The Daily News - -_— SS _— ———<—— > - — — mR Le - POPC ey ~ er oom Ooerees | = === = PROMOTIONS = a 4 | ts ° yy apt . ; ALL OF PUPILS “Th N ew y Classified Ads we e m | REXALL e s u | 1 Agent RECENTLY | : rats 3 y pi eee Special attention is —— A Word For Fach Inserti canine um an® i The Pion eer ~ Druggist pee to Gps —s a = allie dctenarintmhigee physicians prescrip- wine is Divis iI, cit . oak coke sis i ee i = fab i oot eport, 1911-12, de-| THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES" HERE George Leek £ | TWO STORES Ee seta cove etodion a 4 EASTMAN KODAKS _ 82 PHONES 200 lof the school in J ao ove rinee Rupert a = : eee i: Siidnd | 1\ ——— j orae . iiaitaiainal beseovrrssesttstsesetnenn | LAND PURCHASE NOTICES, a Hi ey . ses. Divis | For Rent a | esl r de ; ’ Kathe keena Land District——District of Cassi : Pillaburv Ma ' Sing tila MERELY Briicemartintinsindomenitadieaentiinmastitas . . : ake wot e that uler Besner, of Prince | SNAP F up . c., oeccup on hote eeper, in-| , Dea lohn ¢ e, Mad N MABEL RENT -Purmishe d fat in os ~ 2 S| tends to apply for porentoctcn to pure nase — ; t auitable for ach s bes the followit describe land i 8 ain : ; A | 80 Rat @) Frank REMARKS for $8 P.O. box 1511 21 . mmen cing ‘at ‘ post ‘Blanted vo th M r : ; § . : . \ ga i . » suites at class bouse east shore Goose Bay, Observator niet, ‘ ! a) t i D «. Mare 1 ' FOR oer Mon py a i om ours and about one-half mile south of Indien Per Re } s p Ka pus FS eth = pposite Skating| Keserve, thence 80 chains south, thence 20 ' ie ing oS nveniences. Apply Tony| Chains cast, thence 80 chains north, thence) '*° "oot Pijisbury egularity ' That, thanks to the Water de poe oo isi-tf 20 chains West to point of commencement, woe © uality \ rie Sing a ‘ ith : ohanets ‘ _ containing 160 seres more or less tua la D partment and Ole ¢ sby h vieiiuihis Cute ta tn 6 oie i t ’ re oe SESNER H. ae Leggett lepor ‘ ita ean e chance f getting Third Terms. Gray & Son, Black 78 goat Dated July 2ist, 1912 339 Third Ave Pf sah Made Nols Teach ‘ McBrid ae Pub, Aug. 12, 1919 (Opposi 0. Box oy ‘ . — avente ane ’ it Stree Unfurnished fat, with te s.W A. Cod M.A. | P graded svar re a Ale f 2 shed os senney ne| Skeena Land District-District of Coast, posite Post Office < Alde ' k 1A 214 Kange 6 —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_——...... ccseanuee | Take notice that |, Agnace Massey, of THE . . oO N Cheap, room in private house Vancouver, B. C., occupation logger, intend . UNCLAIMED MONEY. Phat everybody's oe : a . Phos Green on8 ) apply for permission to purchase the What? Basking he g ous | following described foreshore , F | Commencing at & post planted at the e sunshine, | southwest corner of Lot 4446, thence south | Pune May Revert to Custody of ) feet, thence following the shore line i y nt mane For Sale in @ hortheasterly direction 300 feet from LIMITED Government. Phat all the nice girls seemed] | the Grand Trunk Pacife Railway right-of ee | way to & point 300 feeet east of the south | east corner of Lot 4446, thence west rat | | ; meee eres i oe to Know that the Sh: was} 4 arwate ; : : ’ lo - |} Ottawa, Aug 0.—Unclaimed|in harbor very speedily yester-| rwo ladies’ suits for sale; size al | Feet high water mark or G. T. P. right Westenhaver B k. Second Ave ad ‘ * way, thence along the beach to point | . ¢ neea to of $676,.-/| day @ » « aoe ‘ commencement, containing 2.0 acres) ber d M balance i the a i ; j ) xt t Roon = de tr tees an § | | 7 147 unpaid dividends of $3,659, aio ' IGNACE MASSEY and unyaid drafts bills of ex Phat it's all right to ¢e u { ALL change totalling $49,851 were ir|hunting, but somehow the stor Wanted : ; Canadian banks at the end of the|bought venison hast such a Dated July 30th, 1012 Pub. Aug. 12, 1042 All Kinds of Building Supplies Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range Four. | | Lt 3 ¢ ‘ ' neg effec } Take notice that |, Fred Dawson, of ast fiseai vear according to ij tiring effect Prince Kupert, occupation farmer, tn-| Pigge A ‘ | Cle ressin d repe . ce ven ‘hone st enol issued today Phe un-| - WANTED leaning, and pa tend to apply for permission to purchase| — P 1% } E " i sesued reasonable price. Phone Black 328.] the" rouomd Sescribed land com- | . | hs » ont tele ne co At nt $ S r xe following describe anes :—Com- | ! te i coil : Mees eens clained Latances increased by | Phat the pate phone « Second avenue and Sixth St mencing st & post planted three miles| Don't vou th k you have uughed i m= ¢ iz i. , at . and the |nection wit the brewery invented — west, one mile south of End Hill, Banks) : @°ce during the year, and th 1 kitchen WANTED—-A waitress and a er , : : : od : Island, thence south 40 chains, thence | | bee now? Why not get yor ise nicely fu shed You unpaid drafts, et by £10,000 in Rupert recently ivy soon be at the Bay View Hotel 206UF west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, | eS ‘ j nite 4 4 . ‘ wa comfortable - that 5 i ‘ str ; me an ace shed f j . an stairs without | emcee east 40 chains to point of com pak want to hay verything 1 ind mf i la The Montreal City and Di |' an accomplish ut ee ae ee Sou hk oe "9s.|! meneement; containing 160 acres, more $427 yoart i oe when the weather begins » get chilly and the nights Pank heads the st with - —— 207-910 ww less vem oetabion | | tin eal wan © nd ahi te chs (71. the Bank of Montreal is see- That it's a funny thing that WANTED-~Pidte se@ine. Phete fed 46) Dated August 1, 1042 in? 6 . ond with £119,000 of unclained|the farthest back council Rupe 900-914 Pub. Aug. 13, 1912 ; : . } money, the Bank of British Nortnjever had wants its juice charges! yw xrpp pirst class wood turner Princ —— ‘Coast henge Four % orner a ere S$ 0 ace 1 e ome America has S95, 0000 of suchiin advance, ! Rupert Sash & Door Co "4 Take notice that I, Isabelle Smith BI. | : « € n oO Gor . 4 a a0oD ¢ oPN « Oo Bo mj iis, of Prince Rupert, occupation marrie funds, the Bank —— . ee aaa — a , woman, intend to apply for permission to | r re and : we } lad t : 18.000, the Bank of Hamil That the prospect of digging} purehase the following described lands j 7th A l E NUE ¢ 1 ane sfe US; ~ oon = ae ‘ ‘ e = ar » how alc is reves eee Commencing at @ post planted four miles 4 : I f B yomywee, SnG the Union fark | down : on a 7 1 ‘ : . ? ene? | wees aud one mile south of End Hill, ———— EEE sel us give you some idea o bargains sul come \\ « e rest of the amounts|ing which boys were hardest hit Banks Island, thence south 80 chains,| . r ; t ee | “ . cs Lost and Found mence east ‘so chains, thence north 46| SECTION SIX { and see them for yourself are seattered among all the|by the little peaches hains, thence west 40 chains, thence 4 d . bank — north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to . we : | int of commencement; containing 480 Carpet Squares, 2'.x3 yds., sale price... Sesevues $6.95 It is just a question -as to Phat if a girl knows how t |LOST—Friday night, between McBride | acres, more of bese sens nanan | 2 0 cash and the balance over ‘ ‘ re ‘ an ows! ul postoffice black beaded bag, of n SABELLE SMITH 5 Stoves (must be sold), from $3.50 to. ‘+e . .$30.00 whether these balances may not;Mmanage a man, she a yowes caer unless to wher Finder pi ase Dated August 1, 1912 | years at 6 per ce Mattresses Restmore) $9.95 be made to revert to the custody} how to keep him f discover-| leave in postoffics 2 Pub. Aug. 13, 1042 | Fe ee ate ee of the government This wasjing it. Skeena Land District—Digtrict of Coast, | Fruit Jars, pint, quart, half gallon; per éne., $1, $1.10 ' S | oer ome armas Range V strongly suggested two sessions meena . fake notice that I, James Coxford, of | H & nk ba bles nes ee ksG $1.50 zo in the commons committes BOWLING Miscellaneous f Pembroke, Ont. océapetion lwabermen, | Somne arrison i end to apply .or permission to purchase| on banking and commerce, and SN seliiaiiaiasidikt meer | thie following deseribed lands Brokers and Financia! heutt 1" . og Cotmmencipg 41 & post planted at point quite possibly may be dealt with | MARRY--Why remain alone? The Ideal/ where G. T. P. Bly. intersects the Zymago | Second Ave. Prince Ruper KEEP AN EYE ON SRD AVE. WINDOW. when the bank act is revised next | Introduction Club is a strictly private,|titz River, about 26 chains southwest from } high class, reliable medium for intro } a st westerly point of Lot 1717, thenes | winter. | ducinf worthy marriageabie peeople; any asterly 48 chains along G. T. P Rly right — — = . . ‘ . | nationality or religion Particulars for|of way, thence southerly and westerly I At present the banks have the } stemp Mrs. Wilson, box 1776, Van jabout 70 chains following shore line of| WEST ASSAY WORKS use of the money, and in many | couver. B. C en eee TAMES “COXFORD cases it is extremely doubtful if | Dated July 6th, 191g ’ la a lee rub July 23, 1912 o VI a claimant will ever put in an ap- | W. NICHOLSON-LAILEY, | a rante In other instances the we | keena Land District——Diggrict of Coast,| 615 Hastings St. W the caus ee: aes In a matched game last night} Architect Range V | balances are so small that pro- | P Take notice that |, Anthony Ludgate, of VANCOUVER, B.C at the Empress bowling alley be -} Kitsumkalum, occupation lumberman, tn , ceedings in the probate courts to tween two team’ captained by 11 toom 10 Stephens Block tend to apply for permission to purchase | “le Oo “ost ‘-e than i the following described lands claim them would cost more tha Bryant and P. Rorvik, Bryant S| Phone Gs. ‘ Mnmencing at a post planted at 4 point) 4 POOOSSIOTET the amount due A bulky blue deities: cites he ied ie Benth A one : where G. T. P. Rly. intersects the Zymago } book has to be published every ; : . } — containing 640 | for the dwelling of the lighthouse coast Ell T. H. HAMBLET BOWLING ALLE — — | keeper, | Per Eli T. H. Hamblet, Agent —< properties enable the system to Dated June 10th, 1949 7 ] , B. C., occupation widow, intend ENUE o apply for permission to purchase the THIRD AV peapennhi ents: Smee Sawmill Co.Ltd HARBOR TRIPS G. A. Sweet, Manager. miles ina westerly direction from the " sou ment sarner a s. . 2255, thence Lumber IN RUPERT thence 40 chains south, thence Ant cheb eare 00 east following meander of river back to and | Doing of commencement, containing Ro ee the perfect summer weather and! TO ALL ADVERTISERS. A large stock of dry finish- the courtesy of Dr permanently throw off a cold. —— Pub, July 16, 1912 following described lands ; acres more or less ing lumber on hand. Boat 3 } | F 35¢ for large bottle. : Georgetown IDEAL FOR | Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. skeena Land Digertes. ‘istrict of Coast, Continuous Alleys Commencing at & post planted on the '@) a 7% | 2] & Mouldings Sir PO ta or Doughty | ai per eu ‘ih Hambiet, Agen ; lumber a specialty. Delivery | Take notice that 1, Margrite Nicoll, of : ralite Balls / Sold everywhere. re ) Minera | | north bank of Beaver River and about 4% and party, taking advantage of! Pub, July 16, 1912 to write ads COD LIVER OIL Jtomorrow we \ Tremayne, Who placed the Dominion govern New display advertise- | Alex.M. Manson B.4., W.. Williama.e.a., Loto good lots at ments cannot be guaranteed made at short notice. ment launch Kvelyn at their dis WILLIAMS & MANSON if you want : iposal, are spending the day| ce i in The Daily News Barristers, Solicitors, ete Our prices are as low asany. erulsing around the harbor, visit. | unless copy is handed in not Box 286 preeee you o© : later than 9 a. m, on day Call on us before ordering, ing the cold storage plant at Seal . Prince Rupert, B.C | terms. © Clove, the rapids, the marine sta i pemeniee \9 desired, Want i ea e al y e W Ss Hon and the other points of in ae ae, nee veadere oo | 0 BOE @ PRINCE mean OFFICE: terest surroundme Prince Rupert ec up to noon. The las at ae earlier the advertisement is JOHN E. DAVEY LW And Get All the News oor Prony Dry vee | TRY A NEWS WANT AD | in the better in all cases. TEACHER OF SINGING ¢ R. Naden (o,, | puru. OF WM. FOKON, mag. A. AM., LON, Ene 2nd Aven