THE DAILY NEWS i . Ah Mies ; oie er Sal = = — " 7" ao — | = —————— ti Canadian General Electric Company, Limited | NEGLECT OF EVEN ONLY AL aes i} | an Mint any, 1} Publ t * t i otors, in ng and Coatr ing Machinery ublie notice is bereby given that under se e Electrical Apparatus of e 4 e the first part of Chapter 79 of the Revised i ce very escription ; Statutes of Canada, 1906 known a8 “The S ll inl | re Companies Act, letters patent have been / Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mer. BOX 974 issued under the seal of the Secretary of aii State of Canada, bearing date the 18th day i of June, 1912, incorporating Richmond ——— } Gi yy ie Hart, barrister. at-law; George Do ble © : i’ enemas rhe Miller, ont-at ) u n : oi 96 33) > 080 880 080 680989 000 880 e800! PH BUIPIP Big giaig i py I , Stockrs, Jeesic airechen Gad Winnitend OSPR? C8 Sty, Se eee ae Buliding 1am pe t wep frequently happens thatj/burn. Rags and oils and flour an, stenographers, all of the City of Lots 21-22. Block 35, Section 1 q A ’ ’ “— . . : * are ¢ orontoe, in the Provinee of Ontario, fo a ‘ : i . Meithe shock resulting from burns}and sueh things are all right tol (yt following purposes, via: oe Ba Diam itaire and er ba) + proves as serious or even more|stop the pain, but the chances 4) To acquire by purchase, lease, ex at Biserious than the burn itself, and] are they may not be entirels hange or otherwise, and to use, hold and 7% bo improve lands, tenements, hereditaments, a ENGA GS 86 | physicians who are called in such|germ free, Keep boric acid in| tmmovables and interest therein and gen 9 9 i} eapcrnmergneies devote their energies|the house for just an emergenes pag cad tal Calan naloes , “Site tee i 0 illustrated catalovue shows pjand skill to assisting the victimjand in ease of burns dust this a ee: ae — and Balance Very Easy. i : ~ ; ‘ ‘ . » dealing in real estate and any err most completé éssortunent. of eelin recovering from the shock, over the injured place rst or right therein , se ti / m set rings, from s‘bich out. A wal may burn deeply through When blisters ovous they my suc b prepera’ in Pumas ‘ote pm Bainter & Sloan { : town buyers may .oose as H . the flesh and muscles and vet not| should be opened, but care should] lanes, squares or otherwise, and upon such Ch Q ae 4 i , . aba nin a property make, construct, build and ma ' hy itisfactorily as if ‘hey eould enry Birks & Sons cause as great a shock as a burn|be taken sal pricking them AT tain rueds bridges and other internal com H * , ‘ —Limited— that extends “oa larger are darning needle is all right, but ji |@umeations, houses, mills, factories and ‘eae te a rn J teen J eller Mai Order House but a . . vere o an om nal be cleansed from all 4 > ppotlen’ ¢ “Enprovement Of ay sucl rh i ms “very diamonre in every lew i ’ here urns 1 SKIN ane ¢ Om ¢ 08 : vecupation or improvement of any such ‘ ' : 3 : , that leaves our store, we 2 aT does not injure the flesh and] sible germs first by holding in a j eg ial ; a LAND LEASE NOTICES. SONS OF NORWAY i ig ’ .E. 9 ( o make advances w of loans _ — iarantee to be perfect in cut. Menage Director muscles blaze. Whether dressing your] to purebasers or leseees of any ‘part of ‘the Ske La aa ta " : mm bur » those of .p | company’s real estate for building put one And Division— District of Meets {st and 3rd Thursdays at 7 i ting. color and brilliavey, and Nearly every one knows that/OW" Surns or the f another,| poses or other improvements, to sid by a ae oe . i : being the largest imnorters of Vancouver -:- B.C. oils and flour prevent pe the| Wash your hands thoroughly and| Way of advances or otherwise in the con TAKE NOTICE that I, Milton Christian,| P+ ™., @t 3419 3rd ave, All Nor- i! eing t é | iW pam Me its he ail . t} i . struction and maintenance of roads,| 0! Inverness, B, C., cannery employee, in- wegians are welcome it monds {1 Ganedé W can as. case of most burnk ani ,y| clean the nails, as this will fre-| streets, waterworks, sewers and other| ‘ed to apply for permission to lease the . am a inns, and = they work f imp 1 iculated following described lands :—« i . , rave . . ‘ aro| Works © provement, calculated to} [elle c i Jommmencin —_— nneieoensienssmmninncicnasiciciaiaiili i ure you of the low >t ; ossible apply it, but they are not aware oy ees orm Be ee render the company’s property more ac . a poet penares of the northwest coreat f as aii LS Swit slina ‘ . aesiad i always more or less on the hands] cessible or to enhance its value of smith and and direct! site prices for perfect» ge « Write that cleanliness and great care ie tti athe burs 4 re ids ene hete ieeatenane b verness Cannery, thence running east 5 r our large Jewelry Catalogue, to keep out germs are the most aan = eatthn ing . a : pothecs, Hens and charges and to secure| West po apace, wre Se ee. will be sent free to your ad- important things of all. While eo z a tecabeek [praere ee Ge Re’ company or any] (halns following shore line to place of| ; iress It will interest you. fire kills the germs about the|!e water in it With absorbent] inoney due to the company from pur more Gf las. ne COMMING <0 betes) eka td —_————— . if -| chasers or ¢ € » compe __ poe es wound, it does not prevent othere|Cotton and powder with the boric) tie es tor bullding purposes or other! peseu ee ‘Prince Rapert Lodg “thet . 4 ‘ 0 yated Jul 2 onsen: Bs r pacpaces 2 from getting in and thereby do-|@¢!4d powder, improvements, Pub. Aug. 5. i918. e, 1.0. OF. . 30328 - - B58 pose s8es Sstatesseret: ing great damage ¥ Pe act a5 on agency or association r e ‘ ‘ ‘ . for and on behalf of others who entrust] exe ; Incase of a serious burn, make IS SUNBURN the company With money, invest end elso keena Land Distries jpistries of Coast, ‘i ’ secure the repayment of the principal or ake notice 4 « ~~ “Ot ~o~> Bino allempt to dress it yourself, ihe payment of the interest, or both, of| of Prince ‘Rupert, C., vccupation pros’ Meets in the Helgerson Block ; : iy money entrusted with the company ete . | x ~-+00— ae but call in a doctor. And even in N (or investment, and for the purpose or| Recto” the “tohowiee’ for permission to Every Tuesday Evening secu 2 d s ss 0 . la burn on the face, if apparently any "guarente e oF obligation i “he it omeecs SS pee) eee os All members of the order in the ‘ | sliseht, it is safer to call in al vance made by the company and to receive = an canegiy aware from’ End “ui, city are requested to visit , physician because he will knowl HEAL H ? ng d eats vuene - aan eek be we eoute tweaw = thence east the lodge. | e a eee ; ; » dD se chains, thence north twenty chai how to dress the injuries to avoid| mortgaged oe nection wehoused) to beach, thence westerly along the ‘beach A. H. ALLISON, N. G » bast chance of lgurement. | aH ania ae ay oy 1 such] about eighty chains to piace of commence- ve > Bee wa j the least chance of disfigureme nt. | fc : on eae > aueiites one favestnadi ment, containing one hungred and sixty . W. G. BARRIE, Sec. 1 Merchandi La a 4 k | If you attempt to dress face| The sun-burned face is te-|imade py the company as agent or other-|° °° More oF PRANK B. ST. AMOUR . wise 7 n a . Genera ercnandise - - rgest Stoc burns you might stop the pain,|garded as an indication of health > Dated June 20th, 1012. ‘ ” t To act as agents, or attorneys, for Pub. July 22, 1912. Valhalla of Ss H E « = == =e but at the same time you would) says The Lancet, and there are|the management of estates, the sak of , 7 ; ee & F. f not heal the burn properly and a] s » per s who feel that the] Rroperty, the investment, handling, pay-|skeena Land District—District of Coast ma oon oP ig . &. I I &/ some persons who fee a i ment, “transmission and collection of Range 5. *| Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 | Bs ‘ ‘ scar would result that would dis-| noney epent upon a holiday bas} moneys, rents, inierests, dividends, tort Take notice that A. W. A tP i L t P. N. th B . - gages, bonds, debentures and other se-| shew, of Prince p.m. in the hall at 319 3rd Ave. . owes rices in or ern . . figure you for the remainder of} been weil spent if they come back |curities and the undertaking or investiga olan” as saoth occupation elvil engineer, —_—— $$$ $$$ $n 7 . ‘ > tion, valuation, sales, exchanges, leases, ( vour days. | sun-burnt, subdivisions and the like, r ; conty tee alanine ieee’ tno Fedswtie : +++ ” Nothing that can possibly be} phis view is in general just: &) To construct, build, repair, alter| described lands: SMITH & MALLETT settvindiien contaminated should go near al gon) since the burnt face and 0°Glel tm Gay pudding Reabin | mcet ROPey Geek EP tar ee eee anavteds ~~~ +o | |fiable, since the sun-burnt face] and to deal in any building requisites most northerly point of Lot 501, Range 5, THIRD AVE. ‘3 ae EE implies that the individual has h) To construct, acquire and operat | oot ee on, Porpoise Harbor, thence Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and 5 ; works for the production of power or| > = e rly an ; : 7 ne been exposed to a fresh, health force and deal in such power op teres for let ak ae the fee a Mark to $ Sheet Metal Work 7 . f satiation . _| any use or purpose for which the same , eee we of southwest corner 0 : 4 and open environment—to SUl-|may be adapted, subject to Provincial and Lot 446, Range 5, Coast District, thence Poses 178 ong Ave. bet. Tth and Seb Bee | eee that is to say, which} municipal authorities, oo e v mae My ty Ay? by [have reacted upon him in a wav], yleduiee letters patent of tuven-| the "host Ynortheriy™» point of Stapleton | 4 = ‘ , Colcessions,| island, part of Lot 642; thence west to 4 whieh routine fails to do, It is} ttcenses, trade marks, copyrights or any| «nj . ‘ y : ; . S point, thence followin ° a. iru Goat nieve the re oie other privileges of like nature connected! on the west side of Stapleton Island to the 1836 THE BANK OF 1912 j ru iat nowadays the mere ple a anything convenient for the purposes} most southerly point of Stapleton Island, mentary effect of the sun upon | the company, and to turn the same to} thence east to the H. W. Mark of Lot 642, # ’ account by manufacturing or working the] th 8 ; yo ti the skin ean be readily imitated same or granting licenses in respect os . 6 southerly following the H. wee s ; by employing the chemical or al- Pea ee etd f ; od of Lot 501, thence south to L. W. 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS " ¢ . © purchase or otherwise acquire,| Mar nence following L. W. Mark to a * tra-violet rays of the electric} or undertake ali or any part of the busi-| point due south of the most southerl light. and in particular the ravs hess, property, assets or liabilities of any| point of Lot 501, thence north to this Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 ‘ J ert, & I . : person, partnership or company carrying} point, thence northerly following H. W. ‘ ve ome as 0 Oe en re eee “thos ot the. compeng on bee. te PORP isk WARbOR LAND GO une See : : or in part to those of the company or pos “ORPOISE HARBOR LAND CO., LTD. : so, if all the result required Of] sessed of property suitable and proper for Per A. W. A : ' ’ ‘ ‘ . W. Agnew. 4 a holiday was merely a sun-burnt| ' Purposes of the company Pub. aly 50th, S98: Bank by Mail and Save Treuble a : . ? k) To apply paid up shares, bonds or} PUD. Aus. 12, 1912. ‘ face, this could be done in the] debentures in payment either in whole or ee it is i ‘ “aa space of minutes instead of an vais. = peivuees real bd en CERTIFICATE oF IMPROVEMENTS. If it is inconvenient for oe » ¢ 5, . Ss, concessions or y time expensive holiday at the seaside = poeesoee which the company may Notice—-Rupert ‘Mineral Claim, situate ” get my aaa Ore, i . = . awfully acquire, and also in payment, part|in the Skeena M Db ; , y vis pos i ith. extended over weks. It follows] payment or exchange for the shares, bonds, District “Where “loested: Near Granby, 7 — nae = uM - that mere sunburn is not; strict- canensures or woe securities of any other ia the said mining division and adjoining draw money, call or write " i company doin business similar in whole/| the property f the Granb Consol ‘ ly speaking, an index of acquired] or in part or incidental to the business of | Mining, Smelting and Power “ aoe) the Manager of our nearest ‘ b | health this company Limited B h 4 . " . 1) To purchase, acquire, hold and own Take notice that I, F. J. Coleman, Free} ranc : No amount of ultra-violet ray!shares of the capital stock, bonds or other | wp : 2 pe 52977B, intend, | + pa 7 sittin © Sans . .o | Securities of any other company, corpora. | 5!Xty days om the date hereof, to apply : , ; 7 ¥ treatme im however, can produce] tion or individual carrying bn ot engaged | Q the Mining Recorder for a Certificate | You simply mail us your oa the decided general improvement|in any business which the company |ts| ‘ Inprovements, for the purpose of ob-| . i vTi ts = . ‘ : “} .. empowered to carry on or engage in, and} ‘fing 4 Crown Grant of the above claim. | depositsor write for whatever , > = in health and tone which a/to acquire, hold or otherwise dispose of} And further take notice that action, | eash you need change of air and scenery does. |5¥¢h. shares, bonds or other securities, | under Section 85, must be commence: mF ° The teuld that tt 7 notwithstanding the provisions of section | oe eg issue of such Certificate of Im- # /The truth is tha 1¢ sun's rays] 44 of the Companies Act. brovement.s | ; ai yearl , ; Tf fare only one contributory factor]. (™ To enter into any arrangement for| — oe eoLMAn. | ep eS 7 |i 2 at jto the restoration of health, and Operstion. Moin” ies eter Pub. Aug 12, 1912 ' tee. a cil Savings Accounts, } — | enn — ‘ a ie concession or otherwise with any person, | ~ oS me — - ago face is partnership or company carrying on of GERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. | Det ag merely evidence 1a 1e Oppor-| engagec or abo Oo carry on any busi Rupert Branch, | ness or transaction which this company Notice— Cayuse Mineral Claims, situate jtunity of an outdoor life has been|is authorized to carry on or to amalgamate/|in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar F. S. LONG, Manager. eaina . . ,} With such company. District. Where located: Near.Granby in | seized, oe ” greys , life (n To raise and assist in raising for| the said mining division and adjoining the|~ ‘means constan resh air and ex-] and to aid by way of bonus, loan, promise,| property of the Granby Consolidated Min LA 100 un re- as the ake f hich fol endorsement, the guarantee of bonds, de-| ing, Smelting and Power Company, Lim-| ND PURCHASE NOTICE na ou Oo e ery ereise, in the wake of which fol-|pentures or ‘otherwise, securities or other-| ited ; low healthy functional activity, | W!se vf any other company or corporation,| Take notice that 1, James J. Lee, Free} Take notice that I, J. E. Forsman, occu- | 7 “* land to guarantee the performance of con-| Miner's Certificate No, 52978B, intend,| pation miner, intend to apply to the Chief }good nutrition, and a general] tracts by any such persons with whom/sixty days from the date hereof, to apply| Commissioner of Lands for permission to a Mining Recorder for a Certificate of| Purchase the following described 2 Aan for the purpose of obtain- ove claim, business relations | to the sharehold- | mprovements, ing &@ Crown Grant of the the company equilibrium of the system, all of} to distribute among the which means that the machine is]ers of the company in kind, any property | may have Commencing at @ post plante ten chains distant and in an easterly direction judiced people will tell you THE : . | or assets of the company, and in particular} And further take notice that action,|from the northwest corner of Timber en ‘ j} going smoothly, and that the life}any shares, debentures Or securities of any| under Section 85, must be commenced be-| Limit 3990, on the south end of Lakelse Es OE aie ad other company or companies which may|fore the issue of such Certificate of Im-| Lake, B. C., thence west about 50 chains e ome a er processes are not. hampered by 1s | *|have purchased or taken over either in| provements, to the southeast corner of A. P. No. a lexcess or by shortage, whole or in pert the property, assets or Dated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1012. ped waeen moss See om (eee Se & | on - " : jabilities of this company. JAMES J. LEE. ess 0 e e shore nee eas - | These conditions apart, it 1s (p) To sell, lease, exchange or other be By His Agent, F. J. Coleman. along the ne Foe ea a of com- . P, lor . g > ; y y “| Wise dispose of, in whole or in part, the/ ub. Aug. 12, 1912. tmencement con ane acres, more . | of rince Rupert. . . . . . . . . . eee that the ee pre property, rights, or undertakings of ee — or less. FORSMAN. Si } duced v exposure to e@ sun 18/company for such consideration as may be keen Lan Coas lto ome ae an indication of qapeed upon, and in particular for shares, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ae bistice “bustier e % t. } © ? . . debentures or securities of any other com- N Take notice that Alonzo Hambiet, o ’ | . aa ; a olice——kKaien Mineral Claim, situate in| ,. ‘ “¢ a sé sfactory s » of] pany having objects altogether or in part . « Everett, ashington, occupa j Advertisers also tell us and will tell you that results obtained the } l a — h MK comma ia) de caae tale tae evi b trict. Where lossted: Nene “Grenby,. in Sone ‘an on = berinision to pur: $ } the blood, since e haeme oO (q) To enter into any arrangement with . cael chase the following describe: is from publicity carried in the columns of this paper have exceeded >the blood supplies the pigment |42¥ governments or authorities, supreme, | [he Sail, IRIMINE | OIVislOn y Coumlidates| COMmencing at & post planted on of the blood supplic 1e pigment] iinicipal, local or otherwise, that. may the property of the Granby Consolidated acete kek an weaver ‘hive ‘and os oe et by far those obtained through any other newspaper published in to a sun-burnt skin and in this seem conducive 0 she compens's chloe et, ee ee. ee ee miles in &@ Wester fiiree vet r trom ; 3 . P e °C » uthwes vorne! i ; Prince Ru [way serves to protect the tissues. | such government or authority any rights, ,,1aKe notice thal |, Sau Mecague, admin) (0cheins north, thence 80 pom west, 3 pert lif this protection is not afforded] privileges and concessions which it may! Pree Miner's Certiacate No. $2970B, — cast, ‘rollowing south, tense 00 chains ‘iy 7 ail eating an a ane an : ‘| sixty days from t ale reof, to meander river back The successful business man today is the one who advertises blistering or sun eczema may re-lexercise and comply with or sell aiid dls") othe Ming Wecorder for a Gefueate of | PCIE of | commenc ee is i S a. ae eh - “| improvemegts, for the purpose of obtain- i judiciously, who chooses the medium most generally read by j sult privileges and concessions. 3 ine o Croan (bent of tip Gheun elaim, ALONZO HAMBLET. im t look . In a word, sunburn is merely sola femunarate - pownan. § rm or} "And further take notiee that action be re » T. 5, Benin, Agent. : > ut 5 or se "es P| ore oO ‘ » a citizens of a community; a business man who does not look upo ja protective effort of the body.|}rendered in placing or assisting to place paeee Setee 95, — — ——- = Pub. daly 16, ad’ an expenditure for advertising as an expense, but, on the con- trary, as an investment. This type of business man you will generally find in the front ranks of his profession, turning his dollars daily and moving his goods rapidly—and all through the liberal use of newspaper publicity. Try advertising as an investment, if only for a short time, and watch your business grow. Let our solicitors call and explain why The News is the best me- dium through which you should inaugurate your initial cam- DAILY a. ell Phone /The active light rays of the sun, jagain, undoubtedly give a healthy pamneins to the respiratory pro- | eess, under their influence lit has been proved that the quan- tity of oxygen absorbed is great- jer, while an increasing output of acid follows: interesting to reeall in connection the experiment showed the apparent an- | that animals deprived of j nourishment die in the j chemically active rays of the sun than when they are exposed to the inactive rays. The inactivity jof the vital processes in these jeases being augmented, the store jof energy was soon used up, } Exposure to sunlight, again, jincreases the number of blood cells, but the absence of light | diminishes the number, A_ face burnt brown by the sun wonld seem, regarded in this way, to sensible object of a holiday, however, because the face is but beeause the eir jcumstances which conspired to | produce the brown complexion |! mave other faetors favorable since e - oe a is | Laie | which homaly sooner be a j Hot, bronzed, so to av all-round healthy state. Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. or guaranteeing the placing of any of the shares of the company’s capital or any bonds or other securities of the company, in or about the formation, promotion, or ganization or incorporation of the company or the conduct of its business with the approval of the shareholders of the com pany. (s To or expenses costs, charges preliminary or tneidental to or imeurred in connection with the pro motion, organization, formation, establish ment, registration and incorporation of the company with the approval of the share holders of the company. t) To do all such other acts and things 1s are Incidental or conducive to the at tainment of the above objects or any of them and to carry on any business whether manufacturing or otherwise germane to pay all or any forth, and the purposes and objects set which may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on by the company, or caleulated directly or in lireetly to enhance the value of or rende; profitable any of its properties or rights u To do all or any of the matters be in no wise limited or. restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph (V The powers in each paragraph to be in o wise limited or restricted by refer ence to or inference from the terms of any other paragraph, The operations of the company to be carried on throughout the Dominion of Canada and elsewhere by the name of ‘prince Rupert Town Properties, Limited,” with a capital stock of fifty thousand pounds sterling, divided into 50,000 shares of one pound sterling each, and the chief place of business of the said company to be at the Clty of Prince Rupert, in the province of British Columbia Dated at the office of the State of Canada this 18th 101g Secretary of day of June THOMAS MULVEY Under-Secretary of State forms of all News ollice Customs kinds at the Daily provements. Dated this 30th day of guly. A. D. 1912, SAM CAGUE. By His Agent, P. 4. Coleman. Pub. Aug. 12, 1912. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Buffalo Mineral Claims, situate Division of Cassiar Notice in the Skeena Mining District. Where located: Near Granby, in the said mining division and adjoining the property of the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Company, Limited. lake Miner's days from the date hereof, James J. Lee, Free intend, apply to the notice that |, Certificate 52978B, to Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Im- provements, for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the above claims And further take notice that action, inder Section 86, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Unprovements Bated this 30th day of July, A. D. 1012 JAMES J. LEE By His Agent, F. J. Coleman Pub, Aug, 12, 1012. —————————$—$—— LT LAND PURCHASE NOTICES Skeena Land District Range V. fake notice that |, Seymour of Terrace, B. C., occupation intend to apply for permission to chase the following deseribed lands; Commencing at & post planted on the south bank of Beaver River and about 2 \ miles in a westerly +irection from the southwest corner of VT. L. 2255, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains west, thenee 40 chains north, thence 160 ehains east, following meander of river back to District of Coast, v Traynor, physician, pur point of commencement, containing 640 acres more or less SEYMOUR TRAYNOR Per BT. MH. Hambilet, Agent Dated June Oth, 1012 Pub, duly 16, 1942. Sixty) Skeena Land Dristrict---District of Coast, ange 5. notice that I, Charles H, Ziegler, of London, England, occupation gentleman, intend to ply for permission to pur- chase the following described lands: Commencing at @ post planted at the northeast corner of lot 29, thence north s0 chains, thence west 30 chat thence south 30 ‘chains, thenee east 30 chains to polnt of commencement, containing ninety 90) aeres more or less. CHARLES HENRY ZIEGLER. Pleseander Noble, Agent. 19th, 1912. Take Dated Aug. Pub, Sept. 3, 1012, Skeena Land District-——District of Coast, Ran. v Take notice that |, Janet Traynor, of Terrace, B. C., occupation married woman, intend to apply for panes to tye: the following desert Commenct at @ post planted on south bank of Beaver River and about cu miles in @ westerly direction b thence southwest corner of T, L. oO. 80 chains south, thence 80 thence 80 chains north, tence th east following meander of river back polmt of commencement, containing acres more or less. JANET TRAYNOR, Per Eli T. H. Hambiet, Agent, Dated ne 10th, 1012, Pub. J) *6, 1042, Skeena Land District Take cent, of fire warden, sion to purchase adveribed lands Commencing at @ Ly ~ ost planted in the north bank of Beaver River and about 18 miles in a westerly direction from southwest corner of T, L, No, 2966, oo 40 chains north, thenes 160 cbains west, thence 40 chains south, thence 160 chains east, meandering river back to point of commencement, containing 640 acres, more or less a PRED W. VINCENT, 1018 o12. District of Coast, Frode rick W. Vin- B. C., occupation ply for permis- notice that kitsumkalum, intend to the following Dated June @ Pub. July 46, ie ae