i a = = a —— The Daily News saunssssssss ssasssseees=e THIS |$ THE Sa C,H. ORME exacc WEATHER THEY \ “The News” Classified Ads. The Pioneer Draist_ fen. ff) KNOCK ABOUT)’ One Cent ‘A Word For Each Insertion== yysicians § prescrip- ‘ al cm ' fais . THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES HERE— ee nn te Prince Ru = = | EASTMAN KODAKS | ® PHonEs 200 | [Hf °°” ; = er | ee pret] BISHOPS ARE MERELY eer : Wie * : ‘ » : : : MABEL FOR REN Two suites first class hous ce keeping rooms, also store, in new br ‘ . s oe & . . REMARKS . h avenue pposit skat ne ter cast ’ 7 ’ ' nveniences Apr ny | a al ‘ ° ore - : i54-tf Section Five x « ste b as Lot 22 B x REN ea m in} balance ' g . Phone Oreen 258 Lot 8, Block ’ ' it may be saf ! sitors - i's er ermeret Beetion Six : : < . . Lot 34, Block 22, ¢ , ' sath F Bishop De Pencier, of New ance 6 and alt Cash, by : or Sale : : —- 5 Westminster, who,-with his fel-| 4! 1% Block 2s, 4 ot ct, “ 4 | bh a 5 emer errr s churchman and friend, Canon Sect . 7 on Seven ‘ gs : ' nels FOR SALE T we neubators, prectieahy) jocelyn Perkins {f Westminster| pot ¢ Block 1 ae os e new; capacity 104 and 1 Apply | sae 6 . a e and emerg 0. box 860 165-tf Abbey, London, is visiting Prince a ese s 1 fear f mermsrmermermermeremmemermerme® | iiupert al present, staying at the ance 6 mont “a, WW ' fa : : F re ce Ru esidence of Bishop Du Vernet, is| ow es.06 or" ‘ lace’s HOt i Wanted ie ia 1} ) Lot i I h ‘ t ieneiidhdiee ather at yortant s- rather an topeortant mi cane Sch, lock 01: 1 That the ee ‘ = ~@ sivl He is consulting with cash ~ & t - st have , =! - WANTED—A good general servant ap-| Bishop Du Vernet on matters af i ea Block , pair, ¢ he end of the z sa ses i 72 Fourth Ave. Phone 209 YY fe we the stitution at Po For Rent ? SiOr WANTED—-A lady stenographer ADPIY | 6: nas f he ery ee Store on Second A ar 8 . pox E, Daily News rosie | Fes a OlUG Ie T a ; a WANTED—Women to feed and fold on{ Het he needs of the provines ha his is tt veatn mangle Apply at once. Pi me i as regards the Anglican Church! er Kuler Li a PO Ramp © ; sis ; at j within its borders his colle : ut RB ¢ WANTED—First class woor immer nee | IN MONTREAL . Z Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-0 =| Bishop De Penecier says, will cost Phone 317 ‘ ‘ some te = Se . HUUSEHOLD furnishings wanted Send| FLU0,000 al east its board nia, : t * ices t ) ily | _ - port jlars and prices to Box Thee rove iors s presided ities ine 28 ' abou . rhat ih - = . . I . |B ~vm Moe i a. a and us Some - Plums "iki a cee paying power of their popular ST, ANDREW’S SOCIETY)" » Fe ——— Prices Lower Many. of the so-called sales put the prices away & ainage ‘ ‘ “ he I site has not been ,allotted| Two lots, Bio ‘ D, Seen : ~ egent 5 . ‘ 8, $500 set 1 ash My high that only a few ea each them \laska Feat! Dow ‘ ; | he chureh by the Provincial first payment. 7 i i : v é ‘ “ia @ ‘ “Bini rhe : ——— PIC ‘NIC feovernment, but this stage is ex Three lots, Block 39, © & one-tife Hart's Removal Sale i« the kind of a sa ware . ere elv dé rhat there 5 thing seed ee ed very shortly, after which an cased e ’ “a body appreciates because the goods . ie seas sa niind with | about ‘ D, Rand these days | he peoint bind f the building willl! = 8 ; K 2 mber ne ‘ ? siding > aman = ahead, ranged Pe GNS) tha those sce oes Tugwell Island we | Ames i = elleved! - ‘ Please the See and oo the Purse F028 00 i ee petieved| rank Ellis uses are excell hin Wranyere; cate 60 tee bole ih coven We invit pei th ' a3 ie the cause of the fir es eeee i MONDAY, SEPT. 2ND g jewellers of the city of Vie-|gg9 pig Ave. P.O. Bor 0% — ' se° -_ . — ia the ladies ere ie lied ade oe . a what we represent them to be ae Setiont of the battle this m Scottish Games—Highland : ae > 7 ao (Opposite Post Office 2corge this norning oO atten ot eee, Sa Been SNe) Sa? Sie: + a-Si CHINESE on ee Sancing the sale of government lots Decorated Toilet Sets (10 pisces), from... $2.50 Heat Gabe thea ce beast: tlriebati! Gade Whine; lediber reel Seeenaneespreen —THE Carpet Squares, 2'2x3 yds., sale price j ., $6.95 FIGHTING os Uh Dh atnee the Suventit 4 | ne Westholme Lumber Cy, Camp Stoves ‘sheet stee!), reg. $10, reduced to $4.95 Bostonians have re ted their| Po be had 7 ” i. _ o ' Camp Stoves ‘sheet iron), reg. $7, reduced to . $3.50 FIERCER forces from the ranks of Princ: ommittes eee eat STENOGRAPHER WANTED See R WINDOW ON 3RD AVE. E ty LAKES Su aphe MALE preferred, want Idings 7 stile: Sd, 90:-0e Chien sos enarraeet: MME, peoterred, * Lumber and Mou having xperience f genera fice w x | government w send ar ult Applicants to have the ah ations the} . matum to the Khan of Urea cal STRIKE IS hands of the undersigned by f Fri-| vilieadieiil All Kinds of Building Supplies i th 30th inst., and to give testimonials | ing on him either to withdraw ; ' Sala $75 per mont Matamy Ouse Aug. 28 rhe the declaration of Mongolian in ‘ERNES1 wore te Canadial Whaling Company dependence ake the conse «OVER = Limited. or@anived in. Montreal! Piret Avenue Phone 18 quences. The situation at Tao H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey | ( ears ago and operating in . nanfu, Manchuria, is grave Phe MUNRO & LAILEY the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is re troops, outwumbered by insure foronto, Aug. 28.—The atrike| ported to be prosperous The ents, have been compelled to re-|of the jongshoremen is over, th Architects, company has two steam whaling treat, though fighting continues.| jen at no today going back at Stork Building, Second Avenue ships and over seventy whales ne Ou ¢ Chingan-Hsien has been cecupied| the old pate of 25 cents an hour.| — ; were caplured this season jby the rebels, rhere were plenty of men wait STUART & STEWART i LD ing for work, and these with the Accountants THE WEATHER. I KING WAS crews unloaded and loaded the 309 2nd Ave. Phone No. 280 ° orne ships’ cargoes so that nearly al Prince Rupert P. O. Box 351 For twenty-four hours ending | were able to leave on time ee eo pt }S a. m., August 29th: Barometer, rrvo are Auditors for City of Prince Rupert . ee cece _ | 29.668; maximum temperature, 7th Al ENUE Mil | IONAIRE hoe me Pee 59; Phiibbithuin temperature, i: ne ALFRED CAKSS, C, V. BENNETT, B.A. | precipitation, .03 inch ON SIX of British Columbia of B.C. Ontario, Sae- / d | _ BY AUTO MAY COME T0 anCARSS & BENNETT McCaffery & Gibbons $2000 cash and the bala . er wt Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue years at 6 pe € | London, Aug. 28.—King George THIS CITY i ee Section 1. | had a narrow escape, from 4 Lot 46, Block 20, $8,000.00; % cash iserious accident while motoring Alex.M.Manson B.A., VE, Wenene Lavegiataae ’ Suaek best te uae ie Be von Samuel Harrison & Compan lin Lanecasiiire a few days ago WILLIAMS & MANSON Lot 1, Block 30, with house, $4,500.00; LAL a sharp turn in the road the Montreal, Aug. 28.—T. Frame Barristers, Solicitors, ete tas” Sikck or” oP ae, ie Brokers and Financial Agents J ‘ $3,150.00; terms . lroyal car came directly upon an-|Thomas, a London millionaire Box 286 R S Section 2. Second Ave. Prince Rupet other and a smash seemed cer-|Closely connected with many Prince Rupert, B.C Jisis 44-45, Block 19 9, $2,100.00 pair tain, when the driver of the other Lot 25, Block 20, $4.5 South American companies, has|——— oe ree 22 -5an0e —_—_—_—e— car turned sharply into a diteh.jembarked on a tour of the Do-|p,o0, pox a PRINCE RUPER Section 6. WEST ASSAY WORKS Lots 3 and 4, Block 8, Section 1, $15,000; $5,000 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Section 1, $15,000; $5,000 cash, balance 6, 12, 18 and 24 months SECTION SIX. Lot 22, Block 7, Section 6, corner with 38 feet frontage on Fifth Ave $4,500; % cash, balance 6 and 12 months SECTION SEVEN Lots frand 2, Block 31; double corner; #2,000; #800 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, Lots 9 and 10, Block 44, $1,700; $700 cash, balance 5, 114 and 17 months. Lots 33 and 34, Bloek 16, #1,800 pair; half cash, balance 6 and 12 months, ‘ Lots 21 and 22, Block 32, 42,000; #800 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months Lot 4, Block 23, $1,000; nalf cash, balance 6 and 12 months. 11-12, Block 19, $850.00 Lots 21 and 22, Block 10, $28,000; half cash, balance 6 and Fortunately, its occupants were] Minion that will eover many OHN E. DAVEY 106 Sh, ne Se with é4-room heuse, 12 months. net injured, thousands of miles and will last J ° Lot ot Block 6, 99,100 00; terms _ o a ; 's 7 3 ots 44-45, Bloc 14, $7,000.00, . . 1 Lots 4 and 2, Block 4%, $2,250; $1,250 cash, balance 6 and ob nested two months, TEACHER OF SINGING Lowe © 10, Binee of, nee good house,| Gold, Silver, Copper, eae! i ; - . rsQ. AM be 2 $5,1 00; % cash, 1, 2, 3 years. 12 months. | The Loyal Order of Moose PO, SE TAT AER SAAN. CG HN is 12-13, Block 2, '95°260.00" terms 615 Hastings St. W Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 41, $8,000; $3,000 cash, bal- 4 ance 6, 12 and 18 months. . ’ Lo . , ° |Lodge No, 1054, Prince Rupert, = - fon 6.tk wahees th Bhaeaed —, VANCOUVER, B. © will meet tonight at K. of P, Hall ” JOHN DYRHAVN Section 6. : at 8 o'clock sharp. All members Lots 19 #4, Block 19, $5,000.00; $2,000.00 dill iectnieeemnennntils } aE cash, b i, 2 a3 — lare requested to be present if Real Beate Loans Lot 28° Block 7, $3000 bo; terme. neurance Lots 9-10, Block 27, with improvements, | possible. J ; : * = seis ee ’ $19 8rd Avenue Phone 384 Lots "23-24" ‘Block 17, $6,000.00; third PRINCE RUP RUPERT FEED (h id an , +p a cash. , ' , Phone Green 391. Govt, Wharf. $3,300.00; terms, is of The Continental Trust Company, Limited P Lots 24-22, Block 31, $1,300.00; good Big stock of al! kin , Oe ge os eto _ oe, oe oo HAYNER BROS. re Block 5, with 7-room house, Garden Seeds, Timothy New York,. Aug, 28.—-Assur- UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS ul a ta ee eee Clover and Grain ances that the proposed bout be Funeral Direetors Section 7. Seeds tween Jack Johnson and Joe Gt Ave, nsan Oth Bh, Phone Neo, 06 ‘ows 11-12, Block Attended @ ne 5, $550.00 each; \%& Mail Orders Promptly Lots 21-22, Block 38, $1,365.00; $465.00 cash, bal. 6, 12 and 18 city advanced a= step tonight, Lots 78-79, Block %, $1,750.00 pair; when the Me Mahon brothers, ae" tit ey oe 43, $800.00; . : Agents ea Sock fant Jeannette would be staged in this 4 cas proprietors of the St, Nicholas E. L. FISHER Lot 20, Block 39, $600.00; %& cook omni” ALL KINDS OF FBED SECTION = ONE * BUYS Athletic Club, posted with the Funeral Director and Embalmer Section 8. sporting editor of a New York CHARGES REASONABLE Lots 7-8, Block 40, $800.00 pair; $300.00 Block. ts. Price. Cash Terms. newspaper a certified cheque for THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. Lone Be ek” 155 00 third cash, ¢ 4 — $15,500.00 1-3 . 6, 12, 18 mos. $5,000 as a forfeit: binding them OPEN DAY AND NIGHT tot oe v7 : res 14 18.19 40,000.00 1-3 . 6, 12 mos, ... j to stage the bout at the St, , . h 6 18 ana 10 $495.00 each; third e are 00 16 1 60,000.00 1-3 jal. 6, 12, 18 mos. Nicholas on September 25th I ons 39 -~ oles 39, $400.00 each, $80.00 16 12,000.00 1-4 . over 3 yrs. was said here that Jonson was Lot 26, Block 34, $425.00; good terms 16 12,000.00 1-4 over 3 yrs. expected to post a $5,000 forfeit EARTH UAKE vant mre accent 16 12,000.00 1-4 over 3 yrs. in Chicago tonight, There is still Pia Aloe ws Lames me er Tlio write ads., b 28 20,000.00 1-3 . 6, 12 mos. | doubt that the State Athletic KALUM AND BULKELBY VALLEYS M Se ie 30 21,000.00 $10,000.00 6, 12, 18 mos. Commission, which regulates UNDER THE 34 17,000.00 1-3 Bal. 6, 12 mos, boxing in New York State, will good lots ab ren 34 000. 10,000.00 Gal, 1, 2, 3,.4 yrs. jallow the two colored men to McCaffery & Gibb If you want TLLC - RED SEA naa meet here } PATTULLO & RADFORD ses leie IA la) Sous: ng pees a —" iene abe vonin atee nonttoltaruake stock wan ton hore] ERIPRESS BOWLING ALLEYS Bishop Du Vernet’s Bale willl steams Andree Hickmers, on he; 4 slart = at ) oéloek on Friday,'arrival later iy the day, reported | Continuous Alleys } _N d bo, }August 20th Frank Ellis, ane jthat the disturbanee at sea ian Mineralite Balis i a en i tionee 104 vers ionee! 204 i THIRD AVENUE end Av seve