THE DAILY NEWS Tue Day News —_ |PACIFIC COAST SHIPPERS ARE | «ESSE | UIABLE TO GET INTO TROUBLE WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERs “PRINCE RUPERT” AND “PRINCE GEC 5 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—S cents per inch. Contract rates) a, Wii Ceieee ont IRGE” k on application. ' MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © « « } SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dar.y, Se Prince George Galle for Stowers on Thursecys os. t per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All ‘ =r Other Countries — Daily, $4.00 per year: Weekly, $250 per year, Weeasy service to Port ya a strictly fo adverse en ‘Extensive System of Fraud Suspe Suspected by Frisco Board of Harbor} =... i Prince Rupert and Vancou Wren Daily News Building. Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 9. Commissioners--Investigation Comme nced Which is Ex- ; passenger service to Seams aww free Pri ce Rup ai BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES ; Chea Secu Rates Over af Trenk Rail to Have Far Results--Prominent p Excursion Rates Over Grand Trunk Railway System New Yorx—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City pected Reaching osntesti wiih ie = onion oe hd ; SuaTrLe—Puget Sound News Co. ) Firms — Shipping mee Comesenes If Poste” ete brag mers’ for poor ope th ma ao ‘ Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar ' Ne oie sii hat A. & MCMASTER, dene-. " apply ‘ Square Special to Daily News : “ ; Se rnCcis g 9—Danieil/te Attorney Ry: ethods were) Mhanlbaeaindd Name | Grand Hotel, SOUTHBOUND Workingman’s Home BREAKING THE much greater enterprise o . i Saturday, Aug. 31, 9 a.m. F Labor RB necone Stn‘ ot BRITAIN THINKS OF WAR J i carried on steadily outside « cer e & @ GUN, Cuew Agu Phone 178 and ‘th § Gur present city council is a4 Prince Rupert has empk ool GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprister record-breaker. Many citi-| men with strictest instructions WHILE CANADA THINKS OF | Grocers mle tiepcinincgmeeis | : ‘ zens have recognized the fact | to take regular and frequent] cian | : but today it is established be-| readings of the water condi-/ . j 4a wind doabt The counci has| ‘tions at this time But what| 2nd Ave. and McBride St. } EASTERN A L 4 : : e ' does our clever city council) ' Phones 187-430 | 4 broken the reeord. No credit “are about ntinuits f re | E ‘| care about continuity of ree- ohdeeal | ieee ' atlaches to the achievement) orgs important in the cily|FARSEEING CRITICISM BY SIR WILFRID LAURIER, WHO DE- |. 91.98} XCUFSIONS %-~ Wetineron Coal, Dat ot 5 20 ; sac ugar . € { for like other achievements of| schemes? What village coun-| CLARES THAT A GAD ARBITRATION IS BETTER THAN A |.” |” =8°8 Suear ——— i. 0 eT ine é ue A = 2 t SUCCESSFUL WAR—LAURIER AND GERMAN MENACE. Bran gglhog 92.00] by the Rogers & Bad the present administration it} © ever did care about the | {hiees of a otte? aiiiacemneen ee is onty destructive. With the} thing {f a city gs » Bananas. doz i ’ | ' Extra fine ‘ al farseeing wisdom which has| ###=# —-— ~_— Corn Flakes, pke e « e so ma of its ; a 4 —" me Zeonomy ne en characterized =9 many of \\| THE WEST'S NEED FOR = : pre, vid * Oriental Limited THE [ROQUOI i 2 WIDER MARKETS. drawn the employee stationed at Shawatians and Woodworth; While Canadian Colliers has Special for Friday 3——— SOLID TRAINS ——--3 POOL lakes for the purpose of taking not the hardy optimis m of : & W daily from Vancouver English and A +, staiket els Spe y : AM bulards the water records The con- those who believe the old} remuiar 8% 40 or Seattie Twelve Tables ~— tinuous record of the ater 8 : : : _— — = ; - a i: to a reciprocity proposals will be] Stalker & Wells Specia Low round trip rates to all points i “<9 Td ones : ° J — r " ’ ew ived ans el Te 4 0 Canada and the United States. Call) i engineering department from revived in Canada within th i ee ae = we and let us tell you all about it the inception of the idea of us- next few years, at the same! Sole agents for John Morrel L. A -B be ing Woodworth lake for a wa- time we think that the western | Co.'s Hams, Bacon and Lard “R S hi as au ter-storage for the city has farmer's demand for a wider ogers’ teams Pp Cartage, | been broken. Data necessary market for his grain is gain- shop Early Monday is 3 Holiday A enc Reliable Me for the calculations for the ing in strength. Many a good) g y much vaunted hydro-electric farmer is tempted to drive} ee a ONE 116 scheme have been robbed of| across the border of a dark} 187 PHONES 430 — Phone 58 735 3rd in their continuity, and the basis night and dispose of a load or| seneraiatimmaisetiesen of important calculations has two of grain at American} been damaged. prices. The Manitoba govern- Lester W. David Co,, {td UNIO C0 p yl OF B. : d ment, long since proved in- | N 3.9. M A Y lt efficient, stands a good chance Silversides Bros, i ' ’ i - FOR IT. of being put Gul next election, The new steel Passenger Steamers It would have been poor policy and meantime the associations in view of Prince Kupert'’s ex- and alliances of the grain pro- LUMBER é“ 9 The up-to-date House Dewm pectations from the hydro- ducers continue to grow and e 0 tors of Prince Rupert electric project, to have de- gain in power. The one thing | ———————— 4 i W pe stroyed the continuity of this which will give final impetus} —AND— f S valuable record even under the to the western farmers’ move- First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 ” i‘gge ign riting.. most ordinary conditions, but ment for larger markets will the council has gone one bet- be the collapse of the real ter. The record keeper has estate boom. Just now many — ‘6 7 PHONE 25 Camosun | Paper-Hanging i Our Specialties |Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver | been withdrawn ata_ critical a farmer is blinded to the Prince Rupert. B.C - time, just when an abnor- wider market appeal by the | pert, 5.. as follows: os a ‘ mg light snow-storage has fact that he is helping out his ————— ‘Chelobsin” - Wednesdays at 10 p.m. | “We always deliver yeen followed by a particular- income by real estate profits. | o ” \2nd Street Phone 156 Gre ly dry summer, and the autumn When the boom collapses and } Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.a. rainfall is beginning to become the land shark ceases to be an are & MALLETT Arriving at Vancouver Friday weet coins. “a noticeable. The records taken influence in the communities Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and || and Monday morning, respectively |. at this period would certainly the loan and morjgage com- Sheet Metal Work | have a most important bear-| panies and the banks will 1H comes: 94 Ave. Workshop || None safer on the coast than these two TROUT FISHING-- ing of the calculations of en- throw their weight into the Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and Sth Sts 9) fine passenger steamers gineers designing a hydro- balance with the farmer. It j sate rs MOUNTAIN CLIMBIN electrie plant, and allowance will be then their aim to help for special conditions would the farmer to markets which have & be carefully made, The he cannot now reach. HI TIER. (J. H. ROGERS, Agent Phome 116 |] Five-Hoar Journey From Prince hut s Ni financiers and legislators at the| hundred years without resort to STORAGE Lots at Less Than Government Prices i Chateau Laurier, the guests in-|arms, said a bad arbitration was VISITS G. T. P. Transfer Agents AND SAME TERMS Nickuded several members of the] better than a successful war. He Orders ty filled. P Lots. Block. Sec. Price Dominion cabinet and the former|said: “In England you think of eee OFFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone @. | - - 7 8-9 26 i $38,000.00; % cash, bal. 3 yrs. Liberal government, Sir -Wil-|armaments and ‘war; in Canada Washington, Aug. 29.—General 30 17 Ottawa, Aug. 28.—At alunch-|ferences with the United States OF CHINA CAR eon given to the visiting British} had been settled during the past LINDSAY'S ° TAGE and Kitselas efe B.C. a ainaunell 9,000.00: % cash, bal. 3 yrs. {| frid Laurier, Hon. W. T. White,| we think of canals and railways}Lan Tien Wey, representing|~ ~~ — soc cccese, i ; “ mi W. T, Crothers, W. B. Nantel, J.) and publie works.” . the Chinese revolutionary ove- 4-5 a4 i 35,000.00; cash, bal. 3 yrs. . ~a P i ary mov = 28 36 ‘ 10,000.00: : saa. bal. 3 a_i D. Reid, W. J, Roche, Rodophie As to the German peril, he be-jment, has arrived to urge the Little’s NEWS Agency DOUGLAS Ser fole Buclusively by Lemieux and W, 8. Fielding were|lieved that Germany was only|recognilion of the Chinese re- Dancing School present. seeking territory for colonization.| public by the United States. He i etieate i THOMAS McCLYMONT ens es In proposing the toast to the|He believed there was enough) wil! go to call on President Taft. Magesines :: Pe 1: Newspapers Opens Tuurspsy, Avé® ody CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS McINTY RE HAL guests, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in|for Germany without embroiling cage captained pointing out how Canada’s dif-|Great Britain into a national war. Best room in town at Savoy. 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Isiand Club Scoop Makes a Seashore Call on Gladys iS BEE-OOF \FUL YOUNG— COUSIN —WILL ZI CALL P- wanrcr me ! WHERE, ZX GO G@rT ME A GIRL RR a eaten e ——$ _—_—_ —Drawn for The Daily News by “ WHO KNOWS -SHE MIGHT isMiss \- FALL IN LOVE WITH Me aT /i| GLADYS SIGAT-CONSENT TO BE MRS, IN- HER . — ER SCOOP= AND THEN TD BE THE | || COUSIN Asien} { YAssuM- —_F EDITOR'S CousiN-IN-Law - ME TO Cael b) Abi. Go B2e CALL HUH AND Wwe iv SiRis WHE?