- ia a NEXT MAILS CHARACTERIZE THE Prince eek, ~-— 10 am, NEWS’ JOB WORK Friecese ous 1 9 om. Camosun........ Saturday, 10 Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist co. ae NO. 199 PRINCE RuPeERtT, B.C., en AuGust 23, 1912. °C aes s siete le en EN. BOOTH IS DEAD: LONG LIVE A NEW GEN. BOOTH =z. MILE A MINUTE ON THE G.T.P: SIR G. DOUGHTY COMING: PASSENGERS SOUTH: | FOOTBALL WORK OF GEN. SUPT. MEHAN IS THOROUGHLY APPROVED BY THE G. T. P. OFFICIAL PARTY Inspection Train Carrying g President of the Road and Other Im-. portant Visitors, Ran in Record Time Over Superb Track to the End of Steel---Made a Mile a Minute on Return BASEBALL SCORES ational. | New York @, Chicag ' | Brooklyn 4, Pittsburg 0 Boston 7, Gincinnati 4 American. Chicago 1, New York 6 Cleveland @ Boston 4 Detroit 1, Washingt St. Louis © Philadelphia, wet grounds. Coast. Vernon, 4, Ban Fraucisco Oakland 2, Los Angeles 6 Portland 3) Sacramento 2 COLONEL WADMORE RETIRED Special to Daily News.) Ottawa, Aug. 3 R. L. Wad. more, distriet officer command. ing Distriet No. 11, British Go- lunbia and Yokon, will be re- tired December ist, after nearly thirty years’® service He has held his pres@hAt position for two years Colonel Roy, command. | ing the fourth division at Mon- treal, will sueeeed him, —_——_—_— ‘ Special to Daily News Hazelton, accompanied by Miss |or After many years practicing] when the ican will meet is not} Would lose ~ ee ans commission, little demand for the new Can- ‘evelstoke, B, C., Aug, 23. Smith of Vietoria, who has been). this north coast the doctor] gefinitely known, but that the ibut it was not t Oe ot aoe Sai adian gold coniage. W hat there Thomes Taylor todayjon a visit to the interior arrived now goes east to take an extend-] cecsion is to be a long one is| the wound would prove fatal, Graham Daheaee. manager of|is comes chiefly from British Co. lirst sod of the scenie}in the city on last eve ning’ ed post-graduate course amMmones) certain, Dr, C. A, Veasy, who er the local branch of the Canadian} lumbia, ip Mount Revelstoke,} train. Bind best institutions there and doll amelie li it i daiaatl | the eye al the Dea ree 7" ee al, General Eleetrie Co,, left this , h the Provineial govern. Mrs. H. H, Clarke left on a visil possibly in Europe, He will study Dr. W. 'T. Kergin left on an ex |Spokane, found that tthe a morning on the Prinee George for Wanted—Young girl to do priated $10,000 as alte the lower coast cities this with the Mayo Brothers at their) tended visit to the eastern cities had arisen and oe aoe ° aa a short business visit to Van.|folding. Apply at onee at Daily , morning on the Prince George | famous surgical hospital in}on the Prince George this morn-|bUl HE was then too late to sana couver, News office. Rochester, Minnesota, and at Chi-} jng | the infeetion, Meningitis - wee ee cago, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, . =-=- 2] oped and despite all efforts to and New York, and if time permits save the patient's life he died, His at London and Paris, A NEW MANAGER “tice 8 re th him at the A PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY During his absence his practies FOR THE DAILY NEWS Staple t Bsa 4 ie ’ New local firm of contractors formed, including Mr, Sheady “ ’, ollicial party leaves for the south after satisfac will be in eharge of his brother time o > and Vernon W. Smith, to proceed with last link of line east asaclll trip Dr. L. W. Kergin, late house sur-} : | epee from Aldermere. s , ; hanes alee te Special to Daily News.) ; jeiernes, the well known é ) ““orge Doughty is expected to arrive by the steamer geon at the Vancouver General) Waele teal od 23.—-D BS a ry oie or Hazelton Pleasant tennis tournament takes place at the home of Mr. ' Rupert tomorrow, | Hospital and a distinguished K, Taylor for years ‘coh eee “ sa ine on | > the W. E. Williams on Borden street, sae ; aylor, ars coh- s on @ business tr ‘ ‘ : ‘ ' Bramwell Booth is announced successor to the late General 3} medical graduate cre nected with the Woodstock Me an ‘hike morning on the Prince Morris MeAgno and Edith Glifford each fined 8100 for sup- 7 Kerein has been in sou es ni g@ \D . - ere kB : ‘lying liquor to Indians, ) at : Rentinel-Review and the seorge I Preparations at Ottawa for very heavy parliamentary ses I ps artnership with Dr, W, 'T, Ker magazine Rod and Gun, and \ o ro Purdy, accountant at the | Jobn Kaia, a Finlander, badly hurt at Mile 44 whilst work~- are about to begin, [gin for the last couple of months if f | me time ecretary of 3] ; | } oe of th Gas vdian ing for Foley, Welch & Stewart brought in on special train, lost or 80 s i oct ‘anch 0 e anadi¢ : ; oe ’ Hospital Board discuss Connaught visit tablet and appoint " '2 the daily seetion of the Can oe . “ mmerce, left on the | Exeiting indoor baseball mateh between Creseents and Quill inspector over ne , ial . i F ye jerensn © ” : | sae , » former were stor ; \d ai ehanie ate a il a ited to at.|¢ adian Press Association, left George this morning on a yaca.|} Drivers, in whieh the former were victorious, ‘ent shortly of new manager for The Deily News is an You are cordially INVNCG Yo today for Prinee Rupert to | to be spent in visiting the Large throng of Indians return to their homes on the heed lend a sat ial danee at K, of p : te ekean ae tion tl ‘ I ‘ Prince John after a visit to Prinee Rupert upo nthe cannery Passengers uth by th Pring Georg Local items i Saturday eve,, Ate, 24th or ' lower coast cities. aon Coming to an end ‘ e « rene re set ail ' ; : ‘ The Daily News, ‘ ee Cleaners. sels é : ‘hall ehatlenge, Personals,» .Distriet development iMr M. M. Gooper will manage the | ai REMOTE Pioneer sic 200 e Wits Good musk | GEORGE FOOTBALL STILL THE SALVATION ARMY OWES ALLEGIANCE TO THE NAME OF “GENERAL BOOTH” Bramwell Booth, Son of the Late Leader of the Great Army Has Been Announced the New General on Opening of the Sealed Letter Laid Away by the Army’s Founder Years Ago + (Special to Daily News.) ‘ ouriets Not Spies. a London, Aug, 23.—In the pres- Opening Tonight, ae een he * rhe ence of all the Salvation Army Harry E, Ross, proprietor of ive itish yacnhtsmen under ar-| . of ie dai ».|the Empress bowling alleys, has rest, charged with spying on} Commissioners, General Booth's tahow 6 loca ‘oul’ tee dow ee German coast defenses, were re_| testament, entrusted to his solici- ing erected on Third avenue by i S leased the other day. The police|tors twenty years ago and ap-|pochester & Casley and will open believe they were only tourists. | pointing the late commander's] up a first class pool room. Equip. Vane li m in Gla eo |son, Bramwell, Booth, to sueceed|ment consists of 15 tables, in- iw. j ; ; ; Sih ane . 93 a Fras |him, was opened today and read. cluding English and American ilasgow, Aug. 23. suffrag-| ; tas ‘ billiards and pool. There are ette the other day smashed win.| The General's son aecepted the lots of good seats fur spectators dows with a hatehet and also) succession formally with ‘much |}Gome and meet your friends. 199 smashed a valuable painting in| feeling. The General's funeral the Glasgow art gallery. She , will take place on the afternoon escaped without being identified.) . . : More Elevators. bee ae of August 29th, at Stokes-New- Montreal, Aug. 22.—The Har- St. Andrew's Society. ton, where his wife is buried.|por Gommissioners of Montreal The regular meeting of the St.| King George has sent a special|are considering plans for the | Andrew's Society will be held in| message of sympathy. Letters |construction of three new grain | Carpenters’ Hall tonight at 8|Were also received from Premier| elevators in the near future. Each lo’eloek, Asquith, the Archbishop of Can-|of these elevators will have a | pidaiainendaal terbury, other prelates of the|capacity of 2,500,000 bushels, Launch Alice B., W. J. Thomas.|Chureh of England and members|the three giving a total capacity Phone Green 391. Govt. Whard.|of all the other Protestant creeds.|of 7,500,000 bushels. \ALF. J. MORRIS Is ~ RATHER INDISPOSED 24,000,000 PELE E ne A Rees RT INT te SEB