—————— ==] THE DAILY NEWS [== tase . Chelohsin ro uth 10 p.m | Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist a_i ¥ vOle NO. 202 PRINCE Rurert, B.C., Tuespay, Avuaust 27, 1912. : se ‘ fae Price Five unite = LATEST REALTY DEAL: SUN YAT SEN ALIVE: VISITING CHURCHMEN: SECTION TWO BRIDGE operation of the un SECTION IGNITARIES "°c." GUNYAT'SEN COUNCIL ORDERS WORK he wor fro he p J Chis is the { ~ F ANGLICAN 20" I$ NOT DEAD ON MARKET PLACE 10 STOP eonjunetion with dar ge rolling sto I'w ede aor Theshes rom as AM pone a SOUT ae o om ‘BUT SPEAKS, At last evening's meeting of|nearly $9,000 overdrawn in the amet : rhs. upon his recent he ' I | twelve » youn : the City Couneil a good deal of| appropriations made for that i ; ther discussion took plac is ay. i d th London, Aug, 27 In speeches almost Miles pn thay oeooce The Mayor made some discussion was whether the 40 0 cl magnet i. vag 7 (Wo of the tendiab Chinese én. Mayor and his confreres over the }very strong condemnatory re- + las ONINT Clana by the citia hs t © COUNCIL ction ‘Wh With on Matter. te question of the finanees available | marks as to the work of the of- ‘ Counc A! : or ‘ P Ma ’ sit the for the carrying on of the ad-|ficials who were 2e , charged f the holder | p Sun Yat Sen, formes provisional! : oe , . ae paid to keep the M y said he had ébty in Bectiot ‘and » be wht We d Bish I) esident of the republic, empha- ‘ing and filling in the vicinity of|accounts of the city and to have Onnee~ | genera dis ted amongst a vo p ent dignitaries of the DECIDES ON sized the need of abatine er | McBride street Alderman Mait-/at all times exaet information in ’ mises of the tax paver The Mayo vas | Ch h ! he md he Right strif and of devoting energies | /@n4 , of the Public Works depart- this regard for the benefit of the presidents of]; Sauer of the former < on. 1 th i Bishop De Pencier snail at eteihhting , wee ae ment, announced that he had|Couneil. Alderman Morrissey vh howevel Phe report was laid or table,| Bishop of New West ster and TAX RATE ::: stration machinery in thet given to understand by the|concurred with the Mayor in the ere may be| the Ratevent Ganed Suda Oe atin of & seeelt dian Govers leity oflicials that there was a|matter. The report of the com- f the expression, s of Westminater Abbar. dee ” matter of $6,000 yet available for| mittee was adopted and the work the matter Willian 7" “ M. P. P., ar-| i seovelaey tue Settiek stein ——— : the carrying on of the work, Thelordered stopped until an investi- in mifids.|rived fi { i terday sd a 1) Sneiety [Estimated expend er Mayor stated that until that|gation had been held to find out 1 motion be iwhere he has been attending the a f . 8 { “9 ier sheik th ture for the year OO.V14.71 BASEBALL SCORES ;afternoon he also was under that|where they — stood. Alderman i the commit.] frst conve ! ‘ ! sult with Bishop Du Vernet] Ustimated revenu | impression. Now, after some}Montgomery moved that the mat- the G. T. P.[ with the Universit f British my nnected with the| f the year 06,444.77 National. hurried investigations by the/ter be taken up by the Finance izreement that} Columbia at rection of an Anglican| 2% levy propaped, 20 s ol Pittsburg ord, Boston 1-8 accounting department it was|committee. Alderman Morrissey ! 1) per cent he gion ane em thee nae | the dollar. Cincinnati 5, New York 0, discovered that instead of being| suggested that the city auditors f construction| Best room in town at the Savoy. | yn iyersity grounds at P Grey, | Last year's assess- Brooklyn 12, Chicago 5. $6,000 to the good they were!be called in to assist. : mane £ Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 1, rhe Rev. Canon Perkins’ mission! rhis year’s askess Amreican. , 6 of @ general nature to do eee) ment 11.000 000 06 St. Louis 3 1, Washington 6-3,] BRIDE MET STORM WORKS HAVOC IN THE a ‘ hureh Aid Society f Soa bate This makes ihe tax ite about ean oy DOeae 2, i WER BOAT double that of last veat licago 4, Boston 2. | | ia The reverend ge e-| Cleveland 8, New York 8. (End FARM YARDS OF ONTARIO: care for the ninth a NTHE PORT ADMIRAL alates LOOD AND —— sins Siliadiniai amor han see SAILORS HERE © —« WHEAT FIELD APPOINTED ae ee ~~ MURDER IN _— » 1 . if hi nheim, with th wi MAY WRITE FOR | Brantford, Ont., Aug. 27.—Mrs. Captain H. K. Freeman, of the imis m ‘ nad “ 7 a ad das ther : STEAM SHOVEL | OLD CHINA } | Addison Fairchild, a bride of two|launch “Narbethong,” one of the A on the W a bt wire lag tae oon weeks, met with a tragie death| pioneer sailormen of this port, es helah iicheeta’ time Sa. eieinies THEIR PAPERS the home of her husband at|has been appointed, under Man- rr shit eh, abana, tod mente ‘ } Mount Pleasant. She was help-|ager Jack Beaty of the Govern- , : i , - “or sa ““o Special té Daily News } ling in the harvest end was siruck}ment wharf, in charge of the a ak ae eel deeetieial” ei Dien hee ae ‘ Peking, Aug, 26 A consider Captain Raddy. of the Depart-|0? the head with a large hay fork.|float at the north end of the’ f ha iis and t wind and ra ~ As an earnest that President/able part of Tung Chow, twelve|ment of Marine and Fisheries, She died within twenty minutes,| wharf A pile has been driven hamberlin of the G. T. P. meant » from Pekine. was lootett® arrive in the city in. the|/efore medical aid could be sum-| securing the float so there is no - ima tiaadin: Sear caeta aces Yall land burned today by eeveral/Course of the next lwo weeks, moned, She was a Bowmanville|longer danger of the wash frow TH BULLET ANOTHER a a er when an opportunity will be of-|#!tl the steamers causing the boats er isit that the work of pre thousand discontented old style i i fered any steamboat men. wist at anchor to be crushed one paring the site for the station ar ai hinese troops, who suddenly ap-| ing to write for mates’ certificates ~ CHO against the other. The berthing terminal yards would be prose-| peared in the streets bent on pil-|to do se Further particulars SE THE of the ten launches kept there HROUGH BRAIN BIG REALTY ‘ d to the utmost direetly the|lage and bloodshed. Twelve per-| regard to this matter will be ot for hire by the publie has been plant arrived to earry on the}sons were slain and part of the/tainable at the Provincial gov arranged in order of precedence, HE I LIVES: DEAL MADE work is to be seen today in the; town was practically destroyed.Jernment offices, and Captain Freeman ‘is making ‘I a point of seeing that a clear = | o } : a space is provided all the time for ‘VANISHED PRINCE RUPERT OF COURSE the loading and unloading of Special to Daily News. | From 8. Harrison, H. J, Has boats arriving from the islands ‘ aa iat ine : aah di 0 Aug i pe camp today purchased the t ~ At last night's meeting of the = Seve te mein’ i . int Everett 8. Peachin,| which = Mr Harrison s Mee 4 City Council the report of the/ig the wharfage arrangements x tw mthe he} stands, lot 4, block 20, section 1 }lLight committee in regard to a provided for the accommodation the effects of alf the sum of $15.00 cash. This! ight at the head of Manson Way|of the publie doing business in = thiecudiaak Sends I a i al a i, i ced was to the effect that an are light! ppinee Rupert from the outly- tthe police station| Very far distant from the corner rg ng 7 the neighborhood ing districts. lots purchased recently on Third fof 8150, but that an effective ae Tete ak ced tha he avenue, near the post affice, for j Cluster eleetric light could be his duties on Sep-| 81,000 per foot jfurnished for 835. The latter PRAIRIES — ecovery is sal ‘ | proposition was ordered to be ® in f the mos take ) rig | CRY ALOUD At Vaneouver, on August 21st, ST TIME POSSIBLE | Miss Marion Helen Baillie Roeh- OUT OF AULD SCOTLAND SUCCESSFUL jester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs FOR MEN os lJ. Y. Rochester, became the bride in Labor Day tho setulae 7s of Mr, Beverly Woon Browne. » Rupert St. Andrew's SOCIAL There was a large gathering of Calgary, Aug. 26.—Intermit- make aténuesinn- do | guests and the wedding was oneltent showers which prevailed in Ewell Island, which has been jof the most fashionable events in]this distriet during the last he most pleasureable A delightful and most success-| the southern centre. Mr, J. Y.Jtwenty-four hours were not a ' pienic near Rupert.}ful social was held in Melntyre} Rochester, his wife and daugh-ffactor in retarding the progress . ig is being arranged] Hall last night under the auspices} ters are al lwell known and pop of the harvesting which is going he fee is kept down tolof the Baptist Brotherhood, With ular in Prince Rupert, ahead, retarded only by want of dollar limit for @entie-|@ames and amusements of all! Pleet of River Steamers lying by the Foley, Welch & Stewart wharf, the whole appearance of which ohne ren labor, lies to bring baskets.| kinds the hours were spent and| is altered today by the demolition of the warehouses. Fined Over Fight Films. “We want men; send all you & promises well for alrefreshments were daintily serv Portland, Aug, 27.—Showing}can lay hands on,” is the first of essful pienie ed. There was a phenomenally|> —" a — prize fight films in one state when|the messages received from out- large attendance, though the so-| BRUTAL the fight had been staged in an-j side points. THE WEATHER. cial had been brought about | other was ruled in violation of Rain that had fallen was only rather sooner than the boys had| the interstate commerce laws| slight, the day now closed being ity-four hours ending/sat first intended This social | S MURDER ON today when ©, F, Woody wasjas bright, but not quite so hot, ‘ \ugust 27th: Barometer,|forms a suitable finale to the fined and paid $100 in the United|/as Thursday, , ANU temperature,| Baptist anniversary celebrations | States District Court for bring aerenemeemeenee —_— mun temperature, 42, elsewhere noted in this issue SUDDEN DEATH ad STREET ing the Johnson-Flynn fight films Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | from Washington into Oregon. \ Phone 4, Intending purchasers al a. the fortheoming sale of ” > — William M, Boultbee, a well]/3 Government Lots are ad |} Calgary, Aug, 26,.-John Daly- PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS TODAY known ‘Toronto lawyer and a| vised to make their depos jnecho is dying as the result of PRINCE RUPERT THIS TIME LAST YEAR yrominent figure in the mining} its (in hundred dollar un jan oncounler WHR Raitups, whise ily deal reported on Seeond avenue Newcomer se ! | its) at the offlee of G, D, Z)oceurred about midnight Daly- ‘ snap world, has died suddenly at the Rand Gésond Auunaa necho and Jobn Dargo were “Ouncil orders grading on Market Place to stop, home of his mother, Mrs, William) De to ‘al bts walking along Third avenue when Word received that Charles M, Hays and big party are ' Municipal estimates prepared With much brain sweat by Boultbee, Mr, Boultbee had been pci yan a aa . ain 7 }four men stepped out of an alley shortly to arrive in city y ee mite are presented in counen iN for some time, and his wife, ‘ te a the or te : ae athe land commanded them to throw Two trim yachts, the “He be” and the “Clacite,” arrive in ; | Vera Lockhart resigns her city hall post to join the who has been absent on a trip oz : i peer , vate ot ' up their hands Dalynecho was port, onl Bostonians lihrough Europe, was sent for and -. © , me. ener struck on the head with a revol Reported that George Tite is chosen to referee the big ot anit " Two bridge mentioned in council. Apportionment arrived in the eity but two hours ©. D, RAND, ver butt and knocked down, the| lacross game on Labor Day at Vancouver " is discussed after the death of her husband noses tor “Madeiaiial Mek blow crushing his skull | Building permits for week total 86,700, 7 re storms do damage in Ontario, Man lives to work — - ernment ma a ©. M, Helgerson wires from Saskatoon that he is open to . being shot through brain Vel W, Smith, superintent SPRCIAL showing = of Blue | buy corner lot in Prinee Rupert, i. 4 ‘| Sen, Chinese provisional president appears alive dent f Foley, Weich & Stewart FRANK A. ELLIS, Berge Suils at Sloan and Com-| Members of Liberal delegation to Nanaimo return to eity, “ys and addresses meeting there at prese! wated at New Hazel Auetioneer, pany, Lid., this week 204) The school teachers return to take up their duties, Heme, Football Personals, Couneil ehatter, ton is at present a guest at the} ; 6 VP, Inn Try a Dally News Want ad. | a PNR MR ag