wexy 1s i SEP Aide lug fwlecten, wom | | Por South aa Wednesday 10 p.m. Chelohsin ===] THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Wes gol. 111, NO. 213 am Prince Rupert, B.C., Tuespay, Sepremper 10, 1912. PRICE FIvE CENT? NEW HEALTH OFFICER FOR CITY IS APPO = = — ————___—__—_—_——— ORT ESSINGTON TERMINAL RUMOR: CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS: BORDEN’S LATEST SS a ee ee ——— ' —————————— i : ’ | u | RUPERT MIGHT | BSIGNATION OF SUPT. LOVE CIVIC Tt aw chet eam RO CHT LEAVE OF BRILLIANT : | OFFICER FOR THE CITY 3) IS SUBJECT OF COMMENT IN = ADDRESS fai tne visors wv we f )~ TAKESHARE 6©=§ «ABSENCE FOR DISCOVERY 12 city ecouneil last evening th | CITY COUNCIL LAST NIGHT APP | applications for medica | WITH CITIES 66 ”? i health officer were receiy . BORDEN Px } ed, There was only me s { ques — R.lservice. and trusted sincerely A iter wee ee iast| sae 7 . ; = | : pines ey aia -_ ae The police commissioners met (Special to Daily News.) gnation from | that Mr, Love would reconsider night's meeting of the city coun-| ately ened yted and the ) | om rhe com fr a tie oh ‘e, [it Session yesterday Gtlernoon “Mtaws, Sept. 10—At Bam- nerintendent of his decision and remain with the sil’ foom Got. 4, 6 kee ae pnintindiit a : oeeidiuae “ og aero pr Pao for a short while, when the reg-|quet tendered him by Conserva- te depatiment, city as telephone superintendent is aheadihans ‘ Hl R Hl the| Sa a hie ieee ‘tavieien ular accounts were disposed of.|tives of Ottawa, Premier Borden b elep ; ia Tie statement b Mr taint ils ait cuncsaiated ened | | ta -aies? Ra ies ; meal ‘| rhe month's record showed 34]referred to his visit to England, { i, “a ot VON Oe a marr. had chown See i e-| wae es pol See og Ca etme | cases entered, 33 convictions|stating that the Canadian minis- wale g of the city} ing the receipt of the copy to the} —.— = to the annual convention to beland one pending. The chief of|ters were let into the inner se- sl Clavton wanted/@My animus, in regard to thejaddress to be presented by the] held at Nelson this fa After! police was asked se that thelcret f the B h forei : . » the 6 “c |holding back of supplies for the|city to H, R. H. upon his forth-| Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| some diseussion the matt: wail” : ies ane 08 ae ee . — oreign pol- see ligt h ubject Tt} hi PE l . : _ |regulation in regard to posting|iey and that nothing was held - vat the alderman had) telephone department was en-/|Coming visit | Phone 4. laid on the table for the preser | bills on the city telephone poles}back from them. The premier becussed the iter with some} tirely erroneous Also that a ——__——. |was lived up to. In the matter|deelared that existence of the Yt gues and the late su-|tae meeting of the superintend this jof the auto drivers, the chief|mpire depended on the mpire’s basa h the result helent with Mr Woods of th | stated that he thought’ theleontrol of the seas, : As fore de that the} Gamewell fire alarm system, th | drivers were improving decided- ———— } ec of such a valuable servant] as ae. had used any exp s ily in regard to living up to the Just received, new fall ship- * tthe cil at be placed atisione e detrimental chara: tet regulations, The chief asked for|ment of raincoats at Wallace's. ' f the mayor towards the superintendent two weeks’ leave of absence, 213 / This ement immedi cid, Montgomery very sensibly which was granted. ae it pre ed ouble Thel|remavked that as Mr. Love’ iad Wheat Cutting Finished / | steadfas denied any/fully riade up his mind to iea License Board Meets. nedinn. Sept ¢Abaan dianéiees | | +h le fully appre-jthe service of the citv to take ap The license commissioners|conditions prevail on the prair- if : it fh ad ; : ind enagtrans TOS WOrEHVe ere the will meet on Wednesday after-/ies and wheat cutting is in its Seen. th ea Regime noon at 3 o'clock, last stages. neclior with e| lowe o drop a ae ee JING ANOTHER zal vada the open of the. tor — DELAYS IN CONNAUGHT Ve George Frizzell’s Property Neither Confirmation Nor MUNICIPAL METROPOLITAN | transcontinental Pro- Sas eats sae Denial of the Report is MUNICIPAL DID NOT GO Given by Mr. Frizzell BUNTING ADVANCE ae pi at preaent cuppiving, port] —The Position of FINANCE DUCK SHOOTING backed by a eonsiderable ana j ee _— A rumor is on foot hat iArm has even been done by Fo- ‘ steep mountainside, the strip is ; ; - : e : ’ . ' (Special Dail ws. epresentatives of ihe «Fort “ vn t ' . i i ,jley, Welch & Stewart Not a At. the meeting of the rs P ba 7, Howe. it rear of dimensions to st Cochrane, Alberta, Sept. 9—At ¥, rhe ; a aad a fy: oe Courean and Por Besing railway purposes wel and f is Sreat pert to be sure only ene °f yas ee ae wownyrers the last moment on the report of ged ; last | last eve g atthe meeting of the ‘ Railway Company have : : enable the charter to be kept,j/that nothing further had beent,,. eae: ak a ies Alien ila tan bins os : Z ne a valuable holding in the |ligh but still shen hict a Ale 3 ‘ : Capt. Bulkley, the dueal party y council, in|} been negotiating with Ge f expected developments in re I t i art which ma heard from the Bank of Mort- decided not to go camping for a oe «al Maine | Ope ra Companys ~~ ne for the J Frizz i! for the purchase nei tis (iin penanin amneniih-ib of considerable pupertanee a real in regard to the city deben- duck hunt on Ghost river, owing a? nd cttiines = oo ; —! , 7. ‘nth 7 2 Se aoe ? ae one tivity of the Fort Churehill-Port| “¢veloP ents ponaennne short! |tures, " was wadoreteey hi - to the continued rains, but will . he water and adjoining th Essington transcontinental ra One Financier’s View. | Mr. Clancy, the manager of the|ppoeeed to Banff this afternoon. various As : Ald. Bu boards and heardings, put up by present town of Port Rs ans aiebidien rhe opinion of a reent visitor|local branch, that word was ex- bWebster opened the sub- |themseives on vacant city prog sington at the mouth of the : to the effect that the Port Es-|peected shortly from the head of- tina very serious and awe-jerty \ffer some discuss Skeena river Some Work Done Already. sington, Haysport and Skeena o in Montreal. BASEBALL SCORES ruck { e, that lead|which decided == differences f Interviewed on the sub It is interesting in regard to|\river estuary district generally —_——$ (one pe : se that something |opinio were expressed th ject by a representative ‘of this railway scheme to note that) was bound to see immense com- National League. a i entous im-jmatter was referred | the ! the Daily News, Mr. Frizzell the ground proposed to be tra-| mercial development sooner or RECREATION Brooklyn 1, New York 2, first yas going sprung up-|nance committee would neither confirm not versed by the new railway \'athe/later is significant also, though game; Brooklyn 2, New York 7, it to be very The land in question is the; minus, has al! been surveyed for) opinion had any inside know!l- b ihe susp y citizens —__— ae deny the report, Kitimat Valley and down the there is no reason to believe that second game, s ¢ | being aired a INDIANS Likely Bit of Land. Hoesall bank to its proposed ter the financier expressing the Coast League. rious. The ty erk stated ust round the “eorner” of}the Grand Trut n early days. |edge regarding this proposed ra Portien@ 11, Seeramento ¢, at th an ee Cle ne ee ee “2 Pee ge gp tet ra ne Be Ce ae T0 THE FORE first game; Portland 4, Sacra- e meeooe precautions ATH Port Essington neighborhood | Part of the grading of the line; way with terminus at Port Es ante A. eapenl aaah as " % d to seemg vajacent to the townsite, It ecom-|from Copper River to Kitimat} sington or thereabouts. Verne 4, Cablead > Gi: fleet iys loaned to ar ” ind that a Tonight at 8 o'clock there wil}|8#™me; Vernon 1, Oakland 2, sec | os i) KILL MANY WiAYOR’S SALARY WAS BONE OF CONTENTION '::°<9-"iscs|""Srmgume,, Ald Dybhavn . : What facetiously remarked Special to Daily News. members of the various football eam? cag eng reptiny | ; eee ol = 6 & worse Puseon, Ariz Sept o—The Last evening at the city coun-|diselaimed all knowledge of the| brought to an amicable windup clubs, ete., with members of the American Election Result. ri nd make @ business of flag Vaqui Indians have taken the war meetin Ald, Clayton asked| matter, stating that as the busi | by the several aldermen = an- = Comment and Park Cammie- Portland, Se., Sep% 00.—-The Wing a8 a means of fattening] LEONE . < eet sion, The meeting will be held}/Republicans won today’s state e exchequer path, adding new terror for information, as regards to} ness had a personal application|nouneing that they did notlin the city hall, and the purpose|leleetion, defeating the Demo- EE rebel harrassed residents of the whether minutes of meetings of} to himself he naturally felt in alljaseribe any ulterior motives tolof it is to talk ever plans and]crats, who won last time. The | state of Sonora, along the South ie cthities of the whole of the| modesty that he would leaye it}the mayor in regard to the mat-|prospeects for a proper recreation| voting shows a lost Democrat )D NOTION ern Pacifie road. A band of 100) 7) neil were kept by the eity lentirely in the hands of the|ter of his salary, and were all|park, vote of over nine per cent and a Indians’ raided Rialto, a hamlet) ii. lhe city clerk stated that}/couneil. Ald, Clayton harped for| quite satisfied and agreeable a gain in the Republican vote ~f | on the Vaqui river, and ceaeet nay were not kept Ald. Clayton!|a while on what be was pleased/that it be voted to him. Ald. Best room in town at the Savoy. |over 15 per cent. qdaway one of the village officials.) .) ane replied that he had/to call hole and corner methods| Morrissey was particularly e1)~ | qqeemmmmen - — They then attacked Colonia, near), viodee that in one instance|of procedure, keeping the peoplejerous in his reiteration that he the Southern Pacific headquat a minute had been kept, one }in the dark as to the doings of|entirely exonerated the mayor ters at Em Palme and killed two having to do with the mayor’s|the council, The mayor came out|/from any blame in the matter, ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH. Miss Verna Felton AND men, one woman and a ehild, and salary. iflatfooted and denied that any|The final motion was put by Ald, wounded another woman, rhis at onee had the effeet,|such methods had ever been re-|Montgomery and seeonded — by nquiring at of course, of injecting spice in-|sorted to during his regime, Ald, Bullock-Webster, that the i tial PNAMARA ena = = — Pe created i aay OF ae FOR 'PHONE_AND LIGHT __LEFT WITH ASSESSOR Crushed | “ semana ck that was vorse they Ba ind that the Special to Daily News it them th ent Mually hey ame IY ting thod Ould be 4 mv bresent to adopt] gan Quentin, Cal, Sept. 9 | Upon the report of the light; that it was perfectly absurd (ojsponsibility for the reeommenda- Put board crossings 7 : y.Jand telephone committee coming} have men paid to attend to the|tion James B, MeNamara, und “lbefore the eity council at its}eity collections, and then ineu Mr. J. ©. MeLennan, the eity e en ers Just received a cousin sentence in San Quentin for the meeting last evening, on the sub-|further expense by having other| assessor, upon being called on y intiment of aS np ' ‘ ae dynamiting of the Los Angel eet of whether the two depart |men employed to do the work. |by the mayor for his views on "Hs in tweed and oon ot Times, was operated upon OM)ments in question should col The assessor's department was|the matter, pointed out that Twenty (20) People-—Complete New Seenery—Brilliant Peds, Jus Call and eat ee Thursday leet at the prison hos-| their own eolleeting, or the work| under bonds to earry out the col-|there were fewer bad debts in Costumes, Wednesday Night's Opening Bill SWEDER ‘Baan pital for anpondicitic rhis be-|ehould be left entirely in the; leetions of monies due the wity,;curred by the two departments 6 ” Pailors, eame known today with the an-|hands of the assessors depart-|and it was their proper place . m quemree than in most private ZAZA Helgerson Block. |Mouncement that MeNamara was considerable discussion | attend to those duties, } Ald, Bu enterprises of a similar nature renee: out of danger and would reeoye place Ald. Clayton and Ald,|loek-W = menlen Saet - re _ — ~ seemepene var Special Added Feature ieeeeied , vw oflo e fae i » commilfee;in good shape, an \ e ne se, MeMntYRe Man —_——— Korr as Chalrenan O0t Settee ae load 2 plensanl Tala Siaah biaabeliinn GIES te” the! THE ROYAL HUNGARIAN STRING QUARTETTE whe ‘ We a y dance wit} slat alaree on oo of oe e in recommendation of weling the onus of any criticism 0 council in the matter, referred to| Will — - ee mae ee seoete oclectings very “dhesday, the 14th and Aldous & Murray, real estate cting being left to the de-jon the couneil as a whole ie}/some advantages in separating | during the intermissions between the Acts, Mstead 7 7. ve that datel dealers of Hazelton is spending | pal , question, and not to} would like to know whether that/the systems, Tt was finally de pee : Thursday as fovesaasth Han Mame ta the clay, ‘ir, Al-|the assessor's office was what was being attempled cided on a yote to retain the} RESERVED SEATS ON SALE. TELEPHONE aa. mine a | v4.00 ladies free.| dous Seats that trains will be th was strenuously Opposed) now or whether the comm: lee} present system and leave the ADMISSION, 50c, 750, $1.00. BOX paave $1.26. 4 Nave a 400d Lime, 9:30 Sara into a ottiam within alby the other me mbers of thejendorsed this view Ald, Claytonteolleeting in the hands of the as “PAY'S ful orchestra, couple of aa iy rheir contention was|said the committee took full re-lsessor's department, ’ ' reise va se 0 : pee Y ae