ein ate eh sch ph ment = REXALL Agent Special attention is The Pio neer paid : to dispensing physicians preecrip- thons TWO STORES EASTMAN 82 PHONES 200 Pioneers F eeling Good They best years ago. Honest Effort Hits the melt mee Time (ul ales bear out the truth oday we ask your opi f the f Den Tables, reg. price $8.00, sale price $4.25 Decorated Toilet Sets (10 pieces), from $2.50 Japanese Mats, 1x2 yds., reg. price 75c, sale price 45c Carpet Squares, 2'.x3 yds., sale price . $6.95 What Do You Know About Values ? KEEP AN EYE ON THIAD AVENUE WINDOW. SECTION ONE Lots 3 and 4, Biock 8, Sect and 18 months Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Section 1, 815,000; 85,00 cash, balance 12, 18 and 24 months #15 £5,000 cash, balance 6, 12 SECTION Six. Lot 22, Block 7, Section 6, corner with 38 feet frontage on Fifth Ave., $4,500 % cash, balance 6 and 12 months . SECTION SEVEN Lots 1 and 2, Block 31; double corner; balance 6, 12 and 18 months Lots 9 and 10, Block 44, #1,700; 8700 cash, balance 5, 11 and 17 months. Lots 33 and 34, Block 16, $1,800 pair; 6 and ‘2 months. Lots 21 and 22, Block 32, $2,000; $800 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months Lot 4, Bloek 23, $1,000; half cash, balanee 6 and 12 months, Lots 24 and 22, Block 10, $2,000; half cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Lots 1 and 2, Block 42, $2,250; $1,250 cash, balance 6 and 12 months, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 41, $8,000; $3,000 cash, bal- ance 6, 12 and 18 months, £2,000; $800 cash, half cash, balance The Continental ’ Trust Company, Limited bring certain lengths, such a §/ under the one operative clause of| scailitteaiiiiiiinaainilissi ment of waste which cannot be| m0 e hatches s office : : | eecurately dete ed. is sti j will go in the hatch This offle the Canadian reciprocity act. | » Ss ype st md o i ’ ' 7" , , | e an! te: ‘an and i ass ‘ jnames of shipper f Oregon and) decision today after an investi- berta Bars ems _ - jthe transportation difficulty al-) cation on the subjejet by the| CARSS & BENNETT | Gnatario.leads in this industr ways occurs. A chartered lumber} a aa BARRISTERS, Notaries, Prec. iwith the production of o4 per state department, The woods af- . . } boat, so equipped as to be avail-| fected oa on certain leases con..| *iee~ Albert Block, Second Avenue. feel f the total number of SMITH & MALLETT able for return freight, would ex-| trolled by the Powell River com-| eahebiletanteapemencnmantiqenps jstaves. 70 per cent, of the head THIRD AVE al verience no diflicully in getting a ; : | ings and 76 per cent f the} Plumbing, Heating, Steamftung® i , B » Columbial??"? ® British Columbia, lying) alex.M.Manson wa. W.E.Williamaa.a.. 0.1.0 a , | Sheet Metal Work cargo rom ritish solu Dia) aa ln ail rs : j R : loops ova Seotia. with a lara 5 ets z ris if the date of sailing was weet of th Cone ods — ty WILLIAMS & MANSON j rtion of fish barrels was |} Office: 3rd Ave. wee res ' ’ . mountains. The order is expect_) Barristers, Solicitors, ete os - : “° | Phone 174 2nd Ave made known here. | next with 29 per cent 24 per ——— ee quiries cover a quantity aggregat-|, f free wood Prince R t Bc jeent., and per cen respect. | : ; ’ pulp and paper to rince Rupert, , ing 2,500,000 feet. New Ze aland| the Pacifie Coast states and will oan atte ae ively, of the total number of} WEST ASSAY WORKS uber is rapidly disappe aring| », ‘ staves, heading and hoops rhe ake effeet as of July 12. | PRINCE RIP and the importations in future} | ©. 0, BOX PRINCE RUPERT | oiher provinces produce very| will be very large, | ited quantities | Gold, Silver, Gopt Christian iu Section Five asels Lot 22, B ® $ s . s FOR RENT heap, room in private vi — 2 6 a lose in Phone Green 258 : ’ « : dance ‘ air me wore | Section Bix } ’ q es es er Lot 34, Block 99 4 « s : : his] about ey ~ CKS N Zealand ports nearly an ‘ s s NI For Sale t 18, Block ' - . ef oo ooo vorth ! boots and ance tern Phat it w th ueer r of a , \ - . a as we quer eole ies ‘ t shoes ve ! ! fiscal veat Section Sever : vale that wave the old timers i a i i wee meee ! I t hes such a thirst 1 Sunday mot ve |FOR SALE—Two incubators, practically) apjijod March 3is ot Canada ance 6 and — — new; capacity 104 and 15/ Apply | Lot 6, Block 3 & e oO. box 860 if ir sup} j \ ib 2°5 000 a ' « That the epider , es. 3 ; page Section Eig . : o ; FOR SALE OR RENT——Rooming house on| h, although they a P-|1 25-2 k sta “5 headache broke t again I Second avenue and MecBrirte For par- | tj} he preferentia tariff cash ‘ aly ' nest \ nesters ticulars apply J. Kiddiasser n the aa Lots 3-4, Block ‘ « - : ‘ = = premises 196 woe?) Gu bb ts t the value Mf Bo cash ts &-6, Block s s 8 : Ing 000 w ' if he sat | es ' ' . : one Lies period and Canada supplied ‘ . For Rent hat e sme vatients Store on Second A Fixine . Tha h i pa wh Wanted about 20.000 worth rhese dnt put in an appearance ai the ; ticles are tree school opening were a little bet- i ‘ FIGHTS his afternoon WANTED—A good general servant Ap er a Kugler Lit ‘i ply 720 Fourth Ave. Phone 209 tf ’ WANTED Women ee " « footba match inangle Apply at once Pioneer Laun een dry iséu ; — ) rhat the man with ten cents to| WANTED—First class wood turner. Prince CES» } ‘ f / Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-0f j > 4 jspare had better keep away fro q hy e he auction sale on Wednesday.; HUUSEHOLD furnishings wanted nd i Shanet nug ; D : : . ‘ particulars and prices to Box H, Lauy — q " patches Hen. He ight be tempted News 182 i New Yo Aug. 22 James B \ i . 4 A eae Brad \ president f the Cf cs } m4 t . i des. ; ‘ FIRST class bookkeeper wanted at ie k | Phat the citizens would pe for large general store in the inte Standard Steel Car Co., known as Sage? } j i rs x i W Chang.) haps i together ore readily must be an Ai man; good salary Al , i ' . ; ply P. ©. box 1511, Prince Rupert Diamond Ji put a new price The cause ! eak is f they didn’t see anybody) d 1oatr on & healthy’ stomech. when hé ‘ ’ : } . i l : sie . a] WHE pull OF Whe private Eme quae errr rye S220,000 to the Johns Hop-|} rge k " ’ ‘ n s Hos a Baltimore to be Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s break with} That it’s a good thing the Miscellaneous Uae Phe pa to-go gener ' ' i sist ' uel 1 memory] 4 eee a a ee ee ee 618 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert Precsident Yuan Shi Kai, and prob-| Bishop has such a gon = n ei Diauks td hadnt eects ane tebe i a n s I no of the) f I getting some f these oid ‘ n t . rm srac s made ie el . ' idventures | MARRY—Why remain alone? The Ideal)‘ 1, In this ward Brady was made ’ ; ’ Introduction Club is a strictly private,| al eat what he wanted when! W Chane id is Hankow, hich class, reliable medium Tor intro | = rt oi ft : f lents tt re] That anyor f iin ducinf worthy marriageable peeople; any|!'’ Wanted fhe gift, privat , “es reson sry a 2 ee a regres nationality or religton ulars for) announced ¢ Brady's first e tly armed over the situa-| sion f that thousand dollar stamp Mrs. Wilson, box 1776, Van-|" , : — us ‘ a als . li . ouver B. ¢ afte his ¢ ‘ vas made pubit } eheque may Keep { ‘4 | today “ ea : i Che natives of Southern China — — e | first paymter TENDERS WANTED are demanding ee 9 The Daily News - LALOR AL AL AL AL AL ALT A ee “The News” Classified Ads. || Max’ ASK UNCLE Jeppy ° PROVIDES |; One Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ || OE ei oa tana THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE i fortew | NEW ZEALAND = —2RSALE IMPORTS BOOTS: Ts ET ET ~~ eee ee — FOR RENT Two suites first class hot keeping rooms, also store, in new bu ing on 6th avenue opposite Skat Rink All conveniences Apply 1 ny) it walt: a MERELY : MABEL REMARKS = the ' ehore ‘ have Phone 317 IN CHINA NOW inbroeation Argent aie on: FOR HIS FIRST asi and _ CANADIAN es Raat “RECIPROCITY ect rn i cet oe RUPERT WILL. a INWOOD PULP =“ eh i a0 re te SEND WOOD 0 | PRODUCT Sx cate RECENTLY ~ . The value of the material used «| Westholme Lumber (a Washington, Aug, 20.—-Wood Architects, n tl rope Stork Building, Second Avenue ~~ Cer OF —LIMITEL | pu p, print paper and = pape ry in Canada in 1914. according to ‘ 5 iemnind eetele die Call l board manufactured from woods | ~ figures prepared by the Forestry gon emand exists fo an-| =e nan ge lof British Columbia, from whie 7 STUART & STEWART Branch, Department of the Inte aa wow, penene, the! ihe export restrictions were Accountants rior, was $1,465,702, o1 about] M \di difficulty appearing to be seeur-| 309 2nd Ave Phone No. 280/2130,000 less t the value iW Lumber and ou I i | han th } icently removed by the council of} ’ jthat province will be admitted to Vancouver mail boats can only | the United States free of duty Prinee Rupert P. 0. Box a vit rhe amount of material] ing means of transportation. The | Auditors for City of Prince Rupert |, sumed. outside of a large ele.| All Kinds of Building Supples Recent eN-/ oq to inerease the Scitaltena! Box 285 >0 Se JOHN E. DAVEY _ TR ‘ ~ > oe we = Imports SRACHER OF SINGING 135.463 by $194,529. White oak High cost of living may not be; 5,463 : 4,524 » oO entirely due to high tariffs. But} ‘SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, B8Q., A.KAM., FON. PNG | staves form an important part of exceeded exports of] 615 Hastings St. W VANCOUVER, 6. © SECTION - Block. Lots ONE Price. Cash 16-17 $15,500.00 1-3 18-19 40,000.00 1-2 50,000.00 12,000.00 7 8 12,000.00 9 42,000.00 15,000.00 21,000.00 56 17,000.00 1-3 14-15 20-21 $10,000.00 57-58 35,000.00 10,000.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD Second Ave. Terms. Bal. Bal. 6, Bal. Bal. Bal. Bal. Bal. Bal. Bal. lithe cleaning away of one kind ot lthe imports, numbering, in all, aan ‘ubbish will help to shev hat - 17.293.000. whereas onl Th citer itd of rubbish cea “ be eae oneter ‘ M aaa The ts PRINCE RUPERT FEED | emoved, ans nadian supply o oak, whic ll aii EMPRESS BO BOWLING ALLEYS and Insurance ulone’* i 6 on fon tae rn - re all — = ————— | v4 wre oe containers - 1 i stoc of a k ‘ SUBSCRIBE. FOR THE NEWS — | Continuous Alleys | eon wen Phone om no vs a " ” nis ae . * Garden Seeds, : we th Mineralite Balls lhausted that the branch of the : nee - tight cooperage industry will HAYNER BROS. foractiecally cease in a few vears UNVERTAKERS ano EMUALMEL'S ihe eoast Funeral Directors | | THIRD AVENUE =| Mail Orders Pron of materials for stack ‘eperage averaged as follows 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No.8) fy, thousand pieces: Sta Agents International Stock Fou S6.°1; heading sets @54.°7: , ALI wINt yp FEED ne ou e |haops, $7.62 Figures on he jeost Of tight cooperage mate OUR BUYS E, L. FISHER ais were not available Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE A reduction in the price of 66 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. beefsteaks is promised It must OPEN DAY AND NIGHT come or people will take to a diet Corner over 3 yre | Zth AVENUE | — ee over 3 yrs. | | : "2 cm tf SECTION SIX 6, 12, 18 mos. 12 mos, ... 6, 12, 18 mos. mivertised | {THIRD AVENUE]: ah Ou; ® $2000 cash and the balance over ten years at 6 per cent, Near McBride Street { in 6, 12 and Lots 54-55, Bloek 34, Seetion 1, 840.000: on anee 6, 12, 18 and 24 months LAW-BUTLER CO. 619 Third Ave. Phone 83 | hird eash, bal | ‘Sanfiel Harr'son & Company Brokers and Financial Agents Second Ave. Prince Rupert GR. Naden Co, bi Qnd Avenue ' ' : Phone 60