THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, BC. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —5 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES~—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DatLy, We per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. Other Countries — Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York — National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City All Advances Made Recently in Roadbed Building, in Grade Design, Fr i i ‘ Between Caseage and a porate Best connecting with « ate ss . Ad ces ‘ t Z ef inst et Car. / Z ui and # U per; Pacific coast. Let us prepare itinerary for your trip Bas) mt the SFATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. ‘ re Steph . ne fine pi s Ar appea , f double track Phe ia Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. For all informarion apply - ” we shens ; * firs sie x pyr ee STER, jener ‘ e Lonpon, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Buflding, Trafalgar gracija) that tt ed 1858 on shee Chicag and)! t ror is reduced pre +. |. oa yeneral Ag Street Square. A his pra ih \ railroad, as George M is they | ct I aE a . i s 8 ama Sa an cautiously « verted al eh f half an uM DatLy EDITION. ue THURSDAY; SEPT. 5 ™M. ! i ' . rdinary day-coach » a dormi-|two mites nia can Great West ta 1} tory Four years lat the As M he surveys the B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE jcompany na erly evieWl line between Baltin and Phi world field ! ' ad progress | j fitt i ief place the , ipresents a picture r:'}adelphia, a box car was tted upihe e s thy hief pla i Me American railroa : nes nethwise with a k neh! standardizat gauge which] FAMOUS Nene SAFETY f ° - © th. ude beg xs " irs unter There and then began/allows any gine ir to have PRINCESS meee. SPEED Cor, Fraser and Sth Wines and Cg a ews on S age Im the zh I vy | the dining ¢ar as whichia free path n any track what Vala 6 | RUP S PALACE of jplans of pi ring. & if) w flourishes on eve through | ever, LINE Pe, SERVICE common 3 153 feet and more the of North America cxentttianeinigts ay |eommon Of eourse th heavy Just as marked have i > 4 ; ea ae traffic the motive pows such | improvements in freight S. S. Princess May 4 SIR GEORGE DOUGHTY’'S electric light demands from lin wa srgely asted 4t14850 th f UT BOUND 0 @ i. es was aree Sve s vo Se cars of Ww ‘ SO ' ADDRESS TONIGHT. you a deposit of one month's n refori Sgrad wa S01} feet i + w j 1: 000 H Workingm average rates advansa offic? TCCOE™ oe fee ong, ele hes ON ngman's Home in es High compliment has been paid ey ime Sov ane _ aren I that before many years a grade) pounds, and carried eight tons TA MINUTE RUSH oer Aug. 31,9 a.m. Free Labor Bareau in (om a a the people of a certain Scottish oon on ee eoitiiae al 4 "bel ® xceeding 16 feet to a m WwasiThey cost $400 each é. @. GRAB, Genera! Agent | Phone 178 aa 4 seaport by the London press c tron By ? a “a 4 i v4 nt, | rare, freight moves in ears sili: stee | on. BR pitts Ho ee ooo <8 a é ae oe Be te Ties Treble in Price trucks and underframes, 40 feet| ODERIUS, Propriete 4 great assembly of scientific bes ~~ = = , : 0 y i j r" f 1850.) /ong, weighing 100,000 pounds — , men in their midst this month chances on You must pay = soe Oey er tl ee jjand bearing a burden of 50 tons.) ; in aiden e that aport your month's charges in ad-|hardwood ties © i best kim i ; i “ 2 avis was Gent: — c ae : te ance be the - or ~o.} were bought at 25 to 30 cents]!" proportion to lat tonnage! Siewe, ae : { made a special request that vo : I h trifling of : leach Today an infer irticle| the heavy car suffers less than] Walther, a contractor, tried to] ; : eae - nblic! mendous, jus in case ou] Cacr. vay, * , : ail Aten: 06 im bile d #7 | seb engar gr mee : nt mee 4 skip out” and leave the last|bears a trebled price. Accord-|one-fourth as much — frietiona | Pp 900 in bills and $700 in . a hearing of the greatest men of} month's bill unpaid. Who is|ingly chemical methods have|resistance as the light car silver coin off an express trai XCUFSIONS ‘-~ Wellington Coal. Best on & , science should be loubled i j . ‘ aly Bridges Get Bigger igoing 60 miles an hour into the c : That i 1 tribute t Scotland's | it that so insults vou? Your| been applied and a propet ' , } , l hand fh brother Cha ld oast ‘ Ss we Ww SuUTaEe oT 4 . an elee.| treated cedar tie now lasts 15 to nm pioneer times all ridges nas 0 8 rotMer, Maries ' Phone characteristic eagerness for} OW" city. If you are an elec- z es eongee . thr a " -lwere of wood. built at a cost of| Walther, at a station here last| by the 116 Rogers & Bad Wis education. It is the greatest} ‘tic light user you know about|=" years, neany eee ‘iad f , { d nen -| night i aia a tie f Canadian it. You have received a printed|@s untreated wood Next to ties] five o te n dollars a n a re Mbaiidee | nha 4 ; iets 4 om ; t ‘ th “oan ' slip explaining the system ap-|'§ ballast. Of old anything and] feot Today all urge = bridges} , var "4 yom failed to make i 4AuDs, "Indeed 1 is leir essen-t J ss a < nned do aelare of stone of ster or rei the caten ane 2 packages b i Oe ; al yroved by the Couneil by which| everything was dumped down a ’ : en rear / he tion characteristit a ae cade consumer of electricity|ballast. Nowadays it is carefully} forced concrete They cost 30 ane cae the So for a hun [RO UOIS seize “very opportunity or ; anlkan : ai ‘ole rer fo ae mue as the}dred vards along the track e h ie th ze rd f the in this cily is required to de- chosen as to quali properly de per : = a uch a t 1 ; 7 v ng : . 1 : ls SOLID TRAINS 3) POOL ? ear e oras 0 ; - ‘ rnenec ll ite duetishort ¢ slig strue ea n wlice formed a wrdor around —— —--—- a world's great men. Prinee Ru- posit . month's aregereranned SBS 0: wa se aay - i me ee saieene ‘ | the money while all but 70 cents daily from Vancouver | ; . ‘ *) : | charges in advance before light} and dirt removes on 0) pare * e : : ‘ : English and American Biliary 3 pert’s Canadian Club is well to} a Lae. ( ‘nsure thorough drainage.| with engine houses, water tanks,|of the $1,600 was picked up or Seattle | 4 the front in this respect, and} ‘5 sranted him. The petty in-/@* to ensu tae cole | stat for sealttilind j | Twelve Tables SRCOND AVE | allt beniliongns te @pnctan| 208 of Blo @ieady Gaadlegle%s property Gustrinutes to le te ee Low round trip rates to all points in| ° Pn | 6 eomment amongst large users| roadbed to bear the loads of heavy|freight. Wooden buildings hay The Japanese printed table) Canada and the United States. Call) — 3 to it, Tonight through = its in ; irolling stock given place to” brick or stone jcloths, doilies and centre pieces | and let us tell you all about it forts and invitation and under; °f light. Tho memory of the) Pole ; teel f i t i} fy tl ! f tal | eno ‘ an i ili dies i : ’ steel or reinforced concrete, with| simplify rw problem o able a A. B its auspices opportunity is| ab urd ruling by the City Rails and Spikes costs which climb high inte mil-jlaundry in the summer time «R rs’ Steamshi - . given to hear Sir George} Council that the ST ee of In no detail has railway prac-|),44¢ as at Washington. Chi age hey need no starching oge P Cartage, Coa d Storage ‘ : certé central restaurant ana ; r = ° : a — ~~ o a Doughty speak on “Empire, a} a riaim en tice won a more decided advance and New York At first meekideleeasily leoned A } Reli » tom ) . OE * ad Ne o firs rf eleasil one pliable eat ger Service subject which certainly in-| could not have light supplied) inan in the design and manufac- aires wete.emall wooden hull gency tensely concerns Prince Rupert, | unless he paid the back charges ture of rails At first they were]... eauiened ai a cost iaeets piieue the gateway of Empire, as out due by the ee i — mere strap iron, weighing 19] ).ore than 810.000. In © 116 ‘Phone 58 735 3rd in the Premises efore in is ‘ ‘ods e , " ee i oe een: 1a oo, rails for the heaviest traffic power machines: and sauna | able it of mismanagement o . ar i thie ar | PRINCE RUPERT | a public utility is the excuse|“°S" 135 pounds to the | yard./toois, demands an outlay of five] “ONION §.5. COMPANY OF B.C., Ltd’ PROGRESSES f 7 th present in shiceenhiat and are so contoured, age to etilinds ie audi mode " 0 © prese ” ") Plimmen H. Dudley, that they To meet demands says 4| that every user of electric have twenty-fold the rigidity of Signalling System | The new steel Passenger Steamers ilve SI es contemporary, there will be a light or power in Prince Rupert the ill-designed primitive rails. jesides, all this, a trunk 99 brewery soon in Prince Rupert is dishonest, . pl a : ies aed ag) eduires car shops, foundries an nd| = 6 It is even rumored that the . For AS . a . x wae’ fae repair shops, all representing the| e The up-to-date House Dew — - - 0 > ‘ re ’ ene "Ss ane Ss work of erection is speedily to : iehee | ki tr at ut joint latest and best lathes, milling | First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 tors of Prince Rupert 3 ates lack r stre f ‘ ; dneninenon Weleome newst PUTTING UP WITH pial : ~~ "~s . rai! machine and casting processes a " ear ‘ F as anywhere else. st a re . Never did Prince Rupert’s| PEOPLE venid spike was nothing nwore] > **Y years ago a semaphore was! PHONE 6 99 sign Writing. metropolitan _aspect become Appreciative persons are in- late i. Titilnad wait. Math -mnee the sole mode of signalling. To- H 25 s 7 more apparent. Many a small variably loved, because it is 80}, work loose from the shocks day automatic block signals are} ss : Be Paper-Hanging place, it is true, may boast of comfortable to go to a friend and shakes it underwent. M.:d- installed, costing $850 per mile Prince Rupert, B.C. o Specialties a brewery, but inevitably the who credits one with good mo-} spikes are of screw for . so]® Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver | ur Specia presence of this indsutry tives, who believes what one as to hold rails and ties securely oo Callowes ' ang means the thronging some- says, who does not hide disap- together. ° ‘Chelohsin” Wednesdays at 10 p.m.|““We always deliver the goods’ \ where near of population in proval or ridicule behind — in- big number. Prince Rupert is} serutable eyes, and who is too Giant Locomotives “Camosun” - Saturdays at 10 p.m./2nd Street Phone 156 Gre s0 situated that nowhere nearer tender and kind to dig down to Locomotives, if the bull may Arriving at Vancouver Frid i ; uve than Port Essington is there the grimy roots from whieh|permitted, have not stood still oO an emen = eS ae aay eee we z any great congestion of popu- even the sweetest flowers| these 60 years past. In 1850 and y &. Pp ely lation. It cannot be, in spite spring. Without doubt, to be thereabout, a passenger engine ir fl one safer on the coast than these two of waggish suggestions, that happy over little trivial things|weighed 15,000 pounds, with a VANCOUVER BRAND fac 8 aaah saat ERT F Port Essington’s thirst is to be is a great source of pleasure in| boiler pressure of 100 pounds to ea—a=FNeeN—0—== = ———==== = quenched by Prinee Rupert a world where little things are|the square inch. Today this We are now carrying a stock and can make Big stock of al! kinds f produced beer. No, the product so important and putting up/weight is exceeded —twelve-fold La ROGERS, Agent Phone 116 Garden Seeds, Timothy must be for Prinee Rupert con- with ordinary people and ap-jand boiler pressures often reach I ° Deli . | Clover and Grai sumption and for export. The preciating their society is a/225 pounds. Of course freight mmediate veries } ie, ide Seeds indication is infallible. Prince means Of enjoyment which few|engires show a development still 16 a i. . a i >rompt Attended Rupert has been picked by the of us can afford to neglect.jmore remarkable. A Mallet lo- mena nea = es Se machine, Fels comment CARTAGE and = epee Tromp industry that makes cities Most of us, after all, are just|comotive for the Santa Fe line snow —_ oe oe In 7 days, 792 pounds to STORAGE — a famous as a place of perma- ordinary people to other peo-|weighs no less than 616,000 the square inc ia ap 1007 Ibs to square Stock fool nent abode. Prince Rupert is ple, and cannot hope to receive} pounds, with a tractive effort me G. T. P. Transfer Agents : Agents Internationa L really on the way to become from them a more lenient| thirty-six times greater than the PRICES ON APPLICATI Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. — in detail and in general a judgment than the judgment|{toy of 1850, which weighed only ON | OFFICE—H. B. ser, Cantee ut. e ’ metropolis, we give. 15,000 pounds. In 1850 a com- oils ati . ee Rochester. Phone ised ie i ete i mon passenger car was wholly of , a rT ee | - i iad OL ‘ . 7 seats, ar a- IN CASE YOU MAY THE WEATHER ee ee eee ee oe Cc. B. hrei r Co td. “1? | Roeser costa Cana a Se be & L Little’s NEWS SE DISHONEST. $2,500. Its modern successor is 9 es It's insulting, of course, but For twenty-four hours ending|jal!l steel, carries 82 passengers, FOURTE STREET | . nan Dancing Schoo there's no other way of looking|5 a. m., September 5: Barometer,/and extends for a length of, 81 Sole Agents for Prince Rupert | Magenines : Periodicals :; Newspapers Opens THurspay, August ag at it, When a corporation in) 29.829; maximum temperature,| feet, with a breadth of 10 feet; if | CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS McINTYRE HAL! favoring you with a service of) 62: smperature, 46 08 . gy service 0of}62; minimum temperature, 46. costs $16,000, |2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club THE DAILY NEWS GREAT RAILROAD STRIDES RESULTS OF WHICH REALIZE CPR. OR GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC in the Construction of Bridges, Rolling Stock, Loco- | motives and Signalling Systems “a WIFTEST UREST S AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE4RUPERT” AND “PRINCE G For Vancouver, Victoria and sea: MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS © om Prince George Gaile for Stewart on Thursdays o; “PRINCE JOHN” Simpson, Naas, 6; Charlotte Islands “PRINOE ALRERT” GRAND AGL System EORGE” 8 a.m Ween service to Port anby Bay 4 Regular sailings for Skeens River Canneries, and ai) wy Prince Rupert and Vancouver Ween Passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupe Mon and Saturdays at 11 4 Mm., Making connect) ons ‘aye Cheap Excursion Rates Over Grand Tru The Dowdle Track Route) nk Railway System For 4 Few Davs REST —-TONM ME AT FISH HOOK HOLLOow PD.Q,! — ees ne —-__-_— The City Editor’ $ Razor i is Also on a Vacation ee L SAVY OLD SIDE. KICKER -HAVE You A= Ov 0 ONCE. © Saw W Hin, Yor You) COULDN Miss HIM-His WELL HERE © AM AT FISHHOOK +OLLOW - Now, ‘TO FIND THE Boss - WONDER_ I= THAT RUBE WOULD KNOW WHERE HE 1S ? ai OF PLUMG-soRT OF a HUMAN SCARE-cRow! MAP 15 ALL PUSHED our —Drawn for The Daily News >Y wp HIMSELF WITH ACRUP ———