a Te ota hethermestinemiehadneene tee rs ; nee nee Aare eR RICE Sogn ae - aon ll le oa eo ana : we nmandeneraemainae = ccna seth THE DAILY ‘NEWS > THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—S0 cents per inch. Contract sin! on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dai.y, Sc! THE DAILY NEWS NEW CHANGES EXPECTED IN _ BRITISH POLITICAL WORLD; MENTION OF MANY RUMORS Lester W. David Co.,Ltd. Manufacturers and wholesalers LUMBER Laths & Shingles , First Ave. and McBride St Box 865 WIFTEST 1 Tle UREST a S: AFEST est Ns TWIN SCREW STEAMERs | “PRINCE RUPERT” AND “PRINCE For Vancouver, Victoria and Seatty a EC YRGE” MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © am Prince George Salis for Btewart on Thuredays «i 8 a « RU rw System per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. Weexiy, $2.00 per year. All Lond Auge, 23.—R s offs taryship to the Indian off PHONE 25 “PRINCE JOHN” tries — Daily, oo ; m . i ges a réntiwonld be a relief to him and a Weeasy service to Port Simpson, Naas, Grant 4 . ao asvanee Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly liked. han ; oth ie} pcuenecinn 4MGL @eekd be cope eeu empoce, Meas, Granby Bay 7 atl Mell = et nase. Prince Rupert, B.C. “PRINCE ALBERT” = = —== SSS ae a , , 7 . aoe ministerialists gener Regular sailings for a Saver Canneries, and al) wa Cor : x ‘ Prince Rupert and Vancouver DAILY Bprriox. ao MONDAY. 16U : : : passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Mona AY, AUGUST 26 i ‘ New Irish Gearerary. *neind saturdays at 11 8. M., Making connections tor | —— : = ‘th : ' Ruch & ehhéwe at Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk R a and ’ fl Glad.it e would be a ce 1 P The Double — Route) ilway System atone “ h A ec ; 7 Dermeen Chicago and a points Bast, connecting with a) e e ° e cifie coast. Let us prepare itinerary for your trip BAS I M has ‘ ‘ d undoul agente for ail Atlantic Steamehip Lines. For ali information epely te ews On S|] (the fate of th . yy 3 es la ya has b eve f “ 1 ‘ : Sixth ave al ’ : : *./ pa i by an explana M #1 “ $1 ”, 1 1as . BR however, w . ! . : de... yart : : i ay ib » take 1 t ° . THE CALL FOR A and although Sir Richard Me-|'", ane B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE | még : ‘ : 1 i bates n le ) ‘ o UNITED CITY. Bride may mortgage every “lh onve Pr Minis-jta hars f it ; VO Hote thing the re nee as t carr - Most appropriately the note a A , " - i : 7 Yi te “ derstood, when Lord If Birrell finds a “i D. Ivanoff FAMOUS SAFETY was struck in one of the : — eee ee M ey wv fina ' post there rea s deal adie tas re is reas i keena City, B. C. 8 speeches at the old timers 4 ~ 4 ee de pe ss oo ” hat Herbert L, Samue! w sue-f ce PRINCESS ae SPEED _senomn een . and Cigars banquet for a strong pull to- oootlhigy ‘ al - te ‘Lord Crewe oe Succeed. ed him at the Irish office. It is) LINE rer SERVICE aS PALACE 0 COMFORT gether on the part of all citi- recat the ome Pralwas wey : If the time has derstood that he is nex ..bes Bu Tod : zens wishing well for Prince —- Mountains cat ”" st t a t -/ lis rp oti ' t uys ay.. S ' Winns 4 mathingn t ed i ar walls : : . . ce . Rupert There s something acted tens Miconsh . . f h ges I is The name of the 4s ei] Section 6 | Ss. Ss, Princess Sophia infinitely to be regretted in the . — ous —e wuEe t evid hat I ‘ we hasitbank is being cour; \ k 22, $1,? j remark frequently heard from a draftsman's "ae da e be fe u a his) Goverr -Generalshi; f Soutl |! r s "’ ‘2 Say SOUTHBOUND ew s peal ok ners oO nnert ma treasury ? mer I . ‘i os e 7. $2 oo I - 1 timer f Ruy ~ shetnaith oh wale ia Africa He has hict 1 fi t * Saturday, Aug. 24,9 a.m. that the place is growing dif- “_ — tary f state f lia and re gnition ve axe iene aiding Knowledge of this has © | Section 7. 4. @. WNAB, General Agent erent somehow, that there is : huse surpris ably be a safe a Kk 43, $52 0x not the same spirit today of mae _ n the = oa re : it M iistra as the K e- | Lon Block $62 | each for all and all for Rupert pry m sa Phe I Augustine I . t sentative Sout lis] RE y I ‘ ‘ Wor ‘ ¢ ob W : h ee the Grand Trunk Pacific and) largest merchant vessel trading he entire ume of th Grane I : i, Bi cn ait anit maa 0 ever earnestly and honest; the government department of|in the St. Lawrence The basis} Trunk Pacific in th thwest, 4 Cash, ba i2 and 18 Low round trip rates to all points in| nen or sets of mav hold iad rt bonnet eal Lot 4, Block $3,150.00; terms Canada and the United States. Call | sag te Brome yeh ailways e department;is now ready, so that when the » effect has been f: 1long the Section 2. and let us tell you all about it - th : h P 1 a - a r aims that the npany wasidock reaches Canada Montrealjeastern portion of the work up] Lots 44-45, Block 19, $2,100.00 pair ve sere 8 wen eg : - to take the read over piece bviw possess facilities which havejt th date at i aot Block 3 $1,500 t Sate sagt a. ce ; e wi aci V é o this date, and i s argued Dyljpomw 11-12, Block 19. $8 R S hip lee an 0 e a wp oh Sew +. atl ‘ oe was completed. The/hitherto been lacking. A floating|the contractors thal eve if the Section 5. ogers’ teams p aa = ri on . compa saves thal it does t}dock has been preferred because] indi strial workers sh« i invade} Lot 11, Block with 4-room h A enc | Workingman's Home c ; ‘a oa on . start perat inf mor ean be towed to any point of|this territory it would be impos.|u wy ‘ois GOS ‘ terms g y Free Labor ~— in ) Voanectan o shoulder ¢ vely work is d Apparently th he Atlantic seaboard of the Do-|sible for them to conduct hos. [bs 4445 Block tt #10 sie nen Phone 178 s ward even al pers ai sa hice was some verv clumey egall mit ' The do 600 feet] tiliti : : Lut aA Block x wit ® . ” PHONE 116 the interests of the city as a - sSbEmS ' a is , eetitilities, owing to the fact that j ’ 15 : ste ok oe GEO. BRODERIUS. Proprietor whole " k done in the drawing Ppliong and 135 feet wide over all,|/they would be utterly nable tol rots a toca 448 ow ’ f that agreement I the the walls from the bottom to the| get supplies in to the men, prae-|'°" ), Bloek 17, 96,0 term spill @-—d meant says f theltop of the dock being 50 feet.|tically all of the construction be. Section 6. NION $s COMPANY OF a C Ltd ) ; : : : ; - ts 2 4 ‘sn 1? s ‘ ee We . be SIGNS OF PROGRESS capinet the gove w | Ships of 100 feet beam can beljing entirely controlled by the ' cash. bal. 1, 2 and 3 years ( O A L IN PRINCE RUPERT. operate whatever sections of | docked, and as the ends are open|contractors themselves. No dif-|}°t,"$ Re ae” oak tomes cutesiheh Prospective buyers at the the Grand Trunk Pacifie it is} essel of any length can be ac-|ficulty is being experienced in|. $7,000.00; terms." _ : The new stee! Passenger Steamers 7 , * tine . ae vin necessary to use to help move | commodated. Iti has been con-|getting men for the work and no : i 24, Block 17, $6,0 ware ‘ New Wellington Coal. Best on te a8 a = a gover | the wheat crop this fall Can-| structed at the works of Messrs anticipation of trouble arising by Lot 9 cae me with good 66 99 Coast nen ots are expected in gre Ai +49 ae ; $3.300.00: terms throng by the a’? r momenbied adian Colliers. | Vickers, Barrow-in-Furness and|/reason of the conditions on the]Lots 21-22, Block 31, #1 « e@ Sin Phone 116 Rogers & Bld r . o jwil' be towed across the Atlan-jextreme northwest end of e rene . ‘ May today, and on Wednesday, OF OORetioa t. Sem & wm 7-rem | of course,-there will be many “vistTING” | bie. struetion is felt in this section. Lot om sith hee "93.. © aia —— more by the Prince George. IT 8. C. j Be on te Section 7. é 99 ; is a good thing that these in- It's amusing to pick up the 66 ” “—e." oe ee n THE TROQL Ol tending investors in Prince Ru- papers every now and then and Lots 21-22, Block ae $1,365.00; 84 ‘ . cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18. } pert real estate will be able to _— the views of some Eng- 9 Lots. 78-79, Block 3, 81.750.00 pair; Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver | POOL see on their arrival substantial lishman, German, American or} 750.00 cash : as follows: } i ; signs of the city’s progress.| other stranger who has “vis- E vote 24 pe, Blick 43, 9800.00; 6 cam | mngtiah and American Bilin They will see the immense iied” British Columbia and ae- and 16. Seeten 6 Chelobsin” - Wednesdays at 10 p.m. | Twelve Tables ECOND AMt ' n 8. i strides made by the dry dock cordingly spread himself over REPUTE Lots 7-8, Block 40, ss00.00 pair, s800.00 “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.m.) - They will see streets present. a column or so of news print coh, Bee 8: SE oe hird ' | able enough for even the gaze in the firm belief that he knows ms Bee § ve nidPecosstirae Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening | of first comers to Rupert from what he is talking about. The ; Lots s 6 Block 24, $425.00 each; third and Monday morning, respectively | L. A. Barbeau ae penthdaned “sities of tha ‘tetelt? udualiy naithiale coe & Some months ago a deserip- London, Aug. 23.—-The Stand- nest ot 30, ne 39, 8400.00 each, $8 Cartage, Coa q ” o a ater s erim- ‘ ; J B 0 » cele lees eitt-aee the sieaus few days’ stop in some Ven- : 7 : the city water superin-| ard publishes a@ story from al, cash bal: easy. i dines elle ia None safer on the coast than these two Sabie Me Senving ? e s P ate 5 pp 2%, 34, 25 : woe € s sseng shovels biting into the, exeava- couver hotel, a drive around - a eaees : a 7" ve naval correspondent charging tannimial fine passenger steamers She . eel 1 " - > , appes e 1 e a * . | oe . al tion work for the ship yards ere a > = ~~ . Mewes Mr. Crosby was then ne.) ™ston . Gharchil} with having|""™* a eee 35 3rd Ant and for the depot site. It is fietoria and a look in at Banff|* BOY Pgs . : : coe Bers FARM LANDS IN LAKELSE, kKITSUM Phone 68 7 almost cer | on the way eas The ,|fotiating for a patent for it,) 8iven wireless instructions to KALUM AND BULKELEY VALLEYS J. H. ROGERS, Ageut Phone 116 almost certain that those in- I ay ast. Then th hich ¢ a tending bidders at the sale who | globe trotter ambles back to jwhich he has since obtained,|commanders in the reeent naval are fail first to take a look arcund his native heath and presumes Credit is coming to the ingenious| manoeuvers from Whitehall, also M C ff & Gibb _—_—_— e ° the city will get left in the race| to eriticize western securities “Ole” for his invention, and still|with having “presumed person- cla ery ! ons 0s, for possession of property, for and westen investments; to|/"0F® 8° for the manner in which/ally to lecture to a seore of Brit- LINDSAY — ant eS the man-who has seen the solid point out the strength and t has persistently insisted injish admirals on the handling of 'ORAGE . : = le ¢« ersuasions "” ) ar eels ¢ » CO . f ¢ raves signs of Prince Rupert's pro- weaknesses of our position and i serak . - ie et rs ener wpens and the eonduct of a naval TROUT FISHING--- G. T. P. Transfer Agents The up-to-date House Decort gress will certainly bid high| to advise the holders of mil- R ; | ee tors of Prince Rupert and without trace of doubt. lions how to spend them and|"upert the honor of the inven- Phe situation would be ludi- MOUNT Orders promptly filled Prices reasonable. ——___0-—_ —— when to withhold them from | "OP. On all the letters patent}crous, the Standard adds, were it AIN CLIMBING OFFICE — Hi. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone @ : Writing the British Columbia field, The|*"2"t#d him the name of Prinee/not for the appalling effect sueh ign ms AGGRIEVED LABOR situation comes back in the end| "pert appears as the place of|an incident has on naval diseip- Five-Hour Je Journey From Prince a oe bo OR ANA : r-rianging Rony? to the same old place. The |'"* origi. line and efficiency. e 5 ape: Labor holds peculiar powers in less the investor gets second) Bi Can on H te 1] ieiaon d 88 s s i —_— a oO e Our Specialties British Columbia. Although hand and the more information| Lord Charles Berresford de. New York's police are highly 1g y -_—— makers, as they are he assimilates for himself on} cleres that the British navy isjefficient, It is now testified that Kitselas ad B.C. | Magasines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers ods sated may project railways the ground the better off he is.) not ready for war, but fortunately|they cleared the sidewalk for the Fr e CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS “We always deliver ine 9 across blue print mountains, Fort George Tribune. Germany will not believe him, Rosenthal assassination net - CLASS - ACCOMMODATION Greet ; 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club| 2nd Street Phone 156 —_-_-_ ——____—— $$$ _ —_—___—— —_—____— —_—__—_——_ — —— ——- OO ticin i is a a Reniler One-Cylinder Gasoline eat’ nny mem it uy A ANT THE ENGINE IS THE ENGINE HAS STOPPED A, SO I GUESS | ITS UPTO ‘You, scoop | WOULD You Two TONS OF BRICKS MIND GETTING