eae LLL ————— | ann DESPATCH HARACTERIZE THE - _ From South —— Camosun vevees POiGay A, M, For South Prince George. ...... Priday, © a.m. Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist = = roy, 1, NO. 198 PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., THurspay, } Auaust 22, 1912. PRICE ee SUPREME COURT QUASHES THE MONEY BY-LAWS i _ —— EEE TY T.P. OF FICIAL STATEMENTS: GUN CLUB STARTED: POLICE MAKE RAID ON THIRD AVENUE JABOR CONDITIONS TODAY = “**"Sh'noa ear acer en sare cercony POLICE RAID LAST NIGHT ON sadn BY SALVATION ARMY AT SCENE OF THE STRIKE toc*2%ute tung FOR ARARRAERBOMH Foes os ons oo) SUPPOSED GAMBLING JOINT “mn engaged for the last few In about @ week from Sun number of people interested in ON THE G. T. P, Pp | wee ie on his professional work day Captain Tutte f the the forthcoming sale of govern- i this district, left on the Che-| local Salvation Army Corp ment lots These included Mr. N A ROOM ON THIRD AVENUE Hohsin last night for Vancouver} hopes to hold the flicial iF, L. Murdoff of the well known |Island, accompanied by his as- memorial service on , firm of Williams & Murdoff, real The statio e “ef ork. . ’ ation men are all work | sistant, E. L, Longmore death of General Boot lestate dealers of Vancouver ee the end of con- Owing to the sleuthlike and al. | court, when a large number of the Gre ing and so are the bridge crews h i a ‘rrunk sanedipeiatiitinanstiiiipensitini accordanee with instructio | most Sherlock Holmes ability) poker chips and cards that had Sealey and Mud Creek New | ‘ . = agi- fee Football Association, expected by an early mail o | The steamer State of Califor displayed by two members of the| been seized by the police were put men are arriving every day, and ‘ | “ss ' ; ‘ : om A meeting of the Football As by wire. Were it ne rthe $|nia is due to arrive here this city police foree, Constables| in as evidence. The case was ad- sociation will be held in J. H.jg @Pmy system of awaiting or ‘afternoon on her regular sched. | Kelly's office tonight at 8:30 \ ders on o€@asions ke ' ule, en route to Skagway a memorial servic: jevening on what is imagined to good attendance is requested | r & , — ee ee be a gambling joint in a room on| not at all en. There have been no a ie | held sooner , ve i : : strike and that| 8¥¢h as characterized the C, NR | Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | ry ir4 avenue, above Ward's res. j of a better cause, after the raid Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. | hone strike along the lower Fraser, and y | Phone 4. taurant, | was made and the police had re- a ' . Chief Constable Wynn, with hi — > Access to the room was ob.| tired, one of the constables had elton now desire | Fesular foree, is in full Senal tained by the constables effecting | oeceasion to return to inform the of the situation jan entrance through a window at) parties summoned of the exact left their gangs | . ! | the back of the premises and sud-| hour at which their appearance dows ‘the eoaetl St, Andrew's Society. jdenly appearing on the sportive | would be required this morning. scene without giving the slightest|To the constable’s amazement ind Seattle, while A meeting of the directors of ber have started| the above society will be held to- |warning to the occupants that| fresh chips had been procured snd to Fort George] night at 8 o'clock in the office o anything of an untoward nature} and again a merry little game ent on the right.| J. H, Kelly. was likely to take place. was about to start. Whether the ' The proprietor of the room and|charge that the place was a x and grading in en some half dozen players were| gambling joint can be made to aij Sau ARE TODAY ALL QUASHED = = HIGH SCHOOL WANDERERS Realizing That the Protesters Had the Rights of the Matter on | IN THE G. T: P. INRUPERT — VS.P.R.CLUB) T¥eit Sit, ont Tht es the City Council Abandons the GRADE LEVEL ve than 2,500 Adams and Bailey, a very suc-| journed until tomorrow, cessful raid was brought off last As a remarkable evidence of | the contractors claim the idle on the trans | camps soon will resume with that the men/ full gangs tenacity of purpose really worthy gone to the been accorded! The first of a series of cames | Attempt to Force the By- Laws Through, and the xey a efit tigvter withim}-.Hoir frack Cochrane, minister in a solo tournament that takes] : ournamen e aees | » months is the prediction of|of railways, was- asked recently stees of Prines | ’ ihead with the high — ar oe eee oe Supreme Court Rules the By- Laws Quashed /Mr. Aird, assistant general man-|for a statement with reference to Prince upel Arie anderers eile of = Se : . ; : a myn a sili em ‘ " mised so much|ejyps was brought off last even- Special to Daily News. three Prince Rupert money by-| nounced that Mr. Walkem had ager of the Canadian Bank of |reported changes in the grade of Air en tian dah Ve he ae © tne teeta ; Sa the cheatete Maks olant wed @ teleeen fom Gt Commeree, on his return from althe Grand Trunk Pacifie, In re- lina i ing in Lhe quarters o re latter Vancouver, Aug. 21.—Justice aws for e electric lig plant, receiv eg y trip to Europe. “The great in-| ply he said: “There has been no Premier when last| club. The two teams, which were telephone and city hall deben- Solicitor Peters withdrawing Op= | opease in the industrial activity.’|change in the grade, as alleged om school will be ee eee — CG, = Murphy, in the Supreme Court 1,65, position, and the absolute decree|he says, “and the heavy demand|by the Free Press. As a matter . . . _ aughe 0 e anderers ¢ 7 em 7 s a nied ~ Mo 7 walk : ‘ age tre on, chambers this morning, entered) mr. §. 8. Taylor, K. C., who ap- was entered without the issue|for business in our own country|of faet, the grading is all com- ia eacher will a” ors “0 p e - for i fac P i P ses ‘te i to take charge| pert Club, consisted of twelve | decree absolute quashing the) penees for John H. Hilditch, an- being contested in court. jfor manufacturing purposes will/ pleted, ed to take charge | Pt m ae oe jtighten the market. You will “It is true that some wooden The rapid develop-| players eaen we maten ist is . ——— -iprobably see the Bank of Eng-/trestles and bridges are being vy as , e ‘ ‘ , ° pils at the publie | night os keg m by the “ rince Ru land rate advaneed from about 3] put in, but this is merely a tem- soon make the new| pert Club by 574 poin to about 4% per cent. A large| porary expedient, adopted with a ded one, and a pet amount of mony will be neces-|view to securing another outlet ! hool building is Coal nese Landed. sary to finance the crops in the|/for the crop this year. By this eeded before very he steamer Vadso arrived in iCanadian west and this, with the|means, we hope, when the ground port yesterday with a hundred | Be neral commercial expansion,| gets set, to be able to carry some | will make rates for money high-|of the wheat of the northwest tons of coal for Messrs. Rogers over the transcontinental to & Black, anada Prospers Mightily. | Cochrane and then down to North Aug 4 Continuous | Bay over the T, & N, O. Railway. usiness eonditions GUN CLUB | HANGED We are making every effort pos- 1 in the bank state- sible to prevent a repetition of month of July, is last year’s wheat blockade.” gy cain Pape ORG ANIZED Section Two Bridge May Receive Financial Support From Railway HIMSELF WITH City of Seattie North. Company---Every Effort is Being Made to Press on G.T.P. oO ed IN RUPERT Developments in the City---President Visits the SHOESTRING) wr iss isn nna way north with a large passenger list CTION —ae | Construction Work Up the River Duluth, Aug, 20.—John Peter- Teal toe cr Te At an enthusiastic meeting of The Mayor and members of the|developments, after his tour of] in the building of the bridge. It)gon, aged 40, laborer, hanged - IN CHINA i followers of shot gun sport a/ City Council yesterday met Presi- the harbor, viewing the works in] was noticed that Mr, A. W-|nimself with a shoestring the | ; “ as the Prines j dent Kk. J, Chamberlin of the G, | progress on the dry dock site, he} Smithers lent his influence to- seen minh: tn i beds teed plu, to he knows Se YT. P. and presented to him their} was able to comment favorably| ward assistance if possible in osner Big = % : THIS FAL Ser Gun Club, was formed 1) protestations on behalf of thelon this portion of the G, T. P.] this direction, eleven other men lay asleep, None | ee city yesterday, with the fol-| jin. that urgent pressure should} undertakings Mr. Chamberlin Today’s Excursion. heard him, and the body was QUARANTINE jlowing officers re ed be brought to bear on the ques-|emphasized the view that any de- The chairman of the London|feund 1 the morning. Peterson Aug. 20 President | | Honorary eae Motle ates] tien of carrying on the railway|/lay in the work within the city!» ard of directors of the G, T. P.,{lost his foot in an accident sev- o ‘ni ce president, _ - Se ee oe orks contemplated in Prince | was certainly not attributable {Ol 4® Ww. Smithers, Esq.; President|eral weeks ago aifd was despond- ember, it was cast teceabeenaes W D Vance; ex. | Rupert, jie ” 1 ag 7 pha Dagon EK. J. Chamberlin, General Man-|ent. The suicide took place in a day Polling places} ecutive committee, Dr WwW. Ker-| All Possible Speed. “ ells 1 . an abl ay *- TN ager M. Donaldson, General Pas. | lodging house. Dr. Montizambert, official head - , ann eee taken up by firms able to carry) cangers Agent W, P. Hinton, Cap- of the Medieal Health depart- lgin, Nelson Dunn an them on, but hitehes had o¢-| tain GH, Nicholson, superintend—| MRS, CHAMBERLIN WAS ment of the Dominion, which in- curred over which the company) ane of steamships, accompanied QUEST OF MRS. DU VERNET [cludes the Quarantine depart- had no control, by the local officials of the com- a ment, arrived on Wednesday on Section Two Bridge. pany, General Superintendent W. Yesterday afternoon Mrs, EB. J.{the Prinee George, accompanied elect members of| third promised by the Thompson} on the work with all possible des. Another deputation, consisting} ©, Mehan, Superintendent G, A, Chamberlin called on Mrs, Duby his wife, on his ennnel lone of ind parliament will] Hardware Co, as soon as the de-| pateh, but that labor trouble|of W, Lyneh, J. H. Hilditeh, G. R Me Nicholl, rrafiiec Superintendent | Vernet with lady members of the inspection of the paling — sident Yuan ex-|velopment of the club demands it.| persistently hindered develop- Naden and Mr, Westenhayer, also| A, E. MeMaster and most of the) G. lr. P. official party at present{eities, Dr, Montizambert visite a —" assured the Gity| gained a ninterview with Presi-| party on tour pith them, left om| making the Prinee Rupert tour, the quarantine station yesterday, 7 o’eloek this - accompanied by Dr. H, E, Tre- Try a Daily News Want ad. mayne, The president of the G. T, P.] lreplied with his usual brevity, his Two traps were donated by the! statements carrying the weight | Prince Rupert Hardware Co. and of directness Mr. Chamberlin gel returns otherwise.) the Kaien Hardware Co, and a| said simply that he was pressing he principal cities oni | on. it give everybody al’ . ite, as it would take} choose him. He is . ments, He ional resident If its news, you'll find it in Council deputation that the local} dent Chamberlin on the matter|a special train at sion reside s » . a . yp ’ the Daily News works would be ready in excel-|of the Section Two bridge, They} morning for a trip up the line as e s we . . , 7 lent time for the eompletion of} were successful in securing,| far as the end of steel, The time the road, and added that alreadyj after some demur from the presi-| at their disposal will hardly allow) the plant for exeayation andident, fairly definite assurance | of their being able to get as far| PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY igrading in connection with thelthat if the government and other|as Hazelton, The party will ar- PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR depot site is on the way, interests came through with alrive in the eity late this evening, esident Chambertin f the G. T. P. goes up line to view share in the outlay » ¢ "> > “ » Prince ee . é 0 he G, 7 .6 \ | Pleased with Dock. ‘ e outlay the G, T, I | Is aving tomorrow on the Prines Various changes of grade recommended by Colonel bowie ss of the construction, | In eonnection with the other would be willing also to assist’ George for the south, . . ; ; sil lise of possible G, T. P, assistance in the building of approved of by the Lieutenant Governor in counel, heid ; , ee — eee : " ——— Railway Commissioners leave for Skagway and Whitehorse THE WEATHER | E, M, Sandilands, government to continue their work in the latter place, lagent at Queen Charlotte City, R. Brutinel, general manager of the Tsimpsean Light & For twenty-four hours ending | arrived in the city yesterday and| Power Go,, arrived in thé eity} m., August 22nd: Barometer,|'* ® guest at the G, T. P. Inn Crowds of tourists pass through the city on board steamer ‘| Miss Millar of San Franciseo|% Gily of Seattle, en route for the south, after making the round trip between Seattle and Skagway. Uncle Jerry returns to the,city with his family after a holiday spent in the sunny south City Gouneil decides to buy $8,000 worth of pipe for Morse Creek pumping system, sed Section Two bridge is announced to deputation , Coun | W.J. Sanders, a Vancouver real ee money bylaws prepared and passed by the | | quashed by Supreme Court owing to election g)estate man, and heavily inter-| ies ested in South Hazelton, is on ~ * Kupert Gun Club is organized with office bearers short visit to the city ndition of Jabor at the end of steel. Reported that ers are ignoring I, W, W. strike and returning | menace against members of New York police force miplices of the gamblers charged in Rosenthal ease | his pull off sueeessful raid on poker game in room on | the ue last night | and is jinn BO0.029 maximum temperature, is a visitor to Prinee Rupert, the 60; minimuny temperature, 56 | , o ire, oP wuest of Mr, and Mrs, Burritt 1. ©, Rattray, accompanied by| precipitation, 44 ineh wife, arrived yesterday on ee Prince George from Vietoria| - " Wanted-—Youneg aia to de registered at the G, T, P If its news, you'll find it in|folding, Apply at once at Daily jthe waily News, | News office,