The Daily News + 7 y OF DOWLING “The News” Classified Ads. | gi a « | ALLEYS}; —Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== an Ned¥ly every man own was . down at the grand opening of the _THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— |. TEmpress Rowling Alievs = last t the nitial & week end, to wiltess match that had bes viver “i | t tak | betw \ rman CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. 0 ake place wtiwee ale “ ! P For Rent Notice-Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate George Kerr and Dr. J jin the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Unfortunately the = doct \ MERELY | nascnaseiiniilitsniaaetininannel | Distrie 1, Where located ots Granby ta | i , } the sald mining division and adjoming the) {., unable to be pi —s MABEL OR os castahe sak. te ase uid. (Property of the Granby Consolidated Min . ee pin ‘OO ° 5 , ; > t 4 u uo 4 of being called REMARKS ing. re 6th «venue, opposite Skating | ited melting and Power Company, Lim- || professiona urwen } ‘ | Rink All conveniences Apply md fake notice that 1, James J. Lee, Fret a match was arange etweer Carieties : Miner's Certificate No, 52978B, intend, a waren . , M POR RENT—Cheap, room in private house,| sixty days from the date hereof, to apply | ! teams captained by i ‘ an , close in Phone Green 258 j}to the Mining KNecorder for a Certificate of Mr ‘ n I hart That there were some wande : petels | improvements, for the purpose of obtain. |! = Mr eck har OHOCERY stor aiso Six rooms Upstairs.|, 0 ‘ . ive By catching on to the small prices at Hart's Big Sale ing boys in Rupert the other y at large building cor. Dunsmuir] '"S,%¢ Oe ae I nah ge team winning bv ‘ . And further take notice that aection,|;,, evening. street-and Ninth Ave WS-198 | under Section 85, must be commenced be- | rhe highest score ; ‘ vening j}fore the issue of such Certificate of Im i a higher plane. was made by cerber | RO ee ce ‘hat , vlia Hill is no 0 Dated this 30th day of July, A Right habits when formed are easily carried, and by 186, which won the b f cig ha ‘3 rope 7 ! ' For Sale | By His A Fed : lem . ~ turned into a bear garden y is gent, 4. Coleman starting to buy al this store you are meving in the right ars. Other games , ayes }Pub. Aug. 12, 1942 . luring the evening bree . onninicswate . saahitialeiitieiiatai ‘ direction. Call on us when you wish to ‘ ‘ rhat a small child learning its|for SaLE—Two incubstors, practically| OERTIWIOATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ee ee : new; capacity 104 and 150 Apply P./ af alphabe » othe ay was heard . one e } uphabet the other da : © . box 860 wow | otice— Buffalo Mineral Claims, situate] ! Turn Dimes Into Dollars faask the question thal has Dect |sy' eg von nawt_sueer acemg| ee segee me se Sa ‘ ms ) x | pis e lo Near 6 ) = Ss 0 troubling the papers and the machines Phone agent Bay View| i*trict. Where located: Near Granby ot Hotel P. O. Box 235 190 100; >. said re ee ald adjoiming pastors, property 9» Granby vnsolidated | : and we will not disappoint you, RALLY FOR | Numi, smelting and Power Company, | z - | Limitec | st } That after that pu » the Wanted | Take notice that I, James J, Lee, Free} ennsnenenstaansnnatbacemeanesnstan Miner's Certificate $2978B, imtnd, sixty | Journal Sunday about the weather | ees from the date hereof, to apply to the See our beautiful Carpet Squares. Prices $6.95, $7.95, RECREATION ind the “dry” dock she feels sure | provements, Tor the purpose of ebtaluin Mlereriah H K | Lid ‘ 7 , , provements, for ve purpose of obtaining $8.95, $10.50, up to $50. there's a plac for punsters WANTED A lady stenographer Apply; Crown Grants of the above claitas. Us er, Large enamel Tea Kettles; reg. $1.25; now only....... 45c : ‘ ‘ box E, Daily News 1ootf i date 66. eit he “ae Phone on wer Section must commenced "hat ‘ i VAN omen to feed and fold before the issue of suct rtificate of Roller Towel Racks; reg. 25c, 36c, 40c; now only... ... 15¢ Prince Rupert Phat it’s no use > page | Wee Pree es canes Oaiees Laue een eT ; mnangt Apply at once ; lmprovements Uphoistered Box Bed Springs; reg $5, $6, $7, $10, $12; Aue. 15th. 1942 vourself off as an 0 met i iry is86t Dated this $0th day ¢ iy , ite ivi2 lo The Daily News you reached Rupert after 1908 WANTED—2® furnished rooms in private By His Agent, F. J. Coleman - } } t os - family for housekeeping, or small fur Pub, Aug. 18, 1042 The large crowds which have pe nished house. Permanent tenant. Ap-| C Es 2 manifested such enthusiasm a That the old timers may be for-| ply Royal Hotel Cafe Bar 188 CERTWIOATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. oe "> Ww ; t ; ' L E the footba battles on Second) given if the changes in the city!) wanrep—pirst class wood turner, Prince } & L YA e don't talk of making an effort give bafgains since then cause them trouble i Rupert Sash & Door Co. 149-0f Notice-—Kaien Mineral Claim, situate in| 7 mn you. are taking a step that will ultimately lead vou on to avenue are surely sufficient ind the Skeetia Mining Division of Cassiar Dis if comes to us as natural as breathing. mation of the ae for clean | finding the way home next Sun HOUSEHOLD furnishings wanted Sena | trftt Where located Near Granby, in j " . , . particulars and prices to Box H, Daily] the saia mining division and adjoining \ day morning. News 189-tf the property of the Granby Consolidated} WY >, Mining, Smelting and lower ‘ ompany, | hs a) WW, city, | WANTED—Woman cook; wages $60 per| Limited Wor pw , & oie Sa McCague, admin ems a gree sity that t *T month with room, Apply Superintend Take notice that |, Sam gue, } It seems a great pil rat there ent Prince Rupert General Hospital, tf|istrator of the estate of James MeCague, | is ne adequate ground where the Free Miner's Certificate No. 52979B, intend, ore FIRST eclasé bookkeeper wanted at once] «; ays fro t ‘ of, u »| Aty days from the date hereof, to apply local athletes can compete for large general store in the iterior;}to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of | George Leek We would pledge ourselves by must be an Af man; good salary Ay mprovements, for the purpose of obtain ply P.O. bow 1511, Prince Rifpert ne a Crown Grant of the above claim manly sport which exists in our every means mm our power te vat And further take notice that action GIS Srd Ave further a project fer a proper under Section 85, must be commenced be fore the issue of such Certificate of Im 7 POPP PPEOPOOO ++I ground and we think the major- Mi I re : Kcume £m 2058 ; ; pated this 30th day o uly, . Dd viz itv of our fellow citizens would scellaneous SAM M'CAGUE al P y By His Agent, F. J. Coleman also assist in the good work. RS See ere ) , alss é rane skeen’. bide. 17 eo x Pub, Aug. 12, 1042 aaa The Ideal} —— — Even the youngsters are show- | MARRY——Why remain alone? - - fot e6erd dhe th Yacroasine - in. ing of the boot and = er SeCHlONT Introduction Club is a strictly private, CERTIFIOATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Lot 34. Block 28 < ) of the Canadian Manufacturers high elass, reliable medium for intro an emen jterest in football \ ati held here \ terday ducinf worthy marriageable peeople; any Notice——Kupert Mineral Claim, situate \% cash, ba We would therefor urge the ssociation, hele ere yesterda nationality or religion Particulars for) in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar One lot lock evening, it was decided to raise} Samp. Mrs. Wilson, box 1776, Van-/pistrict. Where located Near Granby, Park Commissioners to take > “ couver, B.C in the said mining division and adjoining VAROOUVER a the Ppric® of boots and shees 15 the property of the Granby Consolidated i Mining, Smelting and Power Company, : Limited inte effect on September ist, The Take notice that I, F. J. Coleman, Free y i rrowing city and the growing : Miner's tifcate No. 52977B, intend, oop ieee peiee ogee wet om nats en kaa SOME] ewse wat amtect the whole of TROUT. FISHING--- af ye ee vealthy needs of its pioneer ath- hi an “mm Prendere to the Miring Re d for a Certificate each fspeedy action toward making a per cent., the new prices to go} ground more in keeping with our } al Immediate Deliveries inlee, . Youts, te. Seiohabe ae tok iatae ob a0 Ger t improvsanans, fer, tee purpose sf $6-13 lote, Blo T . . 7" /—wie recessary by the raise o 0 per MOUNTAIN CLIMBING taining a Crown ‘orant of the abe ve claim THE ROSES ATHLETIC CLUB i n the price of leather . And further take notice = action, | eat & 35 Frank A. Ellis, President.| ven en vn vm - iis inder Section 85, must be ommenced Recently tested on the city’s cement testing machine. This cement ounced here vesterday — ; efore the issue of such Certificate of Im H. DOUGLAS showed tensile strength as follows: In 7 days, 792 pounds to J. Day-Bell, Secretary i iia eepigoeres Five Hour Journey From Prince Rupert }) an iin o and ot ee, &. te 339 Third Ave P. O. Bor the square inch; in 28 days 1007 Ibs to square . : j ae rest i Phere will be a meeting of the . F. J, COLMAN oO ite Post Office : f its news, vou'll find it in| : ‘ B Can H ] Pub. Aug 12, 1012 (Oppos inch , ‘U. tin Overseas Club on Tuesday even. || DIG yon Fiote the Daily News | PRICES ON APPLICATION ; fe, Soe ae oe ee Kitselas -: ~ B.C. LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. | Sibbald Hall, for the purpose of ee Pia. japproving the terms of an ad- u tai , || Skeena Land District—District of Cassi —$$_$__—__ — ||WET YAQT ae eh ant ae Glam ~Aosnanoos eget ext | Wage ake Lumber ( Kupert C., eceupation ho tel ‘ke eT C B Schreibe & | General. Amongst those whe tends to apply for permission to pur« base | | Bi ae " he following deSeribed lands MITE have eonsented to speak are KH — then - i . Ui Ai iber Co., Ltd. RACING SEEN H. Gordon Munro W. Mieholeon Laiieg | east shore of tioose Bay. Observatory, Inle deB, Hovell, Esq., president of the east shore of Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet, | } aS ae iH azelion braneh; the Mayor, ex- MUNRO & LAILEY Raseite thabes oy = om Sanit Sole ents for Prince Ru rt - AT COWES. Alderman Naden and Alderman! iS ——~ con = nee Saree on | . As = % ¢ Clayton. All ladies and gentle-!| Architects, er nisining “te Oa re = re or "less _— Lumber and Mouldings Stork Building, Second Avenue. LIER BESN a men ‘Snterested in the welfare of : Dated July 21st, 1919. ER BESNER London. Aug. 17.—An oilskin| the British Empire are welcome. E F a ee 5 Pub, Aug, 12, 1912 All Kinds of Building Supplies see ce . Signed, L. Bulloek -~- Webster, STUART & STEWART Skeena Land District—District of Coast ‘ ~e and mackintosh covered crowd} aoe 196 Accountants Seite nots anny? : cadet a ‘ 5 * 3 ake otice 1a ; gnace assey, © . ; watched the racing at Cowes a 309 2nd Ave. Phone No, 280] Vancouver, B. €., occupation logger, intend A ; . e ae an © apply for permission t vurchase the} Piret Avenue other day. When the comen i-] Prince Rupert P. O. Box 354} tonowing described forsehoree . ~c . “eo ar Co ene is 0 > a Ln iin tek the King’s cup. ven is Railway Construction \ors for City of Prince Rupert] | Commencing’ aia "post planted at. an — Phone 18 thence south open water in the ne ighbor hood! in 8 naptheneiotie “ane See ‘lee aan POPOOO POOP ILO TS of Spithead they encountered Work ALFRED CARSS, C. V. BENNETT, B.A, |‘! “rand Trunk Pacific Ratlway right-of FREE! FREE! e ch : “ a of Way to 4 point 300 feeet east of the south FREE! heavy seas and squally weathe: of Pet Cie oe least corner of Lot 4446, thence west 300 and seme became almost water S & T feet to high water mark or G. T. P. right . Ww of-way, thence along the beach to point : saul 88 ie logged. After the first round tarts in flown CARSS & BENNETT of commencement, containine ¢.0 orn A hig bee worth only three of the nine starters Contractor Hardie, who has the clearing BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Ec. more or less electric play: ; p , er es IGNACER MASSEY o continued the contest, The Kais- os me oS aS aavans” ine Foaaee| Ofice— Albert Block, Second Avenue. Dated July 30th, 1912 81,200 giver jer’s Meteor was among the first] River at Fort George, has sublet several| pe Paneer — Pub, Aug. 12, 1012 pool players contracts, one of which is through the Ske ee 3 room, to haul down her sails. Indian Reserve and the town of For, *'@%-M.Mansons.a., W.E.Williama,s.a..u...p keena hens, Piowies—-Diotrtet of ment pool Lord Dunraven's Cariad won| George on the Nechaco River. WILLIAMS & MANSON Take notice that I, Fred Dawson, of Theatre building rac .. Str »p’ >. Contractor Hardie has opened his office riste Solici Prince Kupert, occupation farmer, in ‘the race. A. K, Strother’s Mar oe eh Ea ee’ SS Barristers, Solicitors, ete tend to apply for permission to purchase quita won in the ninteen metre }west. Box 285 the following described — Wams :—COm~ | eee, : | ; mencing at a post planted p les jClass. Albert Brazzy’s schooner| Fotlowing Hardie’s crews will come the Prince Rupert, B.¢ | (enelng mile south of Red a Jenks hic . . ei ,| srading gangs, and for these a large) ————— ——____ —————=— | island, thence so : mee (lL |Czarina went ashore on the {che wif be located at Fort George ‘with west "40 than end® north so. ctmies| PRINCE. RUPERT FE e )} Brambles near Southampton. a capacity of from three to four thousand | PO. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPER’ | thence east 40 chains to point of com- ce King George and King Alfonso was of Supple. mencement; containing 160 acres. more Government Sale ) Sa a meen RS jattended the squadron dinner at| at Fort George pinperty is rapidly inereos. JOHN E. DAVEY {RED DAWSON Big stock of all kinds )) | , 0 x ~~ . ~ Dated August i, 1012 ; Ru rt | ots y night, ing a value, For further information TEACHER OF SINGING Pub. Aug. 13, 1042 Garden Seeds, Timothy ) } ™ | PUPIL OF WM. FOxON, BSQ., ARAM, 1ON., ENG Skeena Land District—District of * a ri Clover a Coast Range Four " : caenenndisnatiiani . rake notice that I, Isabelle Smith El see Acting under instructions from the Government of lis, of Prinee Rupert, occupation married Hiritish Columbia, I will hold an auction sale of Prince COLLART & REYNOLDS JOHN DYBHAVN woman, intend to apply for permission to} all Orders Prom purchase the follo described ds Khupert lots on Wednesday, August 28th, 1912. The sale i Sole Agents Real Estate — Loans Commencing ata post planted four ies} will be held at Prince Rupert and will commence at 3 | Fort George Townsite | and Insurance Denke “tolend” eats ‘Soamh a mana) P. M. and be copmieted on Thursday the 29th, . | ——— - ‘ thence east 80 chains, thence north 40 : Ageats Internationa! Stoel — 319 3rd > $ chains, thence es 0 chains ence The lots to be offered will be in Sections 4, 5, 6,7 7 and Avenue Phone 384 north 40 chains ian west ae i pains te ~ALL KIND reRD 8, about 300 in all, and the list comprises some*of the Peeeumee - te nome | oree, mete ar en Cemeainns 160 ian choicest lots on the townsite, | ne ou eC Dated A nee parr Ae ms Take Canadian Pacific Railway and Union Steam. " HAYNER BROS Pub. Auge 13, 1942. ship Company's boats from Vancouver August 24th or , “ Skeena Land District--Cassiar Range . pe an « Crippen, the wel 0 UNDBRTAKERS ano EMBALMERS . ; Grand Trunk Pacifie boats August 26th. Fare each way, a gyal . oe ! - ee Funeral Direetors Vieiodia, Sten a alee a = a PP, i re “hee . : including meals and berth, 818.00. ive I ' : ' Srd Ave, near 6th St. Phone Me. 0s within thirty days to apply for permis It il : E Mi Saturday morning on the Prince sion to purehase the following described will pay you to attend this sale. if you cannot go ) | land:-—-Commeneing at a | _ a ss = a =. . post planted yourself send @ representative. Rupert after a hurried busine about one and @ half miles south of In For further information apply to ne Base- Empress } trip te Vaneouver, reports hay | dian Reserve at Goose Bay, twenty sat ; ; south, thence twenty chains east, cut ing been very successful in carry- ’ twenty chains north, thence twenty |chains west to point of | C. x jing through a deal of consider- 7th AVENUE E; L. FISHER : ; ee aa Lots 43 and 4 | ). R A NI ), Agent i ped magnate kd megane te Funeral Director and Embalmer Hated huly oe” dynes Porrest, Agunt 5, 84,500.00 : i é *" ore » a um? Vitaas err £ CHARGES KE. ; ‘ub Aug 6, 1012 . as i Head Office, Vancouver, B, ©. Branch Office, WW) for the Fiji Islands. SECTION SIX THIRD VENUS puonm ose Skeena Land District—District of Coast,| —_— , Prince ome B. O, OPEN DAY AND XNicuT ; _— } | ae | Take noties wnat ‘i 1 H. I . | | THE WEATHER. | ervace, th elt: M. Hamblet, of | For twenty-four hours ending | $2000 cash and the balance over ten | fouiowing for ‘permission Pa 5a. m., August 19th: Barometer years at 6 per cent, al | south bank oe Beaver hive rand abe ut i” 30.170; maximum temperature, | nites ih @ Westerly direction from the 72: minimum Sateen 54: SMITH & MALLETT it ae = om eS L 9255, thence THIRD AVE. thence 40 chains north, then . | precipitation, O4 ineh east followin 4 e 1 ‘ , | 4 ‘Samuel lerrsen & Compeny Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and |) polnt of “Saumootnautt of fier 1G R. Naden Co l aden W» . ae . ; Sheet Metal Work sores more oF less | Customs forms of all kinds Brokers and Financial Agents 18 Ofmce: bed Ave. om wer liad ELi T. MH. HAMBLES i . f lows « . ' ku 7 : at the Daily News office ‘Second Ave. Prince Rupert | Phone 174 ed bine hen a» ae potes a 1 ee t, Agent Pob. july 06, 101% t Qnd AY