Sema: ny San Te ees et, aga a — e THE DaILy News Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS ‘ABOLISH THE CREDIT SYSTEM: AN TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —S® cents per inch. Contract rates | on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES-—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dariy, Sc per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. GC. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St.. New York City SmeaTTLe— Puget Sound News Co. Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Synicate, Grand Trank Building, Trafalgar eos Datty Eprrion. Daily News on Daily Denes HELL LITERARY NOT LITERAL. Capita Tutte’s terse remark there be a litera ¥ those and thai t whether t¢ net concerns on fer which space gs far reach- erature already que be new to the Rupert and foremest is the f Mult ied mia niroversslrsts & ’ , a6 . there s a tremen- niained au a? uy us ancrent _As " ’ ' ses ‘ * > oes oe cent cem, her shox ~e . im fees o& : oo Some » sats ai ar If ew Workingman's Home pertion te the income they en- : - nnn Ag jer under the pretection of the . “ za = : OF BOX CARS * w ency Free Labor Bureau n Connecton : hose wi nes his ass coacepseatiag em Phone 178 "th & state. be thimis not as @ : ae t oem; tnt iaet for thedr| @e 2 Go meme = ; Warm. clean rooms at Savoy. PHONE 116 GEO. BRODERILS Proprietor : = = 7 ie aly ave seed, Secanuse s just, ana/™ vat _ ia a “A a ——— SS = sike alone sures general), ; 7 etentment= Det tney won:|noneet aera Lester W. David Co, Ltd, UMION S.S. COMPANY OF 8.¢.. Lt alwars escape, he prophesies € : oil , - . . ” . ” ? A And it is conceivable that then | ”* . ’ ha . Manufacturers and wholesa) goed won't be the only thing Everyone Suffers ges an 2 . . —ao aa The new steel Passenger Steamers — =m 4 hang Th a sve New Wellington Cos Best on te ee. nanan mS Ne” sal 3 LUMBER “Chelohsin” y Cremes - : : ’ a f pres he Canadian Pa ths & Shing! Phose 116 Rogers & Bad a aL = . a . ad : lailwa at z a anace La & PROPHECY. ail mercha harging a reas ee s - r G@).| First Ave. and McBride St. Sox 865 —aND— President Lincein, shortly be. 29! Price et "| pess ‘ palen ' te ; : pa- oe 66 ”? . oul Preston Lincein. shorty be. an regulcrs tron, bis eues|De=sie equipment. in antcinn PHONE 25 THE IROQUOIS friend in lilineis, whe wrote mers Re cannot | af ~~ = “land we are adding me 2 teenie -_ —_=F recu riv. @ : wh - congratulating him on the near . st apna : ' pein _j that w ay be a ake ca Prince Rupert B.C. Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver POOL appreach of the end of the war, 54/*Ts Cannot s« e thei ‘ » omega » me ’ oe oe said Yes, we may alb con_/tesularly they cat pay oes t vea ' i alton . English anc A: ands ™ ges ar > - gratulate ourselves tha. this ™@nufaciurers a ors - Troml ster . i , “Chelebsin” - Wednesdays at 10 p.m.) Tweive Tabies No AW . r is nearing its ¢lose.| Whom they buy their goods. The , : weary SONS OF NORWAY . att teen ek etek win ae Sslahe vetail merchant must Sgure|‘** Sitroeds will be o pe “Camesun” - Saturdays af 10 pm — - : = cos s mou o ; . Ve _iwith the situa ‘ ch) Meets {st and 3rd Thursday 7 ; > treasure and blood. The best/ 0" bis losses under the credit) ..4. iu, im m. at 349 3rd ave an then. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening B be lood of American youth has/*¥stem and he ist add — _ a E analash ave ceetedena” : and Monday morning, respectively L. A. ar au been freely offered upon the/Preit in the prices which he : — country’s altar that the nation | charges | ver all possibile toss —_——__—___. _.| None safer on the coast than these two Cartas: a might live. It Was been a trv-/'? this manner The wholesaler fine pass nger steamers Reliable es ing hour indeed to the repub-/ must also take into consideration COD a lie, but I see in the near future the possibility of the fara GIVES GIFTS Peene. 48 1s a crisis approaching that un_|the retailer through the opera- J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phose 116 nerves me. and causes me to tion of the credit sysiem and the LO.OF : ‘ Prince Rapert tremble for the safety of my ™enufacturer or other source TO GE GERMANS Lodge, . . : - e . country As a result of the supply must take the same chance rsi es r0s war, corporations have been/ inte consideration m regare | Sects in the Hel 2 LINDSAY’S CARTAGE and enthroned, an era of corrup-| ‘he wholesaler when firing prices Ess Germat Aug. 17 moueap Seek | STORAGE tion im high places wil! follow, Sears on the Storesceper. boner .2f the couieners of 0 Every Tuesday Evening j G. U.P. Toabsler Anam (The up-to-date House Dec and the meney power of the Thus it will be seen the creditigreat Krupp works at Ess ne | AU members of the order in the | ters of Prince Rupert country will endeavor to pre. sysiem affects prices from the! < pany have donated $3,500_00% city are requested to visit Orders promptly Gilied Prices reasonabie. long its reign by working upon source of supply to the ultimate be distributed as gratuities | the lodge. OFPICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone @& . Writing. the prejudices of the people) consumer A retailer handling the 65.000 workmen. as welfare A. H. ALLISON, N. G, mess Sign wnt the wealth ix aggregated! goods on a cash basis knows ¢x- fonds for citizens of Essen. and W. @. BARA, P. -Hanging im the hands of the few and the acily what profil he musi make { be army and wavy et | Little’ NEW. | — republic is destroyed. [ fee! in order te continue successfully ier. Sydew. the Prussian min- at $ Our Specialties at this moment more anxiety in business. and the same applies isics of commerce, wh re *|“Valhalla” of S.H. & E.F. | ) - for the safety of my country throughout But as matiers | altend the elebraiion a Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers | i than ever before, ewen im the stand the retailer is forced eitied iedae thal a laren Scamomaman Socumer) | cre ‘“ " “We always deliver the goods midst of the rebellion.” thangs thd egeratinn 68 -thel bar of codore weult he on . ee ‘Meets every 2nd and 4th JARS TOBACOOS FRUITS : td & nserred p.m. in the hall at 319 ard Ave. 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Isiand Ciub 2nd Street Phone 156 OM —- = —— —~ nn Scoop Knows How to Take a Joke = TRATS M&- How Do You LiKE MY —Drawn for The Dally News by “Mf —«—««,, THATS WHaT I WANTED TO TELL You - Tust How MucH r LIKED Your o Now WHERE \S THE TYoue ? tHe JOKE \s om | THAT PooR_ Simp -— mE THOUGHT Sy THE? a