. THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. RISING OF THE NEW TOWN OF PORT GRANBY IS RAPID: TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—®S cents per inch. on application. Contract rates SUBSCRIPTION RATES-—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DatLy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly n advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C, Telephone 98. Susscrisers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. AUGUST 24 DatLy EDITION. SATURDAY, Daily N Daily Doing THE OLD TIMERS’ government has in regard to BANQUET. | Prinee Rupert. Upon the man- Tonight sees the assembly of | ner in which Premier McBride . i makes good his promises to the old timers of Prince Rupé uy Prince Rupert depends not only prior to 1909. No one who en-| his LOCAL MAN GETS NEW CONTRACT “There is geod activity on} whe left last night to pick up the Granby Bay,” said C W. Calhoun,| lots for an hotel he proposes to who is in the city for a few days} erect there immediatels after spending a couple of wee ks | Che Granby Company now have in the mining district on Observ. | between 400 and 500 men work- atory Inlet This week theling on clearing and matruction Granby Company tet the grading at doon development w rhe} contract f four miles of ra trestie for the big six foot pipe way from their mines to he e for the hydro electric pows smelter site rhe eontract «fis being built, but the dam has} R. A. MeMordie, who is building) "ot yet been started their wharf The Granby people It is now claimed that the Tra have also surveyed a road from) smelter people also nlemplate the smelter to the Bonanza; building at Granby Bay Last claims, which they have tfmnder|week five experts, epresenting bond. This line runs through the| this company, were there looking new townsite of Granby Bay,,over the property they held which is just being put on the!/ joining the Gran property market We are going to have|/ Among them were Messrs, Davi- a town there.” added Mr. Calhoun,} son, Butler and Andy Larson OLD HAZELTON NEW PAPER Lester W. David Co, Lid. Manufacturers and wholesalers LUMBER Laths & Shingles First Ave. and McBride St PHONE 25 Box 865 | Prince Rupert, B.C. Do You Know This: 100 ambulances in New York) There are city kept busy daily conveying the tn-| jured to their homes or hospitals Any) day the gong may sound to clear the way for you For an up-to-date Accident Insurance Policy go to | : | JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate and Ineurance | Phone 384 318 Third Ave. - Church Services - . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Chureh Hall at 11 a.m. and Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2390 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pasvor | THE FIRST BAPTIST McINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR OTH ST Services every Sunday at li am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Baraca Bible Class 2.30 p.m. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor CHURCH THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 1! am. and 730 p.m Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. R. SING, B.D. THE SALVATION ARMY Granville Court Sunday services at a.m. 3 and 8 p. m day School, 1:30 Week night services Mon day, Wednesday, Thurs day and Saturday CAPT. AND MRS TUTTE Commanding OMeers CITADEL Sun m First Class Inside Property on 3rd avenue, bringing in good rental; 86,500 cash, balance on termes, Two splendid view lots on 5th) GMIDN $5, COMPANY of B.C., ld avenue; 83,250 cash, bal. termes ALSO good lease on 3rd avenue, close in. Can be had cheap. These are worth enquiring about, Stuart t & Co. | Phone 280 309 3rd Ave. TROUT FISHING MOUNTAIN CLIMBING Five-Hour Journey From Prince Rupert Big Canyon Hotel Kitselas B.C. First - CLass - ACCOMMODATION FARM and on VANCOUVER, B.C. reputation as a Provincial tered the city later than the| administrator, but much of his} IS RENEWED AS | FOR BY | last day of 1908 is entitled to keenly desired reputation as an| rank with the little group of administrator of more ambi- pioneers who formed the ad- | tious seope. The protector of BOAT CLUB NEW TOWN vance guard of the rising com- His” coasts cannel afford to munity of Prince Rupert. In| neglect the present port, and} » pall , » — . a an i? | emeeeameecese thos tether may ng aru iupert. naval base. of Prin 4 The Prince Rupert — Re veing! G. R. T. Sawle. f one etn new stage in the city’s develop- | Club, whose fins new quarters on | neer newspaper manager of ment, The time has come ae jthe old hulk Hazelton, moored | Prince Rupert and owner of news- chen the infus af new cltisens, LONDON PRESS near the Government wharf, pats papers in other western points is) and the multiplying of new in- | AND BOOTH. just now completed, have all ae earns after a short «tay in the terests, social, political, bust. | rhe London morning papers|"@"eements made for the comfort} city for Port Granby, where he is ead ie indipicial, teve el- pay eloquent tributes of sym- and accommodation of its mem. | to lay the business foundations most overshadowed the sturdy pathy to the late Salvation} >°"s 4n¢ their friends. ‘Tae largel ol anomer BEG Peper and secure secig that repeesents the vers Army leader. They regard him open space cmon a the| the loeation for his plant, Port first sign of Prince Rupert's} as the greatest apostie and slielliermg of boats an cances | Granny is rapidly coming to the in oa bt Ae thane today | evangelist of the age, and and the floats that have been|front as a town of population, fo clear away from around our compare him with John Wesley bailt ,extending -the. full lenges eae a Py ee old timers the clustered later and Martin Luther. The Times|°' ihe club bokes, Gre 6 Great et. i well met By" Wry Sawie's enter. growths of the e¢ommunity’s in an editorial says: “The vance upon anyining ee pipes life and to let the true pioneers death of General Booth closes emptied tn ot oe of arrange a nnn of Prince Rupert appear dis- a strong character, the most ments for the eanifort and a. tinct and clear before’ the remarkable our age has seen, commodation of the number of numbers who are indebted to and it will set the world medi- people wha: Golight ta spending their early strivings for the tating on that fervent and Se ore GAMING CASES comforts and conveniences. of forceful character, the keen eer beeps satin tet rane ee teled on iste tates - TG, though, as some would say, magnificent harbor. night's gathering will awake narrow intelligence which YESTERDAY memories which strong men raised him from a position of | treasure, trifling incidents of friendless obseurity to be the NEW MAN a humer and adventure which head of an organization yield- | After a somewhat lengthy live in the hearts of all such ing obedience searcely less SUPERINTENDS hearing in the police court yes- hale and hearty old stagers as complete than the Roman terday morning before Magis- our young pioneer “old timers’ Catholic Chureh yields to the trate Carss. the charge of run- of today will be when the Prines pontiff.” NEW WING ning a common s@aming house Rupert they knew as a camp in ements and of being frequenters of the the bush is a tall city of gran- PANAMA same was brought home to the ite and marble faced, stee PERIL. At a ‘special meeting of the|several men implicated in the aga Pang ote bgp wets The London Morning Post says: Hospital Board, held the other] matter. Fhe ‘keeper ae ake house ! ‘ oT afternoon in the city hall to re-[W’a@s fined $75 and 82 costs and in the shadow of Mount Morse. The opening of the Panama Cie ‘other ikonmed we Canal will signalize a formid-|°*'Ve @ report from, Wie Seege mek, reer ee —. —____—_—9-——__—_—- hin atthak Bir the Undhed Makes committee as to the progress of bling, contributed 810 and &2 THE PROVINCIAL on the supremacy of the British] the work, it was decided to ap- pyre cae BUILDINGS. mercantile marine and the en_|Point a new napeeser for ihe nga eg From Victoria comes the news dowment of American trade ip work, as Mr W. F, Barker, who Up in the Air that the plans for a pile of| British markets with an im- has been acting in that capacity, First Aviator—How far is it to palatial Provincial government mense advantage, The pros- is at present out of the city. Mr./the next gasoline reservoir? buildings are preparing fast} perity that is due to our con- os . Fevers name wae mMen- Second Aviator—Two grave- and that the work of erecting trol of the sea earrying trade tioned in connestion with the ap-| yards and a spiral glide to your the buildings will very soon be] will be challenged under the pointment, The fact came out) left, old man started This is news of value conditions by a strong and en- that the contract had not been oe Dene eT ke to Prince Rupert, both from the} terprising nation inexorably signed yet, and it was decided to Montreal street cars are to be point of view of the eitizen determined” to recover the have this done immediately, The) fitted up as black marias. Pris- whose interests range across| carrying industry it lost in the building committee were em-joners cannot complain of this. continents to the centres where war of 1812.” The Post then powered to act in regard to ob-| Persons who have committed no moneyed men do congregate asks: “In view of this situa- taining @ suitable mee to bejoffense whatever »may be seen looking for likely investments tion, what provision is being placed by the Duke of Connaught] hanging to straps in street cars. for their capital. The an- made by the admiralty for sta. and the inscription to be engraved oe nouncement that substantial tioning an adequate cruiser upon it, Subscribe for the Daily News. Provincial government build- squadron in the West Lhidice?)00""]]"== ——E ss ings are planned and soon to and conciudes by declaring that go up means correspondingly the supremacy of the merchant substantial confidence in Prince service must be maintained and —IN THE— Rupert, for no matter what that British vessels must be Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley color may be a man’s politics well found, British manned and he must repose i eeaabae armed against the commerce FARM Bulkley Valley Fort George District financial confidence in the gov- destroying time of war. IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS— ernment in power, No govern- LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices ment tas ever had better op- King Shoots Well. easy terms. portunities for granting sub- London, Aug, 23.——-King George stantial benefit through a com-|shot 142 brace of grouse yester- NORTH ® ® munity upon its whole provinee|day on Lord Sefton’s Laneashire COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited sand further upon the whole|moors, the shooting party com- PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 dominion than the Me Bride) prising seven guns, ————— | Paston || | i Oriental Limited Binnsoe SOLID TRAINS ———3 | daily from Vancouver | Weeniy service Cheap Excursion Between Chica Pacific coast TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT” AND “PRINCE GEORG» For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattic MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © a.m. Prince George Salle for Stewart on Thursdays ai & o to Port Regular sailings for Skeena River Canneries, Prince Rupert and Vancouver Passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Kupert Mond. and Saturdays at 11 4. m., Rates Over Grand Trunk Railw, (The Double Track Route » and all points East, et us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this Agency for ali Atlantic Steamship Lines. WIFTEST UREST AFEST S “PRINCE JOHN” Simpson, Naas, Granby Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT" Bay and and all way making connections for ta, connecting “een all road A. E. MOMABTER, Jereral Agen: FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAFETY SERVICE S. S. Princess Sophia SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Aug. 24,9 a.m. 4. @. MRAB, General Agent Che RUPERT'S PALACE | co. Fraser and 5th. or Seattle Knox Hotel |BESNER & BESNER, plan New Knox Hotel is ror New Hotel Central European and American pia hea conveniences $1.00 to $2.50 per day Peter Black : | Low round trip rates to all pointe in| |Canada and the United States. Call - | and let us tell you all about it ; | | Agency PHONE 116 | The new steel Passenger Steamers —AND— as follows: “Chelobsin ” “ Camesua ” J. H. ROGERS, Agent “Camosun” Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Wednesdays at 10 p.m. - Saturdays at 10 p.m. Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening and Monday morning, respectively None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers Proprietor Neen ay System mmer For all information apply to Savoy Hote or conene PROPRIETORS the Europes a service. Al! the Latest Motes BEDS Se TP aa s AVENUE. PRINCE RUPERI Cor. First Ave and 7th Street steam hats Rogers’ Steamship Grand Hotel. Workingman's Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 lst Ave. and j GEO. BRODERIUS., Proprietor’ COAL POOL Twelve Tables Cartage, Phone 116, "none 5° LINDSAY CIGARS TOBACCOS SE Scoop Doesn’t Care Much for His Uncle’s Motor Boat i. HAVE To once Pe EN Scoop-IM Too Far YO OVER! CARTAGE and STORAGE G, T. P. Transfer Agents OFFICE H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone én. Litl’s N NEWS lone Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers 2nd Ave. Below Kaien isiand Club Our Specialties FRUITS 2nd Street Wellington Coal. Best on the ‘“ 9 «| Coast Chelohsin ‘Phone 116 Rogers & Bact THE I[ROQUOS English and American Billiarts Seconp Ave — L. A. Barbeau Coa! and Storage Reliable Messenger Service 735 3rd An Silversides Bros The up-to-date House Der tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing. Paper-Hanging , “We always deliver the goods Phone 156 Gm ne —Drawn for The Daily News by “ ““T WHERE, Nou BOUND? ; tte © f, Adt JORE ; “Tm GOINe@ AND TAKE’ A STREET CAR RIVE/ imTh © aie 7th S 4