ene a cm rare eee ne —_—_— THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DaiLy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; in advance. Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SeaTTLe—Puget Sound News Co. vig ENGLAND —The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar | | has there } } | THE MATTER OF THE MAYOR'S SALARY. There is hardly a city worth while who mayor in any has not a hard enough row to hoe, and no matter how much a newspaper may have to ex- press the dissatisfaction of a community with any mayor, whether newspa- or not, appreciate) that “The labor- of his hire.” There has been criticism = in council, and eriticism in this paper regarding the matter of the mayor's salary. It has been shown that according to the letter of an imperfect act of legislation the mayor of Prince Rupert is not legally entitled to a salary at all, But it has never been urged that the mayor is not morally en- titled to pecuniary recompense shoulders eritics per writers the principle er is wortby most ing to Prinee Rupert tomorrow of another theatrical company. It says: “Rumors and whis- perings indicate the coming of a new era in history of the theatre in Canada. A Canadian who has been managing a stock company in a small but important Eastern city plans to tour Canada with a Cana dian company, and, if pos- sible, a Canadian play. An English concern claims to be completing arrangements’ to bring a good English company to our theatres in the hopes of replacing Broadway compa- nies. We must always be glad to hear the great productions from Broadway, but we can at least supply some of our own dramatic needs and begin to reduce the influence of the American theatrical in Canada.” company necmcencmel — oa NEW USE FOR for the worries he when he assumes the respon-| STRIKES. sibilities of the civie control. Keir Hardie, the great labor Mayor Newton has been both- leader, is reported to have ered enough about that paltry : salary business aud Ald. enunciated a mighty plan to Clayten knows it. It was un- prevent war by having labor in necessary last night to put the mayor to the further worry of justifying himself once more in the matter. The citizens, when they elected a mayor, knew very well they did not desire his services for nothing. Even if an error in the fram- ing of a law makes it illegal for Prince Rupert with = its present population to pay Mayor Newton by the ordinary method, and even if a majority of the community believe that Prince Rupert might have had a more efficient mayor, the city is not going to shirk the fair and square remuneration of the present mayor for his term of office. Nor is it ne- cessary for anybody to harp on the salary string to vex an already harassed executive to the further test of his power to think constructively. Miata RUPERT AND THE THEATRE. Citizens of Prince Rupert are keen theatrical critics. Ar- rived as they are from many great centres of the American continent and the Dominion, they have seen the best, and the theatrical manager who brings a second-class show here is liable to lose. An edi- torial in Canadian Colliers is interesting in view of the com-) countries opposed declare = a revolutionary general strike at the clared time war is de- that the which otherwise be to other compelled to stay at home and same as so troops would out slay each may he disturbances eo a so quell keep industry at least alive. This is too vast an idea for the average community to appre ciate. The obvious criticism crops up that the best strike to prevent war would be sim- ply the refusal of the soldiers to fight. But that would be mutiny, and the very thought of it is repugnant to every true citizen of any country whatso- ever, and most of all to the Briton. Loyalty is a mightier passion than even the passion of the laborer for better con- ditions, and realization of the fact that internal conflict has usually spelt destruction and eonquest for the nation in- dulging in it in time of erisis and conflict coming from out- side, the great probability is that Keir Hardy's latest labor innovation would herald the downfall of the least loyal na- tion. The enemy would unite to annihilate it. This new use for strikes commends itself to the Daily News as little as does the time-worn one, Tues ay, Serr. 10 jer, Daily News on Daily Doings THE DAILY NEWS BRITAIN’S PRESENT PREMIER THE CHARACTER OF ASQUITH AS REVEALED TO “TAY PAY” ‘An Intimate Personal Estimate of the Powerful Personality Which Presides Over the Parliament of Great Britain Today--- The Premier as Man and Ester Mind ty minutes in his speeeh; but}upon pecan investigation. ' what a vast quantity of thought — 4 he can compress into this short output of words! Twenty min- utes of speech and you feel that nobody could add anything more. Chis marvellous gift he alone among all the great parla- mentary speakers heard in FOR YOUNG ae PRINCE of language, an absence of every- _—_ thing that is personal, make hin London, Sept. 7.-The Pall mall the ideal spokesman of a govern- Gazette this evening stated that} ment, and of a great and conter-|Prince Arthur = of Connaught) tious measure. Never were such|would receive the honor of a| qualities more necessary than in}|dukedom on his return from his| the couduet of a measure like the|Visit to Japan, where he repre- parliament bill, It was a measure] sents the King at the coronation] which made one of the greatest|/ceremonies, constitutional changes in the his- tory of England; it marked one of the longest steps ever made in A, W. Carter, manager of Sir the evolution from feudal to|George Doughty's big fish plant democratic England. And yet youjat Skidegate, returned to his would search in vain throughout; headquarters Sunday. all the speeches of Mr, Asquith for a word that was violent provocative, With the rise of Mr. to his present supremacy, shows ‘ tae a reserve Manager of Fish Plant. British Cabinet Ministers protected by and tives. They dread “the female the species.” or are detec- of police Asquith not ao Mr. Asquith has very remark uch of station as of intellectual{anticipated the full concession of able intellectual gifts Rarely| mostery, there has co a subt the trish national demands sit been on the treasury|change in his pers: nglity Ni ting = ao "aan omg a _| be neh-a mind more rapid, broad-|man has been so much misundet i sotinns peed his col sngel ~ more penetrating You @rejstood; no man lends himself s0/ and the Irish leaders, Mr. Asquith always sure of Mr. Asquith The| much to misunderstanding He| spoke at last; and his words were attack upon him and his polieyjis an Englishman to his finger] ilwavs a masterly summing up may be effective; for the moment/tips; he is a Yorkshiremat rhat|°?! the points at ore and the even it may seem devastating.| means that he has more than even| a ao nes salen en te Ae And yet you have only to look ati the usual reserve of his country-| " tale ‘tecias , ie tas Gotahe him, with his easy smile, his | : - seornful shrug of the shoulders, men. Reserve is often the mask/men, who had not known it be to be reassured; you know that for shyness, and shyness lends|fore, then realized how generous the anawer will come the moment|!tself, to: misunderstanding ja spirit lay behind his apparently he rises, complete and triumph- when the reserve of many Eng |' id and reserved exterior ant, through probably serene in lishmen is penetrated Ss found] Phere was one other impres temper, easy in language, quiet that it covers not a want but an} gion, and it is an impression in delivery. His is essentially a/@*cess of strong feeling Iwhich Mr, Asquith conveys to masterly intelligence Even if he wanted to, Mr, As-| ' ¢ every part the It is an intellect, however, quith is incapable of making ad os Te ack a tae which has the most useful of all] Y8nces—especially to those whom House of Commons, and that is House of Commons qualities; it he thinks misunderstand him.|his inflexible loyalty to his word is at the service of the moment For a period this very reserve} You can assail his poliey ot his with extraordinary promptitude stood as a barrier between him] purposes and leave him unmoved, The right word, the essential ar- and the Irish leaders tut when| but once suggest that he has been gument, the guiding fact, issue|OMCe they came into actual and| guilty of personal want of faith] from his lips with the ease and personal contact the whole situ-|to his word and you offend and spontaneity and the limpidity of ation changed, and the real As-|you hurt him, These are the rea a mountain stream Mr. Balfour quith was revealed In all the}sons why today Ireland follows is subtle and adroit, and a great conferences which took place the|her leaders in taking Mr. Asquith debater: but he hestitates for his Irishmen agreed in saying that/to her heart, and places him words. he is often confused, he Mr. Asquith was the most satis-|there by the side of Fox and never could make a successful factory and even the most gen-| Gladstone and Morley and many exposition of any bill. With Mr. erous of the English advocates of} other great Englishmen ‘ar Asquith the speech comes forth home rule. Clear sighted, logical,| have lifted their voices in het to use another metaphor—with|® Liberal and a Democrat with|favor and toward her coming the almost deadly regularity and|{Principles thought out, Mr. As-/emancipation py tT. ? o'Con-| readiness of a splendid machine. quith not only did net shrink, but} nor. It has been said that if Mr. As- quith were woke up in the middle Too Bad. of the night to answer some at- ANOTHER elit (ta: wemhe wee tack, his speech would issue with ies Mike Belten bee io wheal the same deadly and almost auto folding I ‘ope yer good man matic sccuracy. The bentences VISITOR IS jeettin on ort right Mrs Bangs? are occasionally lengthy; there is is Sines te. eed K a a certain stateliness in their se- lhe tint ol hospital ie a anilinte quence, as though it were a pro- SATIS isis mak ebeaaleadk “ef wands or cession of words, such as De Lencatithie’ esenit . Quiney was fond of creating; but _—_— you may always be certain that Mr. Ladd, a prominent cor a the sentence, when completed,|poration attorney of Detroit will ®e perfect in construction,| Mich., is a visitor to the city, ar without a loose end, in grammar)riving on Saturday on the Prince DOUGI A S as faultless as though it were} Rupert. Mr. Ladd, who is a close] the carefully revised language of} personal friend of M. J, Hobin of Dancing School the writer instead of the im-|this city, after having been shown inte ‘Ghd Ghadee, Wadhteten promptu utterance of the orator.jover the townsite and its features and Saturday Evening. Children There is on further and evenlof interest, expresses himself as| daily. rarer quality in the oratory of|greatiy impressed with all that} Mr. Asquith: it is extraordinarily|he has seen, His preeonceived| > terse. Even on great occasionsfideas of Prince Rupert and its he seldom exceeds twenty or thir-| possibilities in no way suffered OD ‘Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F.. Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. H. ALLISON, N. G. W. G. BARRIE, Sec. ‘Lester W. David Co, Ltd. LUMBER First Ave. and McBride St. Box 865 PHONE 25 Prince Rupert, B.C. S Weeniy service Regular sailings for Skeens and Saturdays at if 4. m., Cheap Excursion Rates Orcee treat Revieht Railway System Between Chicago and all points East, Pacific coast Agency for all Atlantic Bteamehip Lines. connecting with all road Let us prepare itinerary for your trip RAST this ounemmer For all information apply to A. E. MOMASTER, Jeneral Agent. Contr Street WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE)RUPERT” AND “PRINCE GEORGE” For Vancouver, Victoria and Seatti MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 6 am. Prince George Gaile for Stewart on Thursdays at 6 ». m “PRINCE JOHN” to Port Simpsom, Naas, Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT” River Canneries, Prince Rupert and Vancouver Passenger service to Skeena Crossing from Prince Rupert Monday« making connections for Hay Granby Bay and Queen and all way pointe between Ww Ine sdaye ton B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE - . nt nh camel SAFETY SPEED SERVICE FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE ele EL PACIFIC Pre a S. S. Princess May SOUTHBOUND Saturday, Sep. 14, 9 a.m. 4. @. M’NAB, General Agent EASTERN by the ies SOLID TRAINS — daily from Vancouver or Seattle | Low round trip rates to all points in | |Canada and the United States. Call | and let us tell you all about it Steamship | ‘Rogers’ Agency PHONE 116 WON $:. COMPANY OF BC. LY Col v ovrgidac roe The new steel Passenger Steamers “Chelohsin” — AND— “Ca ” mosun Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver as follows: Wednesdays at 10 p.m. - Saturdays at 10 p.m. | Arriving at Vancouver Friday evening ; and Monday morning, respectively ‘Chelohsin” “ Camosun ” None safer on the coast than these two fine passenger steamers J. H. ROGERS, Agent - Phone 116 CARTAGE and LINDSAY'S “storace G, T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE~H. B. Rochester, Centre St. | Phone @ Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club Savoy Hote Excursions New Wellington Coal. Phone 116 Cor, Fraser and 5th Choice Wines RUPERT'S PALACE oF COMFORT ~Grand Hotel, , Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor COAL Best on the Coast Rogers & Black Oriental Limited THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards | Twelve Tables SECOND Ave oe A. Barbeau Cartage, Coal and Storage Reliable Messenger Service Phone 58 735 3n Ave. The up-to-date House Devo tors of Prince Rupert sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties “We always deliver the goods” —Drawn for The Daily News by Phone 166 Gree 2nd Street PRINCE RUPERT FEED (0 Dealers in Hay, Grain, Feed a@ Seeds. Chicken Feed a specialll Agents for the International Stock food Mail Orders Promptly Attended SONS OF NORWAY Meets tst and 3rd Thursdays #7 p. m., at 319 3rd ave. All Note wegians are welcome. “Valhalla” of S.H. REF. (Scanpinanian Socrett Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday p.m. in the hall at 319 Srd Ave ee ate “Hop” PDivin ,Scoor \S THE ART oF GOING DOWN LiKe A BirD AND COMING— Fish -warcr iME CLOSELY! ha HES ABOUT OVE To COME UP PRETTY Soon! ——— a © — trerertetted and Cigar — ai | & ie oe x & scr =