid ewes and the better quality|}worth of eggs and poultry were eggs and poultry, T can assurejof the poultry with the proper}brought into Alberta alone dur- you that the prices in British Co.| grading of it should become ajing 1911. For the entire Middle lumbia are the highest we havelgreat incentive to poultry keep-}|West—not to mention British in Canada. Fees were sold in!ing among farmers in the differ-|(olumbia—the total must already the towns and cilies of British;ent parts of the country,” In the}be around $10,000,000 worth in Columbia last winter as high as} language of the constitution, the|a single year.—Canadian Finance —_—_— NOTHING LIKE GETTING INTO HOT "WATER “sca exe “Ofewnas: Dr, Olaf M, Btevenstrum of Chicago maintains that his condition of perfect health today, ifter an unbroken record of the same state for forty years, has been due entirely to his habit of plunging inte a bath of wateras holt as he can possibly bear it whenever he returns from a day's hard work, either in country or city practice Sinee he was a young man the doetor has never missed his speeifie once, Subscribe for The Daily News LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Take notice that I, J, &. Forsman, oeeu- pation miner, invend’ to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at & post planted ten chains distant and th an easterly direction from the northwest corner of Timber Limit 3990, on the south end of Lakelse Lake, B. €., thence west about 50 chains to the southeast corner of A. P. No. 22,203, thencee north one chain (more or less) to the lake shore, thence easterly along the lake shore to the point of com mencement, and containing ten acres, more or less, J.B. PORSMAN. Skeena Land me _ of Coast, an ° fake notice that I, Soret D. Bacile, Victoria, B. C., occupation laborer, intone to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands: Commencing at @ post planted about five chains in 4 nortteriy direction fron the forth end of Hermon Lake, thence vorth $0 chains, thence west 40 chains, tinee south 80 chains, thence east 40 hains to point of commencement, con taining 320 acres more or less. SORE! DEMETROFPF BACILE. T. L. Elliott, Agent Dated April 20, 1919. Pub, May 23, 1912 Notice is hereby given that I, J. &. Stark, of Naas Harbor, occupation pros- pector, intend, sixty (60) days from date, to take application to the Deputy Com- inissioner of Lands and Works at Prince Kupert, B. C., for permission to purchase the following described mae, Situated at the head of Alice Arm, B. Commencing at a post planted alongside the nartheast corner post of the River- mouth mineral claim, thence south along the east boundary of the Rivermouth min- eral claim 2,272 links, thence east 368 plus links t west boundary of Indian Re- serve, thence north 2.272 plus links along said boundary line, thence west 141 plus links to point of commencement, contain. ing about five (5) a or jens. TA 8 Dated Alive Arm, B. C., May ith 1912. Pub. May 27, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that John M. Buchanan, of Atlin, B. €., occupation teamster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described ae Ss: Commencing at ost ayer" at the southeast corner ot ot 4450, Coast District, thence 40 em north along east line of Lot 4450, thence east 40 chains more or less to northwest post of Lot 597, thence south along west line of Lot 597 40 chains more or less to shore line, thence west 40 chains more or to place of commencement and containing 160 acres more or less. J. M. BUCHANAN. George M. Shirley, Agent. Dated May 30th, 1912. Pub. June 13, 1012. Skeena Land —- et of Coast, Take notice that Willian Agnew of Mon- treal, occupation capitalist, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fol- lowing described lands; Commencing at a post planted on the west bank of the Hocsgil River, about one mile above Browns Falls, thence west 20 chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east 20 chains, more or less to bank of Hocsall River, thence southerly following river bank to point of commencement, te con- tain 49 acres more or icss, WILLIAM AGNEW, Locator. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent. Date! May 25th, 1912. Pub. June 3, 1912. ‘ Skeena Land we Etta of Coast, ange V. Take notice that I, James Coxford, of Pembroke, Ont, occupation fb sntend to apply ior a, to purchase the following deseri! my my at a post planted at point where G. T. Aly. intersects the Zymago- titz River, about 26 chains southwest from most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence easterly 48 chains along G. T. P. Aly. right of way, thence southerly and westerly about 70 chains following aoe line of island to point of commencemen JAMES COXPORD. Dated July 6th, 1912. Pub. July 23, 1042. skeena Land District—District of Coast, ge V. Take notice that I, Anthony Ludgate, of Kitsumkalum, occupation lumberman, in- tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commoners ata pers planted at a point tersects the Zymago- titz TARY about 24 chains southwest from most oer 2a of 2 1717, i easterly 48 chains along the G. T. Rly. right of way, thence aortheriy ae west- erly about 60 chains following shore line of island to aay of commencement. none LUDGATE. Dated July om 1912 Pub. July 23,1912. Skeena Land Digestion DOIN of Coast, ange 5. Take notice that Caroline Johnson, of Vancouver, B. C. aula married woman, intends to’ sion to purchase the rollowing f described lands Commencing at my Vs at the southwest corner ot t 3 ae thewoe 80 chains south, thence 80 60 chains north to southeast cornet of Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains along Lot goed. thence north 20 chains along Lot 3062, thence 40 chains west along Lot 3065 to point of commencement, contain- ing 560 acres more or less. CAROLINE JOHNSON, W. J. Goodwin, Agent. Dated May 20th, 1012. Pub. June 18, 1912. Skeena Land Dipenion—piatriae of Coast, Take notice that I, Alonzo Hamblet, of Everett, Washington, occupation engineer, meas to apply for poreseaion to pur- the following described lands: Sans ata t planted on the north bank of Beaver River von about 6% miles in a westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains east, following meander of river ae e peint of commencement, containing 520 acres more or less. §L0nz0 HAMBLET. is Eli H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated June 10D, 1912. Pub, July 16, 1912. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Seymour Tr b +4 Seen B. CG, cconmeee ie - chase the following eeortnes | ee: Commenc south bank o ing at recat and ak ‘about gis miles in a westerly «irection from the southwest corner of T. L, 2255, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west, thence 40 chains nortn, thence 160 chains east, following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less. SEYMOUR TRAYNOR, yee Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated June 9th, 1912. Pub. July 16, 1012. Skeena Land Diptrict—pistrict of Coast, Take notice that |, Janet Traynor, of Terrace, B. C., cecupation married woman, intend to apply for oy to purchase Ge. following desert Commence! at & post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 6% miles in @ westerly direction from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence $0 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east following meander of river back to point o commencement, containing 640 . 7 Aner TRAYNOR, Per Bl 7. H, Hamblet, Agent. ne e 19;2. pape a or eid Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Vpoderteh WwW. Yin- cent, of Kitsumkalum, B. C., occupation fire warden, intend wo apply for permis- oe to purchase the following described ands: Commencing at @ get planted in the north bank of Beaver River and about 1” miles in & westerl ergeee from southwest corner of . No, 2255, Coens 40 chains north, thetes 160 chains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains east, meandering river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acrea, more or less. PRED W. VINCENT. Dated June Oth, 1012. Pub. July 16, i942,