The Daily News 4. EEE = Na : 7*-= >. . r= SSSSsSssSss= ==s==ss=s===n PEATH = eas C. H. ORME Rex. THREATFOR |} “The News” Classified Ads. Speer os | fees SQUEALERS |; One Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ SS — poesess> New 5 : \ug a De —_ ~THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— tnreats a : : ea ” TWO STORES Fae eaaeh Sake” Rose, "Bridgk i= “ —~4 EASTMAN KO AKS 8 PHONES 200 ebive ind arr’ : wht _ SSS a ars eae contin horn ! For Rent iaxo voncuase sores | FOR SALE >= oe mio _ , aoe na District—Distriet of Cassis . a : - ; a ; MERELY ~+ “Take potter that Oller Besner, of Prince ' : Section Tw hire ; sa Ss EF " pert, B pation hotel keeper, in t Bloek ’ irs it . MABEL POR RENT—Two suites frst class ae sends to & for permission to 5 hase a 1 s P 7 r J al) hed r ' ' ’ ' t ; keeping rooms, siso store, in he a, the f wing des bed lands . iy ft ‘ rt SS REMARKS og on 6th avenue pt ye oe mmencing st & post planted on the : \ : Rink al nveniences pees . east shore . se Bay bservatory Inlet Section Five ers -sa pristian i51-tf t one-half mile south of Indias Block iif th g t ence 40 chains south, thence 2? ate . . m REN ap : P : hn east, thence § hains north, thence) ;., « 5 k . ' - . i - * hone : a west t t of mimencement 6 ; ‘ : : moe ectio pris ers ha rate< ’ ; ha asinine 1 a # more r less : : — ~~ = ROCE store, eiso six ms upstairs LIER BESNER t 34, 1 Dy ssa . We , ™ . st large building cor. Dunsm Dated July @ist, 1012 a : - at « ; r he MeN and Ninth AV 193-198 } aug. 12, 1912 is Bi k . se , “ . ; , r - «a . . : . . . Skeena Land District of Const Section Se - - - = ’ e » & ‘ ve b ; . . ‘ a aptur Sa Schepps wn ant zon 7 7 . "ana 8 “ Take notice that I, Agnace Masse ' t 2 Block 1 ' ; : ; fea ‘ . ° hn -_ : Va ve B. ¢ pation logger, intend af ‘ are ‘ g oie t es : . apt for permission to purchase the! Lot B : : : Rose, paid : : ) the That President Cha ha . following described fores a i : ' 4 mmencing at a st piante i at the Section Eig i sun-mer af me : *-\a warm rner his gra re P| tthuest corner of Lot 4446, thence south| Lots 95-26, Block ' . } ne . ‘ ‘ feet, thence f wing the shore line ast Sct : ; after all f he ¢ For Sale s northeasterly direction 3 feet from | Lots 4, Block Rose says, ff We a tee and Trunk Pacific Railway right of ast . rh +} ' i 4 TT ee > way to 4 point 4 feeet east of the south Lot f : : . - Phat the city s . a _ | oust er of Lot 4446, thence west 30¢ ast nz hands the s $8 ' 18l FoR SALE—Two incubstors, practically | feet to high water mark or 6 r.P right- For Rert new apacity 104 and 150 Apply FP f-way. thence sloug the beach Ww potr : : ghis tle ting oO. box 860 165-¢f f mmencement, containing 2? acres —_—--—— « house IGNACE MASSEY . im | i a i | | | Tt t be 6 {FOR SALE OR REST-Mande, For pe 1 i om, sets "Jeremiah H. K jat when the stal s Second avenue am r or par Dated July h, 1012 | ; rs A iddlasser ‘ the b. A 12, 1042 WITH THE BIG mn al the window tl "7" ’ ‘ oon ls oT rs 196 202 , . . : ug ef, Ltd. Se ' st Range Four i Phone 317 — j Take notice ; Fred Dawson ot D Prince Rut ecu a farmer ir } That the high sch : , wg Wanted jtend to apply f rmission to purchase Rupert means hard werk ! sevV- ne at ar 1 three m eon rt = ‘ eral young people f , mill = k ' g lis A . . . rvant i, thence nains ren ” ‘ x ; 1 general servant } ar als . 1 : t I : “ ss r ne Ave Phone 209 40 chains t = a CE S> i . » hat everybody - Z . ithence east to point n ‘ } G. T. P. Int : M. Sandilands W hat? Waitin ‘ the ' mn | WANTED—A lady stenographer Apply men: eme i acres, more 2” ; Vy H . Seow , , t ) News 1O5t jor less - Oueen Cha tte Islands; Z. M box E, Daily | FRED DAWSON Y nm ‘ - of the school teachers | ‘ . f ‘ back a ging Bover and wife, Portland, Oreg . , WANTED—Women to feed and fold on] Dated August 1, 1912 i j } . . M ' —— mangle apply at ence. Pioneer Laun Pub. Aug. 13, 1912 AJ ; Alfred WwW = thers =< val That : : . ‘ry seu i Skeena Land District—District r ’ 4 ‘ iat it’s quite a siness get- iry : ‘ . : . ~ eT i Coast Range Four A . ‘ i Look for Develo ments Smithers Wald thers.| ting ready to enterta the Duke) want Janitor work of all kinds. Of-| ake that I, Isabelle Smith El Von pws ; Londen England M ind Mre ° ae es t ean by the montl i 7 homp- | his r ypert ceupation married ‘ ; ' . el ul! Connaugh : box H, Daily News 197-2 | womat to apply for permission t ‘ ection with our new store o1 d avemt W“ (tare A iia daesitiatine | wing described lands ew Ele ies or Nemdiduen - W pe 1 j WANTED—First class wood turner. Prin g at a post 5 four miles ; ——o ie That it migh e guile a pia Kupert Sash & Door Co 149-0f "|e ‘ m ‘ End George Leek ; x. Hutet « M real; Cap-/.; ‘ tenera sland. thence § hains ; \ ~ > jjust to let the Gove ‘ HUUSEHOLD furnishings weet, gene — aan 80 chains, thence north 4 i tain . S. Gibson, Seattir ee 1 > ar articulars and prices to x OH, , Dally t s » chains thence . ‘ . see ue as We are par chains, thence west 4 hain a . ; hHinton, Winnipes: ©. E. Dewey,| News od-c7 | Chains, inGlains, thence west 40 chains t 618 Srd Ave. i } ' ee ; . . ; nt f commencement containing * 0k | Winnipeg: Capta ‘ H. Nichel-| That the old timer os -s FIRST jass bookkeeper wanted at once)) no. more or less oor ' « , . Ss ai i " for large general store in the interior ISABELLE SMITH ELLIS . Vane ‘ N Kinsella | pa ne while the Wanderers are must be an Al man; good salary AT Dated August 1, 1912 ply P. O. box 1611, Prince Rupe “ey Carpet Squares; prices $6.95, $7.95, $8.95, $10.50, up to $50 Montreal; A. Anse A. J pan | til repairing. of Pub. Aug. 13, 1942 Japanese Matting; reg. 35¢ yard; now only... 17 2¢ i pé 194tt thirty days to apply for permis only . ... $2.50 . reer ern and a balf miles south of In | i | Skee d District—Cassiar Range Win peg ..¥ Henderseo a “ “i ma Lan . Wis » Pl Japanese Decorated Mats, 1x2 yds., reg. 75c, now only .45c¢ ; Vat : “4 1 AKI NOTICE that I, E. 8. e Some ums | purchase the following described “ —<—— —— Mrs. Stanley Anderson, Vz : Pra ras t se Bay, twenty chains TS OF UCH PR €. Bs Begg, Calgars I ‘ MARRY—Why remain alone? The : a > h. thence twenty chains east, thence 4 A 7 ‘ 7 aes Re | Introduction Club is a strictly privele,iiwenty chains orth thence twenty a ” _— oo Rattray, Mr Rattray, Victoria;| high class, reliable medium for intro-| a, west to point of commncement. | Crands ancouver; M and] wecupstion gentiemat int a Upholstered Box Bed omen $6, $7, $16, $12, now non Gi, ce, tire v1 “| HEAR THE Miscellaneous ealf. Mrs. B. R. Brown, I ne mmencing at & post planted at . na 4 ha b — ~ M M I ~ jucinf worthy marriageable peeople ~“ | E WISE eo ie eS eau. op guoommmanane ne: ae ee ene amma fT: ss Seo SS Bure coll ationality or religion. Particulars for w. Lyons Forrest, Agent I nt F. L, Murdoff, Vane va stamp. Mrs. Wilson, box 1776, Van Dated July 26, 1912 H. DOUGLAS e e : - K. De. | couver. B. ¢ Pub. Aug. 5, 1912 | 339 Third Ave P. 0. Box 6 t I m . ce ” ms ™ , Vo Skeena Land District-—District c ae ‘ ite Post Office ——— : J pos e 0 e J. D. Courtney, Ottawa; T. A. Bea-} Last ee Renee t it s | Take notice that I T. H. Hamblet f me Ottawa W a th ut the Westholme Opera House) & Gerdon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey | Terrace, B. C., occupation engineer intend | . 7 ondon gland H. Jones.) gions nikeih ‘ |to apply for permission to purchase the} eee ae ee ilighted crowds, the musicall” MUNRO @& LABLEY | fuse ‘scechsed tats = ro os chars, Se- rformance : to s d Commencing at & post planted on th pert lance beme iu a z at 8 ; a‘ os —_— attle; George A. Jacobs and wife, | rq. f the highes and im- Architects, suites ™ wesleele ‘on ion ‘trom ‘the Im L (o Vancouver: Dt Montizambert,| jay sels appreciated. In the Em- Stork Building, Second Avenue | south west ener ot I \ 2208, chen e umber i é : i 0 chains south, thence 0 chains Miss Montizambert, Ottawa; H. press Theatre, tho, there is now) — —— —_— . ~ | thence 40 chaims north, thence 160 « LIMITE St. J. Montizambert, Vancouver ; ' east following the meander of river "bee «| ‘ : ee , , ‘ian augmented orchestra the — an STK : ms es of comenencement, containing 64 i STUART & STEWART pe Miss M. Griffis London, Eng-? of 1 . , F rivalry the houses being | acres more or less vernment © PYINCE Fi iacs; W. 3. Cameron, Mrs. She wes bel Accountants ts 3 w, mamoees land; en rs. ©-'the advantage of their patrons : per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent é > ~hone — 109 2nd Ave. Phone No. 280 Dated June 10th, 1912 | \ R ye tte _ noe an - who are gratified by musie such Prince Rupert P. ©. Box 351 Pub. duly 16, 1912 Lumber and Mouldings | upert | ots woldwell a r; ‘las has been only oceasionally) s \gijtors for City of Prince Rupert — $$ Gillet. N. J. Vaughan, Vancouver. Kt . : ; rendered in Prince Rupert before.) Falla CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. All Kinds of Building Supplies ) , ; ornme _ . oe iUns et se is given the pic- i AC ting under instructions from the Government of | nstinted pra) . ae . - a ALFRED CARSS, Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. Notice--Kalen Mineral Claim, situate in i British Columbia, I will hold an auction sale of Prince j tur ‘e shows at present, the Irish) “ ¢) poses Columbie of B.C,, Ontario, Sas- the bkeens Mining Division 6 el s a . , 4 i ae 4 ie ere locatec Ne G [ ) Rupert lots on Wednesday, August 28th, 1912. The sale |p! ay at the Westholme being 4) end Manitobs Bars. ay and AMline seia mining division and adjoining | pia, Avenue Phone 186 «will be held at Prince Rupert and will commence at 3 pastereseesy: ee Sp CARSS & BENNETT sinike, uamelting and "Power compeny, | ee i} P. M. and be copmieted on Thursday the 29th. — BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETc. ae. : that J, Sam MeCague, edmin-| eae € notice ,8 cCague The lots to be offered will be in Sections 1, 5, 6, 7 and PUBLIC cenent NOTICE, Office— Albert Block. Second Avenue. istrator of the estate of james NcCague, | ecccccocceesceenee sen ttettTttnn, ‘ ¢ ¢ » . ise 2 _ sali til haat ian ieeraiinnill __._— | Free Miner's Certificate No. 520798, intend, | . ' ) 8, about 300 in all, and the list comprises some of the ¢ éeaeuee sixty days from the date ee f, to apply | FREE! FREE! FREE i choicest lots on the townsite. The school nal: VE <-"" | lex M.Manson sa, W.E.Williamae.a.c.t.o0 | to the Mining a for 4 Ceitificate of | = : ; : . 1. improvements, u ose of obt Take Canadian Pacific Railway and Union Steam- | ope ns on the 26th inst Phos: WILLIAMS & MANSON aot at comumn teens GF Wk shane of obtain: | | A big beautiful 88 ke { ship Company's boats from Vancouver August 24th or iil Pe familiar with the conduet of Barristers, Solicitors, ete x, aitien' os. teees bo tame he electric playe! wort ‘+e Te =n . ate » 94 "are eac ay ore » issue of su ce © | : , the ) Grand Trunk Pacific boat “mde 26th, Fare each way, The railway commission has| British Columbia schools will note one Rupert, B.¢ provements. SS ee ae $1,200 given awa . } including meals and berth, aes. ae . ordered that the construction of] that until Nov. 1st sehool is called re ae Oe er EPR LA Bee ere on ) » sale. y . a ———_____—__—__—__— ~ a SA} CAC | It will pay you to attend this sal 7OR GaRBes Go the bridge over the Seeond Nar-|., 9 , m. and is closed at 3:30 By His Agent, F. J. Coleman ment pool room, Empres yourself send a representative, rows to couneet Vancouver with . > ao a st ors P20. BOX @ PRINCE RUPERT Pub. Aug. 12, 1942 Theatre buliding \ For further information apply to “Wosth Vancouver mist be com p.m. All teachers, including the connate ciniieanianiadlitiatale Sorta ancouve “lprincipal, are required in thei JOHN E. DAVEY CERTIFICATE oF IMPROVEMENTS. ) ! ence 3 lave of the ¢ - ; eS menced within 30 ay : , ‘P respective class rooms from the TEACHER OF SINGING Notice——Rupert Mineral Claim, situate - en proval of the plans. The s heme moment of eall to the moment of jin the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar tt t ; is backed by all surrounding mu- iss I therefor expected PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ. ARAM, 1ON., ENG | District. Where located: Near Granby, FED (0, ( * 3 ‘ B h Office : dismissal. t ta thereror CZpecreey ss | He the said mining division and adjoiming \ Head Office, Vancouver . 4 ranch ce, nicipalities and will be erected by that parents and guardians will }the property of the Granby Consolidated . > . «4 i aiis 6 » . \ Prince Rupert, B. Cc, } the Burrard Bridge and Tunnel, ak a . dinele enunrntt al JOHN DYBHAVN Mining, Smelting and Power Company, nake i e arying ¢ . - pene —— any at a cost of two million Take notice that I, F. J. Coleman, Free ; i ds ol PSF S SSSI DSSS SSS SIPS SSH — eam ° oo courteous practice to have all Real Estate — Loans Miner's Certificate No, 62977B, intend, Big etosk = “ thy dollars. nid sachers ¢ # and Insurance sixty days from the date hereof, to apply Garden Seeds, Timoth) interviews with teachers and pu aia PLO bef ft % me Mining menerens Se a corr Clover and Grail vils efore or atter sessions o mprovements, for t urpose of CHELOHSIN Th se desiring to have new pu ap Sat Avypes Phone 384) taining 4 Crown ‘Grant of the above claim Seeds ose Ss 5s ‘ g And further take notice that action, s placed will find the principal) ~~ ” “ weer under Section 85, must be commenced -— > Attended pils placed ill fing , ' before the issue of such Certificate of Im Mail Orders Promp' phe free to deal with the matter from provement.s 3:30 to 4 p. m. each day. | HAYNER BR vated this 30th day of guly. £2 1912 _2rb le , 3 LMAN Section ven D. MeD. HUNTER, Prin. ff wpgmraxsns avo eupatacens ff) "Wb Nie 1% 1018 __ S Agents lateral Sic a aie mes CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ALL KINDS oF FRE Artistic Job Printing at the 3rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 8 Daily News office Notice——Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District, Where located Near Granby in the said mining division and adjoining the WS WANT AD property of the Granby Consolidated Min ing, Smelting and Power Company, Lim ited —= Take notice that |, James J. Lee, Free Miner's Certificate No b2078B, intend, I sixty days from the date hereof, to apply OUR to the Mining Recorder for 4 Certificate of improvements, for the purpose of obtain ing a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, junder Section 85, must be commenced be fore the issue of such Certificate of Im | provements Dated this 30th day of July, A. D JAME Lots 1 and 2, Block 34; double corner; #2,000; $800 cash, —_—— —_ = balance 6, 12 and 18 months The Union Steamship Com-| Lots 9 and 10, Block 44, $1,700; 8700 cash, batance 5, 11 pany’s steamer Chelohsin left for and 17 months. the south shortly before mid-} ne ou e E. L. FISHER Lots 33 and 34, Block 16, #1,800 pair; half cash, balanes int last ove » wiih = inne Funeral Director and Embalmer 6 and 12 month aa met CTORINE Whe 8 ArH } CHARGES REASONABLE Lots 21 and 22, Block 32, 2,000; 8800 cash, balance 6, 12 first class passenger list and over THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. and 18 month two hundred cannery hands from orner OPEN DAY AND NIGHT i onths - we " ( Lot 4, Block 23, 8 half « » 6 and 12 months the Skeena and the Naas. Among) i. 4, B1,000; ash, balance Lots 24 and 22, Block 10, #2,000; half cash, balance 6 and her saloon passengers were the 42 months following: KR. G, Craddock, Mrs Lots 4 and 2, Block 4%, 3 50; $1,250 cash, balance 6 and Silberg, A. L. Norman, Miss B, 7th A VENUE WEST ASSAY WORKS 12 months Jirrard, Miss Lee, Miss Newick Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 44, $8,000; #3,000 cash, bal Miss L, Stevenson, Miss 8, Steven ; . Giold, Bilver opper, each 5 its avee 6, 12 and 18 months son, Miss or MLOVORGOR, a SECTION SIX oes eee . a = i912 j S 3. LEE By His Agent, F. J. Coleman Pub, Aug. 12, 1012 advertised f TROUT FISHING ret: Esworthy, G Kirkpatrick, } Members of the Prince Kupert heal Estate hixchange }Young, W. H. Allen, Mrs. Perks SMIT 2 pray Rafe aaeaal Boxes for Rent, iMrs, L, Fleehler and ten steer — HW & MALLETT Big Canyon Hotel ; General Insurance. | age passengers Samuel Harrison & Company i Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Kitselas ede B.C d (0 Lit Customs forms of all Kinds Brokers and Financial Agents cei Sed Sect Mets) Weak Workshop ent. “e " ia ¢. R. Na en ” . CCOMMODATION jat the Daily News oflice Second Ave. Prince Rupert. we 114 and Ave. bet, 7th and sth Ste | > 2n V 1 eckie, BR, J. MeConnell, BE. L ; * e sent lo Miss " wry Rh, Ven. VANCOUVER, B. ©. MOUNTAIN CLIMBING se er = 7 - The Continental Trust Limited ning, Selina Larsen, EB, BE. Goulett, $2000 cash and the balance over ten . 1 4 y, Mrs. Goulett, 8. H, Douglas, J years at 6 per cent, Five-Hour Journey From Prince Rupert in 6, 1 P ; We Have Properties Listed in AH Paris of the City