Edward twit ss EPOCH IN Port kawar ras harbor facie G. T. P. HISTORY kok lernoun of Tuesday and ‘Thurs departure apply S. HARRISON & CO. Sole Agents for the Port Edward Townsite Co. 2nd Ave Special to Daily News Ottawa, Aug. 28.—On Satur- day next, in couneil the government the taking over by the | Trunk Pacific of the Transconti by jNental-Superior Junetion seetion of the National Transcontinental e » S expires lion. Dr, Reid, aé@ting verybody eeing Ii minister of railways, said no of- : _|ficeial notifications had been re- ceived by the department from the company as to its action in WHAT >? the matter | | | | CURIOSITY NEARLY COST HIM $100 Your Blue Serge Suit | | | | LOAN & COMPANY, LTD. ee toon es GT. BRITAIN WILL SHARE IN PANAMA SHOW Canadian General Electric Company, Limited sgeters, Mining and Contracting Machinery | Electrical _Apparatus of every description the period set by order for Grand SATURDAY THE DAILY NEWs -|WHY Is” MEAT SO DEAR? Toronto, hun, 2 8 \ petition to the government asking for the appointment of a roval commis sion to investigate the alleged meat trust operating in Canada has been drafted by the Gity} Couneil, Copies will be presented} to the various municipalities for} the purpose of sectring co opera tion. | + +e ee i SPECIAL showing of Blue! Serge Suits at Sloan and Come! pany, Ltd., this week 204 LARGEST = WARSHIP AFLOAT sure that our next Blue , . 9 : . . Serge Suit Oth « ~ RB Windsor, Aug, 28.—The curi- Although authorities differ as we lit is 1 Century Brand} osity of RR, A, Farrell, an auto- ‘ , to the dimensions of the recently made We can show vou a larger! mobile salesman, nearly cost t »he ‘itis vattl liser| variety of blue serge cloths than|bim the price of a $100 diamond] '®U™ hed British ba wrens z ) Ouee Mars Te SF s litt any other concern i lown—al ring. the other day Sitting on) wuee® te yes aa : ' the dock near Ouellette avenue,|reason to doubt that she the | weights, all weaves and all tones, ; ; |} Farrell asked Robert Pike, an-|largest warship afloat at the} failored beyond criticism by ex-|ther auto man, to permit him to present time, Some authorities perts; and remember that welexamine a diamond ring he was! give her dimensions as follows ean fit the thir in, the tall man} Wearing Pike passed the soli-| Length over all, 725 fe beam, | the short man and the stout man, taire over, but as he did so it fell| 87 feet, displacement 29.000 from Farrell's hand into the/tons She will probably make river lhe water at this point is) over 30 knots on tria and to do PRICES 19 feet deep and muddy, but| this her turbines wil! have to de- Farretl employed a diver and re-| velop not far short of 100,000 $22.00 $25.00 $30.00 $32.50 covered the diamond in an hour|horse power. The Moltke, of at a cost of 830 During the} 23,500 tons approximate dis itime the diver was submerged! placement, required 90,000 horse SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ae ae Farrell and Pike worked the air| power to drive her at from 29 pump. to 29% knots ning rights and lines projected for construction, while the names of most of the smaller stations and flag stations will be elimin- ated entirely, so as to present a clear picture of the system and ithe important cities and junetion points. The company will make a new stock issue, i] London, Aug. 28.—Rumors that Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 |} Great Britain might not take part df} in the Panama exposition on a count of dissatisfaction with the eanal bill were disposed of | =e ~~ ~-- ~~ gicently when the United States —— ooo ane embassy here received official notification from the foreign of-| fice of the participation of Eng land in the 1915 exposition. The extent of the participation is not! , . stated, as the allotment of space — for the various countries has not . . yet been made. The feeling here General Merchandise ‘ r Largest Stock is that any disagreement over - the action of the United States as to canal tolls will be amicably Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. teens: ty Oe Henle At Pe) ne MOOSEJAW WRESTLER WINS OUT Portland Cement Moosejaw,, Aug, 28.—In a fast UV BRAND mateh at the city hall tonight, VANCQUVI eR S Ecklund of this eity won the handicap wrestling mateh from We are now carrying a stock and can make Monogolf, the terrible Turk, from iChicago, at the same time win- ining the of $1,000 MASSACRES OF CHRISTIANS CONTINUE . . ® vurse Immediate Deliveries ently tested on the city’s cement testing machine. This cement showed tensile strength as follows: In 7 days, 792 pounds to the square inch; in 28 days 1007 Ibs to square inch PRICES ON APPLICATION C. B. Schreiber & Co., Ltd. Cettinje, Montenegro, Aug. 28. FOURTH STREET | ' Further massacres of tke (Christians by Turkish troops on Sole Agents for Prince Rupert ithe Albanian frontier continue to | be reported, but the Montenegrin government is striving to the ut- |most to give effect to the peace- | ful of the i tives of European powers, counsels representa- YESTERDAY'S SCORES. American. “FROM HOME TO HOME," | New York 8-6, Cleveland 4-4 HOTEL ELYSIUM Philadelphia 4, Detroit 2, M St. Louis 9, Washington 3, Sykes, ee Chicago 8, Boston 8 twelve ‘he Pinest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver innings, darkness Excellent Cafe, Moderate Prices. National. 2 Chicago 6, Brooklyn 0, “— Fender Street West ” ' Vancouver, B.C. a innati 2, New York 0 Phone 8500, Pittsburge 9, Boston 4 Philadelphia 7, St, Louis 5 Coast. * Portland 5, Vernon 4 Oakland 4, San Franeciseo 0 d Th © I Angeles-Sacramento, post ea e D aily News Northwestern, land 1, Vaneouver 0, sy i 10, Vietoria 2 And Get All the News lac 1 9, Seattle 10 SPLENDID REPORT OF THEC. P.R. The fortheoming annual report of the Canadian Pacifie Railway will contain a map of the sys- tem, drawn on a more compre- hensive scale than any of the charts heretofore issued with the annual reports. On the new map will be shown double tracks, lines over which the company has run- NEW U.S. _ PARCELS POST PLAN NOW Aug. into operation a Plans par- are be dis- a conference 28. new Washington, to put cels post system to eussed tomorrow at between the post office ofieials and Senator Borne, chairman of the Senate post office committee. MAY SEE SHIP NOW IF CONTRABAND Special to Daily News.) Aug. 28. the The captain San Francisco, subjeets to law which of band goods are found on his ship is to be amended so that vessels will be liable for any penalty im a vessel fine when contra- EEE = SS = 0 SS ae —— SS oS = NOTICE We wish to announce that our office will be open evenings till 11 o’clock for the re- mainder of this week for the benefit of the public - Bainter & Sloan REAL ESTATE | 2nd Ave. Phone 387 NOTICE s Publie-notice is hereby given that under G t Sal P the fret part of Chapter 79 of the Revised overnmen e rince Statutes of Canada, 1906 known as The ompanies Act,” letters patent have been State of Canada, bearing date the 18th day - a Se ieee aoe as Acting under instructions from the Government of v ie a . ste ; sOC p sk . * 7 : Merle Miller, student-at-law; Pearl British Columbia, I will hold an auction sale of Prince stockrs, Jessie Strachan and Winnifred J , T Sotgun’ cease, GA af tho city of Rupert lots on Wednesday, August 28th, 1912. The sale torent, in the Province of Ontario, for will be held at Prince Rupert and will commence at 3 the howl purposes, Viz: oe enlenn * me P. M. and be copmieted on Thursday the 29th. suge or otherwise and, to us hold and The lots to be offered will be in Sections 1, 5, 6, 7 and improve lands . nts, reditaments, ; ; immovebles and interest therein and gen 8, apout 300 in all, and the list comprises some of the erally to carry on business of a land com choicest lots on the townsite. pany and real estate agency with the . . i - e power of renting, exchanging, selling and Take Canadian Pacific Railway and Union Steam- otherwise dealing in real estate and any j ‘ , | 7 ’ iuterest oF Slant Uaneuan. ship Company's boats from Vancouver August 24th or b) To develop, improve and‘ lay out Grand Trunk Pacific boats August 26th. Fare each way, ay such property in building lots, streets, including meals and berth, $18.00. in build-and main tain roads bridges and other internal com lanes, d upon such property make, squares or otherwise, It will pay you to attend this sale. yourself send a representative, For further information apply to C. D. RAND, Agent Head Office, Vancouver, ( Branch Office, Prince aoa: B. C, construct, If you cannot go nunications, houses, mills, factories and ther buildings necessary or expedient to occupation or improvement of any such property. | To make advances by way of loans to purchasers or lessees of any part of the! mpanys real estate for building pur- or other improvements, to aid by of advances or otherwise in the con- and maintenance of roads, waterworks, sewers and other of improvement, calculated to the company’s property more ac-! or to enhance its value. To take and hold mortgages, liens and charges and tw secure the purchase price of any property sold by the company or any money due to the company from pur- chasers or advanced by the company to purchasers for building purposes or other uuprovements, j pose s way struction streets, works render essible d pothecs, the payment of ’ 4 hy- To Buyers at the Sale ‘ To act a3 an agency or association jor and on behalf of others who entrust the company with money, invest and also secure the repayment of the principal or the payment of the interest, or both, of any money entrusted with the company for investment, and for the purpose of securing the company against loss upon any guarantee or obligation or any ad- vance made by the company.and to receive ind dispose of any description of assets or security which is conveyed, pledged, nortgaged or assigned to or warehoused with the company in connection with such + E Ss" . - guarantee, obligation, advance or invest- EAL STATE in Prines ment, and to uarartee an investment ” - . : made by the company as epent or other- Saeeet’) is bound to rapidly wee, : appreciate between now To act a8 agents, or attorneys, for the management of estates, the sale of and when the first train property, the investment, handling, pay- ment, transmission and collection of comes in, and investors at this moneys, rents, interests, dividends, mort- b gages, bonds, debentures and other se- sale will be wise to list their curiies and the undertaking of investiga- (ron, Valuation, sales, exchanges, leases, purchases, and thus take advan- subdivisions and the like. . ns To construct, build, repair, alter tage of the rising market, with and equip buildings and other structures and to deal in any building requisites. h fo construct, acquire and operate works for the production of power or force and deal in such pdwer or force for! any use or purpose for which the same may be adapted, subject to Provincial and inunicipal authorities, i) To acquire letters patent of inven- lion, patent rights, processes, concessions, licenses, trade marks, copyrights or any other privileges of like nature connected with anything convenient for the purposes of the company, and to turn the same to) account by manufacturing or working the | same or granting licenses in respect | thereof or otherwise. | To purehase or otherwise acquire, | or undertake all or any part of the busi- | hess, property, assets or liabilities of any) person, partnership or company carrying | on business with objects similar in whole} or in part to those of the company or pos- sessed Of property suitable and proper for FRANK A. ELLIS OF PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. = the purposes of the company. (r) To remunerate any person, firm or 2 company for services rendered or to_ be (5) To apply pela Up shares. bonds ur aise in placing or assisting to t ays” di) pase e debentures in payment either in whole or in part of any property real or personal, © 8 we }or guaranteeing the placin capital shares of the company’s Section 6. or any riguts, claims, privileges, concessions or | honds or other securities of the company,| Lot 4, Block 22, $1,200. other ‘advantages which the company may! in or about the formation, promotion, or-| Lots 10-11, Block oe @. 800. lawfully acquire, and also in payment, part) oa ization or incorporation of the company | Lot 6, Block 17, $3,2 payment or exchange for the shares, bonds,| > ine conduct of its business with the| Lots 16-17, Block 7. ¥2, 200. debentures or other securities of any other | | approval of the shareholders of the com-| Lot 8, Block 5, $2,000. company doing @ business similar in whole} pany or if part or incidental to the business of)": 7, 1a. an or any costa, charges Section 7. this company. or expenses preliminary or incidental to| Lot 19, Block 43, $525. (i) To purchase, acquire, hold and own or ineurred in connection with the pro-|Lot 19, Block 23, §625. shares of the capital stock, bonds or other) motion, organization, formation, establish-| Lot 17, Block 49, $400. securities of any other company, Corpora | ment, registration and incorporation of the | Lots 11-12, Block 5, $1,100 tion or individual carrying on or engaged company with the approval of the share. in any business which the company 15| )oiders of the company. Section 8. Sa ee ee Try Ob OF fngage in, and) (1) To do all such other acts and things| Lots 23-24, Block 4, $1,000. > eel ital eee eS as are incideptal or conducive to the at-| Lots 69-70, Block 13, $1,000, notwithstanding the provisi sf uatting| tainment of the above objects or any of} Lots 31-32, Block 13, $1,500. 7 H it a oo Ret ons of section) vam and to carry on any business whether| Lots 14-15, Block 34, $900. 44 of the Companies Act. manufacturing or otherwise germane to| Lot 38, Block 31, $400. (m) To enter into any arrangement for) tye purposes and objects set forth, and| Lot 40, Block 31, $400. sharing of profits, union of interests, €O-| which may seem to the company capable au Easy T operation, joint’ adventures, reciprocal] Sr being conveniently carried on by the on Gaey ‘verme, concession or otherwise With any Person,| company, or calculated directly or in partnership or company carrying On OF! airectiy to enhance the value of or render engaged . or about to aanrd Se any — profitable any of its properties or rights ness or ransaction which 8 com or is authorized to carry om oF 10 amalgamate in ee 29, Of ce ong of Go moire JOHN DYBHAVN with such company. 4 (n) TO reise aha gestae ip raising for wovesenee or macpoepee trom the terms Real Estate and ineurance and to aid by way of bonus, loan, promise,|°f any ot paragraph. Phone 384 318 Third Ave. (vy) The powers im each paragraph to ndorsement, the guarantee of bonds, de- bantu Y be in o wise limited or restricted by refer- posed and the ship will be sub ject to seizure Yn default of pay ment, The change in the law wil! be sought as the outeome of a long fight against the opium trafic by the Federal authorities Police Court Vesterday. Dan Jackish, a Montenegrin, | was fined 85 and &2 for carrying concealed weapons costs Kk. Fisher, of & Wharton, returned George this morning, Mrs. Fisher and summer holiday the firm of Ww, Fisher the Prince accompanied by child, from a spent in Vietori, Westenhaver, of the firm Cc, G. of Westenhaver Bros., arrived on the Prince George this morning to attend the sale of government lots today, tracts the bentures or otherwise, securities or other wise of any other company or corporation, and to guarantee the performance of con- by any ch persons with whom company have business relations. ») To distribute among the sharehold- of the company in Kind, any property assets of the company, and in particular shares, debentures or securities of any company or companies which may have purchased or taken over either in whole or im part the property, assets or liabilities of this company, enee to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph. The operations of the company to be carried on throughout the Dominion of ada and elsewhere by the name of “Prince Rupert Town Properties, Limited,” with a capital stock of fifty thousand pounds essthing, divided into 50,000 shares of one pound sterling each, and the chief lace of business of the said company to BA at the City of Prinee Rupert, in the province of British Columbia TRY A NEWS WANT AD er or any other LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Secretary of Sw a BR ty dn 0 oo p) To sell, lease, exehange or other- Dated at the oMfce of the § Skeena Land Rigentes—penentes of Coast, wise dispose of, in whole or in part, the om of Canada this 18th day of June, ome on dies teeth alk ypoperty, rights, or undertakings of the ' ? aia ee Morer: coll, o company for such consideration as may be _ . THOMAS MULVEY, Terrace, c., rags widow, iniend agreed upon, and in particular for shares, Under-Secretary of State, to a Ore for pore ion to purchase the debentures or securities of any other com- follo pany having objects altogether or in part Comme iy rh a. ot planted on the similar to t of the company — Beaver River aud about 4% ‘(q) To enter into any arrangement with e . — . 4 ae pte oe any governments or a@uthorities, supreme, Ad ertise © S . , municipal, loeal or otherwise, that may Vv in 40 chains north, thence chains west, seem conducive to the company’s objects thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains or apy of them and to obtain from any east following meander of river back te such government or authority any rights, e point of commencement, containing 320 rivileges and concessions which it may acres more or less. : be desirable to obtain and to carry out, MARGRITE NICOLL, exercise and comply with or sell and dis er Bu T. A. Fame, Agent, pose of any such arrangements, rights, Dated i 10th, 104 privileges and coneessions. Pub, July 16, 1012,