sma ite mw gman Ca —-inegilniegeiesiipiiiiiarssilisig tinea ila The Pioneer Druggist EASTMAN KODAKS ai ahaa tice cn st a Test Our Values... Every day our whe know what our prices ought to be and our sa tify that the fire is not destroying us. When we values are being tested bs buyers es tes- mention that This is a Removal Sale understand why we are so s to get rid of every article in store. pe ople Opportunity knocks at your door today. Let us give you some idea of our bargains but come and see them for vourself Den Tables, reg. price $8.00, sale price............ $4.25 Carpet Squares, 2'.x3 yds., sale price.............. $6.95 Camp Stoves (sheet steei), reg. $10, reduced to... $4.95 Camp Stoves ‘sheet iron), reg. $7, reduced to...._. $3.50 Fruit Jars, pint, quart, half galion; per doz., $1, $1.10 and Watch de elopments WATCH DEVELOPMENTS ON THIRD AVE. STORE. morning for iMone EF. E. Delevault, D. Ross W. Howard, H, Ross, T. W Mortell, Mr Jules F. Mends, H. t z..C iM. L. Fife, | Nickerson, Bull, W i | jand M. SECTION ONE Lots 3 and 4, Block &, Section i, 18 months. if and 12, Biock 1, Sectlon 1, $15,000; 12, 18 and 24 months. SECTION Six. Lot 22, Block 7, Section 6, corner with 38 feet frontage on Fifth Ave., 500; % cash, balance 6 and 12 months. é SECTION SEVEN Lots 1 and 2, Block 31; double corner; #2,000; $800 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 9 and 10, Block 44, $1, 700; $700 cash, balance 5, 11 and 17 months. Lots 33 and 34, Block 16 6 and 12 months, Lots 24 and 22, Block 32, and 18 months Lot 4, Block 23, $1,000; half cash, balance 6 and 12 months, Lots 21 and 22, Block 10, $2,000; half cash, balance 6 and 12 months. Lots 1 and 2, Block 42, 12 months. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 414, ance 6, 12 and 18 months, $15,000; $5,000 cash, balance 6, 12 $5,000 cash, baiance 6, , $1,800 pair; half cash, balance $2,000; $800 cash, balance 6, 12 $2,250; $1,250 cash, balance 6 and $8,000; $3,360 cash, bal- The Continental Trust Company, Limited SECTION - Block. ts. Price. 1 se $16,500.00 14 18.19 40,000.00 16 1-2 60,000.00 16 7 12,000.00 16 8 12,000.00 16 8 12,000.00 28 30 34 34 ONE 14-15 20,000.00 20-21 21,000.00 $10,000.00 56 17,000.00 1-3 57-58 36,000.00 10,000.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD Second Ave. jand Third The Daily News D. Char passeng Pa headg Cbren this ¢ DEPARTING PURCHASERS BY THE GEORGE The Prine eorg: eft this sched-} time government) Worther Holmaqu at Mrs. J. ¢ 4. Moore, W P. Moore Mr. Jaffray. E. P. Cot- Mr. Wickurie.| | Sheehan L, Robinson, Mr Brown, M. McDou- Deven, A. J. Beau- Ruzech, Mrs. Seott, ng Mrs. J. N Henderson, J. R. Brown Morris Strawbe, 8. Lawyer Trueffett, Andrew Cox, J Gampp, Mrs. Ives, Gibbons, Geo. Anderson Miss Giraham, ©. A Miss Kincade, Misses A. MeMartin, Mrs ey, F. B. Dinsford, J, G. Evans} Aldons, Ting- FOR WOMEN SWIMMERS St. Heliers, Jersey, Aug. 30. Miss Vera Neave established a new women's record for a mile open swim today when she swam the distance in 31 minutes 41 475 seconds. The previous record was held by Miss Annette Keller- man, the Australian swimmer, whose time was 32 minutes 44 seconds. Miss Neave is the helder of the 300 metre swimming reeord for women. She is well known in Engiand as the winner of many local championships and she was the vietor last year in a quarter mile race for women in the Thames. Sanitarium Moved. The White & Lippard sanitar- ium at the corner of First street avenue has been moved to the Bulkley Block, near corner Of Fulton street and Sixth javenue, where the premises are much more commedious and convenient for the accommoda- tion of patients. New fall dress goods. Wal- lace’s, 205 BUYS 12, 18 mos. 6, 12 mos, 6, 12, 18 mos. over 3 yrs. over 3 yrs. over 3 yrs. 6, 12 mos. 6, 12, 18 mos. 6, 12 mos, 1,2,3,4 yrs. ithe boys were going ari a == “The News” Classified Ads. =()ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ —~THERE ARE NO MERELY MABEL REMARKS That next zhi at before surp! That there's a ent apparent af tate men thie after That the man wit managed to purchas rhat after show fan exhibition old- Rupert made hast« them as they departes That the Roses ar jpions may manage this evening, That the Bulls’ e of the Misses made al! the merely married were m outers. scoring ast That more than one or two und with their hearts, in splints as the George left today. That the funny thing is that the restaurant with the _ least room and the largest crowd al-} ways seems to have the fattest waitress. That the cheapest thing in rea! estate should never be its owner SE “DEAD ONES" HERE— i Weeeteeteeese — rete tetaay ~~ ae 4); nye ~ George Leek a ‘eames For Rent ss cpasiiiihciiigsilianaibasliasticill | suites first class house-/ 1 tla keeping rooms, also store, in pew bulid- |; sy on 6th avenue pposite Skating Rink All conveniences Apply Tony | « Christian 154-1 FOR RENT—-Cheap, room in pr * FOR RENT-Two vate house n Phone Green 255 For Sale practically OR SALE—Two incubators : new; capacity 104 and 150 Apply 0. box 360 165-tf | Tickets Tenders wanted for the cor struction @f a store buflding ma terials to be Plans and specif seen at office of J. W architect. WITHIN 300 FEET OF SUMMIT Seattie, Aug. 29. cations lo be | 205-6 Professors of Brook- and Belmore Browne Herschel and Parker lyn, BN. Y., of Tacoma, who came within 300 feet of reaching the summit of Mount McKinley last June, have returned from Alaska. On the third attempt an altitude of 20,100 feet was reached, where with only three days’ provisions left they were unable to withstand the terrible snow and cold and gave up the hope of reaching the summit. Stewart Investor. George Brown, a well-known mining man with large interests at Stewart, B. C., who has been in the city the last few days at- tending the sale of government lous, left for the south this morn- ing on the Prince George. : Wanted WANTED—A good general servant ply 720 Fourth Ave Phone 209 WANTED—Women to feed and fold on mangte Apply at once dry 186t WANTED —First class wood turner Prince | Rupert Sash Door Co 149-0f i ARPENTER wants News office ST. ANDREW’ Ss SOCIETY == PICNIC ‘Tugwell Island | MONDAY, SEPT. 2ND Scottish Games—Highland Dancing Gents #1.00; ladies free To be had from members of th: Committee STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Stenographer MALE pr for city clerk and treas having experience of gene Applicants to have their applicat | hands of the undersigned by p |} day, th 30th inst and to give testimonials supplied by owner 1? Potter. | BH. Gordon Munro i | i } | _ experience Salary, #7 per mort ERNEST A. WOODS, City Clerk W. Nicholson Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY | Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue | STUART & STEWART Accountants | 309 2nd Ave. Phone No, 280 Prince Rupert P. O. Box 351 Auditors for City of Prinee Rupert} ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Office Albert Block, Second Avenue. Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E. Williama,s.4.,..L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ PRINCE RUPER'! JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOKON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., 1ON., ENG | JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance 819 38rd Avenue Phone 384 | C. H. |. Manager Here. 8. J. DuVal, divisional manager of the Canadian Home Invest- ment Co., is heve for a few days and W. J. King, viee president and general manager, will arrive on the Prince Rupert tomorrow. A. J, Beaudette of the G. T. P, engintering staff, left for the south this morning on the Prince George, FUNERAL NOTICE. Ab emergent communi- ealion of Tsimpsean Lodge No, 58, A. F. and A, M, will be held at the Masonie Temple, Sunday, September 1, at 12:15 p. m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, Dr. J. O, Reddie, Members of Tyer Lodge and sojourning Masons are requested to attend, J. HW, THOMPSON, WwW. M J, CHRISTIANSEN Becretary - Church Services a FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ( CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Chureh Hall at 11 am. and Empress Theatre at 730 p.m. Sunday School at 2.80 p. m. REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MCINTYRE H..L1., SRD AVE., NEAR OTH 8T Services every Sunday at 11 a.m. ft in — Sunday Baraca School Bible Class dio" p.m REV. W. H. MeLEOD B.A B.D Pastor ee etaeeeseeeeesstennsasnsnee THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SIXTH AVE. AND MUSGRAVE PLACE Services every Sunday at 1 am. and 730 p.m. Sunday School at 2.50 p.m, REY. | C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL : Granville Court Sunday services at 4 m., 3 and 8 p. m uay "Sehool, 1:30 Week hight services day, Wednesday, day and Saturday CAPT. AND MKS TUT Commanding OMeers Advertise in The Daily News ? hains west to point of commencement, Skeena Land District Pioneer Laun | mor airs | Island }to purehase the following described lands: | \chalns south, thence 80 chains east, thence! j thence 40 chains south, thence 60 chains) 618 8rd Ave Pr | nee Rupert LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. * encaenneneeie. District of Casstar ee Take notice that Ulier Besner, of Prince ‘upert, B. ¢ occupation hotel keeper, ip ‘ Is 1 apply for permission to purchase Some 7 Plu lote + keena Land District he following described lands mmencing at 4 post planted on the! tw ast shore of Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet, t and about one-half mile south of Indian rat ¢ Ne ona i serve, thence 80 chains south, thence 20 hains east, thence 80 chains north, thence Three + "ty ning 160 acres more or less | “ OLIER BESNER. |! ‘ ; Dated July 21st, 1912 tape ' ay Pub. Aug. 12, 1912 need “-¢ District of Coast, Range & Take notice that |, Agnace Massey, of H. DOUGLAS Vancouver, B. C., occupation logger, intend) 339 Third Ave P.O Bos ay ipply for permission to purchase the \ (Opposite Post Office sliowing described foreshore Commencing at 4& post planted at the ithwest corner of Lot 4446, thence south a feet, thence following the shore line northeasterly direction 300 feet from THE and Trunk Pacific Railway right-of to @ point 300 feeet east of the south rner of Lot 4446, thence west 300 es » high water mark or G. T. P. right e y. thence along the beach Ww point cement containing 2.0 acres MITE IGNACE MASSEY Dated July 30th, 1912 Pub. Aug. 12, 1912 Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Range Four Take notice that Il, Fred Dawson, - | ies e Rupert, cccupation farmer, ip en to apply for permission to purchase | the following described lands com mencing &| & post planted three miles) west, one mile south of End Hill, Banks) thence south 40 chains, thence! west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains | Fi thence east 40 chains to point of com. | Firet Avenue Phone mencement; containing 160 acres, more or less Lumber and Moulding All Kinds of Building Sappies FRED DAWSON. | an ‘a, One Doubk Cor ner 7th AVENUE sick _ SECTION SIX Pembroke, Ont, occupation lumberman, - itend to apply .or permission to purchase | $2000 cash following described lands years a Commencing at « post planted at point : where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago iz River, about 26 chains Oey ta sae most westerly point of Lot 1717, easterly 48 chains aiong G. T. P Riy, nant [ way, thence southerly and weste rly e arrison about 70 chains following shore line of Brokers and Financial Agent point of commencement j |Secend Ave. Prince B Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range Four Take notice that |, Isabelle Smith E! s, of Prince Rupert, occupation married woman, intend to spply for permission to purchase the following described lands ommencing at & post planted four miles west and one mile south of End Hill, | Banks Island, thence south 80 chains,| thence east #0 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains ww) voint f commencement; containing 480 acres, more or less ISABELLE SMITH ELLIS Dated August 1, 1912 Pub Aug. 13, 1912 | Skeena Land District—District of Coast, and sland Ww JAMES COXFPORD Dated July 6th, 1012 Pub July 23, 1012 Land District—District of Coast, Range V | » motice that Il, Anthony Ludgate, of occupation lumberman, ta ‘ for permission to purchase the following described lands otomencing 41 & post planted at @ point where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago-| Gold, Silv: ‘ tita River, about 24 chains southwest from 615 Hastings St W most westerly point of Lot 1717, thence VANCOUVER, B.C WEST ASSAY WORK easterly 48 chains along the G. T. P. Riy right of way, thence northerly and west erly about 60 chains following shore line) of island to point of commencement ANTHONY LUDGATE Dated July 6th, 1912 = Pub. Jul? 23,1912 Skeena Land District—District of Coast, PRINCE RUPERT FeaD Take notice that Caroline Jotunson, of Vancouver, B C., occupation married woman, intends to apply for permission kinds of ny Big stock f all Garden Seeds Clover and Grain Commencing 4t @ post planted at the| southwest eorner of Lot 3065, thesce 60, 6” chains porth to southeast corner of Lot 5062, thence west 40 chains siong Lot | $062, thence north 20 chains along Lot 3062, thence 40 chains west along Lot) 3065 to point of commeacement, contain ing 560 acres more or Mail Orders Promptly Attended i less. i Gas JOHNSON i | oe Ageats International wd Dated May eeu, “4912. Pub. f 18, 1042. u June 12 —ALL KINDS OF FEED Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Range V Take notice that tc Alonzo Hamblet, | Everett, W.shington, occupation enginver, | jintend to apply for permission to pur chase the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted on the| }north bank of Beaver River and about 6% |miles in a Westerly direction from the! southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence 40 chains north, thence 80 chains west, of 2 ee HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano empales Funera Srd Ave. near 6th > east, following meander of river back to pcint of commencement, containing 320 |} seres more or less. ALONZO HAMBLET. Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated June 10th, 1912. Pub. July 16, 10142. Skeena Land Digertes--Diatriet of Coast, | Take notice that I, Ee Traynor, of Terrace, B. C., cceupation physician, intend to apply for permission to pur chase the following described lands Commencing at & post planted on the) south bank of Beaver River and about 2} miles in a Westerly ‘irection from the southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence | 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west, | thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains | $5 BOWLING east, following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 640 | —— J acres more or less, SEYMOUR TRAYNOR Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent. Dated June Oth, 1012 Pub, July 16, 10412 Skeena Land District Funeral Director end CHARGES REASON ABLE THIRD AVENUE pHon a OPEN DAY AND NIGH : Continuous Alley* Mineralite Balls District of Coast.) | THIRD AVENUE Range V Take notice that I, Janet Traynor, of | Terrace, B. C., occupation married woman, | intend to apply for permission to pure | the following described lands Commencing @t & post planted on ont south bank of Beaver River and about 6% | miles in @ Westerly direction from the | vt southwest corner of T. L. 2255, thence! 80 chains south, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east following meander of river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less | { JANET TRAYNOR Ito write ade Per Eli T, H. Hamblet, Agent Dated "e 10th, 1012 |! | | | | } | Pub, J ‘6, 1012. Skeena Land District—District of Coast, Range V Take notice that I, Frederick W. Vin cent, Of Kitsumkaium, B. C., oceupation fire warden, intend to apply for permis it to purchase the following deseribed ands OMmenens @t & post planted in the ti rth bank of Beaver Kiver and about 2% | miles in @ Wosterly direction from the| uthwest corner of T. L. No, 38656, thence i? chains nerth, thence 160 chains onl thenee 40 chains south, thence 160 chains ast, meandering river back to point of | ‘ _ heement, Containing 640 geres, ao or jess FRED W. VINCENT | tomorrow We you wa prices - Naden (0, Dated June Oth, 1019 end avenue - Pub. July i6, 1912