: | | | i ! j THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—®S cents per inch. Contract rates | on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daizy, S0c| per month, or $5.09 per year, inadvance. WerExLy, $2. per year. All | Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.5 per year, strictly) joe) my. in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Daily News on Daily Doings HELPING HOLD BACK THE WHOLE CITY. That Prince Rupert's progress should be retarded, tainly has been, by the inter. ference of agitators spreading disaffection amongst labor on the G. T. P. construction is bad enough, but that Prince Rupert should be asked to cong tribute toward a fund for the maintenance of the strikers is the limit. Two misguided wives of two prominent licensed hote! keepers in Prince Rupert have been making the round of the business men with a subscrip- tion book soliciting contribu- tions for the strike fund. The ladies are not infrequently good customers of many of the busi- houses they have ap- proached, and the subscription book appears usually after some order has been given. Competition keen and the business man is in a quandary. He must subscribe to maintain the very men whose whole atti- tude and actions toward him are hostile or he may Meanwhile the motive ness is lose custom. for this most charitable con- duct of licensed hotel men's wives toward aggrieved labor is obvious. Dependent on the of decent business men the of Prince Rupert would languish But common laber and cheap liquor together form a fine source of revenue for the lower class hotels in this city So it pays the lower class liquor selling hotel man to make his wife a mendicant for the benefit of a strike maintained mostly maliciously which whole city. olbaisddidieiiediiitiiiceaninie NOT A CANADIAN STRIKE. While the deny the and while custom alone licensed houses railway contractors exiStence the G, T. P. will agree only to the faet that} the} shortage, ww. W, there is a labor members of the I, per- sistently maintain with unholy | “everything is Lied) up from Hazelton to the end of! Fair} minded men readily admit that} is something remarkably) delight that operations in the west.” there as it cer-!| dies Gotan | retards the of a strike, officials} efforts were steadily being made| ! to bring the conditions ito better shape for the men. This is an lL. W. W. strike. Only me 8. ws. WW. cognize it as} a strike at ali. All the strength of the L. W, W. comes from the Un often by the tem of agitators American American fight have It is a for adian, led States, expu being work methods of caused the sys- sion. » fought bosses wit fist by] eign strike, not Can- the labor trouble up line of foreign origin, but; it is distinctly contrary to i law of Canada affecting the re-| lations of employers and their} labor. This up river ead] only is contract dispute went dead Industrial Disputes} generally the| whenever a strike cs we first nego-| against the Act known Lemieux Act was as called by emissaries without tiating for redress of the griev- labor concerned by with the contract- Because the strike was engi by. American ganizers and combatted largely by American foremen, the re- quirements of Canadian law were overlooked. Those who started the strike may not be aware that very heavy penal- ties may be imposed for breach of the Lemieux Aet, and that these penalties have in- over this very might be enfored. best strength of the Le- mieux Act, in fact, lies in its power to enforce preliminary conferences which frequently do away with all need for strikes, but if the act is not enforced its wise provisions are useless, ances oft confe rence neered or- been curred dispute and easily SEE 1 General Merchandise = i~~ LYNCH BROS. Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. Snide tl ett ie ~--~--~—-o- ~ - Largest Stock American} § h} ( and] f ot Can f THE DAILY CHURCHILL'S AUTO RAN cr Ome gs THROUGH BARRICADE PUT = es ores UP BY THE SUFFRAGETTES ‘2.0 si NEWS Ilia] 1 i) Woe ae Ta ala ra (a a ral ral a ey al = ‘ Nie (scoop I WANTNOU TO wm ca IN AND MeeT COUSIN LILLA Mieka Semana, BIG HIT WITH Hes (Fe Nov TELL. HER Better than Ringing Door-bells PIANO manufacturer recently made a house- to-house canvass. He’s one of those men with A an absurd fear of the “ waste-circulation” bugaboo —cannot get away from the haunting thought that only 10 out of every 100 readers of a newspaper may be possible buyers of his goods. So he refused to advertise, and went a-canvassing —inviting people to come to his piano recitals. Then he wondered why they didn’t come. This is why: He wasn't reaching the people. His canvassers rang every door-bell in town. They talked to some one in every house. But one in every household isn't enough ilazly if it doesn't happen to be Gu riie ualen. And, as a rule, it wasn’t the right person— it was a servant, or a child. The woman of the house was seldom seen; the man of the house, never. Now, if the piano maker had placed an ad. in the newspaper, it would have reached thousands, where the canvassers could seach only hundreds. And even though only 10 per cent. of the readers are actual piano buyers, this does not mean that the advertising read by the other 90 per cent. is wasted. Advertising talks, not only to the prospective buyer, but also to his wife, his grown-up sons and daughters, his mother—even his mother- in-law. Their coaxing will help to convince the head of the house—and pretty soon there'll be a piano in that home. This and dozens of similar cases which might be cited to show that “waste cir- culation” is an empty bugaboo, and should deter no one. Take the motor truck. It can be sold only to large firms Yet a motor truck manufacturer is successfully Advertising in daily papers. He realizes that he must reach, not alone the managers of the con- cerns that require trucks, but also their directors, their foremen, their head ma- chinists, etc. It is found in actual practice that this Advertising radiates in a thousand directions, and again converges most as- tonishingly to influence the house that has made up its mind that horse-trucking is too costly and inefficient. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising agency, er the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Bidz., Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part—so write if interested. i 1 ; ' acled ; . ‘ whe y atvyles to the number ondot v ’ : agments 0 nachinrer ne 75 L : \ 4 Aw : : ma ¥ . |. f ibiw displayed on 75 per- eatation by «uffragettes, th : anished be the w en had feetiv formed living modela and say anvthing ' “bers are slip; x ! ay anything \ ally oked like clothes for| Londo f r varations as) ae yomen secretiy as possibi¢ and | LATEST rkere is a riot of color in the} Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. strong suar f det ves ew des More comfortable shoes, with lower heels, also are Chan f t ' i attains ms sat i vd.ti x \ ‘ FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 Sie Rufus t ‘ ‘ ; . saacs es per — FOR GL eae the “ : . of Pres Asquith, Foreign & retary Sir Fdward Grey and Secretary MeKenna are unknow eae, Sue «Lester W. David Co., Tt Lord of t Ad alty Winston/ “on wea }Church wh was ported “ n was f ast at tl Manufacturers and wholesalers jhave been held uy his wa nua! styie view fed DS Sandwich the ther day and 116 modistes repres - " LUMBER y . ’ 2 £30.000_ 000 . In. é s eo oug um.|tured for some time by s 12 . : like a strike on, although num-/" jan Ay ee salts Laths & Shingles bers of men have returned to} ®tles has bee cernem, ee ' work since it was deciared.| stay t ster ' w . rt ew s : "© First Ave. and McBride St Box 865 Fair minded men further admit | 4 uments A ba ale f the| Robespierr ( ar \ h vas that there were certain un-| SU fragettes’ b s ae : " : eee =“ ie ’ PHONE 25 doubted grievances vexi the oo ved across t! AG stop his a argc soem tomobile the hauff m ly in Paris toilers, netably the hospital) 4¥tomol : ' , : trouble. But contracts in the| dashed & thea vith Phe st ' Prince Rupert, B.C. bush cannot be made into rose —e = — beds for lily handed labor, and! S For Vancouver, V MONDAYS AND Weensiy service to Port Sim and Saturdays at 11 4 ™@., Chea ursion Rates Over p Exc tes Over Grar Between ony and a points Pacific coast WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT” AND “PRINCE G Prince George Salle for Stewart on _Thuredaye “a8 Charlotte amends Regular sailings for a River Canneries Prince Rupert and Passenger service to Skeens Crossing from Prince Kupert Mondays making cotmmections Bast, ‘ et us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this Agency for all Atlantic Steamehip Lines. A. ©. MOMASTER, Jeneral Ager EORGE” levoria and Seactie FRIDAYS © am Naas, Granby Bay tnd all way i Voncouver Weeg Wednese for Hazel . Grand d Trunk Railway System lamas ia Ol roads fre For all safermation eoply te B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE EL Ee) PACIFIC Ss. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Aug. 24, 9 a.m. 4. @. GRAB, General Agent EASTERN by the Oriental Limited eitmiae sce European and |s— SOLID TRAINS nsianl daily from Vancouver or Seattle | Low round trip rates to all pointe in Canada and the United States. = | and let us tell you all about it Excursions =.=" | Cor, Praser and bth Choice Wines |RUPERT’S PALACE oF comront New Knox Hotel |BESNER & BESNER | The New Knox Hotel is runon the By lan Zomeeniae Carvien All the Latest PRoPRIET kg | FIRst AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER American plan Mmadern conveniences [= $1.00 to $2.50 per day Peter Bleck Proprietor Rogers’ Steamship .Grand Hotel. Agency PHONE 116 ‘WON $.S. COMPANY OF B.C, Ltd | The new steel Passenger Steamers | “Chelohsin” —AND— “Camosun ” Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: ‘ Chelohsin ” “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening | and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 CARTAGE and LINDSAY'S “’storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents OFFICE —H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6. Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien isiand Club a oil s by Drawn for The Dally ewe - Wednesdays at 10 p.m. , Workingman's Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th & } GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor COAL Best on the Rogers & Back Wellington Coal. Coast Phone 116 THE IROQUOIS POOL English and Americar Twelve Tables Billiards Ave SBCONI L. A. Barbeau Cartage, Coa! and Storage Reliable Messenger Service Phone 58 735 3rd Ave Silversides Bros. Sign Writing Paper-Hanging Our Specialties —_—- “We always deliver the goods 2nd Street Phone 156 Gree cence “ Hop” COUSIN LILLA LETS Go in THE FRUIT I USEp oO MEIGH 145° A HUNDRED AND } FORTY Five -?-NYou