THE DAILY NEWs Sa — es — _ pe SS | M Cs f LAND LEASE NOTICES, “LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Real. Estate - Offerings j Mt Sibbom!TRAIN ROBBER RUNNING a ae Skeena Land Division District of Take notice that |, J. B. Foresman, ocen- bi 4, Block 27, $9,150.00; terms Coast Range Five pation miner, intend to apply to the Chief Lot 1, Block 30, With 4-room house, TAKE NOTICE that 1, Milton Christian,| Commissioner of Lancs for "permission to SQUARE DEALS i de, tdee ce nme uf Inverness, B. C., cannery employee, in-| purchase the following deseribed lands: Lot 46, Block 29, $8,000.00; half cash tend to apply for permission to lease the Commencing at 4@ post planted ten seetion 1, 11,000 Lots 65-66, Block 7, $95,000.00; terms following described — lands;-Commencing| Chains distant and in an easterly direction : io, Seetion 1, 820,000 Section 2 at 4 post planted on the northwest, corner|from the northwest corner of Timber k 35, Seetion I, #16,000 . of Smith Istand and directly Opposite In-| Limit 3990, on the south end of Lakelse rk 35, Section 1, 415,000 Lots 11-12, Block 19, $850.00 pair; equity verness Cannery, thenee rummng east g0| Lake, B. C., thence west about 60 chains out owe ‘chains, thence south 20 chains, thence| to the southeast corner of A, P. No. seetion 1, #6,000, Improved ck 1 section 2, $2,600 Section 6. west 90 chains to shore, thence north 290] 22,203, thencee north one chain (more or as chains following shore line to place of less) to the lake shore, thence easterly City, Aug. 17.“A}tory,” he declared, “and T have] Commencement “and containing 40 acres] slong the lake shore to the point of com- seetion 2, #2,200 Lot 11, Bloek 2, $9,800.00, with é-room “ wore OF less, mencement, and containing ten acres, more ck 0, Section 5, 86,500 house; terms. train robber is better than al] ridden away with it tied on be- Detea sale 96 ON CHRISTIAN or less J. B. POR®MAN, section 6, #1,050. ‘Lot 15, Block @8, #715.00. . ‘ ‘ ‘f »@ , sf = 07, snotion ', #3,600 " 91, Block 6,' 62,100.00; terme publie yerw,” has been the cam ok ro oa uae we . Pub. Aug. 5, 104 ), Seetion 8, 5 ots 44-45, Block 14, 87,000.00 f " ' Sack, s ¢ st, in Seetions 7 and 8 The above can be had on very good terms $7 } good paigen logan of A. I Jennings section 2, $2,000, Lots 16-17, Block 17 Section #, €8)100, — 17, 92,100.00 pair; good Oklahoma MILT O12. 2. Skeena Land Digetes-pisteies of Coast, Take notic Soret D. and now my greatest desire is to] Skeena Land Depireet apiriaiet of Coast, Victorie, "’. C., ‘cooupetion ‘\aborer, talena an : Lots 21-99, BI 3 62% ) » " ork 30, 8625.00 pair; alll noted train robbe; and to apply for Pare tie to renin the placing your Fire, Life ana Ciability Insurance, We can save cash . member! orove that f can be an honest Take notice that I, Frank B. 81. Amour,| following deseribed Lots 12-13, Block 2, $5,250.00; terms.fof the famous Dalton gang of Prince Rupert, B. C., oecupation pros Commencing at . Lots 1-2, Block 14, $5,000.00; half cash oMmeial, a e 2, #5, 3 ctor, intend to apply for permission tw | five chains in a northerly inection Bainter and Sloan mal. 6, 18, 18 and 94 months who was nominated in today's} “A train robber who is trying ease | the following described iands:|the north end. of very Re ind Avenue Phone 378 Section 6. ieee i _ ae st planted on the| forth 80 chains, thence west rae chains rire, Life and Accident Ins. in Best Companies Lot 4 Block 56 with 7-room house hs eadely mtg ae attorney} to lead an honest life is far bet- et = es a 1 — is oy fo Eee ait, chal . mt if : ; : i 7 ri > as , 1 an easterly rection from End Hill,| chains to point of commencement, ma ual th ole ford ‘ores. vie; Medios ever a half dozen opponents.|ter than a publie oficial who, ene south twenty chains, thence east) taining 320 acres more or less, mS , + $3,041 ; . ae : eighty chains, thence north twenty chains 0 = rm ee tahini oe Jennings declared on the stummplunder the guise of respectability] to beach, thence wester! along the beach oe pe aiteag og on sy *, : fe 5,680.00; terms tnat the Dalt F : about eighty chains to place of commence- Dated April 20, wis” * ? a ie 00; half cash,p tna fiton gang was a tameland honesty, robs the people, ment, containing one hundred and sixty Pub. May 23, 1919. } . Tite an & re ain acres, more or less. Fe Lot 9%, Block 25 with good house affair as compared to the present “Jennings draws large crowds FRANK B ; , ty e ‘ . ST. AMOUR, $3,000.00; terms court house gang,” who were hi Dated June 20th, 1912. suark, “of ‘Nane, Harber, “oeeupetio’ pros- ae —s Lf embezziera to the amount of Mishtly to hear him "+ gesnae Ss) Pub, July 22, 1049. pector, intend, sixty (60) days ots 20-91, Block 37, 8735.00 each; experiences, tle was sery- to make application to the 2 bandit exper issionce, of Lands and Wi $285.00 cash. £50,000 : L I QU Lots 21-22, Block 43, $800.00 pair; half ing a ten year sentence in the|Skeena Land District—District of Coast, pers, 8 “por permission ‘ preees Lone Pm 8 eae , Te. un wit Robbed Trains Formerly, penitentiary for robbing the mails feiae ‘eeetal ade nahin wt ttlea ne fohowine deacribed land situated at ULPHUR Lots 36-36, Block 16, 82,300.00; $800.00 ‘T have stolen more than that} when he was pardoned by Roose .|Mupert, B. C., oeeupation etvil engineer, Commencing at @ post planted al cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 months s acting a8 agent for Porpoise Harbor Land pe eee, [i pa Ry oo ver- 3 a . along Lots 11-12, Block 43, $1,500.00; thira| @Cironnt from trains in this terri. | velt. Co, it, of Vietoria, B. C., intends to cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 months apply for permission to lease the following sees ahaa a BY } Bo ae =, deseribed lands nks, mee eas RHEUMATISM, ECZEMA, STOMACH AND KIDNEY TROUBLES Section 8. Commencing at a post planted on the| Plus links to ‘west boundary of Indian Re- Lot 11, Bloek 25, 8425.00; $125.00 cash, most northerly point of Lot 501, Ran 5,| serve, thence north 2,272 plus links along SKIN DISEASES shy Bay t2 and "18 months “CONDOR CH ARI IE” C ALLS Coast Districk, on Porpolse Barton meaas said boundary line, thence west 141 plus Ot 22, Block 14, $400.00; half cash, bal north to L. W Mark, th nks point of commencement, conta Se ST cane ' the reste hnews steed 6 and 1? months northerly following. the coc, toa] IN AbOUE five (5) acres ee sir o Why? purifier of the century. Every one knows that sul- Lot 10, Block 6, 8425.00; third cash, bal r point due west of southwest corner of STARK, . phur is good for the entire system. Almost every- 6, 12 and 18 months ‘ 6 ”? Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, thence! Pated fikce Arm, B. C., May 14th, 1948, d one has taken sulphur in some form or another. But — oar * ate hap iets cette lowing it ¥ Mark’ t Genes Soeere [. a ee , « o ) c Rea is it known to you that sulphur in ite powdered form Lots 29, Block ®& ae the “ m| Skeena Land District District of Coast cannot be assimilated into the blood through the Los 98-86" Bieta te, clebae ceih most northerly point of Stapleton stomach. If the stomach canot dissolve sulphur , i Sd tnand. part of Lot 642; thence west to] Take notice that John M. Buchanan, how can the blood be purified? Liquid Sulpner a $40.00 cash, bal. 3, 6, 9, 12 pg thence following A. W. Meri iin B. C.. ov cupation teamster sonal These already dissolved, is, In fact, *eady for the stomach a Most southerly point at Beebietem fovea | \0. apply for Perthission to purchase the to distribute through the system. Liquid Sulphur Insurance. thence east to the H.W. Mark of Lot eas, | following described lands: goes direct to the seat of the trouble, impure blood, UNION FIRE OF PARIS thence southerly following the I. W. Mark Commencing &t + planted at the Facts a one cee ee. cates easton at NIAGARA PIRE ee lo & point due east of the most southerly | Southeast corner of Pot’ «Sco, Range ‘V, jerms and impurities. IT REMOVES THE CAUSE g - London, Aug, 19—Lord Che leaving only one armored cruiser| point of Lot 501, thence south to L. W.| C0St District, thence 40 chains north ND PERMANENTLY CURES. NOVA SCOTIA FIRE eondon, » BY “ Nar- | lee - ‘ Mark, thence following L. W. Mark to a| %0ng east line of Lot 4450, thence east MUTUAL LIFE les Beresford, speaking at Eves.| responsible for the Mediterran-| point due south of the’ most. southerly| #2 chains more or less to northwest post Sent by mail postage prepaid, on receipt of price. MINION OF CANADA GUARANTEE AND e point of Lot 501, thence north to this of Lot 597, thence south along west line ’ me ONO ean, point, thence northerly following H, W | 2 Lot 597 40 chains moré or less to shore Two sizes, 50c and $1.00 per bottie ACCIDENT ham had many unkind things te “Ww ; * » , -Itine, thence west 40 chal ; e cannot at present fight, Mark to the point of conmmencement. : 7 chains more or less, say of Hon. Winston Churehill, : PORPOISE HARBOR LAND CO., LTD., | ‘2 Place of commencement and containing STORES AND HOUSES TO RENT added Lord Beresford, “and we Per A. W. A ; 160 acres more or less, DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE — whom he eharacterized as the) ghall not be ready for some time Dated July 23rd, 1912. Paedie 3 Geores u Shirley, “Agent Prepared only by FARM LANDS IN LAKBLSE, KITSUM- me nie , : ” Pub, Aug. 12, 1912. Dated May 30th, 1912 most eceentric individual who to eome, Pub, eae is, 1948. KALUM AND BULKELEY VALLEYS IN " . i tai CHACE & JACKSON, Vancouver LARGE AND SMALL TRACTS had ever been entrusted with the — Vigorously opposing =a maval | al F ‘ alliance with a foreign country : Naval Executive. He has,” said alliance i Skeena Land District—District of Coast, 506 Smythe Street Phone Sey. 4264 Lord Beresford, “occupied the he urged that the Empire should LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Take notice ones "Witeaen Agnew of Mon- McCaffer & Gibbons pesition eight months, and pro-| defend its own territory with its treal, cecupation | capitalist, | intends | to y ved a miserable failure. He| own ships. “The alliance we] skeena Land District District of Coast, rome ddoseribed ands. grim. oa = sak fj . mw f s esire , , * ommencing @ t SS —=jspeaks while looking at things) should desire is — with — the Take notice that I, Margrite Nicoll, of| west bank of te Hockall Rit River, about one with the modern eye, but the overseas dominions. Terrace, B. C,, occupation widow, intend] mile above Browns Falls, thence west be ; sien ie i dhe: etna “netnia® Se? ‘bonctoded apply for permission to purchase the! chains, thence north 20 chains, thence east first necessity is to see straight. neland, ’ Fouling, described. = ous ee © ge chéing, more or pee to bani - Hoesall , ace ble solence |“ . fear i star- ed on the/ River, thence souther ‘ollow river With unaccountab! in olence does not fe ar invasion but ul sans bene of Beaver ‘River-and about 414 | hank’ to paiat cfs cement wee Churehill took charge of the re- vation. We have reduced our nie ins westerl Fa fae tain 49 acres more or less, - southwes corner 0! t er , . cent Spithead naval review, fleet, we have redueed our -— $0 chains north, + se chains west, hugustus W. Agnew Agent. The G nace as , > . “rp nations is re.| thence 40 chains sou thence 80 chains Date! May 25th, 1912. Phe : German menace was, in| while the other natio ~ _ [east following meander of river back to Pub. June 3. 1012. his opinion, so serious that he! ing ahead with leaps and bounds,|point ‘of commencement, containing 320 . acres 0 1 ° withdrew the whole fleet to pro-|T say stop fooling the people; tell] rs more or less, Skeena Land District—District of Coast, e » > » | i { ’ Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent. ange V. teet the heart of the Empire, .| the m the truth.’ oume ino. tee, eae tone cotian a ee Coxtord, e Pub, July 16, 1012. Pembroke, Ont. occupation eer * = eS cs niend to apply tor permission to purchase the following described lands: | Commencing at & post planted at point . | where G. so eereeee = ae WATER NOTICE. titz vee, at | 6 chains southwest from ee most westerly point of Lot A thence easterly 48 chains along G. T. P. Rly. right IMBEDDED IN For a License to Store or Pen Back Water.| 5, way, thence southerly shor Westorty ; about 70 chains following 5 “4 ine Notice is hereby given that tie Port island to point of > phan . neeme: Edward Townsite Co., Lid, of Prince Ru JAMES SORFORD. Porpoise Harbor, near Zanardi ids. The| *keena Land Sepeetes RN of Coast, Sl as water will be stored in @ reservoir of| | eV. 4,800 acre-feet capacity, built or to be . Tobe Saties jr H a Re gh (over @ *X- Pane 1, 2 7 , a} built at Small Lake, on Lot 691, and will| Kitsumkalum, oc 0 5 . London, Aug. we peer Se on Vaneouver, Aug, 17,—With a used for domestic purposes, under aj tend to apply for permission to purchase tensive area of the British Isles} ¢.4 pook imbedded in the pupil] Motice of application for a license to teke| the following described lands: the harvest prospect is assuming and use water, posted herewith, on the} Commencing at @ post planted at a point 7% a of the left eye, causing great] land deseribed as Lot 446, Range 5, Coast} where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago- la very serious aspect, in conse- . District, titza River, about 24 chains southwest from : agaries f the} pain and semi-blindness, Otis This notice was posted on the ground most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence quence of the vagaries o it a : k = the ore, OY & se aif*t T a =o & : ee a ae on aid - . - —_ Ste 8 > » best nown leation wi ed in oMice of t rh ol ay, ce ” weather, which has now been of/ Staples, one o - ’ ater Recorder at Prince Rupert. erly about 60 chains following shore line a more or less unfavorable type| lumber operators of Kootenays.| — Objections may’ be filed with the said/of island to point of commencement. “e the adve ‘J . A vear 4 Water Recorder or with the Comptroller ANTHONY LUDGATE, sinee the advent of June, A year) on Saturday last heroically drove]of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings,| Dated July 6th, 1912. ‘ago the country had a summer of Victoria, B, C. Pub, July 23,1912. his motor ear from St. Marys . , el ; pace artim: Bam Aye tame sepa Lak ; gO oe ville, East Koote bee renee WOWSaS Skeena Land District—District of Coast, }enabled farmers to complete their) “88° %0) Marysville, has ~ | aa6 By A. W. Agnew, Agent. Range 5. . : “dice Take potics that orca Johnsen, of or harvesting operations some weeks| Hay, in an effort to get medical Vancouver, B. C., 7, ?» ate “4 - » inte U ply ~¥ rmission earlier than usual. This season| help. Aid was too late in coming to pure the coiowine scribed ands i Batis a , , . and the sight of his left eve was Commencing at 4 "Se: And 99 out of every 100 unpre- they have to sit with folded arms ' eetromgy ete at aoe ag sonmeating at 8 . vw nee ot me waiting for a cessation of all but; Completely destroyed, - , For a License to Take and Use Water. chains ‘south, thence 80 chains east thence > ace . reache s city this ’ - chains nor utheas daily rain storms, the accident reached this city nupeee nase Eee te. ~~, o Poe 3062, thence west 40 chains along Lot ; ; d | ll t ll THE | Official statistics show that in}/Morning in a private letter to) (real canada, will apply for a” license to] 306%, thence north 20 chains along Lot | ' —— on . a adines Cieermtiin eit . ¥ 3062, thence 40 chains west along Lot judice peop e wi e you the nine weeks from. the begin- Fimber inapeoter ae - a Sai act al Gas teeut'a jee gocene of 4005’ to point of commencement, contain- jning of June the frequency of Kay. It appears that Mr. Staples | nortnwesterly direction ‘through Lot 446,| "8 eee, $e eee JOHNSON, ; ome paper lrain has been unusually great; had driven out from Marysville — ae. Oe tee te The W. J. Goodwin, Agent. » or » . , .|in his ear to St. Marys Lake On| water will be diverted at a Dated May 29th, 1912. : sarl il whole of the Pub, June 18, 1912. over hearty it ole Lot 691, and will be used for industrial . : - ; rday He was cast- United Kingdom, while the total|/Saturday to fish, purposes on the land described as Lot 446,/ s,.ena Land District—District of Coast of the water which has! ing with a hook on a short line] ange 5, Coast District, and adjacent lots. Vv. : P, ® quantity yi "s This notice was posted on round Alonzo Hamblet, of of rince Rupert. ° ® e © ® e ° ° ® | fallen is largely in excess of nor- when a sudden gust of wind blew on the 23rd day of iy: eta, the - gel. ngtice unat fy Alonzo, i engineer, | . rr . , o lication will be fle the office of . linal. Within the last few days|the line in his face, the hook en~| pulcation Will Be Bled tn a Sons eisai ected Geass, Se | the rain storms have inereased| tering the ball . of his left eye.| Objections may be fied wth the said| © Commencing at & post planted on Advertisers also tell us and will tell you that results obtained in intensity and falls of one ineh| Nearly blinded, Mr, Staples at last) or” Water Kights, Parliament ‘Bu Idings,|iniies in a westerly direction from the Water Recorder or with troller! north bank of Beaver River and about om AV . * car | Victoria, B. from publicity carried in the columns of this paper have exceeded a day are rather common, Some] found his way to the motor car) V'hi® fc. RUPERT HYDRO-ELEC- southwest corner of T. L. $855. thence times the amount has exeeeded those obta throug spaper hed ana, with the hook still imbedded TRIC CO., Limited. pee 00 choles 7 sane ene ae ane outite ” two inches, Unfortunately there]? his eye, drove the ear from the} **® By A. W. Agnew, Agent. east, following tmanet, UT rier ‘ach, Prince Rupert is no prospect of an improve-|!ake to Marysville, At Marysville coemagen iets na The successful business man today is the one who advertises ment in conditions. he was able to locate a visiting waren moves. Bet ay 9450 Hambiet, Tin physician from Cranbrook, but Dated June fou, 1912 ooses the medium most generally read by ARP SENTENCES is FOR too late to save his sight. Mr.| For a License to Store or Pen Back Water. Judictowsly, whee * . ‘on Notice is hereby given that the Prince| Skeena Land District—District of Coast, | | pert, B. C., will apply for a license to z | store Or pei back 2,400 acre-feet of water] Dated July oth, 1012. from Wolf Creek, @ stream flowing in a| Ub. July 23, 1912 | horthwesterly diréction and em tying into Pub, July 16, 1912. , ince been taken to not look u VICIOUS SUFFRAGETTES “Staples since has KR t Hydro-Blectric Co., Ltd, of Mon- ; citizens of a community ; a business man whe mes th - Spokane for treatment. treal,, cohen, will apply. for @ license to o pa paselen’ con- ‘ store or pen back 2,400 acre-feet of wane Uupatio! an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the Dublin, Aug. 17.—Mrs. Leigh err OO from Wal Creek, & stream flowing in a| tutend to appiy for permission “ pur- trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will and Miss Gladys Evans, suffrag- Seals Protected Porpoise text du cetion, end aes into a atte rere * sentence , f »—The North| water wilt be stored in a reservoir of ront ran profession rni his eltes, were sentenced to five London, Aug, 1% eee _ ae aan coe the years’ penal servitude each for] Pacific seal fisheries treaty has built at Small Lak " on Lot 664 ad win so dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly all 9 ene - — ve ore received the royal assent, howe of ap eae iat ‘ us blicit eatre on July » to preve eNO — and use water, pos re’ on ee ae Oa Wherel ype of aeuupaper ov » f short ti and Premier Asquith from speaking 20 Ib, sk, Sugar, $1.35. Cow- eee 1 Range 5, Coast = t - contetning Try advertising as an investment, if only for a me, there the evening afterward, Miss|/ichan Eggs, 55¢ per doz, Stalker on as Prd aay or aus op tne round i. 0 TAAyHOR. ‘ E T. H. Hamb watch your business grow. Mary Baker was sentenced to|& Wells. Phones 187 and 430. lication ‘Will be dled ‘in’ the ‘once of = bate ted June ne via ’ f ater Recorder at rine ’ ° is the best me- seven months’ imprisonment as cea Objections be ue “she said : ; Let our solicitors call and explain why The News an accomplice, Best meal in town at Savoy.| wart ‘Recorder or ‘with ine Comptrolier| Sheen Land District —District of Coast, dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- - ?. weler Rights, Parliament Bulldings,| 1... notice that l, Janet Traynor, of -— a came em Tk PRINCE RUPERT HYDRO-BLEC-| Terrace, B. C., occupation married woman, paign TRIG €O,, LTD. intend io apply tor permission to purchase » = = z 5 » follow ic ase By A. W. Agnew, Agent. Commencing at & post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about LOOK : THESE : OVER Ste, aes Pea y a “74 ~ . 80 chains south, thence $0 west, ee i re) waren ones. thence 80 chains north, thence a> AN 37 ‘ , east following meander of river back to . cite oles | For a License to Take and Use Water, point, of commencement, comteining $40 . )| Notice is hereby given that the Port ae Rae. ¢ JANET TRAYNOR, $12,000 Improved Xi; kdward Townsite Co., Limited, of Prince Per Eli 7. H. Hamblet, Agent. 15,000 5,00 Rupert, will ly for @ license to Dated “e 10 008. 9,500 improved an © feet per second of water Pub. J: +6, 20,000 out of Wolf Creek, which flows la @ north. 2,100 1,100 } | Westerly direction through Lot 446, Kange| skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Buildings 5, Coast District, and ies ito Por- ny 7. Building poise Harbor, near Zanardi Rapids. ‘The Take notice that * Frodertas WwW. Vin- }) | Water will be diverted at @ small lake Ob] cent, of Kitsumkalum, C., occupation New house Lot 601, and will be used for domestic] nre warden, intend to a for permis- Bullding purposes op the land deseribed a8 LOt/sion to purchase the following deseribed Building ) | 446, Range 5, Coast District lands Corner )) This notice was posted on the out Commencing @t & pest planted in the yon the 23rd day of July, 1912. north bank of Beaver River about 2% Geelien will be fied in the office of miles in @ Westerly Fegeues sree ater Recorder at Prince Rupert, southwest corner of T. L. No, 2265, thence : ‘4 Objections may be filed with the said) 40 chains north, thence 160 chains {| Water Recorder or with the Compteviler| theace 40 chains south, thence 160 chains ( of Water Weata, Parliament Huildings,| east, meandering river back to > io Wt cee SSCeT HK SKN Te UVR Oe NMOS Se FET eee point Vietorta, B. commencement, containing 640 ac more THe Kou EDWARD TOWNSITE CO.,| or less. ~~ = PRED W. VINCENT. ar6 By A. W. Agnew, Avent. Dated June Oth, 1018, Pub, July 16, 1012.