‘eialetiyg Ubrary ee ee ne ATCH ss mo NEXT MAILS From South a aah bra George Wednesday 16 Cm For South ae Chelohein Wednesday 10 pm Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist vol, Ill, NO. 201 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., Mon ; oy i 7 "Pom Five Caen ; N A NDAY, AUGUST 1912. PRICE Five CENTS NEW WESTMINSTER AGAIN WINS THE MINTO CUP VANCOUVER HOLD-UPS: COAST BASEBALL: OLD-TIMERS’ BANQUET: BOY DROWNED IN ‘SEWER SICK LIST COMRADES . HELD D atary ah a spe i eof the| M Dr. Wilse if Nels B, ¢ mi Saturd: wl per ‘ h es ind M ! x § f All i ANCE : oie % ~ | A delightful bridge party was|ton, Mrs, J, Hl, Hilditeh, Mrs. Ker- “ I ~ sit he vi |xiven by Mrs, Max Heilbroner on| in, Mrs. L, W. Kergin, Mrs, J, ¢ , 7 i ahi i | ait o \ ane y ee \ f . popular old f h r T pT , | Saturday afternoon in honor of [alsey, Mrs. T. J. Jackman, Mrs. P . j CCeSS lan is € ‘ , orme Vv ‘ as! bE e P i ita Ruy Bi cai F Gaal ibe ‘ores y ae rorman, who ha [Mrs, Jackman, wife of Captain CG, E, Bainter and Mrs, Morrison. hy hy M ( rhomy 1 ’ ‘ inkalus h other; ; been the guest of Biship Du] Among others who ealled dur- Ma , pe ntti Phe salts wae bt mar banquet owing health \ Jackman of Skeena River fame ing the afternoon were Miss " | ; * Phese two | ernet for two or three days,i Mrs, Jackman left for Vaneouver . pty \ ' é' in ‘ e. sil ai | Chapman, Mrs. 8. D. Maedonald he | Phe u ! striet a vd Rupert on the « a gave an interesting address last! by the eee Rupert this morn-!anq My W. Angk i I if 7 a ane a, : 4 d Sa — Cha > «@ ! Ass i ish he ha present are D I. O. Reddic evening in the Anglican Chureh/|ing, and the party was her part tl Ss ! = 1 | . ri } : | I | j derta g pa ! - - th pula ind H. G, M D Red his work in Norfolk Island, in| "6 pleasure in Prinee Rupert, WIFE OF A LATE is I | ill bearer sis Dad Wi \ ire die is Ploneer medical health the South Paeifie, also te ling| Where ene te very. pope With ee dee OEE ot I “a ra fis aa he 18 officer for the « and im a a “lexquisite taste the rooms were POPULAR OLD TIMER “ ‘ 1 M: tin Fr. = “ ‘d : nes migration spe du about his work in Jamaica and| decorated with flowers in profu Oe 6 ears ) artin ‘ ne me at e pe » er ” ; Iris ~ fo leut j j oe r Ml G, Munro is the first archi the Upper Btikine Bis tH sion, and the gathering was a By the Prince Rupert on Sat- ' 5 ' - is mine 7 on ee z fect to hang his profes left this morning for England, to|¢hapming success. Assisting the|Urday there arrived in the eity i had j ind J i 1} 7 i h ts execs stone aan) ti return to his reetorsy in Harlastor.| hostess were Mrs. Jackman. the| Mrs. T. G. Birnie, the wife of the i ent an 1 gel i I vab The warmest Rood ii al His son, on Fred Thorman has] guest of honor, and Mrs. W. N,/| late T. C, Birnie, one of Rupert's i | THE WEATHER ne was spent tele delete old | a ale nares his place at Tahl-Tan and Lailey. The first prize in the| pioneer realty men who died last 5 cae * a with thei both Pelegraph Creek, lbridge tourney was won by Mrs,/ fall. Mrs. Birnie has returned to He me i aah thea eal “a = oe ioneer Cleaners. | 3 _ es |W. N. Lailey, the second by Mrs,.|Prince Rupert with her two aoe fj a Aug 26th: Barometer,| Warm. clean rooms at Savoy./; 1. Hilditeh and the third by/ daughters and son because to d . a a seubporature.! - Mrs. R. O. Jennings. Those pres-|her and her family there is no 5us iad | | . : | lent were: place like the city of which the bramal ' ¢ pera ' ad | 4 dag eve aot 1. br Mrs. M. 8. Jenns. Mrs. R. O,/ husband and father, whose mem- h ea Jennings. Mrs. Diek. Mrs. W./ory they cherish, was a pioneer, * ‘ Pon now ' a = } Owen. Mrs, 8, P. MeMordie, Mrs arate : s, Georg \ ‘ . Prir 1g the} Stevens, Mrs, J. G. MeNab, Mrs Customs forms of all kinds irl Ma Da New ‘ W_ N. Lailey, Mrs. C. P. Parting the Daily News office. —_—_— 160 act pr IST. == AT LARGE MAKING RAVAGES selves on the lovely sand beach, After a glorious time the party ence New Kitseguecla made the home trip in good time Bf rhe snd has been su over the few sea miles separat- ‘ ii {0 aere blocks and w ing this ideal holiday spot from be p he arket in the neat Prinee Rupert 7 future It « situated directiv? 7 rth of the park — C. A. Giggey and FE. F. Michaud = : S DROWNED } i f ding a Special to Daily News } giver it satisfactory i-} construction and clearing camps spone ‘ connect with = the Vancouver, Aug .26.——Six fo nts of themselves |between Vancouver and New|} London, Aug. 23.—King Geor i D. D. M h gland eile i sti Westminster looking for the eul.|and Queen Mary will pay a visit ma a gners wearing re randke | is a 1. K.G was in Rupert | Va ve Aug, 2¢ rhree| prits and yesterday morning they} in the autumn to Florres Castle chiefs ove the owel mart of \ n ’ . wees . ; _ asked ‘a helieved to be al} brought in three suspects Late| the residence in Kelso, Scotland, SEWER TRAP M George I — an their faces, held up the Cedar) yo ition of uke gang whieh al yesterday afiernoon six other/of the Duke and Duehess of Rox- Fi j ~ ‘he she : “me ' : ; BRITISH MAN IN CANADA Cottage branch of the Bank of] »’elock held up and robbed the} men were brought over by auto-| DUPE. Phe Due he oe wee formerly ; emiiton o@ @aturder aiabt andi Menk of Ramilton 4 Coder Cot.;mobile. tromsmee Westminster,| Miss May Goelet of New York. Vaneouver, ye 26.—Ernest wh he pas 6 K H | r where they lived. = ae Grant, a 15-year-old boy, was has had chara Montreal, A . 6 ‘ ; al |e way with a few hundred] tage, held up the oceupants of an yaw | Yesterday in the launch Eleanor, drowned in a sewer Saturday, he Le dic the B sh = Sectalis ane auto near Collingwood fire ha il |}Mac a-large party of the Prince He was playing ball and climbed ’ ) 1 ‘ dole Whey shot a local mer-| _ : } , ' . her hom Los|member of Parliament for 7 r-| a , ’ ' . 12:30 this morning, securing two BASEBALL SCORES Rupert teamsters voyaged to the) down a manhole into a six foot rh ia Mis h has ved OM-lehant in the lew and escaped, The ; ; ; : | eae i'Warner and Hudson pre-emption. ti ‘ll to reeover the ball i : gold watehes bul no cash, Phe} as rs , I I > ee nereves oo" on : i uboard the Hesperia from bank officials are positive that the] men made their scape : ee ; and sand beach at Porcher did not return. The police are ind | hj} (lasgow \ 3 ‘a { \ Saat a co . Island and had the time of their) dragging the bay near the outlet ee men were foreigners, While All last night the South Van-| entice mh. Pyecmne lives in bright sunshine, bathing) of the sewer, but have not re- ! Phiscalt f Sea Try a Daily News Want ad robbers were making their escape | Sou” police ransat ked various | Victoria 2, Portland 4. and otherwise enjoying them-| covered the body, sitisiasinaiait seiiaiaaotaiil }a number of shots were exchanged | == — wf Will Be at Sale. one ate ae ee i - > between them and the officers,| } Amongst those who have re-| SHAWATLANS LOVELY FALLS PRINCE RUPERT'S FIRST BUSINESS HOUSE } | ex nily arrived in the city to. be > nd ! of th forme wee WESTMINSTER WINS Ipresent at the forthdoming sal nded, although his nfed THE ave cup of government lots are William Vane Vee Nut “" i Beveridge and wife of Vancouver tiles vied fh h ute Poday's irosse match re : { H. Stanley, BE, D. Orde, also of brite ! Wits stl away sulted ” bia Vancouver, Max Freed and a well i ~ ’ ’ " yes i fow ha “ ! } nown business man of Seattle tota | ims wh ike a pra f ne — Val vel Oy te ‘ x red handk hiefs " ety First, Fall Social. ‘ ' he a lo be held under the auspices : ? ees “ Wes +el aati s: of the Baptist Brotherhood in sta b ift “ today takes the M cup Metnivre Hall, Monday evening ne a few h s in durance the I Va uyet Aug. 26th, at 8 o’eloek., Evervone were ful i loose again, having) peece invited, No admission fee, 21 PRINCE RUPERT el A scene fresh in the memory of the old-timers. | Rupert jas many of the men who Speakers and Speeches, DLOneer Maver, -_ were with the city from the earli- self a veritable store of rieh old|= 7 Major George Gibson, witheut | weean est days as could possibly be : time memories, His eall to the} ithered together at short no mension whose command citizens one and all to pull t ». | PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY “a personality and presence there| gether to make Prince sonaed “~ ties n the city at present rhe} ; Ke re a | " ee ‘ t ss o a oO seems to be no story o upert si ereat etly deserves perpetuation ful old timers’ banquet held Keminiscen company numbered over a hun a vy % ; n Made : ; - v | i p Rupert called } cole lthes presides with pis ts iH aden, another ole timer, | ee ; cares rad oF ‘very man pres . a aa z 2 = I : : . a ol ; Va iver boy drowned in sewer, ired, practically ever nan pl yonted gweniality and in prope iplimented his fellow f that Porcher Islanders form a Liberal asseciation. . i I e aye i ortant| kK tte toasts rave any an onore arre ~afarr y . : : : Gia ot desperadoes committing robberies around Van ent baving played an impor ie h ov ay man in; honored array, ee - oF Sam Nedich has his finger eut off by derrick cable on Auto Gar party held up Bank robbed l pat n the early history of Ru err ne o the me ~ se py ae = ” . ee ' . Third avenue, | hi ' ons j TT Pillsbury and John| other ol¢ mers presen me TMAp Ayneh with tales o re old} 5: pariiaimentary changes foreshadowed Many new " ! u i | ca. be ie ne ‘ P i me 7 whtlioned who made the first camp} penings of the days behind.) Caledonia awoke reminiscences | aoe Parke uffers crushed foot on city retaining wall ee eee : 7. | } ruction, ‘ Westminster wins the Minto cup he harbor side when they be-| Bishop Du Vernes & yrerend was|worthy of the annals of Troy construct = . ' ! | | ‘are ‘ . _ . bg : . rf , . . Passengers uth this mofning and local visitor New he survey of the townsite|as ever an eloge Ana Miforest Alderman Morrissey and Alder-| Farewell services held by Salvation Army at close of ean- » 80 i ~ “ t lock isitors ‘ wi the ! } ; : : for the sak f the G. T. P., were present,| ing resume of ¢ lin brief}man George Kerr also added to| nery season, ‘ge party in honor of well known lady visitor Pei and =Captai Hl. Roberson, wholspace of Rupert's early pistory,|/the interesting tale, and at the} “Bud” Corley goes south on holiday trip, with A. BR. Barrow was one of} ttis allusion to, the very phomis-/eonclusion of a memorable OC-| Article on Prince Rupert by W. J. Raymond, pioneer of the , lelegraph items and general news of the Dominion ihe » first men engaged by the] ive Of Ue owanleys dyg! avail./casion steps were taken to form) city, appears in southern magazine, at large in brief at Pp. on this coast, was alsojable on the sasite Wee hailedion old timers’ association in ‘ : i the festive board, ‘The dinner| with delight) pis peferenons te old Prinee Rupert, oo ' ' OLD-TIMERS RALLY TO GRAND BANQUET AND WILL ORGANIZE CLUB Saturday evening saw in the; was a bright funetion throughoul Premier Hotel a most tnleresting wilh merry making in the style of the deat old days memory rally of the old timers olf Prinee | wrished by every old time time doings were aeceptable to all The Pioneer Mayor. Alfred Stork, Prince Rupert ..| Favorite beauty spot of Prince Rupert, still as old-timers knew it proved him-| but doomed to change also. too, he oe 4 wr