i The Daily News _ wad | TC HLORME wsxarc)]) For WOMEN | “The News” Classified Ads. a eo sa ==()ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ te: 8 Dannie hysicians } — ‘ : a no one o he tions ; a Va The Bath Club is now on ’ THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE— r . George Leek ia clubs m the most popular and most af TWO STORES | [ff (Pe ost Peper ee i ne EASTMAN KODAKS 82 PHONES 200 Miappointed swimming baths ; ¥ 618 8rd Ave Pris Fl a —_—- — —<$—<——<$ $$ - t ) i : r: = e R i pert yoth w ¢ and me ure ‘ ; omer . a Peeeeererorrorooeees ] : / LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. ; } : BE iieht of the athletic of Db ! For Rent |—— el On evenings the ew i if | skeena Land District—District of Cassia: reeounds with the ! nm MERELY bm a 4 fake notice that Ulier Besner, of Prince SNA Rupert, B. C., occupation hotel keeper, in = : f many tests pe MABEL ;TO KENT . rnishe : flat in — lo eae i nds to apply for permission to purchase ; rangements re ce ' suitable for bachelors - the following described lands ot 12, Block ( i ‘ , ae ‘ i a REMARKS wre f sale Pr, O, bow 16119 21 - — ne os at +n ee {he a00% eth 6 Ave i events from week week N Two suites frst class house-' 4st shore of Goose Bay, Observatory Inlet, Pes : a oad |S ae coum. siso store, in pew Duild-|4nd about one-half mile south of Indiad) py pyc) or Re , holding membership cards ing on 6th avenue, opposite Skating| Keserve, thence 80 chains south, thence 20 Bride 81 \ 3 itaught by experts the newest and Phat ty i A cal Rink All conveniences Apply Tony| Chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence j TT at ci counciis and sea ¢ h 20 chains West to point of commencement ‘ ; ‘ r j j stian 154-f a Pp in ‘ most effective methods with Te-liging are alike human and have! Aa j tor a ee ee Ol IER BESNER 339 Thi Meee rar « 1g fe nd sever MCINTYRE HALL to lease for dances, et . SNE gard t aving and verall tempers | eens Gray & Son. Black 78, 208tf| Dated July ist, 1019 rd Ave. P. 0. Bor mf rescues were made this seasor | Pub. Aug. 12, 1019 i (Opposite Post Office } t n wt at the Bath] a | FOR RENT—-Cheap, room In private house, — / yy young wor ho ¢ | That if aldermen were fined close in. Phone Green 258 | Skeena Land oa District of Coss, | rol Clu ; ove street earned] ; | e 5 ie » nl Mise _ jten dollars a tiny ene Jtetestintanien | Take notice that I, Agnace Massey, of| THE 7 i what to do when a perso! i heir temper th \ purse | — Vancouver, B. C., occupation logger, intend) ? 2 ‘ ~~ ' ) apply for permission to purchase the} swimming has be« ‘ hel would soon swell i For Sale following described foreshore }from cramps or overexertior | { Commencing at @ post planted at the e a — southwest corner of Lot 4446, thence south he s ; .H. McLeod 0 feet, thence following the shore line LIMITED Phat when Rev, W en POR SALE—Two incubators, practically|!" a nc wriheasterly direction 300 feet from 2. ; referred to the “button’ method capacity 104 and 150. Apply P.|'He Grand Trunk Pacife Railway right-of. | f recess full I r Sun 0. box 860 , 165-tf | Way to @ point 300 feeet east of the south. | of suecess fully increasing east corner of Lot 4446, thence west 300 day school attendance he had 1 rwo ladies’ suits for sale; size 38; cheay feet to high water mark or 6 T P. right hin tie » mar 1. bi Westenhaver Block, Second Ave. end|°l-Way, thence slong the Besch to point Lumber and | intention of being persona nu “St bene 40 sye-o10 | Of commencement, containing 2.0 acres 0) Ings “ae © - - . more less } the compliment can stand | ree ng ese 1 IGNACE MASSEY “es Dated July 30th, 1912 All Kinds of Burlding Suppies Pub. Aug. 12, 10142 | | BARGAINS FOR ALL { ) 1} , \ f i That the rush for fur coats Wanted | gloves, and mufflers down below Skeena Lend piseetey —Seaeriet of ) : has taxed the storekeepers to the Take notice that 1, Fred Dawson, of ! 5s F i Prince Rupert, occupation fermer, in First Avenue Phone ii | ne limit. WANTED—Cleaning, pressing and repair-ltend to apply for permission to purchase Don't you think you have roughed it long enough Two prominent newspaper pe ng; reasonable price. Phone Black 325.) the following described lands:-—Com- : ‘ ; Second avenve and Sixth St mencing at &@ post planted three miles | now? Why not get vour house nicely furnished? You } men arrived in the city this That the tiny tots who = are wares ene ond 6 ttecnen iit west, one mile south of kod Hill, Banks “ y ; 1 © George. | yartress =a 7 island, thence south 40 chains, thence 2 want to have everything nice and comfortable so that i) ons 3 on the Prince Georg helping level the lumpy surface at the Bay View Hotel 206tf weet 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, # yi Mr. J. Cogger representin > TT » ave i e little thence east 40 chains to int of com ] ] when the weather begins to get chilly and the nights : t. . ee fief Third avenue with her li WANTED Room downstairs without! mencement; containing ie oa tae ne Ou 4) : “Canada,” the well-known illus-|spade is a public benefactress board.; close in. Apply P. O. Dox 95.Jor jess. * E pi lengthen out you will be able to say { ‘trated monthly magazine pub- s 207-210 tie te wa roghe? DAWSON ™ rater ugus . 2 ) i i ltished in London, England, who That needless to remark they| WANTED—a rep ape sly 720 Fourth Ave Phone 20 t 4 | There Is No Place Like Home |) ©: 02209! 0" 9f.t0.0e-)ae Nor employed by the ony) ae tt Eee orner Lich )}i minion, having visited this sum-|eouneil. WANTED—-Women to feed and fold on Coast Kange Four. H } ’ i jmer already in almost every im anes — oe au “a prince nao sooupest sameeren . { d *é é ost eve - —_— dry 186t lis, oF ’rince u , vecu 0 je \ Drop in and see us; we'll be glad to see you. "r . "a mache pT ‘ , woman, intend to apply for permission to , ree i 7 { i : jpertant city in Canada That a few hens might help) | . spines |PUrchase the following described lands:- / ; Hy) | } WANTED—First class wood turner. Prince ee } Let us give you some idea of our bargains. But come { Mr. M. Ledwidge, of the Van-| some, too. Rupert Sash & Door Co 149-0F oer aa nae oak ” a — — - | i i i . . st and one su . a { Hicouver Saturday Sunset, is also —— Banks island, thence south 80 chains ; and see them for yourse | GOOD CARPENTER wants work. Box M, \ : o : : ’ , : } N , ee them f irself jon a special trip to Prinee Ru- That on the level it's a bit) News office thence east 80 cheins, thence marth 40 CTION SIX Fi { i | ; j chains, thence west 40 chains, thence 4 4 Carpet Squares, 2'2x3 yds., sale price.............. $6.95 HM) pert, in connection with the forth} rocky, isn’t it? north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to Stoves (must be sold), from $3.50 to $30.00 B}coming annual edition of that en manor. $20 ' tt Ries Ns | paper that is being brought out] That if you ask your best Lost and Found Dated augue DaLLE, SMITH ELLIS WO cash and the balance over { J ¢ yated | us . y s at 6 per cent { atiresses (Mestmore)......... -....---+-+-+-+- $9.96 Pin October. This special num-|friend for his honest opinion of} Pub. Auge 13, 1948 — I Frui in h js biber o » Saturds sunse ’ ee as! {{ wit dare, pint, quart, half gallon; per doz., $1, $1.10 ) |ber of the Saturday Sunset will/you you'll not like it as well a }LOST—Friday night, between McBride |Skeena Land District—District of Coast, i a a. i nd Wee's a be i wk doers $1.50 X deal largely with Prince Rypert,| you thought you might and postoffice black beaded bag, of np Range V re 2} and will have an _ exceedingly ee eee 22 Owe, Se Ianroke, Ont. océupetion famubertnen, Samuel Harrison & ) ’) . ‘ ae ok -¢ One aeae rman | leave in postoffice 2 wasn aoe ' 10 portnanes i pores = fi large cire » e ts » clo as a spo hiend i ty 46 ase . { | urge circulation, When ; - table « th has a spot} | the following deseribed lands . Brokers and Financial Agents Se ere and there and vou are not} Commencing @1 4 post planted @t point . \ KEEP AN EYE ON 3RD AVE. WINDOW. 1 cil gang sap ps, i where 6. T. F. Kly. intersects the Zymago-| Second Ave. Prince Rupet ready to change it, run magnesia Miscellaneous j titz River, about 26 chains conepaness from oe a ( on the spots; the cloth will oe most westerly point of Lot 1719, thence 7 { Ny : | meme eee me easterly 48 chains along G. T. P. Bly. right ) Uti SERMON much cleaner. | ‘i it way, thence southerly and Weoterty WEST ASSAY WORKS \ se MARRY—Why remain alone? The Idealj about 70 chains following shore line of ) , i introduction Club is a strictly private,|isiand to point of commencement. ) ; | high class, reliable medium for intro JAMES COXFORD { ducing worthy marriageable peeople; any Dated July 6th, 1012 Gold, 8 e { | nationality or religion Particulars for Pub. July 23, 1012 sold, Silive PI stamp Mrs. Wilson, box 1776, Van ; | couver. B. C. keena Land District—District of Coast, 615 Hastings St. W } Range V | | ——$—$————SS } = Take notice that |, Anthony Ludgate, of c SUIT CASE LAUDER VISITS. | Kitsumkalum, occupation lumbermaa, tu- VANCOUVER, 8 , 4 . W. NICHOLSON-LAILEY, tend to apply for permission to purchase) = i " - = es : Te Architect the following described lands 4 Philadelphia, Sept 4—Rev CANADA rehitect, Commencibg at & post planted at a point) y ; ’ : . where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago ’ ° ; Hugh MeBride, of the Disston Room 10 Stephens Block =o i nectoriy’ point ef Lon Aven, ahames ' i os . @ ' > . Pres aris . “0 b easterly 48 chains along the G, T. P. Rly. Memoria! Presbyterian ehurch, j demmalinn Phone 84 right. ot way, thence Bortherly and. weet- e had the satisfaction of seeing Mre. Harry Lauder, wife of] _._._£_._.____.. > po Se iy following eee line Sasa | } P of isianc © polot of commencemen ' lone of his sermons accomplish|the famous Scottish singer, has| STUART & STEWART ANTHONY LUDGATE ' . 7 * | Dated July 6th, 1012. Shell Fishing ‘ LS an immediate and practical good.| been visiting Kindersley, where | Accountants Pub. July 23,1912. ’ } ‘ Lots 3 and 4, Block 8, Section 1, $15,000; $5,000 cash, balance 6, 12 A young girl thief stole the pas-|her brother, J, K. Valens, has a| ie Skeeas Land District-—District of Coast, prising 40 ‘ | | end 18 months ltor’s suit case in which we allarge farm. During her stay in| 309 2nd Ave. Phone No, 280 Range & ' Lots 11 and 12, Block 1, Section 1, $15,000; $5,000 cash, balance 6 } : - “ee 6S : - F g . 7 an Take notice that Cardfine Johnson, of ate A snay $2.4 Oe 12, 18 and 24 months copy of a sermon on “Right and| Winnipeg, Mrs. Lauder visited: Prince Rupert P. O. Box 351] vancouver, B. ¢., occupetion married _ re SECTION 61x. rp ”" The girl res » ger- . t vhere .| Auditors for City of Prince Rupert] Woman, intends to apply for permission Lot 22, Block 7, Section 6, corner with 38 feet frontage on Fifth Ave |Wrong.” The girl read the ser-|the Industrial hall, where she| " , © purchase the following described lands ; $4,500; %' cash, balance 6 and 12 months ~~ mon and then wrote a letter to] was entertained by a concert on — Commencing @t @ post planted at the ’ ; 2 =n, , : 0) . , ; ‘ southwest corner of Lot 3065, theuce 80 i the minister, telling him she had|/the telautophone, which has been| ,,ppep carss C. V. BENNETT, B.A. | °h4i0s south, thence 80 chains east, thence George . \ .v. » B.A. . SECTION SEVEN ileft his suit case at a storage|installed there. The greater part| of British Columbia of B.C., Ontario, Sas- So ae ae tee Lot Lots 1 and 2, Block 31; double corner; $2,000; $800 cash room, had quit stealing, and was|of the program was confined to end Masteshs Ses. saaewen ane Sh 3063, thence north 20 chains gens rs ’ ; . ' 306% aoa : balance 6, 12 and 18 months, |looking for work, the rendering of a large number CARSS & BENNETT 3068" . pon of mmaaanee eel aa 7 i Lots 9 and 10, Block 44, $1,700; $700 cash, balance 5, 41 ——$$_____ of Harry Lauder’s original songs. Barristers, Notaries, Erc. Ing 500 Genes Mae 8 eneon JOHN DYBHAVN and 17 months. | Auetion Sal ho'd With Mrs. Lauder were Mr. and | Offiee—Albert Block, Second Avenue. W. J. Goodwin, Agent. Lots 33 and 34, Block 16, #1,800 pair; half cash, balance > e pee Househo Mrs. William Thompson, pro- maeeeeeen bm tees pene Mey a tis. Real Pe = am 6 and 12 months a prietors of the Beethoven Music Skeena Land District—Cassiar Range a Pe . * skeen y < Cy . Lots 21 and 22, Bloek 32, $2,000; $800 cash, balance 6, 12 On Tt i Home, in Glasgow, Scotland, and TAKE NOTICE that I, BE. S. Wise, of 6319 8rd Avenue Phone ’ 1ursday afternoon at 2 hey : he v4 Victoria, occupation gentieman, intend _ and 18 months o'clock sharp © veer caniplet they are now on their way to within thirty days to a ply for permis- | ————— 5 « meepiete 4 ek 23 000: ha! d als “eG é 9 ; . Vancouver. -Ch h Se = sion w purchase the following adecribed - ym . ”. os " ore , a e 6 and 12 months. assortment of good household urc rvices - land: Commencing a “a. post planted 4008 “ ane bOCK ), $2,000; half cash, balance 6 and furniture and effects will be ee om cee ee 8 ee _ 2 , a 2 HAYNER BROS. ; . as - sold, without reserve at the flat FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH south, thence twenty chains east, thence UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMEKS ts and 2, Block 42, $2,250; #1,250 cash, balance 6 : . . Services every Sunday in the twenty chains north, thence twenty irectors 12 month - ieee. seeks Suaepee F gee No 64 Fourth avenue Fasi. On Chureh Hall at 11 am. and chains west to point of commneement. aaa oe Va — ~ 0 5. » , or Empress Theatre at 7.30 p.m. gE. 5. WISE. Srd Ave. near 6th St = view Wednesday afternoon and Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. Lyons Forrest, Agent : s a4 é i ock 4 - $: . 7 Ww. kb . : . Lots 4, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 441, $8,000; $3,000 cash, bal- Thursday morning, Fran} 4 ©. ¥. @. Rene, 1.4. > “ Dated July 26, 1942. : ance 6, 12 and 18 months. ? . . . a Pub, Aug. 56, 1042. ” | Ellis, Auctioneer. ‘ sleaaii domeapen = aus } nevenbee — ” THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, ; Oil cloth should never be McINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NBAR OTH ST. Take notice that |, fu T. Hambiet, of L. FISHER The Continental Trust , Limited washed with soa@py water. Soap vm and ke Sunday ot, 1 Terrace, B. C., cecupation engineer, intend E. . : ’ ” am. « oe unday apply for permission to purchase the mbalmef to the Use School 2.30 Baraca following described lands; Funeral Director and : is apt spoil color. E ; i taataiie oie th dl he Bible Class 230 1 p.m Commencing at & post planted on the CHARGES REASONABL ; ; . ewarm water with a few drops M ; , a 5 : REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor sone beak ° Beaver iver and _ess ‘* THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356 : ‘ ia i . Montreal, Aug. 31- Jespal- miles in & westerly rection from t ; f ammonia in it and a soft eloth. on « —_ southwest corner of T. L. 2256, thence OPEN DAY AND NIGHT : f == Sages — = — ches from Villestpierre, a Freneh Tae vapor METHODIST CHURCH o chains sou. tones see chains “est, : a 2 - AND MUSGRAVE PLACE thence 40 chains north, thence 160 chains y ; j Canadian village reports that Services every Sunday at 11 east following the meander of river back eee / - am. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday to point of commencement, containing 640 ih if disgraceful assaults have been School at 2.30 p.m. acres more or less, — made on bible women and com REV. C. R. SING, B.D. Pastor Per gut. it ee Eevee EMPRESS BOWLING Al ' forters who have been holding|} Jyy saLvaTION ARMY CITADEL Dated June 10m, 1912 Sean oe religious meetings in that dis- " Granville Court — i om Srp, Oy ene cm 4 Alleys ta . Sul ; e 2 C : , La oo of the women was a'm.,3 and 8p. mo.” sun: meutiineat a ~ _ ou. ereneows Ball truck in the face ‘ : ay Sehool, 1:30 m e , rite Nic alls - little ct a ae - and badly cul, Week night services’ Mon pene, Ee SE eee Boe, of Mineralite a little child was struck in the day, Wednesday, Thurs to apply for permission Ww purchase the NUE ie ad = d d Saturd THIRD AV ie stomach and is now at the hos- ant, ae sah ae euren following cooerpe ane , ‘ : . ; Al MKS J Commencing 4t & post plante on the ow f Block. te. Price. Cast T .. pital, and several others were Commanding OMecers north bank of Beaver River and about 4% : erm melae . . clin “ad miles in @ westerly direction from the f soa $15,500.00 1-3 Bal, 6, 12, 18 mos. een one moe ~ ore 40 chains norte, thence $0 cheige Weer : 4 ec 1 complaints , i eh orth, thence 80 chains west, it 18-19 40,000.00 1-3 Bal. 6, 12 mos, ... ian th ie ror ee ne a een =— thence 40 chains south, thence 80 chains e are 00 : t we £ le ’ « . _ a . . 6 1-6 50,000.00 1-3 Bal. 6, 12, 18 mos. cers told the women that it co ld LAND PURCHASE NOTICES point “Of Commancement, cantelaing ose 7 12,000.00 1-4 Bal. over 3 yrs. eet i oa ‘we SL acres more oF less e se oO cease” sellin ibles MARGRITE NICOLL 8 12,000.00 1-4 Bal. over 3 yrs. and preaching s Skeena Land Digeries- ‘Disiriet of Coast, Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent t Tia yey ie or 4 ag a : , notion ar ° Themend Traynor, Pub vuly 46, 181s. to write ads., !) ‘ 001). - Bal mos. ; , ~ amare of Terrace, B. C., occupation physician 1 ™ : aa : When canning fruit alwe P- wT . _ i always be| intend to piy for permission to pur tomorrow W 20-21 27,000.00 $10,000.00 Bal. 6, 12, 18 mos. sure that the rubber . co oa, | CnMSe the fdlowins described lands ’ . \ . 656 17,000.00 1-3 Bal. 6, 12 mos, ore oo . ub = s on - w eae ing eceet gees pransed on ie AlexM.Manton es, W.E.Williamana con | ROOd lols al - i esau ‘ r dead rut or Bi er and abou 57-55 35,000.00 10,000.00 Gal, 1, 2, 3, 4 yrs. Ye MCS) miles in & westerly ‘ireetion from thé WILLIAMS & MANSON If you want will not keep the jars air tight,| southwest corner of 1. L. 2255, thence RB g ' and the fruit will spoil 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west, | arristers, Solicitors, ete, ae } PATTULLO & RADFORD woh ects ce Se it it 1 prices you em east, following meander of river back to P “e R Second Ave Phone 83 pola of commencement, containing 640 rince Rupert, B.C | terms, * bres ore or less Ad ° s SEYMOUR TRAYNOR vertise in Per Bll T, A. Hamblet, Agent. | P. 0. BOX 2a PRINCE RUPERT Dated June Oth, 1012 Pub, July 16, 1042 The Daily News taraveaswaray” 2c oti% —(@ R Naden Cont | pune, OF WM. FOKON, G8Q., A.A... LOM, ENG gnd Avenue